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  • /r9k/ and /new/ were removed. [Why? Read this.] No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    Considering new boards; feel free to e-mail suggestions. Janitor applications will open again soon.

    File : 1295079028.jpg-(93 KB, 399x301, CHOOCHOO.jpg)
    93 KB Conductor !q1T.R05qiQ 01/15/11(Sat)03:10 No.248162  
    The 4chan Express has arrived at /n/, which seems to have a lot of bikes. Oh well, the train is welcome here, I'm sure. Anyway, this board is dedicated to all modes of transportation that are not cars and shit. So, no one really comes here. Next stop /stormfront/.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)03:11 No.248163
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)03:11 No.248164
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    gives from abroad.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)03:11 No.248165
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    Ponies: the best mode of transportation.
    >> butsecks !ViPEdTCPSY 01/15/11(Sat)03:11 No.248166
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    A gift from /k/
    >> /a/non 01/15/11(Sat)03:11 No.248167
    Not really interested in this board.
    Gonna have to sit this one out.
    >> !CirnOSmSLs 01/15/11(Sat)03:12 No.248168
    No trips to dump
    >> cro/ck/pot 01/15/11(Sat)03:12 No.248169
    So, Like, Cars and shit? Tha's coo... I guess
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)03:12 No.248170
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    >he rides a fixed geared bike
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)03:12 No.248171
    Maybe I am blind but I didn't see Tiny's trip up in thurr.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)03:12 No.248172
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    /cm/ thinks conductor must be very popular here then with all his shinkansen goodness
    >> /Co/mrade Brony 01/15/11(Sat)03:12 No.248173
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    Greetings /n/, I'm Space Ghost. Anyone got a nice lead on an original Honda CB 750?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)03:12 No.248174
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    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)03:12 No.248175
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    I'm really enjoying this trip. It's nice to get out of Japan every now and then...
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)03:13 No.248177
    I forgot that board was still there. Hopefully we pass through fast.

    Do you have any tips for someone who knows 0 about guns and wants to eventually shoot and own one, maybe several? I mean srs, I pretty much know guns shoot bullets. Where to get started?
    >> cro/ck/pot 01/15/11(Sat)03:13 No.248179
    I didn't catch the full thread in /ck/ do you have their trips?
    >> Conductor !q1T.R05qiQ 01/15/11(Sat)03:13 No.248180
    Conductor has no idea what the fuck you just said, but he likes your picture.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)03:13 No.248181
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    Peace yall I gotta go peepee, and i have to walk donw 57 flights of stairs to do it. elevators are turned off.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)03:13 No.248182
    Conductor is gay?!
    >> Passenger 8 01/15/11(Sat)03:13 No.248183
    It's about to get bumpy
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)03:14 No.248184
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)03:14 No.248185
         File1295079253.jpg-(37 KB, 319x322, clitoris.jpg)
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    from /adv/ with love
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)03:14 No.248186
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    Yeah, pic related
    >> bleedingEdge !DLyqtdz4wQ 01/15/11(Sat)03:14 No.248187
    can we go yet?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)03:14 No.248189
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    China likes bullet trains and German cars, just saying.

    >> /fa/scist !!dP2HvAcHAzv 01/15/11(Sat)03:14 No.248190
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    are you the guy with the $14k sex toy? please say no....
    >> Conductor !q1T.R05qiQ 01/15/11(Sat)03:14 No.248191
    Not really, but... eh. I'm from /v/. Take from that what you will.
    >> !CirnOSmSLs 01/15/11(Sat)03:15 No.248192
    nothing to dump
    >> /a/non 01/15/11(Sat)03:15 No.248193
    Sorry for jumping to conclusions.
    >> Conductor !q1T.R05qiQ 01/15/11(Sat)03:15 No.248194
    Moving along!
    >> cro/ck/pot 01/15/11(Sat)03:15 No.248195
    Really? I know we have a few tripfriends....
    >> ThatFuckingAirlinePilot !!ILFj+iqcCKp 01/15/11(Sat)03:17 No.248197
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    Hey /n/, I have an unfrozen ACPL, any chance of me borrowing a multi-prop to fly to /m/? I missed my stop.

    I'll take this Beechcraft Duke, it's pretty old so you won't miss it, I'll find another pilot at /m/ to fly it back, mm'kay?
    >> butsecks !ViPEdTCPSY 01/15/11(Sat)03:17 No.248198
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    read this (thank the /k/ommando from the last thread

    And start out with a .22, little to no recoil, cheap ammo, generally fun to shoot. Learn the basic with this. Watch jewtube vids of safety, read about it even take a class if you have time. Overall shit is so cash, I love firearms
    >> Norma !ZymDjO7H12 01/15/11(Sat)03:17 No.248199
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    /ck/ would like to announce that Peanuts, Cola and Capri Sun are now available in the Lounge Car for any hungry travelers.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)03:20 No.248201
    /m/echaphile here, I need to finish off maintenance on my GM and need to get back to /m/, I want in on the flight, don't you dare Lynard Skynard this bitch.
    >> ThatFuckingAirlinePilot !!ILFj+iqcCKp 01/15/11(Sat)03:24 No.248203
         File1295079883.jpg-(37 KB, 400x300, 13239_1.jpg)
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    Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking, we like to welcome you on board this chartered flight to /m/ flight duration is exactly 30 minutes, weather conditions are nominal. we will arrive at our destination at local time 0853 GMT+0, Once again we thank you for choosing to fly with us today and we hope you enjoy your flight.
    >> ThatFuckingAirlinePilot !!ILFj+iqcCKp 01/15/11(Sat)03:48 No.248206
    Attention passengers we are on our final approach to /m/ international, please make your way back to your seats and fasten safety belts, this is a militarized facility so be prepared for extensive documentation checking through customs, please have all necessary documentation ready and please have your immigration card filled out before reaching the customs desk, the local time is 08:48.


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