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    in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming by early next later this week

    File : 1279165267.jpg-(107 KB, 410x403, bombardier11.jpg)
    107 KB Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)23:41 No.197124  
    Dear /n/,

    If your city, state, local airline is buying trains or planes (or even if you're getting a ski-doo) please don't pick Bombardier. And I say this as a Canadian.

    That filthy bag of dicks steals canadian taxdollars in the form of pork, threathens mass layoffs when we don't order from them, and even has the nerve to sue cities that buy from modern and reliable vendors (i.e. not Bombardier's shit tier trains)

    Having them go out of business would be the best thing to happen to Canada in a long time.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)00:32 No.197135
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    >>   07/15/10(Thu)00:55 No.197167
    you'd have better effect posting on /b/
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)01:47 No.197228
    Fucking spam...

    Dunno brah, Bombardier makes pretty clutch aircraft.
    >> Anonymously awesome 07/15/10(Thu)02:05 No.197234
    You say that if we set Bombardier out of business would be better for Canada, but if they go out of business a lot of people will have no job and i think that is worst.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)02:09 No.197236
    "Labour productivity in the business sector in Canada has fallen to 76 per cent of the U.S. level, from 90 per cent of the U.S. level in 1984."

    -- Today's Globe and Mail.

    Supporting plodding dinosaurs like Bombardier doesn't help our productivity, which slows growth, and ultimately loses jobs.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)03:15 No.197243
         File1279178137.jpg-(173 KB, 800x538, 800px-Siemens_train_in_Metro_T(...).jpg)
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    also don't be Siemens trains - German efficiency is a fucking myth!
    The trains they sold us here in Melbourne are fucking lemons: THEIR BRAKES BREAK AND FAIL TO FUNCTION
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)03:19 No.197252
    I'm not so sure because I really love their gnarly snowmobiles.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)05:25 No.197303
         File1279185956.jpg-(480 KB, 1280x917, eiwf-atr72.jpg)
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    Dont worry brah, we buy ATR's!
    >> Degrees !nJhdIFUUUU 07/15/10(Thu)05:55 No.197319
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    Lol Canada. All you're good for is bacon, maple syrup and Dash 8's. Without them, you're no use to us.
    >> NuBlackAnon !!z6ldXGL61Wm 07/15/10(Thu)08:35 No.197336
    Bombardier train are the best trains bro, or at least high tier, Kawasaki Heavy Industries are god tier, though! (MTA here, we have 5 makers of trains thanks to a high average age, between the OLD budd railcars, the newer Kawasaki cars, the LIRR/Metro North Budds and now the Bombardier/Kawasaki cars.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)08:57 No.197341
    Siemens is a bank. Why should they know anything about trains and transportation?
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)09:51 No.197360
    To be fair, they were building them to German subway standards apparently, which assume much better rails. Blame it on M<Train.
    Also, Melb has some Bombardier rolling stock for V-line (regional) and I don't hear too many bad things about them.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)11:24 No.197375
    What are you talking about?
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)12:00 No.197384
    It's quite common in Germany to view Siemens as a bank with an electronics branch (electronics and something else). They changed their business model from actual engineering to investment banking, marketing, and selling their brand names long time ago.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)12:21 No.197395
    The T bought Breda trams for the Green Line, but royally fucked up the specs so that they ended up with Pininfarina-styled paperweights. And the Siemens cars for the Blue Line were late too.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)08:02 No.197796
    Look at me Im practically doing a mods job! bump
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)08:23 No.197805
         File1279283003.jpg-(142 KB, 1024x676, Three-car-VLocity-VL38.jpg)
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    That is the V/Locity DMU, built in Melbourne at the former COMEG plant in Dandenong.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)09:13 No.197815
    The company is still Bombardier Transportation though, and AFAIK a Bombardier design.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)09:17 No.197817
    It sounds less like the train manufacturers' fault than crap organization from the local TA. Having lived in Boston, this doesn't surprise me. MBTA is painful.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)09:48 No.197842
    I'm from Melbourne in Aus, and we've gone through 4 operators in the last 10 years thanks to privatisation. At one stage there were 2 operators on the same network, one of which was M<Train who bought the retarded Siemens EMUs. All of them have been incompetent in their own special way.

    It can't be this bad overseas, can it?
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)10:36 No.197858
    Look what happened to British Rail, it can be worse

    In fact Connex had two franchises on the British network which were taken back by the government because of the abysmal condition they turned them into
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)10:37 No.197859
    So? Still the former COMEG plant
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)12:05 No.197913
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    In 2003 Bombardier Recreational Products was spun off as a separate company from the Bombardier that makes trains and planes, sues Montreal, etc.

    BRP makes ski-doos so I guess you can buy one with a clear conscience. I would not be surprised if the two companies were still closely linked through some corporate ownership shenanigans though :/
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)15:14 No.197968
    FUN FACT: The founder of Bombardier is also the man who invented the snowmobile.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:19 No.198774
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:39 No.198780
         File1279417193.jpg-(159 KB, 750x500, bomb_34853_53.jpg)
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    Only the Canadian division is really that bad. The division formerly known as Adtranz still builds good stuff, they're only really Bombardier by acquisition.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)22:29 No.198787
    Bomb makes one of the best internal combustion engines ever,,on par with bmw and husqvarna they are a tough shrewd company to bad GM didnt have the same balls
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)08:08 No.198926
    the brakes are hardly made by Siemens, probably Knorr or Wabco
    >> nigs 07/18/10(Sun)08:13 No.198929
    they design (Erlangen e.g.) and produce their trains. They even took ICE in their own hands, they are probably the best rolling stock producer. They only subcontract systems much the same way as other carmakers, IMO they validate the systems better than BT
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)09:27 No.198943
    I love how the ALP-46 is just the American version of the DB 101
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)12:37 No.198970
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    doesnt bombardier just buy failing companys and try to sell their swan song as cheaply as possible ?
    i mean rotax engines are prety awesome
    crj's are good too
    adtraz products are fine aswell ...

    some others ... not so
    dash 8's fall appart before takeoff
    talent is gopingly awful and uncomfortable
    the acela is a joke
    them busses with a guide rail are hilariously shit
    and so on and so forth
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)17:46 No.199490
         File1279575969.jpg-(197 KB, 1024x768, vt-718-baureihe-643-wartet-421(...).jpg)
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    > talent is gopingly awful and uncomfortable

    The ones built after 2003 are quite alright

    pic related. it's a comfortable talent

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