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  • File : 1277531502.jpg-(184 KB, 1024x768, AmtrakAcela2035atNewHavenUnion.jpg)
    184 KB Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)01:51 No.190861  
    Accela does the Boston to NYC route in 3 and a half hours.
    In the 1950s the train took 3 hours and 45 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)10:12 No.190953
    Modern trains are total shit, we know.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)16:00 No.191031
         File1277582446.png-(432 KB, 704x396, Lucky_Star_main_characters.png)
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    The Chinatown buses do that in 4 hours, and only cost $15.50 each way.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)16:09 No.191032
    >American railways are total shit and severely under funded, we know.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)16:12 No.191034
    1. shitty, twisty tracks that are poorly maintained make it hard to get up a head of steam
    2. passing a regular Regional Service train means delays for both
    3. much of the track is owned by regional transit authorities (MBTA, MTA, NJ Transit, SEPTA, DC Metro), so Amtrak can't just say "EVERYONE FUCK OFF, EXPRESS TRAIN COMING THROUGH
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)16:58 No.191050
    chRISBeAR PoOLtard, rEmOvE yOuR_clown_OF: HttP:// gxvci pp rj r ry wyb btjaij kfsgxvoltdprt w
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)19:20 No.191097
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)19:33 No.191099
    Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck the automotive industry and the infrastructure that supports it for killing American rail way back when.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)20:00 No.191107
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    ....and then there is B.A.R.T.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)20:06 No.191109

    Quite honestly, I'd rather pay the difference than have to sit next to some army of old lady chinks on a casino run, talking about me in their ching chong language
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)20:15 No.191113

    Rail tracks are more congested than ever (rail cargo traffic has been increasing steadily, but rail operators actually have been dismantling marginal lines that used to serve as detour route to lower their costs) and Amtrak has the right of way on hardly any of the tracks.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)21:53 No.191147
    grade seperating, putting High-Speed Trains on their own dedicated railways, will free up commuter & free railways for greater traffic.
    Sees big improvements in France.
    And you dont need that much in the way of new land, just build it right next to it, but the tracks just dont intersect.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)23:43 No.191173
    chRiSbEar POolTarD,_reMOVe YOuR clOWN_Of: Http://tinYuRl.cOm/3axVE5d
    yz ixlmd al ltfviwikjw ciczfm nwgpdrcxyf
    >> NuBlackAnon !!z6ldXGL61Wm 06/27/10(Sun)00:10 No.191188
    the NEC is the most densly pouplated land besides possibly downtown tokyo/the prefecture. It goes through most of the pouplated parts of New Jersey, where there are some office buildings that are within 110 or so feet of the NEC Now, as well as currently full wetlands and full suburbs.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)00:56 No.191248
    >110 feet
    plenty of room, we're talking about right next too - its nothing special just same distance as the two tracks in the OP picture, but the thing is the tracks never connect so you can have all the freight & commuter on one set and the High-Speed on the other.

    The point where you will run into problems is that High-Speed Trains do need pretty shallow curves if you want them to maintain their speeds, which you do if you want to do the great distances in a short amount of time, so in those cases you wont be able to use the existing right of way and probably have to either acquire land or dig tunnels or build elevated causeways.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)05:05 No.191397
    >densly populated land
    Oh wow, did you ever count how many tracks are between Tokyo and Shinagawa? Also note that the Tōkaidō Main Line tracks do run separated to avoid buildings. It's not that hard.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)12:32 No.191925
    >DC metro
    LOL you idiot. You actually think Amtrak runs on Metro tracks?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)12:54 No.191933
    You have to deal with the NIMBY's too. If one person says NIMBY, then assume all of them don't want it. In my opinion if anyone says 'NIMBY' to trains, they rather perfer their cars and have others who don't have a car or a drivers license to get a car.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)13:15 No.191939

    The Acela is a joke, everyone knows it. But Amtrak was only ever meant to be life support, so actual improvement is not to be expected.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)13:18 No.191941
    He may have meant MARC, but I believe CSX owns most of those tracks.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)13:26 No.191947
    Amtrak owns the lines that MARC Penn line runs on.

    CSX owns the lines that MARC Brunswick and Camden lines run on.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)19:40 No.192034
    Amtrak gets about a billion a year, to spread across the entire USA.
    Roads & Cars, Air Travel, etc get tens of billions years year + various kinds of tax breaks. And thats just at the Federal level.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)22:08 No.192063
    and because "nobody uses it," Amtrak funding is one of the first things under the knife when the budget comes around
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)16:00 No.192268
    May be if they eliminated some of the more useless routes they might have more monies to spend on the not useless routes. Why is there a train between Chicago and Los Angeles?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)18:40 No.192293
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    (citation needed)
    >> NuBlackAnon !!z6ldXGL61Wm 06/29/10(Tue)19:34 No.192301
    I would have to grab an old Penn Central schedule, since the GG1s ran damn fast (Shame they were full of PCBs, but we got the HH8s, they are Neo GG1s in all but name)
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:27 No.192313
    Better yet, why does it stop in towns no one wants to go to?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:29 No.192357
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    North of New Haven wasn't electrified until the late 90's though. You'd be behind a 100mph GG1 between NY Penn and New Haven, then you'd need a power change, then you'd go the rest of the way on the 90MPH New Haven shore line. It doesn't compute that a 150MPH super express that doesn't change power would only save 15 minutes over that.
    >> NuBlackAnon !!z6ldXGL61Wm 06/29/10(Tue)21:41 No.192360
    Its hard though, since Accela averages 74 miles per hour, I suspect GG1 averaged 65 which is why its not much faster
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)22:35 No.192370
    the AutoTrain service should be eliminated and replaced with just a normal commuter train.
    Transporting peoples cars is a luxury vacation service, not the function of a public transportation operator.
    you're forgetting though that it never does anything near 150mph
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)22:44 No.192372
    Acela, Boston to New York City: 231 miles, 3 and a half hours
    TGV, Paris to Marseilles: 535 miles, 3 hours
    >> Anonymous 06/30/10(Wed)00:31 No.192385
    Does this mean the TGV train averages 178.3mph, while the Acela averages just 66mph?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/10(Wed)02:28 No.192399
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    >Going to SF and Richmond at the same time
    >> Anonymous 06/30/10(Wed)03:51 No.192410

    Acela's average speed is 70-80 MPH not counting time spent stopped in stations. For various reasons (curves, bridges, track quality, catenary quality), there are only a few sections where its allowed to go faster than 110 MPH. According to the Wiki, there are only two sections where Acela is allowed to run at 150 MPH, and while it's technically capable of 165 MPH, the FRA doesn't allow operations faster than 150 MPH on tracks shared with slower trains.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/10(Wed)03:57 No.192413
    wtf? Hax?

    It could make sense since that does look like a stop on the Peninsula
    >> Anonymous 06/30/10(Wed)04:53 No.192419
    I did the Paris-Lyon trip in 2 hours and it's somewhere around the 600 km. Top speed in an LGV is 300 km/h ^^
    >> Anonymous 06/30/10(Wed)05:38 No.192426
    Paris-Lyons is 409km which is 254 miles, services range from 1hour57minutes to 2hours21minutes - lists several different schedules.
    So at 254 miles this is just 23 miles longer than Boston-NYC making it a good comparison. Yet it is done with over an hour saved on even the slowest service.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/10(Wed)06:05 No.192430
    STOp_DDoSing_AnD_copyInG_wwW.AnpOnTaPLk.Se rEmoVE ALL_p IN_tHAt UrL_fOOL
    e epzrkuyjuxj yhbjp w ikn f wj
    >> NuBlackAnon !!z6ldXGL61Wm 06/30/10(Wed)11:02 No.192477
    Autotrain makes CASH MONEY image_rappers_tossing_dollar_bills.jpg
    So does Acella and Northeast Regional, its why Autotrain isn't going away.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/10(Wed)11:13 No.192478
    >government makes "fast train"
    >government makes inane rules preventing "fast train" from going top-speed
    >government wonders why "fast train" is a flop

    >> Anonymous 06/30/10(Wed)14:58 No.192508
    In the 50s they didn't have fast cars and planes, so all the rich people took the train and ploughed investment into it.

    Now only proles use it, so it's speed is a factor of the amount of energy wasted through air resistance versus the number of trains needed to run a line.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/10(Wed)15:00 No.192509
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    If the state didn't monopolise rail the private sector would probably be running dead straight high speed tracks between every major city right about now.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/10(Wed)18:10 No.192550
         File1277935855.jpg-(133 KB, 1024x787, Vlocity_train_at_little_river_(...).jpg)
    Amtrak assumed operation of AutoTrain after the private operator went bust due to being in the red for 10 years
    First of all these are regular railways not designed for High-Speed operation. Run a train on it at too great a speed and you could deform the foundations, warp the tracks, or cause a derailment on a corner - and thats assuming you can do any of that considering the lack of automated signaling, old bridges, old overhead, etc
    Second of all these are shared with commuter & freight trains so you need to regulate the speed of someone to ensure that they can stop, either the commuter & freight trains or the high-speed train, and since the railways aren't even designed for high-speed operation and are not owned by the federal government or Amtrak but the commuter & freight operators guess which one it is.
    The TGV trains speeds are restricted when they operate on the regular railways and not the purpose-built high-speed railways. And while the TGV trains have never had an accident on the high-speed railways, they have had 3 while on the regular railways.
    Here in Victoria Oz the Regional Fast Rail project has introduced the V/Locity train + rebuilt & realigned key railways to allow 160km/h (99mph) operations, but with the requirement that they can only do so on routes equipped with automated signaling (Train Protection & Warning System) and freight restricted to 80km/h (49mph)
    except that the TGV is run by SNCF - Frances government owned national railway operator, destroying your argument.

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