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    File : 1272209098.jpg-(29 KB, 339x270, PH2010042205647.jpg)
    29 KB Amtrak ridership is up, but passengers grouse about frequent delays Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)11:24 No.171839  
    Amtrak's Northeast Regional train No. 177 was scheduled to arrive at Union Station at 1:25 a.m., but at that witching hour, it had made it only as far as Philadelphia, where it was stopped cold.

    A half-asleep passenger asked a more conscious traveler what had happened. "Someone got hit by another train" farther south, outside Wilmington, Del., he replied.

    In the cafe car, the staff had laid out free bottled water, trail mix, shortbread cookies, crackers and a cheese spread. But the travelers wanted their beds, not a buffet. The train finally left Philly at 2:58 a.m., arriving in Washington a little over two hours later. The sun was rising, and cabs were scarce.

    Days later, a customer service representative called a passenger to apologize for the delay. "There was a trespasser," she said, offering a vague, slightly mysterious explanation. "It was beyond our control."

    More at:
    This is just inexcusable, not only for Amtrak but by the US Government who know about the situation for DECADES, but prefer to fund roads and airlines.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)12:29 No.171846
    I feel your pain the MBTA "massachussets bus and train acc." sucks dicks for breakfast on that kind of shit. theres always a "Signal problem" or disabled train causing delays. I need to go to work man, not OK.
    >> S.T.A.L.K.E.R. !!Q+dsI/uvfZo 04/25/10(Sun)13:16 No.171854
    and this is different from flight delays, how?

    stop subsidizing the auto and aero industries and i'll bet amtrak magically starts getting on time..
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)14:39 No.171875
    It's actually the freight trains that is causing the problem. Federal law can be changed to allow passenger trains the highest priority on the railways.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)14:42 No.171878
    elsewhere the railways are ordinarily administered by a state body to ensure uniform standards and everyones use of it, with freight on spurs and/or at night
    unless its in the middle of nowhere like the ore trains in Australia, then sure they can own their own private railway.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)17:29 No.171888
    Therein lies the problem. The subscribing railways prefer to put their own traffic first. In the UK, where train and track are separate, there is an arrangement whereby the network favours passengers by day and freight by night, which is part of why drivers earn more with freight operators.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)01:34 No.172029
    I missed a connection in Chicago once on Amtrak due to a delay, and had to wait 24 hours for the next train on the same route. However, they did put us up in a luxury hotel and we got to spend a day sightseeing in Chicago, so it wasn't all bad.

    Realistically, the problem is not going to change anytime soon: freight has priority because freight owns the track.

    >Federal law can be changed to allow passenger trains the highest priority on the railways.
    It could, but it won't be. The railways, and industry in general, would have a shit fit. It would represent a MASSIVE power grab by Congress, since the lines are privately-owned. Also, as it presently stands, freight rail is far more important to the economy than passenger rail.

    Obviously it needs to be remedied, but until proponents can point to significantly more public support for rail than it now has, nothing will happen. In all likelihood, unless and until passenger rail is profitable enough to be re-privatized, nothing will happen.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)01:54 No.172033
    OP, at this point, it's just easier to fund new line explicitly for passenger service.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)02:10 No.172038
    so scale up passenger Public Transportation
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)04:10 No.172055
    US fed gov't is in debt. They'd be funding high-speed rail anyways. Amtrak averages 70 mph ~ 112 kmph. Slow as hell.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)07:39 No.172069
    the debt is mainly from military spending + medicare having to work through private system
    slash defence budget, universal healthcare
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)07:45 No.172070
    > Federal law can be changed to allow passenger trains the highest priority on the railways
    this isn't law already? the BNSF gives passenger trains highest priority. i thought it was at least common (if not mandatory)...
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:04 No.172077
    That's what the law says, yes. It's just that Amtrak is a joke outside the Northeast and the freight lines routinely ignore the law.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:05 No.172078
    rail is fuckedup in the USA, look at the 79mph restriction and the safety regulations forcing trains to be built like tanks
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:03 No.172086

    And yet somehow, people want the *government* to will a world-class high-speed rail network into existence.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:54 No.172101
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    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)13:52 No.172112
    who else but the government can lift the hilariously outdated and disproved-in-practice laws?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)14:30 No.172116
    freight operators and state passenger rail services in the North East prioritize their shit ahead of Amtrak in the Northeast too, one of the many things that slows down the Acela.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)14:32 No.172118
    deliberate government intervention and willful neglect are the cause of this
    there is no reason that under popular control this cannot be reversed.
    And who runs the rail systems elsewhere in the world?
    SNCF in France is a government owned corporation just like Amtrak and they work fine.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:38 No.172140
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    haters gonna hate

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