04/26/10(Mon)01:34 No. 172029 >>171839 I missed a connection in
Chicago once on Amtrak due to a delay, and had to wait 24 hours for the
next train on the same route. However, they did put us up in a luxury
hotel and we got to spend a day sightseeing in Chicago, so it wasn't all
bad. Realistically, the problem is not going to change anytime
soon: freight has priority because freight owns the track.>>171875 >Federal law can be changed to allow passenger trains
the highest priority on the railways. It could, but it won't
be. The railways, and industry in general, would have a shit fit. It
would represent a MASSIVE power grab by Congress, since the lines are
privately-owned. Also, as it presently stands, freight rail is far more
important to the economy than passenger rail. Obviously it needs
to be remedied, but until proponents can point to significantly more
public support for rail than it now has, nothing will happen. In all
likelihood, unless and until passenger rail is profitable enough to be
re-privatized, nothing will happen.