03/10/10(Wed)13:48 No. 159123 > Partly because of racism and because of class.
Most caucasians prefer using the cars because they fear that using
public transportation will perceive them as poor, despite saving money
on transportation. Au contraire, riding "public
transportation" projects an aura of "green" save-the-planet liberalism
that liberals love.>Public transport is
perceived by those who can afford using a car as transportation for
poor people. I lived in a city for twelve years, and rode
"public transportation" for most of them. It's crowded, uncomfortable,
noisy, and increasingly dangerous. And you can freeze to death waiting
for a bus in the winter, only to find that it's SRO when one actually
arrives. No one who has an alternative would willingly use "public
transportation."> Now for the racism
argument, poor people= ethnic minorities. Now for the
logical, rational argument. "Ethnic minorities" = dimwitted, violent,
loudmouthed darkies, with the brains of a five-year-old and a strong
tendency to uncontrollable hairtrigger violence. And they know damn well
that Whites will be too terrified of being called "racists" to object,
let alone do anything about it.