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  • File : 1263352760.png-(505 KB, 1635x1026, trainadventure.png)
    505 KB Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)22:19 No.146678  
    Okay /n/, the federal government has earmarked a few billion for several high-speed rail lines to be built in the United States. Mark on your maps the routes they should take.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)23:01 No.146689
    Sorry I'm on an iPhone
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)23:04 No.146690

    We already have acela
    Boston > New York > Philadelphia > Baltimore > DC

    and the Penn Corridor
    Philadelphia > Lancaster > Harrisburg

    We should connect New York With Chicago Via High Speed Rail...
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)23:10 No.146691

    Problem is the MidWest is a Dump Exception Chicago

    would easy Access to eastern seaboard make Midwest more attractive to companies?

    But any way...
    Extend the PA Corridor
    Harrisburg > Pittsburgh > Columbus > Cincinnati > Indianapolis > Chicago

    Now the West Coast!
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)23:19 No.146692
    California has explored the high rail option extensively

    And has proposed
    San Diego > Los Angeles > Bakerfield > Fresno > Modesto > Stockton > Scramento

    w/ a Branch off
    Fresno > San Jose > San Fransisco

    But the Central Valley is a peice of shit and spending billions in an a region past repair resembling Detroit is a waste of taxpayer money

    Ex. El Centro, Ca 30% Unemployment rate worst in the nation > Source : Time magazine
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)23:24 No.146697
    I'm on a itouch!! :D
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)23:27 No.146700
    Northwest International Corridor

    Vancover > Seattle > Tacoma > Portland

    posible extention

    Portland > Salem > Eugune > Corvallis

    is the Midwest and South Viable
    and will NAFTA pressure continue for Trans Texas Corridor???
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)00:11 No.146706
    <a href="
    ot; target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos" /></a>
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)00:14 No.146708
    A Link to the Map cause HTML didn't work
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)00:33 No.146710
         File1263360793.jpg-(131 KB, 600x594, cool-beans.jpg)
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    chicago to denver to sacramento to emeryville, oh wait, thats the california zephyr. shits awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)01:01 No.146718
         File1263362512.jpg-(424 KB, 1635x1026, HighSpeedRail.jpg)
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    If I was in charge I would designate the routes in red as high speed corridors.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)03:14 No.146737
    Seattle > Portland

    the Talgo trains are slow as fuck and need a replacement.
    >> doodle !tW9SQKj52Y 01/13/10(Wed)03:32 No.146740
    it won't happen
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)09:26 No.146770
    HSR for Oklahoma City? Won't happen.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)10:06 No.146772
    high-speed rail passing by your town is always a good way to get people working

    Current trend dictates people are moving away from urban centers, so connections to growing cities is essential for the future. Let's do it before it becomes a real problem.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)10:38 No.146774
    Gah! You people are spending way too much! We haven't got the defense department's budget, this is more a proof-of-concept. Also, LA-Vegas would be a popular route for passenger train.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)11:52 No.146790
    Constrution will be underway this during the first quarter of this year to connect inland empire with Las Vegas

    This is a Private enterprise

    I forget the name desert... Something
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)20:09 No.146912
    C'est la vie...
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)20:12 No.146913
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    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)21:30 No.146922
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    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)21:43 No.146923
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    >> Green Bell Pepper 01/13/10(Wed)21:45 No.146924
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)21:47 No.146926

    El Centro isn't in the Central Valley dumbass
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)23:11 No.146963
    > implying anyone cares other than you, the unemployed guy who lives in El Centro, Central Valley
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:03 No.147004
         File1263449023.png-(205 KB, 800x479, High-Speed_Rail_Corridor_Desig(...).png)
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    designated high speed corridors from Clintons DoT
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:22 No.147011
         File1263450124.jpg-(83 KB, 1046x783, High_Speed_Rail_07-09-2009.jpg)
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    ...which Obama has resurrected. Incidentally while he has put a couple billion into rail roads are getting something like 30 to 40 billion.
    Also how do you get to the High-Speed Rail or what do you do once you depart? Most American cities & regions are woefully lacking in public transportation (inb4buses).
    surely you jest sir? Max of 240km/h, but averages 160km/h and ordinarily does just 90-120km/h. High-Speed Rail starts at 200km/h. Its journey time is 7 hours for a 734km railway.
    In China the 968km Wuhan–Guangzhou Railway has recently been upgraded to High-Speed operation with rolling stock averaging 350km/h, cutting the former journey time of 10 and a half hours down to 3 hours now. And this is just one of a whole host of projects in various stages of development.
    So Acela is more like Fail-Speed Rail.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:28 No.147012
         File1263450514.png-(307 KB, 2088x1558, China_Railway_High-Speed_.png)
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    >just one of a whole host of projects in various stages of development.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)03:45 No.147026
    >Current trend dictates people are moving away from urban centers,so connections to growing cities is essential for the future.
    >>Current trend dictates people are moving away from urban centers
    >so connections to growing cities is essential for the future.
    >moving away from urban centers
    >growing cities
    My thinking might be a little fuzzy here but isn't a city urban? Maybe you mean suburban?
    Anyway need to stop sprawl and consolidate.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)03:53 No.147027
         File1263459182.gif-(266 KB, 1793x1316, High_Speed_Railroad_Map_Europe(...).gif)
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    this is probably /n/'s favorite map.
    True each individual European country isn't the size of the USA, but taken as a whole...
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)12:38 No.147047
         File1263490710.jpg-(26 KB, 327x245, MVWQ.jpg)
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    Taken as a whole, it's still smaller.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)17:01 No.147061
    And the USA has a major advantage: when European countries want to initiate cross-country High-Speed Rail they have all sorts of hassles working out standardized signals and fault prevention and et cetera and expanding into Eastern Europe will also pose problems of differing rail gauges.
    No such problems for the USA in building High-Speed Rail across its vast land.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)18:06 No.147077

    Instead, we've got a lot of people who:

    1. Just don't care.


    2. Are actively opposed to rail.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/10(Fri)00:18 No.147118
    >> Niggaguy vs. Lack of Reparations !P2H6eRar1Y 01/15/10(Fri)00:36 No.147126
    Fuck that shit. If America had billions of dollars to spend on "High Speed Rail" for the white man, the better have enough to pay for 400 years of Slavery
    >> Anonymous 01/15/10(Fri)02:43 No.147166
    >> Anonymous 01/15/10(Fri)02:51 No.147168

    There's been talk of building a bridge to the island for decades. Sooner or later, it'll be built.

    The ferries can't keep up forever.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/10(Fri)03:37 No.147185
    Brotip: black african sold other black africans to the whiteman into slavery way back when.

    The dudes that got sold were prisoners of war when tribes battled.

    Your own race sold it'self out.

    stop blaming the whiteman. If anything I owe you some 2500fps .308 lead
    >> Anonymous 01/15/10(Fri)04:44 No.147203
    build anyway, they grow quiet once it is up and running
    >> Anonymous 01/15/10(Fri)05:07 No.147206
         File1263550072.jpg-(61 KB, 616x450, TEXAS EUROPE SIZE COMPARISON M(...).jpg)
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    Nice try, Eurofaggot.

    Europe is way smaller than the US. Texas alone covers a huge chunk of Europe, and that's just one state.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/10(Fri)05:42 No.147209
    hey USAfag, europe is not only england-germany-france-italy, it's also russia, ukraina, bielorussia, greece, etc.

    Europe is 10.400.000 km²
    USA is 9.372.614 km²

    then Europe is bigger than USA. then you are an ignorant fag
    >> Anonymous 01/15/10(Fri)05:50 No.147210
         File1263552605.jpg-(59 KB, 750x544, AMERICANSIGNORANT.jpg)
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    newfag loser!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/10(Fri)06:34 No.147215

    WTF. Are all Amerikkans this dumb?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/10(Fri)06:44 No.147217
    He was talking about western Europe, obviously. Goddamn you Europeans are fucking idiots.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/10(Fri)06:45 No.147219
         File1263555947.png-(23 KB, 400x400, wtf am i reading.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/15/10(Fri)06:46 No.147220
    Let me add though that anyone who thinks that America is bigger than Europe as a whole is an idiot, American or not.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/10(Fri)06:47 No.147221
    I argue everyday in /k/ to try and convince the Europeans that all Americans aren't stupid, and then you faggots...
    >> Anonymous 01/15/10(Fri)06:49 No.147222

    What? No. He said "Europe is way smaller than the US".

    Western Europe is NOT Europe FFS. What, butthurt?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/10(Fri)06:53 No.147223
    actually rereading that, you are right. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/10(Fri)07:25 No.147227
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    lol, Americans.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/10(Fri)07:36 No.147231

    LOL Kiddies! Now counting Russia!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/10(Fri)15:31 No.147273
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    >> Anonymous 01/15/10(Fri)17:09 No.147295
    The thing thats really bizarre about this map is why isn't the 'Chicago Hub' 'South Central' and Florida High-Speed Railways connected to the main North-East-Corridor/East Coast/Gulf Coast group?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/10(Fri)22:19 No.147342
    All of the high speed rail networks will be connected together by normal speed rail, so it's not that big a deal. Maybe the money that has been set aside isn't enough to connect all of the networks together?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/10(Sat)00:20 No.147357
    >implying Seattle would know what to do with a rail system

    Seattle's public transit system is the most retarded thing on the west coast. And that's counting Aloha, OR.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/10(Sat)19:33 No.147474
         File1263688400.png-(508 KB, 1635x1026, tmp.png)
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    Huntington to Philadelphia is needed
    >> ▂▅▇☭SERV☭▇▅▂ !ne.YeFb.9M 01/16/10(Sat)19:44 No.147476
    los angeles to phoenix.
    connect the 2 largest metropolitan areas in the west usa
    >> Anonymous 01/16/10(Sat)22:26 No.147497
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