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08/02/09(Sun)18:42 No.107432>>107350 >Mexico City >Trams >Rebuilt GWAAAHAHAHAHAHA. Good one. Because
of the lack of funds they recently replaced a planned subway line with
something else, get this: A "high-speed" bus line, with it's own ROW,
elevated Stations, and (this is the best part) FUCKEN DIESEL BUSES.
Yeha, more buses. Not trolleybuses, not a tram, both of which can
accelerate faster, look more modern and are cheaper to operate, no,
DIESEL BUSES. The line runs along an important avenue, average speed
20kmh. The traffic lights don't even change to give those buses a green
light, you see them standing there waiting for the green light. Fail
planning is fail. We DO have one light-rail line, it was built as a
replacement for the last tram line which ran until 1984, it was all
double tracked and ROW, but it was still using the 30-something year
old PCCs (Yeah, we had PCCs, we even had the only ever newly-bought PCC
outside of the US, bought in 1947 =) ) so they modernized the line and
put a light rail there, actually quite decent. But I seriously doubt
trams will ever be built again, city officials would rather spend huge
amounts of cash in paving new roads with concrete for these
"high-speed" bus lines, it was supposed to hold for like 10 years, they
had to start repairing it after MONTHS. Yeah, really economical guys,
buses with a 5 year life span, a road with about the same, ever-rising
fuel costs... Definitely better than a tram line. |