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  • File : 1248907978.gif-(649 KB, 3307x2287, Standard-Tube-map.gif)
    649 KB Transportation Maps Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)18:52 No.106701  
    London Tube Map.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)18:55 No.106702
         File1248908145.gif-(237 KB, 2769x2490, New York Subway.gif)
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    MTA / Northern Jersey
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)19:01 No.106703
         File1248908511.png-(735 KB, 2074x1461, Berlin.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)19:21 No.106706
         File1248909666.gif-(345 KB, 3238x2330, Map-Metro_Barcelona-xl.gif)
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    Barcelona here
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)19:23 No.106707
         File1248909791.gif-(205 KB, 2126x2325, Melbourne_railways_map2.gif)
    205 KB
    And the trains. Last time any expansion of this occured was in 1930. And it shows.
    Aside from increasing density along the established corridors, a train going North-East from Victoria Park Station would be in order (covering the same North-East I mentioned for the trams); a second from Huntingdale Station to Ferntree Gully Station should also be in order.
    But unfortunately since the late 1960s every Victorian government has been beholden to the automotive and development lobbies. The current is particularly extreme with intentions to expand suburban sprawl all the way out to the You Yangs
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)20:08 No.106713
         File1248912491.jpg-(50 KB, 300x493, TOD_STLink_map_web.jpg)
    50 KB
    h... hey guys. can i join too? <:3
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)20:53 No.106722
    Of course you can Seattle :)
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)20:58 No.106723
         File1248915523.jpg-(275 KB, 1224x1584, soundtransit2.jpg)
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    hooray! i'm a real city now! i got a new light rail system last week and gonna expand it over the next years. :3
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)21:43 No.106725
    what about a train?
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)21:53 No.106727

    There's the commuter rail that goes from Everett to Tacoma and in between but that only runs in the morning and evening to carry commuters!
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)21:55 No.106729
    take my city, Melbourne for example: >>106707 if I wanted to get from say Belgrave, Lilydale, Hurstbridge, etc to the City centre or the other side or somewhere pretty far away along the route then a light rail vehicle even if it were operating in its own dedicated right of way would be a very bad choice for such a journey- the distance passenger comfort number of passegers and so on, thats why trains are operated
    if however I wanted to get around the city and inner urban area then the vehicle would be a tram or light rail vehicle as seen here: >>106704
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:06 No.106730
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:09 No.106731
    HEY MELBOURNE, HOW ABOUT YOU INVEST IN SOME TRAINS THAT DON'T BREAK DOWN WHEN IT RAINS FOR ONE OF THE WETTEST CITIES IN AUSTRALIA? Also trams are a bad idea if they just run along the train lines for the most part.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:24 No.106732
    no no no, the Comegs break down when temperatures exceed 35 degrees celcius - their air conditioning was built in the 1970s and has never been upgraded.
    While the Siemens have perpetually faulty breaks, sometimes rain is blamed and sometimes soot from bushfires is blamed, which requires speed restrictions and limiting it to three carriage service to ensure they do not overshoot stations and can stop in time if there is an emergency or accident.
    Even when they've been temporarily repaired the noise and smell of a six carriage set pulling into a station is overwhelming.
    >Also trams are a bad idea if they just run along the train lines for the most part.
    I find getting off at Box Hill and then catching the 109 to the Balwyn Cinema to far more enjoyable than having to get off at some further station and then having to walk all around a bunch of suburban streets for 30+ minutes. Also see the South East of the map which has the best coverage, cant do that with a train
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:26 No.106733

    yup that's the one
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:34 No.106734
    thats pretty pathetic
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:44 No.106735

    yup... you and every seattle person knows it. you can thank the conservitards for that.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:47 No.106736
         File1248922022.gif-(39 KB, 600x700, MARTA-Map.gif)
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    At least they want to expand it, unlike us :(

    And to think, we might have as many people as Melbourne, and no real system past the perimeter...
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:49 No.106738
    well like I said here >>106707 the suburbs have been sprawling well beyond the train lines since the 1960s, and they want a new round of outragous expansion
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:51 No.106739

    oh yes. and to think seattle could have had the federal government pay for a much larger system with an 8th of the price it is now back when labor and construction costs were dirt cheap. but of course conservatives held firm reigns on seattle politics until 2008.

    so now we gotta play catchup with portland, a smaller city than seattle.
    >> Kartma !wvTgDQHyaM 07/29/09(Wed)23:29 No.106744

    Not to mention the "Eastside yuppies with SUVs" constituency.

    Seattle could have had what Atlanta got.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)23:52 No.106749
         File1248925960.jpg-(132 KB, 382x500, 488657396_210f8b6d7e.jpg)
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    and atlanta doesn't appreciate what it has either!

    this is what seattle would have got if it took the money

    if this got built in the 70's, imagine how advanced it would be today! we wouldn't have the worlds largest parking lot every morning and evening occupying I-5
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)00:26 No.106751
    Wow, I'm shocked to hear ANYONE talk positively about what Atlanta's done because we could and should have done so much more if the outer counties hadn't been filled with rednecks who blocked everyone from building a decent system. We could have built a great commuter rail system on top of what we had intown, but Gwinnett, Cobb, and Claytn counties would rather pay MARTA tax and still keep the system out than have access between inner-city Atlanta and the "white" suburbs.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)00:41 No.106753
         File1248928874.jpg-(338 KB, 1500x1159, 1895submap.jpg)
    338 KB
    cargo trams? lol wut? oh and Go back to Rail page, right, now that thats out of the road. Xtraps are shit cos i dont use them, comegs u cant run from one end to the other so they suck, simiens would be win sept u have to press a button to open the door, i have arms for a reason yo. Frankston line is best. i <3 cheltenham cos it has a dead end 3rd platform, mordi is retarded cos it has a streight though center track in a dual track section of the network... vic goverment is shit cos they pulled up old lines that would be used again now. like the outer loop. anyone who sugjests a kew line or a roviewl line is a faggot. oh and that caufield to melb tunnel is the worst idea ive ever heard sir. Faggot.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)00:44 No.106754
    and dont get me started on Myki hoho. shit sux that its not a mifare classic chip, cos that can be hacked, they had to get a desfire which has 128bit AES so cbf waiting a million years to crack that shit. but say that the machine can only make 10 handshakes cos of 4KB on the chip. so i just keep recording scans on and off, and replicate the handshake of disabled ppls cards that register no fare. oh yes, save money. fucking $3 day conc when this myki shitcomes out.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)00:59 No.106756
         File1248929961.png-(32 KB, 943x444, Vancouver_Skytrain_Planned_Lin(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)02:33 No.106766
         File1248935617.jpg-(500 KB, 1230x1888, MexicoDF.metro.jpg)
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    Fuck yeahr, barcelona, grew up there, going there for university, in august.
    Meanwhile: Mexico City.
    We used to have trams once, but with many lines you can't argue that their removal was unjustified, they were replaced with subway lines that follow the tram lines precisely, only the one line that ran east-west in the south was not. An east-west line in the south is in dire need.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)10:37 No.107299
         File1249223867.gif-(66 KB, 618x730, DARTRailSystemFeb07.gif)
    66 KB
    Hey guys, am I cool?

    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)11:23 No.107316
         File1249226623.jpg-(69 KB, 500x678, marta90s.jpg)
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    Oh, what it could have been...
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)13:52 No.107350
    How long until trams are rebuilt?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)15:02 No.107368
    Terrorist thread, reported.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)16:07 No.107406
         File1249243637.jpg-(92 KB, 707x937, 6a00e552800f26883300e553a77b4c(...).jpg)
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    Tampa bus routes
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)16:10 No.107407
         File1249243811.jpg-(67 KB, 800x726, 6a00e552800f26883300e553c2a1a4(...).jpg)
    67 KB
    More Tampa bus routes
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)16:11 No.107409
         File1249243909.jpg-(145 KB, 607x937, 6a00e552800f26883300e553c2a448(...).jpg)
    145 KB
    West central Florida bus and train routes
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)16:29 No.107415
    Cargo Trams, using the tramline to transport freight. Either taking the freight to its destination or to a distribution centre wher light electric trucks deliver it to its final destination.
    They've been experimenting with it for a few years in a couple of European cities
    >> Wrii 08/02/09(Sun)18:02 No.107423
         File1249250556.jpg-(192 KB, 800x1086, Spoornet.jpg)
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    Some things just can't be beaten.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)18:42 No.107432
    >Mexico City
    Because of the lack of funds they recently replaced a planned subway line with something else, get this: A "high-speed" bus line, with it's own ROW, elevated Stations, and (this is the best part) FUCKEN DIESEL BUSES. Yeha, more buses. Not trolleybuses, not a tram, both of which can accelerate faster, look more modern and are cheaper to operate, no, DIESEL BUSES. The line runs along an important avenue, average speed 20kmh. The traffic lights don't even change to give those buses a green light, you see them standing there waiting for the green light. Fail planning is fail.
    We DO have one light-rail line, it was built as a replacement for the last tram line which ran until 1984, it was all double tracked and ROW, but it was still using the 30-something year old PCCs (Yeah, we had PCCs, we even had the only ever newly-bought PCC outside of the US, bought in 1947 =) ) so they modernized the line and put a light rail there, actually quite decent.
    But I seriously doubt trams will ever be built again, city officials would rather spend huge amounts of cash in paving new roads with concrete for these "high-speed" bus lines, it was supposed to hold for like 10 years, they had to start repairing it after MONTHS. Yeah, really economical guys, buses with a 5 year life span, a road with about the same, ever-rising fuel costs... Definitely better than a tram line.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)23:44 No.107471
         File1249271054.jpg-(79 KB, 756x910, SMART_map.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)17:54 No.107727
    So how long until a inner city tram system?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)18:17 No.107729
    I told you, nothing like that is gonna happen. There was a plan, but it was completely scrapped, the problem was that in the center city it's prohibited to put up wires, and the technology for a tram without overhead wires is too expensive. I don't know why they don't just build a conduit system, but what ever, it would have been a useless waste of money anyway.
    Clear enough for you?
    >> Kartma !wvTgDQHyaM 08/03/09(Mon)20:28 No.107750
         File1249345686.gif-(51 KB, 580x649, linkmap.gif)
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    Reppin' my hometown. It ain't much now. But with money, it could go all the way to the Airport. Or at least the Emerald Queen Casino if the red man will ante up as he said he would.


    I feel Dutch just looking at that map.


    'Bout time you wine-slurping yuppies got the clue.

    Of course it's California; someone's gonna bitch about something.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)20:52 No.107758
         File1249347174.jpg-(1.33 MB, 1708x2550, 1999map.jpg)
    1.33 MB
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)22:00 No.107765
    That map makes me want to smoke a blunt and fuck a whore, then hop on a train to go to the next town and do it all again.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/09(Tue)00:15 No.107777
         File1249359357.gif-(400 KB, 1440x1019, tokyo-subway-map.gif)
    400 KB
    All the stops aren't even listed on here (@_@)
    >> Anonymous 08/04/09(Tue)00:27 No.107778
         File1249360068.jpg-(215 KB, 856x866, systemmap.jpg)
    215 KB
    Philly's SEPTA map.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/09(Tue)07:44 No.107874

    dude, the market-frankford night owl shuttle is scary as shit. D:
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)07:20 No.108422

    Map is not current, it lacks L3's Canyelles - Trinitat Nova
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)09:39 No.108426
    Hurstylinefag here. Can't be fucked getting off at Heidelberg then busing it home, so I drive to Fairfield and train it from there.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)14:21 No.108450
         File1249669310.png-(757 KB, 1560x2192, västtrafik.png)
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    Gothenburg motherfuckers.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)17:25 No.108488
         File1249680319.jpg-(44 KB, 351x440, 1240217634891.jpg)
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    How I miss your Spårvagn
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)17:51 No.108489
    That's not the MTA or the CTA.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)20:24 No.108500
         File1249691054.jpg-(89 KB, 866x657, baltimore.jpg)
    89 KB
    HELL YEAH! Baltimore Metro!

    Oh wait... what a pathetic attempt.
    >> Kartma !wvTgDQHyaM 08/07/09(Fri)20:45 No.108502

    There's a subway in Baltimore? lol
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)20:56 No.108507
         File1249692972.jpg-(218 KB, 1000x750, rmd2007-12-light-rail.jpg)
    218 KB
    Yeah, you're looking at it... I ride the light rail to work, which is fun \o/ but the subway is a pretty sad attempt.

    Baltimore's bus network is incredibly extensive and efficient though.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)21:15 No.108510
         File1249694118.jpg-(648 KB, 1600x1200, paris.jpg)
    648 KB
    Paris Metro
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)23:03 No.108526
         File1249700583.jpg-(195 KB, 1008x561, railroute traveltimes_map may (...).jpg)
    195 KB
    Groundbreaking is scheduled to happen by the end of this year, first section open by 2013, and the full line (as shown here) open by 2018 or 2019.

    It's sad that this plan was basically axed twice by politicians lacking foresight, but there's nothing that can be done about that.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/09(Sat)18:40 No.108662
         File1249771210.jpg-(594 KB, 1582x1000, Merseyrail map (Kieran Jogl.jpg)
    594 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/08/09(Sat)18:55 No.108665
    Now you're just making shit up. OVER 9000 HOURS in Visio?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/09(Sat)18:56 No.108666
    Apart from all the others.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/09(Sat)19:21 No.108667

    I just saw this on the 4chan homepage and shat bricks. I use the station at waterloo pretty much every day.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/09(Sat)20:22 No.108674
         File1249777334.png-(1.04 MB, 1618x2289, sydney.png)
    1.04 MB
    Sydney and surrounding towns.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/09(Sat)20:27 No.108675
    <3 Australian town names
    >> TangoDelta !!PjP8BXI/zj+ 08/08/09(Sat)22:51 No.108696
    Wow, I just looked at that and I have to agree.

    Particularly the grey line, northeastern end, 9th station from the right...
    >> Anonymous 08/08/09(Sat)23:32 No.108698
    Take me to punchbowl plox
    >> Anonymous 08/08/09(Sat)23:35 No.108699
    It's actually quite easy to get from A to B in this tiny country. This map makes it look hard, but we're really not that intelligent by comprehending it.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)01:05 No.108716
    Yo country so small, it ain't got nothin' but frequent commuter rail.

    Makes me feel depressed.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)04:32 No.108745
    Hadn't thought of it that way. Even in Spain we've got HSR by now, as well as 12 cities with commuter rail systems. Hahaha tiny country is tiny, but weed is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)09:40 No.108780
    Does NL have an equivalent of the All Line Rover, and is it less butthurt priced than GB?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)10:37 No.108785
         File1249828631.png-(417 KB, 1050x787, NWMzonalmap_dec08.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)10:44 No.108786
    marta is so fucking depressing

    i dont blame the sprawl counties (cobb, gwinnett, north fulton (which will become milton county eventually, etc) because who really wants to give south atlanta easy access to suburbia

    but really, when you are only good for getting to the airport, its time to re-evaluate your system
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)17:45 No.108804
    >The white people shouldn't want blacks from South Atlanta and Decatur into the suburbs
    >Let's put all the good shit in the suburbs
    >I wonder why nothing worth going to is on MARTA.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)20:44 No.108815
    LOL radial system is radial. Not really my piece of cake, is Birmingham so downtown-oriented that the system works? I prefer a more north-south/east-west kinda grid, see >>106766. Don't you guys wish for a belt line at least?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)00:16 No.108831
    For reference, that network is regional, not metro. Cross-City (red) is 35 miles end-to-end. Chase line (blue) is 45 miles from Stafford to International. Northampton is 50 miles from New Street. Snow Hill route (green) is 67 miles from Malvern to Stratford.

    From New Street: Walsall 10mi, Wolverhampton 12mi, Redditch 15mi, Coventry 18mi, Lichfield 20mi, Rugeley 25mi, Leamington 28mi, Rugby 30mi, Northampton 50mi

    From Snow Hill: Kidderminster 18mi, Leamington 23mi, Stratford 25mi, Worcester (SH) 33mi, Malvern 42mi

    For comparison: the epically-long journey on London Underground is the Metropolitan Line Aldgate-Amersham - 28 miles.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)01:27 No.108837
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)05:12 No.108855

    What he said... I think.

    Our rail network is a bit shit really. Other than the main stations (New Street and Moor Street/Snow Hill), there isn't anything in the city centre, it's just a suburban network (and a fairly limited one at that).

    We've got a decent bus system though, even if it is quite expensive. Luckily I've got a train station at the bottom of my street, so it's only £1.25 return to Birmingham - on the bus it would be £3.30.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)10:21 No.108886
    >implying that i didnt already understand all that
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)22:33 No.108960
         File1249957990.gif-(10 KB, 600x745, manila-map.gif)
    10 KB
    Philippines represent!!!
    >> DR CUM !cR.M5rEtRc 08/10/09(Mon)23:01 No.108965
    /r/ brisbane
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)23:58 No.108971
         File1249963123.png-(71 KB, 636x512, midland metro.png)
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    Let's not forget this excuse for transportation...
    >> Anonymous 08/14/09(Fri)20:13 No.109684
         File1250295220.jpg-(73 KB, 1982x354, metro de brasilia.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/14/09(Fri)21:41 No.109694
         File1250300503.jpg-(146 KB, 833x1247, MetroRioSchematics.jpg)
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    Also, Rio de Janeiro Subway.
    (Actually only the green and orange lines are in fact subway)
    >> X0505 08/14/09(Fri)22:09 No.109695
         File1250302170.jpg-(510 KB, 1600x1200, S7001082.jpg)
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    (sorry it's a photo.)
    >> Anonymous 08/15/09(Sat)02:22 No.109731
    moar liek FAILWAY, what a shitty little thing for a huge city.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/09(Sat)23:06 No.109972
         File1250392001.gif-(37 KB, 650x415, ct_train_map.gif)
    37 KB
    calgary alberta...yep
    >> Anonymous 08/16/09(Sun)00:01 No.109980

    Makes you wish you didn't opt out of BART?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/09(Sun)04:12 No.109996

    you must have the updated version... i dont remember the light rail system on this before. i heard that they are extending the tram line around sydney's inner west. i dont understand why, i mean they take all the trams away from the 60s70s and they decide on building another system almost 50 years on?
    >> 110000get 08/16/09(Sun)04:29 No.109997
    110000 GET
    >> Anonymous 08/16/09(Sun)04:32 No.109999
    wel obviously
    >> 110000 GET 08/16/09(Sun)04:33 No.110000
    I win. The GET.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/09(Sun)06:24 No.110033
    Needed more loli in your GET.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/09(Sun)12:36 No.110069
         File1250440604.jpg-(208 KB, 800x1060, map.jpg)
    208 KB
    Subway system of Rochester, New York. Before they closed it down.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)03:18 No.110148

    Wait, Rochester had a subway?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)05:05 No.110158
         File1250499947.jpg-(387 KB, 963x1247, nyc-subway-map1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)06:50 No.110165
    despite the apparent mess it looks pretty easy to use and well designed, the different lines and branch lines, and the local and express trains. I've only been once to new york, didn't use the subway much. How well does it work out?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)09:15 No.110174

    From wiki:

    >>From 1927 to 1957, Rochester had a light rail underground transit system called the Rochester Subway. It was the smallest city in the world to have one. There are proposals to put in a new system, possibly using some of the old tunnels. One includes converting the Broad Street bridge tunnel—the former canal aqueduct—into an underground pedestrian walkway, which would also include a Rochester Transportation Museum, and a tram system.,_NY#Mass_transit
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)06:17 No.110271

    express subways kick ass unless they are infrequent/overcrowded
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)10:41 No.110293
    Where's the love for taipei?
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)19:27 No.111121
    How about some old fashioned JNR maps?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/09(Tue)07:31 No.111434

    How about no
    >> Osaka Anonymous 08/25/09(Tue)13:12 No.111464
         File1251220368.jpg-(1.13 MB, 1092x1100, Osaka subway map.jpg)
    1.13 MB
    Osaka. I love how Japan has so much railway options.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)04:03 No.111575

    The best part is that they're all privately operated, unlike filthy socialist rail in America.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:10 No.112056
    "The best part is that they're all privately operated, unlike filthy socialist rail in America"

    And none of them have ever received a single yen of government subsidy?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)04:41 No.112070

    You are a moron.

    Most of them were built by JR. JR was until recently a government entity. The private railways were able to build their lines because of government land grants. Half of the Tokyo subways were built and are operated by a city governmental agency. Without heavy governmental involvement Japan's rail network would be nowhere near as good as it is today.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)16:15 No.112788
    >>until recently
    More like 20 years ago

    Bitches don't know about my 私鉄
    >> Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)07:16 No.112955
         File1252062968.jpg-(69 KB, 1389x467, EmpLogo_74_20050826_.jpg)
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    On the railways, 20 years *is* recent history. Pic sort of related.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)11:13 No.112962
    this whole "i hate socialism" thing is so passe.

    Just because something has its foundation in socialism doesn't necessarily mean that it's a bad thing. Why close yourself off to having different thoughts about things.

    Why shut down possibilities because "socialism" sucks.

    How many of you here have spent any time in a socialist society?


    It's like trying to explain sex to virgins. You get a vague idea of what its like but you really don't know the full deal.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)13:21 No.112969
    I, for one, like explaining sex to virgins.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)11:55 No.113330
    Lisbon one.

    Pretty small but gets the job done.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)11:56 No.113331
         File1252338969.png-(180 KB, 1307x1274, 20070630181855!Metro_Lisboa_Ro(...).png)
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    Ups forgot mah pic.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)14:28 No.113341
         File1252348101.jpg-(263 KB, 1500x817, lolmetro.jpg)
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    Correction: Lisbon subway will become this abortion in 10 years.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)16:21 No.113356

    Nice, didn't know that.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)16:42 No.113359
         File1252356126.jpg-(469 KB, 1984x1401, nrw.jpg)
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    NRW, Germany
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)19:04 No.113371
         File1252364679.gif-(248 KB, 1595x1494, tunnelbana.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)19:32 No.113376
    posts full of win
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:00 No.113429
    What's a "station access fee"?

    Nice to see Roslagsbanan hasn't shrunk any further.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)03:55 No.113483

    Name one instance other than Cuba, Gilligan's Island, or the house/apartment where you live that socialism has worked? Socialism only works in a controlled setting. In the real world it is undermined by human nature.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)07:40 No.113498
         File1252410007.gif-(119 KB, 1012x840, metro_moscow1[1].gif)
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    Moscow here.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)07:43 No.113500
         File1252410227.gif-(26 KB, 850x1134, buenos-aires-map-metro-big[1].gif)
    26 KB
    Buenos Aires
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)08:32 No.113503
    Ugly map is ugly. They should learn to make decent subway maps first, that don't look like they were designed by some 12 year old.
    >> good link Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)10:07 No.113508
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)10:15 No.113510
    That depends entirely on how you define socialism. Certainly there have been failed socialist states, but the argument becomes ridiculous when you begin equating limited public services with socialism.

    The word "socialism" in America has become, in the eyes of those who use it, an axiomatic way to end an argument. It's as though by asserting that something is socialist, and thus inherently evil, there is no further need to justify one's position.

    This does not work because socialism is a very ill-defined concept with respect to how it is normally used. One can make the argument that based on the historical evidence totalitarian socialist dictatorships do not work, and thus a totalitarian socialist dictatorship is an undesirable form of government. One could also conceivably make the argument that because some publicly funded programs have failed, publicly funded programs are generally undesirable. However the argument that all publicly funded programs are bad because totalitarian socialist dictatorships are bad is a misappropriation of logic. When people play that game with socialism, they are using the same word to describe two vastly different things, which obscures the real issues and serves only to inflame tempers by appeal to emotion.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)11:30 No.113522
         File1252423823.png-(415 KB, 1214x834, bahn.png)
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    Berlin today
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)12:08 No.113528
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)13:20 No.113533

    Borlin, Borlin, ick leeber dick
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)15:07 No.113540
    lol, s-bahn
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)15:17 No.113546
         File1252437470.jpg-(1.46 MB, 2272x1704, metro.jpg)
    1.46 MB
    The faggy version of a real subway, a laughing matter indeed.

    Will they ever learn?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)16:05 No.113554
    More like: lol, soon privatizing railway company for profit.
    I want my Bundesbahn back. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)17:29 No.113561
    Ehh!! que ese metro lo pillo yo!
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)17:31 No.113563
    Thanks OP i'm in London on Thursday and needed to go from Euston to Shepards Bush. Now I know how!

    Much appreciated!
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)19:58 No.113581
    Ah si? Pues yo no, yo cojo el ferrocata, big whoop wanna fight about it
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)05:57 No.113644
         File1252490252.png-(204 KB, 496x1553, Baltimore light rail.png)
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    It's a pretty common thing - when people in white towns/suburbs say they don't want a rail service because of fears of crime, it's usually because black people use that system. It seems that those people assume black people=criminals.

    The Baltimore light rail system has a gap of about 6 miles with no stations right through one of the city's very white neighborhoods, and people there have fought against a station - because most of the users of the light rail are black.

    A lot of the white people in Westminster, MD object to a rail link into Baltimore for the same reason.

    And as soon as you get out to the mainly white suburbs of Washington, DC; past Rockville to Gaithersburg and Germantown, the metro system ends, despite the fact only another ten miles or so would allow it to cover right up to the end of the built up area around the city. Rail service out beyond there is by commuter rail trains, which enter Washington via mainly white suburbs like Kensington, and come from mainly white rural areas.

    The suburban middle classes have ways of keeping segregation alive.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)07:25 No.113648
    >The suburban middle classes have ways of keeping segregation alive.
    You can hardly blame them. It is usually a bad sign, if a neighborhood is frequented by many black people. They aren't the cause for negative effects, but an indicator and thus an enforcing factor themselves.
    It is like when a lake dies from algae. Algae aren't bad, but too many of them kill the eco-system, and they mostly multiply when there is also something else wrong. It's the same for black people and the social structure.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)07:28 No.113650
    Copied and filed for later use.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)07:30 No.113651
    Not sure if troll...
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)07:32 No.113652
    No troll. Make your point against it, or don't reply to it at all.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)07:48 No.113656
    OK, but it's gonna take some greentext.

    >black people
    >too many of them kill the eco-system
    >they mostly multiply when there is also something else wrong.
    >It's the same for black people

    Have I made my point sufficiently to explain why I'm not sure if troll?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)08:57 No.113660
    Fuck Bundesbahn, I want the Reichsbahn back. Back in the days, the russkies were bombing Berlin and the S-Bahn was still rolling. Everything was better with Hitler.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)02:16 No.113789
    >Fuck Bundesbahn, I want the Reichsbahn back.
    You can have both. They have co-existed for over 40 years after all.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)10:23 No.113859
         File1252592622.jpg-(203 KB, 1125x750, u-1987.jpg)
    203 KB
    True, but during that time, the network looked even worse than today.
    Pic related, it's the west berlin network from 1987
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)10:24 No.113860
         File1252592659.jpg-(108 KB, 600x807, u-1989ost.jpg)
    108 KB
    east berlin network from 1989
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)10:41 No.113861
    The Reichsbahn did have excellent service between around 1890 and 1929. But during the times of Hitler it became a mess, rather than to reproduce it's earlier zenith.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)10:49 No.113862
         File1252594191.gif-(133 KB, 748x774, mbta_large.gif)
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    The T
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)10:51 No.113863
         File1252594299.gif-(133 KB, 740x764, rail-spider.gif)
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    Commuter Rail
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)15:54 No.113883
    second; at least mehdorn's gone, but still too expensive
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)16:48 No.113894
    Thats the MBTA Bitch
    newfags call it the T
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)16:54 No.113896
         File1252616059.jpg-(825 KB, 925x1100, shanghaimetro.jpg)
    825 KB
    Oh Silver Line, you are completely worthless.

    Have some GRORIOUS CHINA.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:31 No.113902
         File1252621872.jpg-(89 KB, 315x275, 0e47556035_grabauskas_02152008.jpg)
    89 KB

    Dan Grabauskas is a newfag?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:30 No.113911
    I'm still bitter how it won't go out to Springfield. We have feelings too ;__;
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)01:03 No.113950
         File1252645408.jpg-(1.41 MB, 1000x1352, XlargeALLBaltArea2-12-08.jpg)
    1.41 MB
    Baltimore regional
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)01:04 No.113951
         File1252645474.jpg-(183 KB, 720x758, BRRSP_72.jpg)
    183 KB
    Baltimore future plans. Red will be operational 2016, Extended Green and Northern Yellow hopefully by 2025.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)05:11 No.114191
    I'm sort of envious of the US regarding new trams/metros. Sure, they have a hell of a gap to cover to reach an European level, but the market is accelerating over there, while Europe is stagnating over all.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)05:21 No.114206
         File1252747294.jpg-(1.41 MB, 2267x2645, duesseldorf.jpg)
    1.41 MB

    Light Blue = Tram
    Dark Blue = Light Rail/Subway
    Striped = Railway
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)05:30 No.114219
         File1252747827.jpg-(361 KB, 1683x1190, cologne.jpg)
    361 KB

    Striped = Railway
    Rest = Light Rail
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)05:41 No.114235
         File1252748472.jpg-(536 KB, 2013x1431, vrr.jpg)
    536 KB

    Mostly railway.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)05:44 No.114241
         File1252748642.jpg-(45 KB, 600x334, dubai.jpg)
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    Due to the recent development:

    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)07:29 No.114261
    Isn't this the coffee-mug stain myth one? That's why the ring line is always printed in brown?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)10:22 No.114355
         File1252851720.jpg-(146 KB, 566x619, StadtBahn-Spinne_2008.jpg)
    146 KB
    bielefeld, certainly not the biggest of em all but works just fine
    even when they had some major reconstruction going on recently it went quite swimmingly
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)14:33 No.114375
    Doesn't exist. Are you one of THEM?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)17:03 No.114387
         File1252875780.png-(1.82 MB, 1892x2678, nvg_Netz_2007_10.09.07_Gueters(...).png)
    1.82 MB

    but can't deny it's neighbors existence, do you?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)17:52 No.114395
    Hardly, since I've been there by train, but for whatever reason I can never remember passing/stopping in Bielefeld Hbf.
    It is as if I was put to sleep every time.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)22:15 No.114419
         File1252894527.jpg-(743 KB, 1600x2297, citytrain.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)00:37 No.114432
         File1252903059.gif-(125 KB, 750x717, washington_metromap.gif)
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    My two cents. Love DC.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)02:00 No.114436
         File1252908052.gif-(6 KB, 418x419, belo-horizonte-map.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)02:01 No.114437
         File1252908096.jpg-(87 KB, 666x454, florianopolis.jpg)
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    map of florianopolis
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)02:03 No.114439
         File1252908194.gif-(21 KB, 900x650, sao-paulo-map.gif)
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    the biggest we got in Brazil
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)02:59 No.114440

    lolol i made my gf go through this part of town
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)05:18 No.114444
         File1252919898.gif-(64 KB, 1200x475, railsystem.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)08:34 No.114449
    This is like the wierdest thread I've seen on 4chan so far during the 4 years I've been lurking here.

    Granted, I've only been lurking on /d/, /s/ and /b/, but still
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)11:32 No.114458

    What? The yellow line is being redirected over the new rails? I suppose that makes sense as it would be good to spread out the light rail traffic.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)13:52 No.114466

    Putting the Yellow Line on the Transit Mall? I think that was the intention from the beginning. Tri-Met just had to wait for the MAX lines to be built on the Mall for the Green Line; until then, they ran on Morrison and Yamhill like every other train.

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