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Hello again /mu/.

Voting to decide the winner of the 2012 Golden Potatoes is now open.

The full list of finalists can be found here

The voting form is here.

Voting is open until 23:59 US-EST on 1-Feb (next Friday).
The winners will be announced from 18:00 on 2-Feb (next Saturday).
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Bumping with the first lot of statistics.
This shows vote and nominee totals from each album genre.

Votes does not mean "voters", as people were allowed to nominate up to 10 artists each.

V/N is average votes per nominee.
Rustie I didn't vote for you sorry
Do I have to pick a best new artist? I dont listen to any of them
That's okay, if I won there would be chaos and accusations of cheating.
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Cool. I tried to go back to that front page figuring it would tell me but it wasnt an option. I dont even think Ive listened to a release from 2012 but w/e
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Check that, I guess God's Father did come out this year.
Heh. Yea this website is terrible. I went to their help forum, and there are like 10 threads asking about "Back" buttons.
>tfw i dont know what to pick for punk
Oh well, it works decently enough and Im sure people really appreciate your efforts. Most of the pols didnt apply to me, but thanks for the opportunity to vote in the few that did!
>tfw you pick someone because they're the only one you've heard of in that category
I thought joyce manor was last year
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>pop and twing twangs
He climbs the /mu/ awards...
he shoots... he scores!
>EDM and Brostep influening Top-40 pop
haha oh wow
yes, and thats why theyre for Punk AOTY 2012
I meant 2011
>no big_luigi_fan
dropped harder than mbv
yeah hes easily the worst trip
Nope, according to what.cd it was 2012.
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When you go to vote, think of the owls. Think of those adorable, fuzzy owls. And you'll know then what the correct choice will be.
Thanks for sharing your opinion on the 4chan music board.
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>>32318802 (OP)

Am I cool if I know maybe 5% of the people in this contest?

Am I cooler if I voted anyway?
Gotchya! ;)!
they released it in January
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>best /mu/sician
>Palette Town
>no Patron Saint of Bridge Burners
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Yup, the person who's listened to owls the most of course.
He's too recent. But he was very close. He was in wild-card contention, but I went with cunty because of how paralysingly awful he made summer.
who's still going to care about 2012 anymore in february?
shit i'm usually tired of hearing about it by the begining of january
mendicant is it legal to own an owl as a pet also are they good pets
>>32320361 here

also: no I Fink u Freeky or Fatty Boom Boom in the best video category?
>no cutest trip
Gotchya! ;)
>>32320440 here again

also: no "i don't like anyone who uses a trip" option?
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Because Die Antwoord don't pay a massive street team to spam /mu/.
Please vote for Lil B.
The Based Army have threatened my family.
What a shitty poll. I can't even vote for any of the choices in good conscience.
>not a$ap rocky
how does it feel to be pleb

Yeah, I don't listen to any of this music either.
What do you listen to?
Must have been task force vigilantes. Making threats is typically isn't based.
inb4 Linkin Park & Metallica
that felt like a waste of time
Do I have to redo this since you went back and forth on the survey, or am I good?
If you did the first one with single votes, you're good.
If you only did the ranking one, you're not good.
>>32318802 (OP)
>AOTY: Experimental Rock
>Centipede Hz
>AOTY: Indie Rock
>Centipede Hz

Centipede Hz is in like every category, even though it was shite
Even if he was good he has no business being in the running because he didn't put out an album in 2012.
welcome to the /mu/ hype-train
k I'm good

Rustie if I want to ask you something in private, how do I do that?
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Shit. Pic related.
Haven't been to /mu/ in over 3 years, look on that list and don't The Sword's Apocryphon anywhere. Goodbye again /mu/.
I typed out all the subgenres and general genres that I thought should be included at the end of the first thread last night/this morning.

They are gone now, so ima repeat the elimination idea.

General genres: 6.
Subgenres per general genre: 3. 5 nominees per subgenre.
Top two of each subgenre goes to their respective general genre giving you a total of 6 nominees for each general genre award.

This only includes album awards. Best artist/track will not get subgenre credit, only at the general round.

Best voted of the general genres goes to the album of year round, an option for each general genre, equal representation. Same for best artist/track.

Final round of voting would then only include album of the year, track of the year, artists of the year, and all those other awards that don't really mean anything (like best/worst tripfag)

Fatigue is avoided by not overwhelming people with options on a single award day. Spreading it out and giving people more time to vote.

This is also much easier to control.
yea same, I only have an opinion on like 10 of these, and half of those were the "worst of" categories
I voted in most of them though probably half of them I just voted so that someone else wouldn't win.
Look it up on rebeccablacktech.

Did you see my reply to your plan?
>"worst of" categories
Heh. Yea, the hilarious thing yesterday was how positive and happy we all got while I was announcing the Worst categories.
Sent to your last.fm
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>Cannibal Ox
>Franz Ferdinand
>Iron & Wine
>The Lonely Island
>Steam Powered Giraffe
11/10 fucking rustled
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>Disliking Cannibal Ox
>still making these threads

Fuck all of you pretentious faggots.
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>Steam Powered Giraffe
well played.
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>These awards
Have you even looked at the nominee list?
Captured Tracks not nominated?
Nope sorry.

>These plebian choices
Choose one.

But I will concede the faggot point.
Nope, it's a waste of my time.

Fuck you too.
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So this is an infor graphic thing of nominations.
Only nominees with 2+ are included, because wordle is down and fuck doing it manually.
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In table form. Greentxt means they've got more Worst than Best.

Death Grips: 22
Animal Collective: 17
Grimes: 13
Flying Lotus/Captain Murphy: 12
Swans: 10
Tame Impala: 8
Frank Ocean: 7
Godspeed You! Black Emperor: 7
Kendrick Lamar: 7
PSY: 6
Crystal Castles: 5
Fiona Apple: 5
Lil B: 5
>Nicki Minaj: 5
Andy Stott: 4
Azealia Banks: 4
Burial: 4
Cloud Nothings: 4
>fun.: 4
>Lana Del Rey: 4
>Muse : 4
Sigur Rós: 4
Spiritualized: 4
Actress: 3
Badbadnotgood: 3
Beach House: 3
Carly Rae Jepsen: 3
El-P: 3
GOOD Music: 3
Grizzly Bear: 3
Japandroids: 3
Killer Mike: 3
Kishi Bashi: 3
Laurel Halo : 3
Mount Eerie: 3
Niechęć: 3
Purity Ring: 3
>The xx: 3
Ty Segall Band: 3
Aesop Rock: 2
Alt-J: 2
Converge: 2
Dan Deacon: 2
iamamiwhoami: 2
Justin Bieber: 2
Keaton Henson: 2
Lone: 2
Macintosh Plus: 2
Metz: 2
>Mumford & Sons: 2
Passion Pit: 2
Pity Sex: 2
Sambanzo: 2
Scuba: 2
St Vincent: 2
Taylor Swift: 2
The Antlers: 2
The Flaming Lips: 2
The Weeknd: 2
Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin: 2
Trust: 2
pls respond

Your reply was like:

"oh no fatigue"


"I don't get this, this isn't break"

Seriosuly man, you're already using a multi-stage voting process, why is this such a bad idea?

Funny enough, I got all of that stuff from you guys.
Fatigue is a real issue, but if you method is also two-stage then that's not a problem. But from my understanding you've got three or four (nominations, subgenre phase, genre phase, overall phase). Correct that if it's wrong.

From your explanation, where is the open suggestions round? How do you pick the five artists per subgenre? If its by panel or individual, get ready for a shitstorm.

Genres and sub-genres don't form a neat, even hierarchy; there are far more rock and electronic subgenres with solid followings than hip hop, even though on /mu/ hip hop is more popular overall. It is absolutely impossible to divide electronic, and next to impossible to divide rock into three groups that don't a) push together things that sound noting alike, and b) piss a lot of people off. How well received would a Punk/Hard Rock, or a Post/Prog/Metal subgenre be?

Then there's the issue of scale; 6 genreal genres, plus 18 subgenres and you're up to 24. Trust me when I say even 19 is too many.I realise the subs drop-off in the second round, but it's still part of the process.

My largest problem though, is the way sub-genres feed into the over-all genres; it's gerrymandering. Take rock; this year, the top 5 for the genre overall would be three indies and two metal, but with a 2-2-2 system, you'd have artists from the far less popular subgenres pushing out runners up from the more popular ones.

I'm not trying to attack your idea or anything, I've toyed with having subgenre and genre awards before, but chose not to. I'm just picking holes in your idea because one needs to be ruthlessly critical of any system to find its flaws. If you don't the voters and readers find them for you when it's too late to fix them.
>Disliking mewithoutYou
Things no one has the balls to say:

Quiz > Rustie
CLT > Hampus
>Quiz > Rustie
Quiz says this all the time.
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>Quiz > Rustie
I was going to start a collage on what.cd

should I do one for all nominations or all winners?
tbh I think all nominations might be a bit excessive, I haven't counted exactly, but it's in the region of 190 albums once double ups are removed.
lel what's going on in here?
the problem with just the winners would be that it is going to as bland as any other album of the year collage
i might do a nominations then edit it to highlight the winners or something
210 total, 195 once you delete repeats.
All the Genreal AOTY nominees are in genres
Or add another for winners. May pay to split the nominees into two or three groups.

I've used Electronic-Hiphop, Pop-Rock, Other.
Or Electronic, Hiphop-Pop, Rock, Other.
If you make a collage of all the nominations the number of bland albums will quintuple.
I still wanna know when I've ever said this >>32322619, Rustie.
maybe i should just do one for lesser knowns?
>Chief Keef - I Don't Like nominated for worst track
Not even kidding, one of the best songs of 2012. Not an intellectual piece of music by any means, but something about the harsh minimalism to the lyrics and the beat make it one of the best Trap Rap singles in a long long time.
Probably never, it sounds like a good riposte.
Obviously not everyone shares that opinion.
I'd point out that divisive artists to the point of best-worst nomination doubles are a tradition here.
I don't actually know you besides from the /mu/ awards. Do you have a last.fm?
is https://what.cd/torrents.php?id=72204846 the radio wire empire from /mu/? i am going to add all of the /mu/sicians first i suppose
Oh look what's on what: https://ssl.what.cd/torrents.php?id=72399568
i dont trust it

if anyone wants to critique

Vote for Dark Cloak guys.
> Toe is in EPOTY

>0, 0, 0

Put your trip back on Summer
I'm not Summer

I voted for him anyway
It's seeding.
The selected electronic music singles are ass, not to say that I don't like them, but those are all electronica. Then again I'm on /mu/.

>no Baauer - Harlem Shake
>no Blawan - Why They Hide Their Bodies Under My Garage?
>no Andres - New For U (a bit obscure if you don't visit RA, but still)
>no John Talabot - So Will Be Now... feat. Pional
>no Jacques Greene - Ready

Just to name a few, but especially the Baauer, Blawan and John Talabot singles. Those tracks were huge this year.
>no cbat
Chief Keef - I Don't Like was my track of the year tbh
I think the problem was that because TOTY covered huge genres, the lesser know stuff got pushed out.

All of these artists except Baaur and Andres made the albums lists where the categories were narrower.

(Also, people who want fewer categories, READ THAT POST)
That didn't come out in >2012, although I love that EP and that song.
yeah i thought it was a late 2011 song but i looked it up

Not quite the same for me but
Sad that some people can't seem to appreciate it at least.

In short, in the future, there should be an electronica and an EDM TOTY.
But I see it all now. Why is EDM obscure to begin with? I keep up with EDM, and the indiesphere. I thought they met somewhere?
Why is Lone in House and not Breaks?
I'm not going to stop nagging until I'm done voting btw.
the problem is you let everyone vote then the popular stuff will rise and it becomes like the mtv music awards. on the other end if you take away the average /mu/ poster's vote then it becomes the "whoever is running the polls best of 2012 awards" and who gives a shit about that?
If I divided it that way, many would accuse me of overlap. Electronica is a term I try to avoid using.

When it comes to the (real) electronic music /mu/ is into, Burial, Dan Deacon, FlyLo, Actress, Andy Stott, and TNGHT is a pretty accurate summary.
>"whoever is running the polls best of 2012 awards" and who gives a shit about that?
Look, if you pick "experts" for every genre who discuss their opinions about a year, the outcome might actually have some merit. The way we're doing it now, it's a best of /mu/. Which is a whole different thing and both could coexist.
No it's fine, it's a shame you didn't ask yesterday. In all honesty, he belongs in Techno, but got the most votes in House...
Electronica isn't a genre is it?

that baauer song is awful thou
Do coexist, acually. The b&b group did vote on their best of 2012.
It is a process that I think is getting better every year.

Im pleased with the nominations. I dont really care who wins tbh
What you're talking about is something fundamentally different to what I'm doing.

If anyone does do it though, sign me up to advise on the indie and some of the electronic releases.

The Critics Choice and the MTV awards exist in the same world, so a Patrician's Choice Awards could work along with the /mu/ Awards
like im putting this collage together right now and i genuinely think the choices reflect well upon the community. it looks alot better than any other /mu/ chart or colalge i have seen associated with this board
Please. No. Let's not do this again.
>What you're talking about is something fundamentally different to what I'm doing.
Yeah I know. I'd just love to see that.
everyone vote for me for best /mu/sicoam and best tripfag

and ill drop AVC early B~)

I think seeing it visually represented at once would help. It would make a few disappointing (Grimes, GOOD Music, AnCO) choices and the few controversial ones (Kashiwa Daisuke, Converge, Lone) dissipate into the mass.
>Most Innovative artist
>Macintosh Plus
>le masta trole 2012

/mu/ trolled itself
I like all of those artists, but TNGHT is the only thing that's really EDM out of all of those. The rest is headphone music, which I love and adore and listen to lots, but it's not an accurate representation of Electronic music as a whole. I like to shake my ass too. I'm sure there are others like me.

Not quite Techno, not on this album anyway. He's going for a Breakbeat Revival theme on that album.

Sorry for using that dirty word.
I don't want to get into a debate, but there's a difference between headphone music and EDM. I just wish both were represented on the poll.
>implying AVC can touch Culture Drone
>I'd just love to see that.
That's a dangerous path. That's what I thought three years ago when I reflected on whether /mu/ would make better choices than the Grammys.

its a different style completely

joke vaporwave album turned into a fun plunderphonics project
Harlem Shake is a banger and you know it.

its a decent club banger but it loses interest after the 3rd listen
IDM/EDM was a split I considered for a while, but a two-way cut of electronic is hard to finesse.

EDM is about leaving the house, going to a club, and having an ass shaking good time... See where the problem is here?
You're a massive faggot who cannot in2 fun and getting stoopid then.
I love Trap personally, and that song is THE essential Trap song.

file:import -> search:(insert 80's song here) -> track:match tempo -> cut -> loop -> effects:tremolo -> effects:reverb -> ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v-> track:fade out -> export

>I love Trap personally, and that song is THE essential Trap song.

/mu/ as a whole won't. Hivemind never works on quality, see: top 40.

Please don't. There's more than enough EDM aimed at home listening.
>EDM is about leaving the house, going to a club, and having an ass shaking good time... See where the problem is here?

Part of it is the rave culture is still so dominant here in the US, and that keeps people away from good EDM. Once brostep dies out, the rave scene (which is basically a parody of itself at this point) will go with it, or at least change into something else. I'm thinking, and praying allah, that Trap is the savior of the American EDM scene.
If you disagree then show me another track that you think was bigger for Trap this year. Also, why do you hate that song so much?

I'm not challenging your opinion btw, just wondering is all.
Part of me is glad I don't live in the states.

Although to be honest, other than a few bars who get into a wider range of stuff, and a couple of shitty rave nights, Auckland's scene is ALL about electro remixes of RnB pop hits.

Which is fine actually because when you're drunk David Guetta and Rihanna suddenly seem good like ideas.
not sure if i should add the top 40 albums to the collage...
You should.
>Which is fine actually because when you're drunk David Guetta and Rihanna suddenly seem good like ideas.

>that feel

i don't hate the song. it's just not impressive.

and here. this was a no brainer.

I don't care what people think, Red, Believe, and Up All Night are pitch-perfect modern pop records.
agreed, but im not adding worst album category
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is anybody gonna voter for punk as angel haze??
they were on /mu/?
i actually really liked that album
No, that would make us look bad.
Plus who actually wants to listen to bad music?

It varies from place to place. Where I live, for example, you can only keep owls if you're using them for falconry. You need years of training to acquire a falconry license. It's a big deal! And they're not even pets in the traditional sense. You have to help them hunt and all that.
That was exactly the song I thought you'd post, love the shit out of it.
And I would say that Harlem Shake is very impressive, at least for me. For dancing anyway, it's fucking amazing. It'll kill a dancefloor.

Any other Trap you like?
I can't be bothered emailing you, but under AOTY: Experimental Rock, the White Suns album is Sinews, not Sinew.
Fixed. Thanks.
I prefer Dum Dum.

>that fucking Hud Mo set at Melt! last year

i don't fuck with trap because the minute it blew up people were already doing it all wrong

making brostep tracks with 808's and dutch synths is in no way shape or form "trap"

even the lex copycats can't even make an 808 hit hard, all the know how to do is snare roll

honestly only hudmo and rustie do the whole instrumental trap thing interestingly

this song right here is an example of thinking outside the box and doing it right at the same time.

>that name stealing Scottish hack
>doing anything good
Never. I will never admit this.
nice trips

Is this trap?

you honestly don't like rustie? his music is sugercoated to the maximum but it's unique

no that's aquacrunk/street bass
hey guys


is this trap?
I didn't like Glass Swords, and I've never tried any thing more.
Yeah, the scene here sucks even though there's so much potential to it. It's a hangover from Metalcore, tbh.

Trap is so American and awesome, and it still uses the drop so it could totally take over. And here's a Trap track produced by some Brostep producers that's actually really fucking great: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MetXCD3GRDg

Anyway, I would probably still enjoy Auckland's scene though, sadly. I live north of Atlanta, and it's similar, and the best we've got. The rest is generic rave culture. Wake the fuck up Atlanta. You're so fucking awesome, with so much to contribute to music if you embraced local trends like Trap Rap and ran with it in more than one niche.

this is like the 6th song ive heard the uses the exact same pitched lead

no originality lmao
~70 albums to go.
There's always http://collegehill.bandcamp.com/track/mixtape-mastermind-trap-mix
Nah that's just future garage

Speaking of... What happened to future garage this year? It was al the rage in 2011...
I think maybe me too, they're side by side. Both dope as fuq.

Even if the brostep scene just makes it their own, I'm just glad it's not moombahcore or brostep.
sage for tripfag circlejerk

More like 2009. Maybes EP is the pinnacle of future garage.

moombah lived and died with one track

it was probably the worst thing ever. might as well download reggaeton instrumentals.


everything is just lumped into UK bass nowadays anyways

future garage still exists
>his is like the 6th song ive heard the uses the exact same pitched lead
I hated the lead as well, and the stupid guitar part, but once that's over with, the track gets pretty good.
It may have been better in '09, but it exploded in '11.

Also everyone knows Hyph Mngo is the best.

great track, but the things joy o is doing nowadays especially with boddika is a lot more insteresting IMO
>half-decent discussion about the state of EDM and electro
>tripfags present
Moombah sucked, agreed.

Sorry that I'm tripping, I usually post on /sp/ and forgot to drop the trip. Now that I'm having conversations with the trip on there's no point. I've made a lot of big contributions here but I don't trip here regularly because tripping on /mu/ sucks.

UK Bass happened.
>Also everyone knows Hyph Mngo is the best
Hyph Mngo, to me, was the first UK Bass release and still the best one. I could go on about that track.
>UK Bass happened.
Honestly I have difficulty reading where the difference between future-garage, post-dubstep, and UK Bass are...

I need to study up on this shit more.

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