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  • File : 1270917274.jpg-(1.66 MB, 1774x3600, anime3.jpg)
    1.66 MB Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)12:34 No.8771694  
    Hello /mu/, [a/non here.

    Over at [a/ we have recommendation charts.
    Does /mu/ have recommendation charts? I would like see them, regardless the genres.

    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)12:36 No.8771718
    We have quite a few.

    Sadly, I did not save any of them.

    Maybe someone nice will come along and them.
    >> cocaine !dGDxfbKuOA 04/10/10(Sat)12:36 No.8771723
         File1270917417.jpg-(213 KB, 500x667, 1270854873817.jpg)
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    Holo time?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)12:37 No.8771735
    >> Untitled !ozOtJW9BFA 04/10/10(Sat)12:38 No.8771739

    And lol, there are no essential animes.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)12:38 No.8771752
    >come along and them.

    i accidently come along and them
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)12:38 No.8771753
         File1270917530.gif-(2.88 MB, 2224x3964, Reccomended albums.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)12:38 No.8771756
    I did not know this existed.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)12:39 No.8771769

    have a good DL then.
    >> The Crimson Pancake 04/10/10(Sat)12:40 No.8771773
    File deleted.
    >No Saikano
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)12:40 No.8771775
    >Princess Tutu
    Sounds a little gay.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)12:41 No.8771785
    Stop posting this already, way better genre specific charts exist.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)12:41 No.8771787
         File1270917706.jpg-(65 KB, 1280x720, korbo.jpg)
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    Her name is Korbo.
    The manga is far superior.

    Also, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)12:42 No.8771793
    Learn, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)12:43 No.8771800
    >No Yakitate Japan
    The only anime I can honestly say I enjoyed.
    >> cocaine !dGDxfbKuOA 04/10/10(Sat)12:43 No.8771801
         File1270917790.png-(2.69 MB, 1280x1787, 1270858608721.png)
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    Oh u
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)12:43 No.8771807
    /r/ing essential whalecore
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)12:43 No.8771808
    learn yourself you unfriendly person.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)12:44 No.8771816
    Stop watching such shit.
    >> Scanner !!SZaCVWudwRR 04/10/10(Sat)12:45 No.8771826
    A Storm of Light - And We Wept the Black Ocean Within
    Ahab - The Call of the Wretched Sea
    Gojira - From Mars to Sirius
    Mastodon - Leviathan
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)12:48 No.8771845
    No Akira? I don't understand.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)12:52 No.8771888
         File1270918355.jpg-(709 KB, 1108x4321, 1270511522557.jpg)
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    Holy shit [a/, thanks I will check some of those animes out

    Here ya go, some essential post-rock.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)12:57 No.8771933
    It's entry-level stuff, along with Evangelion.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)13:00 No.8771970
         File1270918814.jpg-(948 KB, 1460x2350, anime2.jpg)
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    We have many charts, they all differ a little.
    This one has akira.
    Thanks, I needed one like this. I always liked GB!YE a lot.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)13:02 No.8771996
    Do you know what entry-level means? It's not necessarily bad. And the person who made this >>8771694 list, clearly has no taste.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)13:04 No.8772036
    i think he meant it's so entry level, everyone has already probably seen it or at least aware of it and doesn't need to be in any chart.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)13:07 No.8772072
         File1270919236.jpg-(28 KB, 389x388, 1269238612959.jpg)
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    >no Shin-Chan
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)13:08 No.8772090
    Except the people who are entry-level and try to get started using charts.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)13:15 No.8772181
         File1270919758.jpg-(13 KB, 350x350, 1269233506311.jpg)
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    Jesus Christ, OP. Can't these lists be shortened down to Cowboy Bebop, FLCL and Paranoia Agent?

    You guys really like FMA? Srsly?
    >> Eritrea !fjanFBodMg 04/10/10(Sat)13:18 No.8772222
         File1270919930.jpg-(13 KB, 163x161, REACTIONDISAPPOINT.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)13:20 No.8772255
    Yes, we do, but FMA should be replaced with FMA: Brotherhood.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)13:21 No.8772264
    What the fuck is this shit
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)13:24 No.8772308

    What the fuck. It is like I made that list, barring a few I'd remove/add. Sweet Jesus, get the fuck out of my head.
    >> Upular !zYWrhqMVos 04/10/10(Sat)13:27 No.8772369
    Why isn't Pokémon on your list OP?
    >> The Mind's Eye !yhOJUt8IRU 04/10/10(Sat)13:34 No.8772483
    OP your list needs more Romance animes.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)13:36 No.8772507
    OP's list is lacking Bobobo-Bobo-Bobo
    >> TeamRocket !!bWRpQLLreMn 04/10/10(Sat)14:15 No.8773210

    FMA is great, dumbass, and essential as fuck
    >> P! !!lgetBgbO438 04/10/10(Sat)14:16 No.8773230
    It had a good story but it could have been better. Also now that they are making like a dozen off shoots of it makes me like it even less
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)14:18 No.8773259
         File1270923490.jpg-(638 KB, 1100x1300, essential synthpop.jpg)
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    essential genre lists here

    and the pic related is essential synthpop
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)14:20 No.8773290

    needs Angst in My Pants or Gratuitous Sax by Sparks

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