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  • File : 1264376882.jpg-(249 KB, 720x960, SNSD_chibi.jpg)
    249 KB Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)18:48 No.7205516  
    Why is South Korea so shitty?

    They're Christian, Asian, xenophobe, conservative, effeminate, they eat smelly fermenting cabbage, and they're jealous as fuck of Japan.
    They claim to have invented Chinese culture. Why? Because they have no culture of their own, they copied everything from China and now they're butthurt as fuck so they claim they invented it.

    Also, SNSD thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)18:49 No.7205532
    >implying kimchi is gross

    that shit is DELICIOUS NIGGA
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)18:49 No.7205546
    It's fucking rotting cabbage.
    What the fuck, man?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)18:53 No.7205607
         File1264377190.jpg-(1.32 MB, 1600x1066, snsd.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)18:54 No.7205640
    have they released a second good song yet?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)18:55 No.7205653
         File1264377309.jpg-(24 KB, 300x400, 1258134878338.jpg)
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    Sunny tiem
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)18:55 No.7205658
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)18:55 No.7205677

    Boyfriend is good.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)18:56 No.7205689
         File1264377414.jpg-(391 KB, 580x773, 1258159498460.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)18:57 No.7205703
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    >> LÉ DISKO !!NfjlKga5icU 01/24/10(Sun)18:58 No.7205718
    sexy pix plz
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)18:58 No.7205726
         File1264377522.jpg-(41 KB, 500x752, 1262552556771.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:00 No.7205753
         File1264377610.jpg-(336 KB, 700x1046, 1263437101681.jpg)
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    Taeyeon tiem
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:01 No.7205784
         File1264377700.jpg-(134 KB, 470x666, 1258138901922.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:02 No.7205808
         File1264377765.jpg-(26 KB, 397x505, 1258697443399.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:03 No.7205833
    Quit wasting time with the jacking off and post more.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:03 No.7205839
         File1264377837.jpg-(49 KB, 604x453, 1263340699223.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:04 No.7205841
    How do I tell them apart?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:04 No.7205862
         File1264377898.jpg-(91 KB, 400x600, 507.jpg)
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    Jessica tiem
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:05 No.7205868
         File1264377918.gif-(1.06 MB, 320x176, 2wddqwj.gif)
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    New album coming out THIS WEEK HOLY-
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:05 No.7205870

    arr rook same?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:05 No.7205873
    taeyeon is my wife
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:05 No.7205881
         File1264377948.jpg-(225 KB, 1600x1066, named.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:06 No.7205884
    that hair is awful
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:06 No.7205893
         File1264377997.jpg-(235 KB, 1280x800, C1134_1280x800.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:06 No.7205897
    Even then it's hard to distinguish them. They look different by changing hairstyles.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:07 No.7205905
         File1264378023.jpg-(805 KB, 949x707, 1264293146726.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:07 No.7205917
    I'm waiting for Milk and kpopfag to show up.
    >> P !!H6JUIHMHAH8 01/24/10(Sun)19:07 No.7205921
         File1264378071.jpg-(135 KB, 500x753, 091210goldendisksosisi0.jpg)
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    Are we dumpaan?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:08 No.7205929
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:08 No.7205933
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:09 No.7205944
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    and liongrate
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:10 No.7205964
         File1264378208.jpg-(194 KB, 700x910, Taeyeon - 317.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:10 No.7205976
         File1264378246.jpg-(128 KB, 300x310, Taeyeon - 938.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:11 No.7205988
         File1264378290.jpg-(119 KB, 389x408, Taeyeon - 1021.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:12 No.7206005
         File1264378342.jpg-(36 KB, 500x333, Taeyeon - 1194.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:12 No.7206006
         File1264378372.jpg-(67 KB, 272x384, a2ra.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:13 No.7206009


    they're no gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:14 No.7206019
         File1264378441.jpg-(226 KB, 800x435, Tiffany - 1214.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:14 No.7206027
    Nothing is gee gee gee gee baby baby baby, except for
    they're no gee gee gee gee baby baby baby.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:15 No.7206041
         File1264378517.jpg-(886 KB, 1600x1200, 1258593368275.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:15 No.7206051
         File1264378550.jpg-(69 KB, 530x353, 1258136970511.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:16 No.7206074
         File1264378607.jpg-(16 KB, 200x200, 1258137694343.jpg)
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    nobody cares about me
    >> LÉ DISKO !!NfjlKga5icU 01/24/10(Sun)19:17 No.7206084
    sica dump plz
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:17 No.7206085
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:17 No.7206096
    >implying real people care about any part of Asia to see a minor difference
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:18 No.7206105
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:18 No.7206109
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:18 No.7206124

    but gee gee gee gee baby baby baby was like 10/10

    everything else is 6/10

    it's not fair
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:19 No.7206133
         File1264378765.png-(607 KB, 566x762, 1258700181765.png)
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    >> P !!H6JUIHMHAH8 01/24/10(Sun)19:19 No.7206136
         File1264378784.jpg-(73 KB, 650x650, 1261914845986.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:20 No.7206146
    I concur, fuck kimchis.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:21 No.7206176
         File1264378881.jpg-(193 KB, 600x665, 1263242996259.jpg)
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    >> LÉ DISKO !!NfjlKga5icU 01/24/10(Sun)19:22 No.7206205
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:22 No.7206214
         File1264378979.jpg-(30 KB, 378x490, why.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:23 No.7206229
    torrent plz
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:23 No.7206231
         File1264379033.jpg-(89 KB, 536x599, 1258146706711.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:24 No.7206244
         File1264379093.jpg-(163 KB, 630x839, 1258595402846.jpg)
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    one day
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:25 No.7206252
    No, now.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:25 No.7206254
         File1264379130.jpg-(49 KB, 441x408, 1264282820724.jpg)
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    >> The Mind's Eye !yhOJUt8IRU 01/24/10(Sun)19:25 No.7206264
    That's the single. New album comes out next month.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:27 No.7206295
         File1264379240.jpg-(589 KB, 700x1046, 1263244930096.jpg)
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    no later
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:27 No.7206296

    LOL !
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:27 No.7206306

    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:28 No.7206310
    No, now ;_;
    Why must you do this?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:28 No.7206315
         File1264379290.jpg-(287 KB, 680x490, 1258147850162.jpg)
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    sup minds eye
    >> P !!H6JUIHMHAH8 01/24/10(Sun)19:28 No.7206321
         File1264379308.jpg-(46 KB, 500x372, sooyoung.jpg)
    46 KB
    Hold the fuck up. I call dibs
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:29 No.7206344
         File1264379360.jpg-(46 KB, 396x395, 1262551634178.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:30 No.7206376
    c'mon don't be selfish
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:30 No.7206382
         File1264379449.gif-(1.06 MB, 200x150, 1258215563190.gif)
    1.06 MB
    anim00ted and bye bye /mu/.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:33 No.7206449
    >They're Christian, Asian, xenophobe, conservative, effeminate, they eat smelly fermenting cabbage, and they're jealous as fuck of Japan.

    For you to acquire this knowledge, you must either be South Korean, or have lived in South Korea for a couple years.

    As a American born South Korean myself. I give all respect where it is due. Where South Korea has grown economy, they completely lack any sense of society or culture as a whole. They are literally a bunch of superficial conceded fucks who have no direction in a social sense.

    The only thing I would disagree with OP is the kimchi part. Kimchi is only misunderstood in western culture, but is no weirder than eating a pickle. We needed to ferment foods to make them last the year back when Korea was in the dumps. Now it's a traditional food heralded by all of eastern Asia.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:38 No.7206538

    either that, or he copy-pasted the sentence from the intro to the Korea article on wikipedia
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:39 No.7206561
    You know, most Korean Americans I've met hate native Koreans. But I've heard you guys are treated like gods by the female population over there.

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