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    Major server overhaul complete—site should be significantly faster now.
    Spam is also still a big issue. That'll be dealt with late next week.

    File : 1263095574.jpg-(206 KB, 1024x768, My Life.jpg)
    206 KB Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)22:52 No.6928971  
    it's this time, /mu/
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)22:54 No.6928999
    >Music: PITCHFORK
    >> Kalimera Hypnos !!SmwPhVOqn7q 01/09/10(Sat)22:54 No.6929002
    Just bread? :S
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)22:54 No.6929003
         File1263095697.png-(514 KB, 1024x780, me_detail.png)
    514 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)22:56 No.6929033
    >> cockbreeder !!Wsbuh4yNRGC 01/09/10(Sat)22:57 No.6929041
         File1263095826.jpg-(4 KB, 263x221, fop-25-Mister_Kingdom-3.jpg)
    4 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)22:57 No.6929049
         File1263095851.png-(56 KB, 1024x768, mu.png)
    56 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)22:58 No.6929058
    Big Black - Songs About Fucking
    >> SELF-AWARE ALTBRO 01/09/10(Sat)22:58 No.6929062
         File1263095896.jpg-(290 KB, 1024x768, mebeingmeyall.jpg)
    290 KB
    in during hipster
    >> Ghost !ROf1DooMsA 01/09/10(Sat)22:58 No.6929071
         File1263095906.jpg-(350 KB, 1024x768, Ghost.jpg)
    350 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)22:59 No.6929087
    what's the top middle album in that 3x3?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)22:59 No.6929092
    inb4 creepy fucker gets posted
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)22:59 No.6929102
    This thread already exists
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:00 No.6929108
         File1263096003.png-(111 KB, 1021x769, Me.png)
    111 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:01 No.6929131
         File1263096075.png-(186 KB, 1024x768, mylifes.png)
    186 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:01 No.6929140

    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:01 No.6929141
    How about you faggots take this shit back to Gaia where it belongs to, eh?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:02 No.6929159
    How about you go fuck yourself eh?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:03 No.6929165
    How's it going son?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:03 No.6929170
         File1263096217.jpg-(48 KB, 767x557, Untitled.jpg)
    48 KB
    i rather not say how long this shit took me
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:04 No.6929190
    >Adagio in G Minor

    I laughed for some reason
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:05 No.6929198
         File1263096301.png-(53 KB, 1024x768, godiamafaggot.png)
    53 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:05 No.6929206
    no one reads this shit, and if by some miracle someone does, they have to be a gigantic faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:05 No.6929207
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:07 No.6929243
    you must be a pretty crazy looking dude irl.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:07 No.6929246
    I read all of them, on every board.
    I also save them all to a folder
    >> Elephant Six !/cpuRGICvs 01/09/10(Sat)23:07 No.6929251
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:07 No.6929261
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:08 No.6929269
    People say I'm "unforgettable"
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:09 No.6929294
    post a template and dump your folder or an archive of those
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:09 No.6929295
    Is that a mohawk?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:09 No.6929303
    i think hes just a chicken
    >> bananas !!FRlmLscY/co 01/09/10(Sat)23:10 No.6929306

    where in virginia? We could eat peanut butter bologna samichess together :3
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:11 No.6929328
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:11 No.6929334
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:11 No.6929338
         File1263096696.png-(37 KB, 1024x768, 1263072192880.png)
    37 KB
    I was just kidding. I'm not that creepy. Here is the template though.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:11 No.6929342
    Boredoms- Vision Creation Newsum
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:12 No.6929345
    not that dude but i think its koushik
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:12 No.6929354
    I would like to be friends with you, but I don't live in California
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:12 No.6929357
         File1263096769.png-(63 KB, 1024x768, mu.png)
    63 KB
    misspelled "buffs"
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:13 No.6929370
         File1263096812.jpg-(22 KB, 428x451, 1263080250317.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:13 No.6929380
    /r/ing template
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:14 No.6929385
    >> samefag 01/09/10(Sat)23:14 No.6929389

    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:14 No.6929391
    No one does ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:15 No.6929409
    williamsburg, you?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:15 No.6929411
    lol are you tiny man?
    >> The PZA !!0PrLFMoIF/P 01/09/10(Sat)23:15 No.6929422
         File1263096948.png-(112 KB, 1024x768, 1262993642947.png)
    112 KB
    this will be me in a few years i predict
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:16 No.6929437
         File1263097000.jpg-(220 KB, 1012x751, mylife.jpg)
    220 KB
    Sup kids. This took me forever.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:20 No.6929510
    fucking lies
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:21 No.6929542
    Bump for great justice!

    You are all so interesting!
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:22 No.6929556
    Well no one here, who would want to be friends with me ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:22 No.6929574

    I'd be friends with you!
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:22 No.6929576
    >If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis."

    FUCK. What movie is that from?!
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:24 No.6929600
    I live near you, I don't like channers though
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:24 No.6929602
    Which one of these is you?

    I ain't being friends with >>6929062
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:24 No.6929607
         File1263097468.png-(68 KB, 1024x768, 1262993642947.png)
    68 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:24 No.6929612
    Fair enough, I'm a pretty weird fuck anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:24 No.6929615
    billy madison
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:25 No.6929620
         File1263097504.jpg-(883 KB, 1024x768, mylifedotjpg.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:25 No.6929629

    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:25 No.6929632

    I'm this kid. >>6929437
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:25 No.6929633
    nice quote
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:27 No.6929653
    Pfff. You're in fucking Canukville.

    I want someone to drink with and watch movies with

    And by watch movies I mean watch American movies switched to French audio and English subtitles, for extra quality.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:28 No.6929668

    I love this idea.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:29 No.6929707
         File1263097796.png-(66 KB, 1024x768, EHEH.png)
    66 KB
    >> Annie Ony Mouse !!0Zr7zvC20/j 01/09/10(Sat)23:30 No.6929724
    Please tell me you dig girls.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:32 No.6929752

    good guess :P
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:32 No.6929755
         File1263097953.jpg-(88 KB, 429x410, 1260579166977.jpg)
    88 KB
    I don't care for your type.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:33 No.6929774

    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:34 No.6929782
         File1263098041.jpg-(92 KB, 1024x768, mylife.jpg)
    92 KB
    There we go.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:34 No.6929784
         File1263098053.jpg-(42 KB, 300x300, 1261443958716.jpg)
    42 KB
    What if one day there was a pot weevil that ate up all the pot?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:34 No.6929797
         File1263098094.png-(133 KB, 1024x768, mylife.png)
    133 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:35 No.6929801
         File1263098100.png-(53 KB, 1024x768, 1263072192880.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:35 No.6929808
    >>6929108 here
    Shame you're in Paris, we could kick cats together.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:35 No.6929809
    what's a weevil O.o
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:36 No.6929819
         File1263098163.png-(59 KB, 1024x768, 1263006620896.png)
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    >> Elephant Six !/cpuRGICvs 01/09/10(Sat)23:36 No.6929830
         File1263098193.jpg-(200 KB, 1024x768, meee.jpg)
    200 KB
    Flannels are fucking hard to draw.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:37 No.6929851
         File1263098232.jpg-(28 KB, 506x340, boll_weevil_full.jpg)
    28 KB
    It eats things
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:37 No.6929864
         File1263098268.jpg-(94 KB, 1024x768, yourlifemu.jpg)
    94 KB
    thats me
    >> Annie Ony Mouse !!0Zr7zvC20/j 01/09/10(Sat)23:38 No.6929879
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:39 No.6929907
         File1263098374.png-(54 KB, 1024x768, my life.png)
    54 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:40 No.6929922
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:40 No.6929935
    I didnt feel like redoing one, so i used an earlier one.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:41 No.6929945
    You seem like a pretty cool guy
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:42 No.6929959
         File1263098534.jpg-(142 KB, 1024x747, mememem.jpg)
    142 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:42 No.6929962
         File1263098536.jpg-(52 KB, 498x362, durr_hurr_duhh_dog.jpg)
    52 KB
    sorry it was an accident, i was didn't do it on purpose gee
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:43 No.6929978
         File1263098599.png-(40 KB, 1024x768, 1263096696133.png)
    40 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:44 No.6929994

    okay, i am biting: why?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:44 No.6929995
         File1263098656.png-(136 KB, 428x510, 1259041051637.png)
    136 KB
    Cool turtle. How does it keep up?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:46 No.6930038
         File1263098792.jpg-(33 KB, 264x282, smug hipster.jpg)
    33 KB
    >Be a white hipster
    >Mention that you like one hip-hop artist
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:46 No.6930051
    You just remind me of a few people I used to hang out with.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:47 No.6930056
         File1263098835.png-(91 KB, 1024x768, me.png)
    91 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:48 No.6930070
    Aren't threads enough for you faggots to show up?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:48 No.6930077

    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:48 No.6930078

    okay I'll bite again:
    Where are you from?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:48 No.6930088
    i didn't know there was such thing as a "girl" loser.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:49 No.6930095
    Las Vegas
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:49 No.6930102
         File1263098991.png-(42 KB, 1024x768, fellows.png)
    42 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:49 No.6930103
    of course there is..
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:49 No.6930104
         File1263098996.png-(236 KB, 1024x758, 1263072192880.png)
    236 KB
    >> The Hospice !!cx/+avsClJR 01/09/10(Sat)23:50 No.6930113
         File1263099022.png-(108 KB, 1024x768, Let's Talk About You For A Min(...).png)
    108 KB
    >> Yes, I would like some cheese with that whine. !!VKHtgYbiSfh 01/09/10(Sat)23:50 No.6930114
         File1263099027.jpg-(127 KB, 1024x768, Your Life.jpg)
    127 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:51 No.6930131

    that's because you're a male loser.

    i'm a girl loser too ):
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:51 No.6930142
    Hey, I live in Vegas!

    You better hope I never see a fucking lose clown like you walking around because I'll be hard pressed not to kick your ass for being a mongoloid.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:51 No.6930143
    its all okay, were all losers in 4chan, even the hipsters.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:52 No.6930144

    Can we be friends?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:52 No.6930145

    haha, so on another continent, for a moment i was worried that you indeed know me
    >> RidiculousNicholas !cA/IAZlpAU 01/09/10(Sat)23:53 No.6930157
         File1263099186.png-(269 KB, 1024x768, template.png)
    269 KB
    Any exposure is good exposure - I suppose.
    >> Cooltop 01/09/10(Sat)23:54 No.6930173
    Hahhahahahahahahahahha faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:55 No.6930193
    >> Elephant Six !/cpuRGICvs 01/09/10(Sat)23:55 No.6930194

    First of all, I'm not white (I was born in Paraguay). Second of all, I listed two hip-hop artists...
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:55 No.6930195
         File1263099326.jpg-(142 KB, 1024x768, my fucking life.jpg)
    142 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:56 No.6930214
    please keep this thread alive until i finished mine
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:56 No.6930230

    Aye aye, captain!
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:57 No.6930239
    dont you mean dyke?

    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:57 No.6930252
         File1263099442.jpg-(107 KB, 435x435, halpert.jpg)
    107 KB
    >First of all, I'm not white (I was born in Paraguay)
    Still half-white, and definitely not black

    >Second of all, I listed two hip-hop artists...
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:57 No.6930256

    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:57 No.6930257
         File1263099448.jpg-(18 KB, 296x391, 4chanavatar.jpg)
    18 KB

    in case you mean me,internet tough guy - another continent too bad,eh?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:58 No.6930269
         File1263099496.png-(61 KB, 1024x768, 1263096696187.png)
    61 KB
    also cocks
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)23:59 No.6930282
         File1263099543.png-(94 KB, 1030x767, Untitled.png)
    94 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:01 No.6930322
    you look like a complete faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:01 No.6930333
    is how you look like. or dress like.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:02 No.6930340

    Yep. I've been fencing for 12 years now.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:03 No.6930371
         File1263099822.png-(60 KB, 1024x768, 1263006620896.png)
    60 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:04 No.6930380

    drawing not accurate other than I am a person, have glasses and wear a black Suffocation t-shirt on occasion. The hair looks like a scenester's hair, I just realized that too, but it doesn't in real life.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:04 No.6930385
         File1263099861.png-(543 KB, 1024x768, my_life.png)
    543 KB
    retoasting in every thread
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:05 No.6930403
    I look like that irl.
    lol no, i was trying to make it cute
    but i dress like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:05 No.6930404
    okay in that case i take it back.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:06 No.6930417
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:09 No.6930473
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:09 No.6930486
    I hate you:

    I like you:

    You named your file after the first line of the new Los Campesinos! record, so I like you:

    Rudyard Kipling sucks:
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:11 No.6930509
    I bet you're real peaches to hang out with.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:11 No.6930517
    post pics
    you seem hot
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:11 No.6930518
    >>6929437 here


    Why do you hate?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:11 No.6930523
    I like all you guys :)
    >> ghostparty !!wUqYP3GdUzb 01/10/10(Sun)00:12 No.6930530
         File1263100325.jpg-(422 KB, 1069x779, mylife.jpg)
    422 KB
    >> A Circle Of Sugar, A Word Of Forbiddance !raPHJxVphk 01/10/10(Sun)00:12 No.6930531
         File1263100325.jpg-(337 KB, 1024x768, my life.jpg)
    337 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:12 No.6930535
    aw thanks :3
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:12 No.6930538
    Because you play accordion and like BTBAM
    >> A Circle Of Sugar, A Word Of Forbiddance !raPHJxVphk 01/10/10(Sun)00:13 No.6930555
         File1263100398.jpg-(16 KB, 228x302, milibandG270906_228x302.jpg)
    16 KB
    >essentially a good person
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:13 No.6930560
    Everyone thinks I'm funny and also I don't threaten them because I'm fat so yeah, I don't think it would be bad hanging out with me.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:13 No.6930561
    Why you hate mohawk man?

    Is it for my love of D&D?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:13 No.6930562

    Well, thats me.

    What about everyone else?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:14 No.6930570
         File1263100446.png-(42 KB, 615x461, mylifeeh.png)
    42 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:14 No.6930580
    I don't recognize any of your albums other than the ones I've found out about through Los Campesinos!, so I think you are cool.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:15 No.6930591
    >>6930570 here

    >Because you play accordion
    Hey, fuck you buddy.
    >> billoreilly !!MK3H8hXD9yr 01/10/10(Sun)00:15 No.6930600
         File1263100557.png-(62 KB, 1024x768, aboutme.png)
    62 KB
    another tripfag, reporting in
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:16 No.6930603

    Yay! Another player of the accordion.

    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:17 No.6930624

    your life seems okay, so why the quote?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:17 No.6930638
    No, it's because you have a mohawk, and because you like Psychobilly, and because you eat meat, and because you use "geek" "dork" and "spaz" as terms of endearment.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:17 No.6930640
    I'm the only metalfag here. Wtfr /mu/, I am dissapoint. I am also sad because there's 2 girls I miss. But you don't care.
    >> Annie Ony Mouse !!0Zr7zvC20/j 01/10/10(Sun)00:18 No.6930648
         File1263100712.png-(137 KB, 799x598, mlia.png)
    137 KB
    >> ghostparty !!wUqYP3GdUzb 01/10/10(Sun)00:18 No.6930649
    Haa. That's no coincidence.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:18 No.6930653
         File1263100726.jpg-(328 KB, 1280x1024, a14db72d70da75b9f19596dd2696dd(...).jpg)
    328 KB
    Prob officer?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:18 No.6930654
         File1263100727.gif-(441 KB, 112x84, drink.gif)
    441 KB
    Oh, sorry, maybe you should find another way to be unique.
    >> A Circle Of Sugar, A Word Of Forbiddance !raPHJxVphk 01/10/10(Sun)00:19 No.6930658
    >transportation: TARDIS
    >music: prepunk, punk, postpunk

    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:20 No.6930675
    Do you have a jw?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:20 No.6930678
    >>6929437 here


    Idon't play accordion to be different. I play it so I can play some Beirut and Gogol Bordello
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:20 No.6930684
    Am I the only person who enjoys house music that doesn't dress like a douchebag?
    >> A Circle Of Sugar, A Word Of Forbiddance !raPHJxVphk 01/10/10(Sun)00:21 No.6930695
    I hate weaboos
    and I really hate veganism and vegetarianism...
    It's just so unnatural.
    you have fucking canine teeth.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:22 No.6930706
         File1263100921.jpg-(31 KB, 564x301, guitar-army.jpg)
    31 KB
    >implying anyone who plays something other than guitar bass or drums is doing so to be "unique"
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:22 No.6930710
    Factory farming is unnatural too lolo
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:22 No.6930723
         File1263100979.gif-(274 KB, 200x133, you mad.gif)
    274 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:26 No.6930780
         File1263101208.jpg-(146 KB, 1024x768, me.jpg)
    146 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:27 No.6930782
         File1263101226.jpg-(29 KB, 450x300, df596ca00dddfc5e4e3e5af431d535(...).jpg)
    29 KB
    >I hate weaboos
    I just love the cartoons. I don't idolize Japan, bro.

    >you have fucking canine teeth.
    All the better to eat my leafy greens with.

    This five is for you!
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:28 No.6930812
    Thanks. (I'm the guy who asked for pics btw uh i mean)
    >> A Circle Of Sugar, A Word Of Forbiddance !raPHJxVphk 01/10/10(Sun)00:28 No.6930814
    I know, but you can buy local "organic" meat ( I hate how the term organic has been co-opted by the green food movement, when all meat is organic material in a scientific sense). You probably eat factory farmed tofu/broccoli/bread/etc. That's not an excuse not to get a balanced diet.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:32 No.6930875
         File1263101538.jpg-(100 KB, 1024x768, Untitled.jpg)
    100 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:32 No.6930884
    You can have a balanced diet without eating animal products, also being vegan can be more practical than going and buying local meat or whatever, which is also only assuming that your only qualm with eating meat is factory farming.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:34 No.6930906
         File1263101658.jpg-(100 KB, 1024x768, metalhead life.jpg)
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    Here's mine from /v/. It's only slightly different.
    >> ghostparty !!wUqYP3GdUzb 01/10/10(Sun)00:35 No.6930923
    It's pretty sad.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:35 No.6930925
         File1263101742.jpg-(111 KB, 1024x768, Copy of 1263095574668.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:36 No.6930942
         File1263101786.jpg-(94 KB, 1024x768, michael 2.jpg)
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    PS I am the one who hated everybody.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:37 No.6930960
    no wonder you hate everybody.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:45 No.6931077
    your cute, to bad your a total fag.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:45 No.6931094
    are all the pics you've used ones you've taken??
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:48 No.6931137

    .............. ._.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:51 No.6931193
         File1263102673.jpg-(278 KB, 1024x768, meee.jpg)
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    >> ghostparty !!wUqYP3GdUzb 01/10/10(Sun)00:53 No.6931223
    Yes. :|
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:54 No.6931245
         File1263102855.png-(72 KB, 1024x768, 1263006620896.png)
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    i still look like a twat
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:56 No.6931295
         File1263102987.png-(56 KB, 1024x768, mehh.png)
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    hi there ;D
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)00:57 No.6931317
         File1263103067.jpg-(384 KB, 1024x768, Untitled-1.jpg)
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    i have a feeling someones going to know this is me..

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