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    File : 1261537792.jpg-(285 KB, 1024x1024, radioh-kida_04.jpg)
    285 KB Anonymous !lulZyfa9xE 12/22/09(Tue)22:09 No.6599806  
    Alright, faggots, some guy made a /mu/'s recommended music wiki, but I thought it was shit, so I made a new, better one located here:

    I started off a couple sections but I really don't wanna do the whole thing by myself so feel free to add more stuff. If you do edit be sure to keep the same format that's going already and whatnot. We should probably have more categories mainly classical and electronic.

    Pic Unrelated

    BTW I usually rock Anonymous but I'll be using a Trip for the duration of this thread.
    >> Flapjack !p9OoIHSqhc 12/22/09(Tue)22:12 No.6599818
         File1261537925.jpg-(40 KB, 512x384, s70927.jpg)
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    needs more acceptable mainstream
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:12 No.6599819
         File1261537927.jpg-(9 KB, 200x200, DH.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:13 No.6599828
    Hipster-garbage = The Antlers - Hospice
    >> Untitled !ozOtJW9BFA 12/22/09(Tue)22:15 No.6599841
    Looks good so far.
    >> Anonymous !lulZyfa9xE 12/22/09(Tue)22:17 No.6599851

    Added haha.

    Also I know dick about metal so if anyone wants to contribute to that, feel free.
    >> Hipster Shit !hSDoogKFHE 12/22/09(Tue)22:17 No.6599853
    >Hipster Garabe
    >> Hipster Shit !hSDoogKFHE 12/22/09(Tue)22:20 No.6599873
         File1261538456.png-(206 KB, 979x649, Screen shot 2009-12-22 at 7.20(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:21 No.6599876
    Just looks like a collection of overrated rubbish that people force upon themselves because some music critic told them it was good to me.
    >> Thom Yorke !!lr9zKbDBz9y 12/22/09(Tue)22:22 No.6599883
         File1261538571.jpg-(151 KB, 500x500, 875687.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:24 No.6599900


    Add King Crimson, The Beatles, Beach Boys, Pixies, Minutemen, Hüsker Dü, Pink Floyd and more
    >> Anonymous !lulZyfa9xE 12/22/09(Tue)22:25 No.6599903

    >implying that it's difficult to revert back to old editions of pages
    >implying that /mu/ isn't hipster shit
    >> Thom Yorke !!lr9zKbDBz9y 12/22/09(Tue)22:26 No.6599918
    the first 3 black sabbath LP's
    Isis - Oceanic
    Motorhead - The Best Of
    Metallica's first 4 albums
    also everything from Baroness and Judas Priest.

    can't help with death or black metal...
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:29 No.6599935
    Needs a hip-hop section.
    >> Antz !Ed4vyQy3FI 12/22/09(Tue)22:30 No.6599942
    Needs a backpacker section and a classics section.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:31 No.6599946
    Death Metal
    Possessed - Seven Churches
    Death - Human

    Black Metal
    Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane
    Dissection - The Somberlain
    Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
    Windir - 1184
    Celtic Frost - To Mega Therion
    >> Damsel in Distress !3uw6SHrOOM 12/22/09(Tue)22:32 No.6599950

    Nobody cares, Antz.
    >> Anonymous !lulZyfa9xE 12/22/09(Tue)22:32 No.6599951
    Adding hip hop, classical, and electronic sections
    >> Thom Yorke !!lr9zKbDBz9y 12/22/09(Tue)22:32 No.6599954
         File1261539161.jpg-(128 KB, 570x420, 434666.jpg)
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    not a hip-hop fan but yeah it does, also electronic.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:32 No.6599955
    Add Altars of Madness or Blessed are the Sick to Death Metal
    >> Antz !Ed4vyQy3FI 12/22/09(Tue)22:33 No.6599962
    >> Thom Yorke !!lr9zKbDBz9y 12/22/09(Tue)22:33 No.6599966
         File1261539233.jpg-(62 KB, 275x271, Radiohead 4.jpg)
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    <<also this
    >> Damsel in Distress !3uw6SHrOOM 12/22/09(Tue)22:34 No.6599975


    Antz: 1
    Damsel: 0
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:34 No.6599978
    Needs moar Leviathan, Blood Mountain, and Crack the Skye.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:35 No.6599983
    Also needs Aphex Twin.
    >> Antz !Ed4vyQy3FI 12/22/09(Tue)22:38 No.6600003
    The hipster garbage section needs The Moon & Antarctica, Skinny Fists, and Embryonic.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:39 No.6600008
    In addition to Yoshimi and Soft BUlletin
    >> Holden Cawffle !!pBXXCSxaNEw 12/22/09(Tue)22:40 No.6600020
    Adding hardcore and classic punk sections.
    >> Anonymous !lulZyfa9xE 12/22/09(Tue)22:42 No.6600040
    Alright, I added the new categories, with bare lists. We should have different headings for the clasical page instead of "Album" and "Artist" etc. I don't know what it should be though. I think I'm done adding content for tonight, so feel free to add anything and I'll edit in the morning.
    >> Thom Yorke !!lr9zKbDBz9y 12/22/09(Tue)22:42 No.6600041
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    this just might turn out to pretty awesome
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:42 No.6600042
    skramz should be included in hardcore
    >> Antz !Ed4vyQy3FI 12/22/09(Tue)22:45 No.6600060
    Hipster Garbage needs:
    You Forgot It In People
    Slanted & Enchanted
    Black Foilage

    Metal needs:
    Still Life
    Blackwater Park
    Individual Thought Patterns

    I also suggest adding a "Troll" section and including:
    I'm not a fan...But the Kids Like It!!!
    Monoliths & Dimensions
    By Request Only
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:45 No.6600064
    Marilyn Manson's Mechanical Animals albums is acceptable Mainstream.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:46 No.6600074
    needs more brand new
    >> Antz !Ed4vyQy3FI 12/22/09(Tue)22:46 No.6600075
    We need a "classics" section to put things like The Beatles, King Crimson, Pink Floyd etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:47 No.6600085
    Needs an entry-level jazz section.

    What theazz section would include:
    A Kind of Blue, Bitches Brew, Birth of the Cool, A Love Supreme, Time Out, Black Saint and the Sinner Lady, Out to Lunch, Maiden Voyage, Headhunters, Giant Steps, Underground, Black Market, Heavy Weather

    Now Someone make it because I'm too fucking lazy
    >> Eritrea !fjanFBodMg 12/22/09(Tue)22:48 No.6600088
    Hipster Garbage Recommendation: BTBAM - Colors

    Metal Recommendation: Iron Maiden - Powerslave

    Acceptable Mainstream Recommendation: Franz Ferdinand - s/t
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:49 No.6600092
    No Jazz?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:49 No.6600095
    Or at least make a fucking page, and I'll fill it.
    >> MusicPiggy !!1jR8NrF99pM 12/22/09(Tue)22:50 No.6600100
    Am I the only one to notice that you spelled it "Hipster Garabe", OP?
    >> Anonymous !lulZyfa9xE 12/22/09(Tue)22:50 No.6600105

    I'm on it.

    By the way it is a WIKI so anyone can add shit to it instead of just recommending stuff to add.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:51 No.6600111
    Enter The 36 Chambers is needed
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:51 No.6600116
    Welcome to /mu/.
    >> Anonymous !lulZyfa9xE 12/22/09(Tue)22:52 No.6600118

    Jazz and Dad Rock sections added
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:55 No.6600149
    how about a ----Core section,

    Axe to Fall, first on in there.
    >> MusicPiggy !!1jR8NrF99pM 12/22/09(Tue)22:56 No.6600157
    I added "The Devil And God..." to Acceptable Mainstream.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:56 No.6600160
    Now that's music I won't listent to.
    >> Holden Cawffle !!pBXXCSxaNEw 12/22/09(Tue)22:59 No.6600195
    Classic Punk up.
    >> Antz !Ed4vyQy3FI 12/22/09(Tue)23:00 No.6600202
    How do you add more album squares?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:00 No.6600207
    metal needs : Gojira, Mastodon, Meshuggah, Between the Buried and Me, Animals as Leaders, Acid Bath, Cynic and others
    >> Anonymous !lulZyfa9xE 12/22/09(Tue)23:02 No.6600227

    Right click
    -Add rows before or after
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:03 No.6600240
    >The List
    >Miles Davis
    >Miles Davis
    >Miles Davis
    >Miles Davis
    The list could go on
    >> Kalimera Hypnos !!SmwPhVOqn7q 12/22/09(Tue)23:04 No.6600253
    Make a separate category for hipster shit metal, then.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:06 No.6600276
    the site is called "/mu/ approved" there is no other kind of metal
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:06 No.6600286
    if someone wants to fill the picture in for censored colors at the bottom of hipster garabe list, by all means
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:07 No.6600291
         File1261541256.png-(59 KB, 969x839, ai.png)
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    go from these lists
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:08 No.6600309
         File1261541334.jpg-(1.19 MB, 1250x1500, musicroll.jpg)
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    and this
    >> Toast-Punk !!gy2piELvkXj 12/22/09(Tue)23:09 No.6600312
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    needs Unknown Pleasures
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:09 No.6600316
    Hey, I made the shitty one. >: (
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:12 No.6600348
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    How you can have a recommended listening and not have this album up there is beyond me...
    >> Anonymous !lulZyfa9xE 12/22/09(Tue)23:12 No.6600353
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    >> Anonymous !lulZyfa9xE 12/22/09(Tue)23:13 No.6600360

    Because the wiki's been up for about an hour.
    >> MusicPiggy !!1jR8NrF99pM 12/22/09(Tue)23:14 No.6600381
    The Censored Colors picture is all fucked up, OP. I'll leave it to you to fix it: I have no idea how to.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:16 No.6600398
    Over-rated garbage
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:16 No.6600400
    Make a post-rock category nigger
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:18 No.6600408
         File1261541900.jpg-(22 KB, 300x300, lolwhathtefuckareyoudoing.jpg)
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    >Acceptable Mainstream
    >Lady Gaga
    >> Anonymous !lulZyfa9xE 12/22/09(Tue)23:21 No.6600435

    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:22 No.6600455
    I really don't like Radiohead. I'm listening to it right now to give it another chance.

    But I don't know, it just doesn't seem that great to me.
    >> MusicPiggy !!1jR8NrF99pM 12/22/09(Tue)23:23 No.6600466
    Who the FUCK put The Flaming Lips under Hipster Garabe?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:25 No.6600490
    INSERT GENRE-core needs a section
    >> Anonymous !lulZyfa9xE 12/22/09(Tue)23:25 No.6600491
    There's not any other category that it fits into better.
    >> Thom Yorke !!lr9zKbDBz9y 12/22/09(Tue)23:26 No.6600505
    which album, Kid A?
    >> Anonymous !lulZyfa9xE 12/22/09(Tue)23:27 No.6600522
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:28 No.6600523
    Kanye West Needs to be under acceptable mainstream
    >> MusicPiggy !!1jR8NrF99pM 12/22/09(Tue)23:44 No.6600544
    There's a hip-hop section.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:49 No.6600560
    you're not alone, bro
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:52 No.6600575
         File1261543922.jpg-(24 KB, 300x301, Chameleons+-+Strange+Times.jpg)
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    Suggestions for the post-punk category:
    Chameleons - Strange Times
    The Cure - Faith
    The Cure - Pornography
    New Order - Movement
    Bauhaus - In the Flat Field
    Bauhaus - The Sky's Gone Out
    Sisters of Mercy - Floodland
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:53 No.6600583
    If this takes off the categories are gonna get filled with assloads of albums. Gonna make an "Essentials" section where we try to keep it around 10 or so best albums according to /mu/.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:55 No.6600596
    and yes, I mad.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:55 No.6600599
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    this in electronic / acceptable mainstream
    >> C** !Lz7Y82T6Ds 12/22/09(Tue)23:56 No.6600604
    Also, are post-punk revival bands considered to be in the same category as post-punk bands? Cause if so, I have some more suggestions:
    Editors - The Back Room
    White Lies - To Lose My Life...
    Interpol - Turn On the Bright Lights
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:56 No.6600606
    err, well I would if it wasn't LOCKED. douche.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:59 No.6600630
    >Lady Gaga
    >Acceptable Mainstream

    For fuck sake, /mu/.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)00:01 No.6600639
    Have fun, OP. List of /mu/ approved albums.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)00:01 No.6600641
    Thoughts on !!!? I really liked Louden Up Now
    >> MusicPiggy !!1jR8NrF99pM 12/23/09(Wed)00:02 No.6600642
    This needs a progressive section.
    >> MusicPiggy !!1jR8NrF99pM 12/23/09(Wed)00:16 No.6600656
    It's a wiki, edit it if you don't like it.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)00:18 No.6600664

    Agreed. I have just come to the conclusion that they just aren't for everyone, including me. It's rare that an artist or musical act can cross genres and appeal to a large audience. Radiohead is not that kind of act though.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)00:26 No.6600694
    This is actually a pretty solid wiki so far. Good work /mu/!
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)00:27 No.6600701
    >10 or so best albums according to /mu/

    Just call it /mu/core b/c anyone in the general public would barely bother.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)00:32 No.6600728
    attention people copypasta-ing reviews: CITE WHERE IT COMES FROM.

    or better yet just write your own review. I mean really what's the point in putting quotes around something if no one knows wtf you're quoting.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)00:34 No.6600741
    Why are there two punk categories? Seriously. Merge that shit.

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