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12/06/09(Sun)12:07 No.6350662Metal Was: Badass biker music with loud distorted guitars with lyrics about partying, drugs, sex, violence and Satan. Now: Droning 3-chord whining about being misunderstood, picked-on in high-school and about that "pain on the inside" Or:
Cheesy musical masturbation about dragons, vikings, sorcerers and other
Dungeons&Dragons/Lord of the Rings/Boris Vallejo bullshit.
Punk: Was:Crazy
angry anarchist music with fast guitars and lyrics about drugs, kinky
sex, rioting, assassinating authority figures and other cool shit that
offends uptight assholes. Now: Whiny teeny-bopper bullshit about
break-ups, being a loser, being misunderstood by mommy and daddy, and
wanting to be Tony Hawk. Or: Whiny left-wing vegan bullshit sung by
misandrist butt-hurt feminists or pretentious bearded hipster douches
who are talentless enough to be considered D.I.Y. but not too angry so
they don't scare away the emo-fags or the scene-chicks who secretly
used to listen to Avril Lavigne
Bottom-line: Music today sucks |