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  • File : 1260097769.jpg-(63 KB, 450x477, punk.jpg)
    63 KB Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:09 No.6347850  
    I know nothing about Punk music or Metal music.

    Would /mu/ be so kind as to enlighten me?

    Pic related, first image result for Punk.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:10 No.6347855
    1. Black metal is my life
    2. Sex Pistols were the Monkees of punk

    Crash course finished! Yay!
    >> Srgt. Muffin !T2AfkqN24c 12/06/09(Sun)06:10 No.6347859
    listen to the clash and the sex pistols
    the gods of rock well guide you after that.
    >> Srgt. Muffin !T2AfkqN24c 12/06/09(Sun)06:12 No.6347863
    also the stooges
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:12 No.6347866
    Fang - Landshark, where the wild things are
    Dead Kennedys - fresh fruit for rotting vegetables
    Circle Jerks - group sex

    good ol' California hardcore...
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:13 No.6347870
    For Black Metal : Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:13 No.6347872
    forget about metal its crap
    stick with the punk
    >> Srgt. Muffin !T2AfkqN24c 12/06/09(Sun)06:14 No.6347880
    metal is for faggot angsty 12 year old boys who want to be non-conformist and badass, but just fail.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:14 No.6347881
    Listen to Propagandhi, they're like 50% punk, 50% metal.
    >> Srgt. Muffin !T2AfkqN24c 12/06/09(Sun)06:15 No.6347883
    fags. black metal is again for 12 year old cocksuckers.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:15 No.6347885
    Just give the man his recommendations and quit turning this into a punk/metal flame war, you stupid fucking mongoloids
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:16 No.6347888
    I think you're taking this thread and that post in particular, too seriously.
    >> Srgt. Muffin !T2AfkqN24c 12/06/09(Sun)06:17 No.6347891
    I'm not taking anything seriously I'm just saying black metal is for faggots.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:17 No.6347894
    There is no flame war, just one tripfag with schizophrenia. It's pretty fun to watch actually.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:18 No.6347898
    ITT: sweeping generalizations
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:19 No.6347905
    lol the sex pistols are the boy band of punk - totally manufactured by Malcom McClaren... the clash were good though.

    also try Black Flag, Flipper, Fear (more beer only, rest is crap), DRI, MDC, Agnostic Front, many others.
    >> Srgt. Muffin !T2AfkqN24c 12/06/09(Sun)06:19 No.6347907
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    lol, no but really black metal is for faggots, its just common sense.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:20 No.6347910

    Add Poison Idea to that.
    >> Eritrea !fjanFBodMg 12/06/09(Sun)06:21 No.6347919
    OP missed out on a decent punk thread, earlier in the night.
    >> Srgt. Muffin !T2AfkqN24c 12/06/09(Sun)06:21 No.6347920
    sex pistols is entry-level, also anti-flag.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:22 No.6347931
    This one?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:23 No.6347944
    dead kennedys' fresh fruit is much better entry level.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:25 No.6347956
    >totally manufactured by Malcom McClaren

    Have you ever heard about public image limited?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:29 No.6347991
    Yes, I have one of their albums (this is what you want, this is what you get). they are definitely not punk and other than johnny rotten completely unrelated to the sex pistols... so what the fuck is your point? the sex pistols WERE a manufactured (by malcom mcclaren) "punk" band.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:31 No.6348002
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    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:36 No.6348040
    My point is, malcom mclaren made up a band, he wanted to make something between the bay city rollers & the new york dolls, the first incarnation of the band without johnny rotten sounded generic. Malcom made an initial plan and this get fucked up by johnny rotten.
    The sex pistols as we know them are clearly not made by mclaren but by johnny rotten exclusively.
    Malcom just said he was behind everything, if you know little about the sex pistols you know that isn't true.
    What malcom have done since? Nothing... What have donne lydon? A lot.
    So fuck this legend.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:38 No.6348055
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    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:43 No.6348086
    soooo, it was johnny who hired sid because he was such a great bass player? oh, wait, he couldn't even fucking play... there purely for image. look, never mind the bollocks was an entertaining album, but making it out to be some punk fucking landmark is just dumb.

    punk was not originated with the pistols... the Kinks were more punk. seriously. and of course, don't forget the fucking Ramones. or MC5. or Iggy...
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:46 No.6348109
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    >implying Never Mind the Bollocks isn't a landmark record

    hahahaha oh wow. shows what you know.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:48 No.6348124
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    I know I posted this in another punk album recommendation thread earlier, but fuck it. Double Nickels on the Dime is far and away my favorite punk album ever.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:49 No.6348127
    landmark in the same way the sugarhill gang's rappers delight was landmark. sure it was on the radio and I listened to it as a kid (in fucking houston) in the late 70's... but really.

    maybe if you were even alive when that shit came out you'd understand. but you weren't, so stfu.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:50 No.6348132
    uh what. no it was a revolutionary, landmark album.

    you are an idiot, or a really shitty troll
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:50 No.6348134
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    I'm pretty sure you're about 16, so please stop before you embarass yourself further.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:52 No.6348149
    popular != landmark. it wasn't even popular for the music. it was popular because sid was a trainwreck. dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:52 No.6348154
    but it was a landmark, dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:53 No.6348164
    lol assumptions. and dumbasses like you.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:53 No.6348166

    See, this here proves how full of shit you are. Pistols were huge long before Sid joined.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:56 No.6348184
    > the Kinks were more punk. seriously. and of course, don't forget the fucking Ramones. or MC5. or Iggy...
    I consider all of these garage rock or proto-punk if you want, fuck the categories.
    Saying nevermind the bollocks is not a must have with stupid arguments is dumb. This is a must have album. Like it or not is not the problem.

    Sid when he was hired as bassist was good, he was concerned by the band. Johnny hired him because he was a friend, but also because johnny hated paul cook & steve jones.
    Then sid became fucked up by the drugs & by the new york junky rock'n roll fascination he had.
    If you want a list i would recomend for someone who don't know anything about punk/hardcore it would be:

    Bad brains (first two albums).
    Black flag (damaged)
    Cows (Daddy has a tail)
    Minor threat
    The clash (first album).
    The damned
    X-ray spex (germ free adolescent).
    Big black.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:57 No.6348187
    no, not in the way you think. it wasn't about the music at all. never was. it was about style and shit. and sid being a total trainwreck. people didn't take them seriously in a musical sense. even in the 80's it was about sid and that whole retarded "lifestyle". while they existed it was about, "ooh, what crazy shit will they do next?" never about the music.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:58 No.6348190
    You can check out Corrupted for sludge metal, they're a japanese band that sings in spanish
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:58 No.6348198

    0/10 your troll suit is showing
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)06:58 No.6348199
    >essential punk
    >no dead Kennedy or the germs
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)07:00 No.6348213
    Dead kennedys goddaaaammmiittt
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)07:00 No.6348215

    kennedy's are sellouts thats why
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)07:01 No.6348230
    I didn't list "the must have", it was more about showing different faces of punk rock, yeah i forgot the DK (and discharge, shame 69, buzzcocks, etc etc...).
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)07:03 No.6348238

    Buzzcocks are far more important than they're given credit for.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)07:22 No.6348333


    I honestly have no idea why they are so damn popular.

    Ba-ba-bamp-ba ba-ba-ba-bamp-ba I wanna be sedated
    Ba-ba-bamp-ba ba-ba-ba-bamp-ba I wanna be sedated
    Ba-ba-bamp-ba ba-ba-ba-bamp-ba I wanna be sedated
    Ba-ba-bamp-ba ba-ba-ba-bamp-ba I wanna be sedated
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)10:03 No.6349466
    Early sex pistols.not their later sellout crap
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)10:08 No.6349507
    Judging from OP's picture, and the fact that he lumped metal and punk together, I'm not sure he is going to appreciate bands like Fang, Crass and Flipper.
    >> Never Say Goodbye !!QC6yTqlb37b 12/06/09(Sun)10:09 No.6349515
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    >> Fucking Tripcodes 12/06/09(Sun)11:02 No.6349950
    I say we turn this into a punk/metal share thread

    Dangers - Anger
    >Got This Yesterday, Hardcore punk, screaming vocals

    A Wilhelm Scream - Career Suicide
    >Technial Riffs, Appreciable pop-punk

    The Flatliners - Destroy To Create
    >These Guys sold out completely after this but solid ska/punk

    Martyrdod - In Extremis
    >Swedish Thrash/Black metal, you know you want it
    >> Fucking Tripcodes 12/06/09(Sun)11:02 No.6349956
    Sorry here's the flatliners
    >> Les Paul !GnbV4bkq02 12/06/09(Sun)11:04 No.6349964
    Maybe because they were one of the first punk bands ever and was fairly successful commerically?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:07 No.6349995
    Because the whole "acting like brain-dead teenagers so well that almost everyone in the world actually thinks we're idiots" thing is fucking hilarious. Not to mention Ramones' songs are catchy as hell
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:08 No.6350004
    >implying commercial success is a plus
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:11 No.6350030
    Damn right.

    Throw in the Ramones, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:12 No.6350036
    Because they're fun!

    Why do you think Andrew W.K. is successful?
    >> Les Paul !GnbV4bkq02 12/06/09(Sun)11:12 No.6350045
    >implying i implied that
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:14 No.6350057
    Jello Biafra isn't a sell-out. The others are.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:17 No.6350079
    Punk was awesome and then led to hardcore punk and post-punk which is also awesome. Then you got teenage angsty mainstr-emo crap (which evolved from "emo" which was pretty awesome, but that's another story).

    Metal started out decent and then led to like a billion different subgenres, of which the only good one is death.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:17 No.6350084

    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:18 No.6350091


    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:20 No.6350113
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    FUCK YEAR!!!
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:21 No.6350117
    This. East Bay Ray is a cunt.

    Trying to sue Biafra for not letting them use Holiday In Cambodia in a Levi's commercial is pretty much the biggest dickmove he could pull.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:21 No.6350118
    Punk is for those who want to look forward to a world that will probably never exist but struggle and hope for it anyway.

    Metal is for those who want to pretend they live in a magical land with fairies and dragons and ancient evils brought down by knights wearing perfectly shining armor.
    >> Phantasmagoric !dt9c0uWwc2 12/06/09(Sun)11:21 No.6350119
    Thread has reached full troll throttle now.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:23 No.6350130
    Pretty much yeah
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:23 No.6350131
    The essence of metal.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:24 No.6350140
    >> Phantasmagoric !dt9c0uWwc2 12/06/09(Sun)11:24 No.6350142
    >implying punk bands actually do anything other than sing about how fucked up everything is

    At least we burn down churches damnit

    /joke,just in case people think I'm serious
    >> Mr. Bungle is the new standard for Prog 12/06/09(Sun)11:25 No.6350150

    Aw man, I was hoping you were serious. We could totally, y'know...
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:26 No.6350152
    >Implying music can't inspire political activism.
    >Implying bands don't donate to causes they like.
    >Implying you have to bust out the molotovs for every little thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:26 No.6350157
    I lol'd at the third one.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:27 No.6350161
    True, I dislike the dada-like philosophy the punk movement is based on
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:27 No.6350163
    >Metal is for those who want to pretend they live in a magical land with fairies and dragons and ancient evils brought down by knights wearing perfectly shining armor.
    So basically metal is for fa/tg/uys ?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:27 No.6350168
    ITT: Punks vs. Metalheads

    ...It's like the 80s and 90s all over again.


    I'm okay with that, mind you.
    >> Phantasmagoric !dt9c0uWwc2 12/06/09(Sun)11:28 No.6350170
    Start a shitstorm within a shitstorm? My rule of thumb is, once you see a DF cover, don't piss in the sea of piss to make it overflow and soak all the man bags of the hipsters
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:29 No.6350187
    Most fa/tg/uys know it's just pretend.

    Sometimes I wonder about the metalheads.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:30 No.6350193
    Fuck punk.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:32 No.6350207
    >metal is my life
    >> Phantasmagoric !dt9c0uWwc2 12/06/09(Sun)11:32 No.6350212
    Noway man...we're living the dream everyday
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:33 No.6350216
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    First thing to know about metal:

    80s metal is the best metal.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:33 No.6350220
    It's funny how punk's aren't trying to be musically creative or anything and it's all about the energy, since metalheads strive for musical grandiosity yet punk music is still infinitely better.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:35 No.6350239
    Bullshit. Most of you spend half your time tweaking your characters' stats and metagaming. Half of you can't even get into character during actual RP sessions. Don't feed me some bullshit about how you think it's real all the time.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:36 No.6350248
    >butthurt GM
    >> Phantasmagoric !dt9c0uWwc2 12/06/09(Sun)11:37 No.6350267
    I diagree, but still love punk.
    >> Phantasmagoric !dt9c0uWwc2 12/06/09(Sun)11:39 No.6350289
    Except for pop punk and skate punk. Blegh
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:40 No.6350301
    Anything like Bad Religion or Propagandhi?

    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:40 No.6350303
    Even the Buzzcocks? How can you not like the Buzzcocks?
    >> Phantasmagoric !dt9c0uWwc2 12/06/09(Sun)11:47 No.6350399
    They are the exception.

    And I'm falling in love with someone And I'm falling in in love in love with someone And I'm falling in love in love with someone you shoulldnntt fall in love wiiithh
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:48 No.6350400
    >> thor !FjCMHpMxqo 12/06/09(Sun)11:54 No.6350483
    Entry level guide for punk rock.

    Protopunk and the likes:
    New York Dolls - New York Dolls
    The Stooges - The Stooges
    The Stooges - Fun House
    Iggy & the Stooges - Raw Power
    MC5 - Kick out the Jams
    Television - Marquee Moon
    Patti Smith - Horses

    Punk Rock:
    Ramones - Ramones
    Ramones - Rocket to Russia
    Sex Pistols - Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols
    The Clash - The Clash
    The Clash - London Calling

    Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures
    Joy Division - Closer
    The Fall - Live at the Witch Trials
    Suicide - Suicide (1977)
    Wire - Pink Flag
    Wire - Chairs Missing
    The Birthday Party - Junkyard
    Gang of Four - Entertainment!
    Killing Joke - Killing Joke
    Echo & the Bunnymen - Ocean Rain
    Public Image Ltd. - Second Edition (Metal Box)

    Gothic Rock:
    The Cure - Seventeen Seconds
    Siouxsie & the Banshees - The Scream
    Bauhaus - Mask
    The Cure - Pornography
    The Cure - Disintegration

    Early Alternative Rock/College Rock:
    Minutemen - Double Nickels on the Dime
    Hüsker Dü - New Day Rising
    Hüsker Dü - Warehouse: Songs and Stories
    fIREHOSE - If'n
    Sugar - Copper Blue
    Dinosaur Jr. - You're Living All over Me
    Dinosaur Jr. - Bug
    The Replacements - Let It Be
    R.E.M. - Murmur
    Pixies - Surfer Rosa
    Pixies - Doolittle
    Meat Puppets - Meat Puppets II

    >> thor !FjCMHpMxqo 12/06/09(Sun)11:55 No.6350502
    Experimental Punky Shit/other:
    Swans - Cop/Young God/Greed/Holy Money
    The Jesus and Mary Chain - Psychocandy
    Sonic Youth - EVOL
    Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation
    Sonic Youth - Goo
    Scratch Acid - The Greatest Gift
    Big Black - The Rich Man's Eight Track Tape (Atomizer)
    The Jesus Lizard - Goat
    Butthole Surfers - Locust Abortion Technician
    Teenage Jesus & the Jerks - Everything

    Emo lawl:
    Rites of Spring - End on End
    Hüsker Dü - Zen Arcade (kinda emo)

    Hardcore Punk:
    Bad Brains - Bad Brains
    Black Flag - Damaged
    Black Flag - My War
    Circle Jerks - Group Sex
    Dead Kennedys - Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables
    Fear - The Record
    Flipper - Generic Album
    Minor Threat - Complete Discography
    Germs - (MIA): The Complete Anthology
    D.O.A. - War on 45
    >> Les Paul !GnbV4bkq02 12/06/09(Sun)11:56 No.6350521
    This man knows what he is talking about.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)11:57 No.6350547
    thor is a god. Listen to him.
    Look specifically at his punk rock and hardcore punk lists.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)12:01 No.6350592
    you're missing The Cows
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)12:02 No.6350610
    There is a lot that list is missing. But it's a good starter pack.
    >> thor !FjCMHpMxqo 12/06/09(Sun)12:03 No.6350620
    Never listened to them.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)12:06 No.6350643
    You really should then. Start with Orphan's Tragedy:
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)12:06 No.6350645
    >his punk rock and hardcore punk lists.

    looks like entry-level garbage
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)12:07 No.6350655
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    >> Les Paul !GnbV4bkq02 12/06/09(Sun)12:07 No.6350661
    >calls entry-level guide to punk/hardcore entry-level
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)12:07 No.6350662
    Was: Badass biker music with loud distorted guitars with lyrics about partying, drugs, sex, violence and Satan.
    Now: Droning 3-chord whining about being misunderstood, picked-on in high-school and about that "pain on the inside"
    Or: Cheesy musical masturbation about dragons, vikings, sorcerers and other Dungeons&Dragons/Lord of the Rings/Boris Vallejo bullshit.

    Was:Crazy angry anarchist music with fast guitars and lyrics about drugs, kinky sex, rioting, assassinating authority figures and other cool shit that offends uptight assholes.
    Now: Whiny teeny-bopper bullshit about break-ups, being a loser, being misunderstood by mommy and daddy, and wanting to be Tony Hawk.
    Or: Whiny left-wing vegan bullshit sung by misandrist butt-hurt feminists or pretentious bearded hipster douches who are talentless enough to be considered D.I.Y. but not too angry so they don't scare away the emo-fags or the scene-chicks who secretly used to listen to Avril Lavigne

    Bottom-line: Music today sucks
    >> thor !FjCMHpMxqo 12/06/09(Sun)12:08 No.6350665
    Shit, I forgot Fugazi, MDC, X, Crass, Royal Trux, Buzzcocks, The Jam, Mission of Burma, Stiff Little Fingers, The Smiths, etc.
    >> thor !FjCMHpMxqo 12/06/09(Sun)12:09 No.6350681
    Will do, thx.

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