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  • File : 1259929919.jpg-(902 KB, 1306x1108, berghain-technoclub.jpg)
    902 KB Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)07:31 No.6315173  
    For most of my life, I thought Industrial music was like this hard fucking german acid techno you heard from some weird european fetish club disguised as a basement filled with hot goth chicks having a mass orgy while tripping on every hardcore drug known to man on a bed of snakes.

    Then I heard Industrial music and it was basically angsty teen rock with a few synths smuggled into the background and everyone talking about how deep the lyrics were, how disappointed and wrong I was.

    Have you /mu/ ever thought a genre was something without hearing it, and when you actually heard it, it was something completely different? I still for the life of me have any idea what half these "core" genres are (Screamcore eg)
    >> Neutrality !!0HwCjdQ7RoL 12/04/09(Fri)07:33 No.6315180
    I have yet to find a folk artist that sounds like what i expected folk to sound like.

    So yeah.
    >> Ricer !DeSKtOpRRU 12/04/09(Fri)07:35 No.6315186
    >Then I heard Industrial music and it was basically angsty teen rock with a few synths smuggled into the background

    Is that so? I'm no expert on industrial music, but doesn't it go like this? -
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)07:35 No.6315190
    I'm not even into industrial much OP but you're wrong. That's not what industrial music originally was. Try some Throbbing Gristle and Cabaret Voltaire.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)07:36 No.6315193
    combichrist, OP
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)07:37 No.6315195

    wait is this a thread about industrial or nine inch nails?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)07:42 No.6315219
    OP is an idiot
    NIN is not industrial
    listen to Throbbing Gristle and Einstürzende Neubauten
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)07:49 No.6315277
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    Shut up guys I invented Industrial
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)07:52 No.6315294
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    greatest industrial singer ever
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)07:53 No.6315302
    Indie Rock.

    I thought it would be recorded by independent artists and not manufactured by corporations.

    Then I heard it.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)07:53 No.6315305
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    Industrial music isn't angsty teen rock you stupid fucking faggot.
    >> Ricer !DeSKtOpRRU 12/04/09(Fri)07:54 No.6315310
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)07:54 No.6315311
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)07:54 No.6315320
    uh... except you're 99.9% wrong. Sure there's so-called indie which is on majors but most of it is not.

    What did you hear exactly?
    >> Vagabond !Xi6rzP75EM 12/04/09(Fri)07:55 No.6315325
    not bad
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)07:55 No.6315329
    ambient music, i actually thought it would be leaves rustling and shit
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)07:56 No.6315331
    enjoy being trolled by posts which anyone with an IQ higher than room temperature would have recognized as sarcasm
    >> villewannabe 12/04/09(Fri)07:56 No.6315336
    OP: If you want to know what all core in rock music is, listen to some

    1) modern post-hardcore and metalcore for modern core subgenres
    2) old hardcore punk for old core subgenres

    and then add a bit of those to anything that the core is defined with. e.g. deathcore = death metal with post-hardcore/metalcore melodies and riffs, skacore = ska with a hardcore punk flavour

    For electronic music genres, listen to gabber and then imagine gabber as the subgenre's definitive part. Breakcore = crazy breakbeats with often gabberish percussion. Speedcore = über fast gabber (often with childish and/or annoying melodies)
    >> remurmur !Zm/YKPWYiw 12/04/09(Fri)07:59 No.6315360
    >anyone with an IQ higher than room temperature
    Clever phrase. I like it.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)08:00 No.6315368
    >Implying that because music is not recorded on a major label that it is not still manufactured by corporations and that the entire indie culture is a marketing scam
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)08:02 No.6315381
    You're not making any sense at all mate. Apparently you think "indie" means Death Cab for Cutie or something.

    I haven't even listened to indie rock in years so I don't care to step up and defend it but you seriously aren't making any sense.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)08:03 No.6315384
    OP Here:
    Looked up Throbbing Gristle and some of these other bands on Youtube, TG sounds like C3P0 raping R2D2.

    The rest of the music sounds like metal rejects who were kicked out of a metal band because they couldn't play instruments at all and to be honest, they sound nothing like Throbbing Gristle, who according to Wiki, invented the genre.
    >> Ricer !DeSKtOpRRU 12/04/09(Fri)08:03 No.6315388
    There's ambient music like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)08:06 No.6315403
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    Almost had me trolled
    >> remurmur !Zm/YKPWYiw 12/04/09(Fri)08:07 No.6315413
    Svarte Greiner - Easy on the Bones is like that. It's one of my favorite ambient tracks too.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)08:09 No.6315419
    whether you like it or not, sounds like you've at least gotten to the heart of the matter. "industrial" is such an abused musical term, its pretty much an instant no-effort troll to post about what is or not "real" industrial.

    more specifically its usually filed under "new age"

    ah but is it celsius? or fahrenheit?
    >> Ricer !DeSKtOpRRU 12/04/09(Fri)08:09 No.6315424
    >ah but is it celsius? or fahrenheit?

    >> villewannabe 12/04/09(Fri)08:09 No.6315426
    Someone could explain me what techno exactly is... All "techno" artists I find are either old synthpop like Kraftwerk or sound like house, trance or electro (idk what electro is either, all I know is that electro house pwns).

    Now what techno is for me, it's electronic music that no one actually likes with plain 1/8 notes that jump an octave down and up on every second note + boring kick, hat, snare, hat, kick, hat, snare, hat -drum beat.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)08:10 No.6315429
    Throbbing Gristle.

    One is basically some people randomly stabbing a synth while the singer is screaming because he is coming down bad from his hourly meth enduced high.

    The Other is basically metal music with some synths.
    >> Hvis Lyset Tar Oss !!42oOmMTlu1z 12/04/09(Fri)08:11 No.6315434
    celsius obviously. fahrenheit is giving some people on here way too much credit.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)08:11 No.6315436
    Godflesh is best industrial
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)08:11 No.6315438

    Combichrist isn't industrial you moron
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)08:11 No.6315440
    meth wasn't even invented yet when Throbbing Gristle were around
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)08:12 No.6315444
    Godflesh is not industrial. I love them, but they are just a heavy band with a drum machine instead of a drummer.
    >> Ricer !DeSKtOpRRU 12/04/09(Fri)08:14 No.6315454
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)08:16 No.6315461
    Oh come on. Are you seriously telling me Streetcleaner isn't industrial at all?
    It doesn't need synths to be industrial bro
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)08:16 No.6315467
    Techno to me is like harder trance music with dark themes attached to it, something like this

    Trance is stuff like this

    Eurobeat is this

    and House is this
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)08:19 No.6315484
    It's just bass, guitar, vocals and a drum machine. There's the odd sample but there is nothing on there that qualifies it as industrial. Einsturzende Neubauten is industrial (and use less electronics than Godflesh by the way); look up the video for Autobahn for an example.

    The rhythms were inspired largely by hip-hop. People tend to rage at me for saying this but Justin said so himself. Those guys were really into hip-hop.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)08:21 No.6315495
    well if you measure in kelvins..
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)08:21 No.6315497
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)08:25 No.6315512

    The Horrorist = best industrial
    >> villewannabe 12/04/09(Fri)08:31 No.6315543

    Thx. I think I see a difference in techno and trance now.

    Actually the other track sounds like too fast house to me.

    And idk if D.A.N.C.E. is a very good example of house. The very most houseish house of house for me is like close to minimal techno with funky synths and piano chords. Like this: Electro house like Justice is alot harder and squarey and IMO alot more interesting than original house.
    >> Djed !!NMTgO3JgGbV 12/04/09(Fri)09:00 No.6315683
    It happened to me with emo. I thought it was some bullshit like My Chemical Romance or similar.

    Then I found some decent screamo like Daïtro, Suis la Lune, Envy and feels good man.

    And I just relize about 90's emo here in /mu/ few days ago. Really nice stuff.

    Also, if you liked industrial, check Whitehouse, Throbbing Gristle, Deutsch Nepal, Brighter Death Now and Genocide Organ. Best industrial ever.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)09:01 No.6315686
    this is techno faggots:
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)09:03 No.6315699
    and this is house:
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)09:06 No.6315710
    and this is trance:
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)09:09 No.6315724
    op fails to realize when genres try to go mainstream they produce a lot of garbage.

    look to the innovators of any genre and see why they are 'core' and relevant. if you really care about your modern history of music - read
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)09:13 No.6315743
    and here is some industrial techno since you started that way:
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)09:17 No.6315774
    Industrial Music:
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)09:17 No.6315776
    fuck yeaaaaa

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