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  • File : 1259529961.jpg-(1.06 MB, 1920x1280, 1234755083894.jpg)
    1.06 MB Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:26 No.6237514  
    Alright /mu/, survey time.

    How old are you?
    Where do you live?
    What college (if any) do you go to?
    What's your favorite genres of music?
    How long have you been on /mu/?

    Costa Mesa, California
    Jazz Fusion/No Wave/Prog Metal
    1 year lurking, 2 years posting.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:28 No.6237552
    >How old are you?
    >Where do you live
    Lafayette, Louisiana
    >What college (if any) do you go to?
    >What's your favorite genres of music?
    Psych-folk, psychedelic pop, indie pop
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:30 No.6237581
    How old are you? 16
    Where do you live? London
    What college (if any) do you go to? Not telling *trollface*
    What's your favorite genres of music? Viking/Folk Metal
    How long have you been on /mu/? About a year
    >> Schnookumz !!2f4mfNv6WZ/ 11/29/09(Sun)16:30 No.6237592
    San Bernardino, California
    Still in HS
    Folk-punk, 'indie', electronix, experimental, etc.
    a good 4 months. :3
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:31 No.6237599
    U of Portland
    about a year
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:31 No.6237600
    > How old are you?

    >Where do you live?
    inside my head

    >What college (if any) do you go to?
    university of michigan

    >What's your favorite genres of music?
    indie, shoegaze, dream pop, hard bop, cool jazz, IDM, 80s rock

    >How long have you been on /mu/?
    almost a year
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:31 No.6237604
    How old are you?
    Where do you live?
    What college (if any) do you go to?
    >You don't know
    What's your favorite genres of music?
    >rock and it's genres
    How long have you been on /mu/?
    >too long
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:32 No.6237607
    Indie, Folk, Post-rock
    6 months
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:32 No.6237608
    >How old are you?
    >Where do you live?
    Sheffield, UK
    >What college (if any) do you go to?
    Still waiting to find out. Got my Cambridge interview next week.
    >What's your favorite genres of music?
    >How long have you been on /mu/?
    2 years
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:32 No.6237612
    Europe (not getting more specific)
    I go but you don't know it, I study Informatics though
    Favorite? Metal but I listen to others too
    about half a year now
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:32 No.6237617
    >How old are you?
    >Where do you live?
    >What college (if any) do you go to?
    None right now.
    >What's your favorite genres of music?
    Metal, punk, alternative
    >How long have you been on /mu/?
    Umm I was on for a while then left at the height of the expert craze and came back about 3 months ago.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:33 No.6237622
    >How old are you?
    >Where do you live?
    Cambridge, UK
    >What college (if any) do you go to?
    University of Cambridge
    >What's your favorite genres of music?
    Indie Rock, Alternative Rock, Post-Punk
    >How long have you been on /mu/?
    Probably 2 years, couldn't really say.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:33 No.6237623
    Baltimore, MD
    Pop punk, post rock, triphop, prog metal, romantic era classical
    1.5 years on /mu/, (5 on 4chan)
    >> Korpiklaani !uj/koSf.Zc 11/29/09(Sun)16:33 No.6237624
    How old are you? 15
    Where do you live? Florida
    What college (if any) do you go to? None
    What's your favorite genres of music? Folk Metal & Power Metal
    How long have you been on /mu/? Few months
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:33 No.6237628
    Heriot Watt University
    Progressive Rock, Classical, Electronic, Jazz
    Usualy stick to /b/
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:33 No.6237629
    How old are you?
    Where do you live?
    >Portland, OR
    What college (if any) do you go to?
    >I went to a photography school in southern California
    What's your favorite genres of music?
    >Skramz, IDM, electro pop, indie rock, some hip hop
    How long have you been on /mu/?
    >2 years or so
    >> Suddenly, Tripcodes! !yRd8SXc/L. 11/29/09(Sun)16:33 No.6237631
    How old are you?
    Where do you live?
    >Philadelphia, PA
    What college (if any) do you go to?
    >Senior in High School. Applying to music schools to major in composition.
    What's your favorite genres of music?
    >Modern classical, ambient, post rock, acoustic, hip-hop, absolutely fucking everything. Except metal- I gave it a shot but I just don't like it that much.
    How long have you been on /mu/?
    >Close to 2 years now.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:34 No.6237643
    San Jose, CA
    Still in HS
    indie/alternative, shoegaze, prog, classic rock.
    about 3 months.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:34 No.6237644
    Graduated 2 years ago
    Death metal, thrash, doom, grunge, etc
    3 or 4 years I think
    >> Huge Faggot !./wkg9gQ.E 11/29/09(Sun)16:34 No.6237645
    None yet
    All of them
    Almost a year
    >> Brian May !blzWaYOt4w 11/29/09(Sun)16:34 No.6237649
    >How old are you?
    >Where do you live?
    >What college (if any) do you go to?
    Just a provincial high school in DK (not really a high school though, just somewhat the equivalent
    >What's your favorite genres of music?
    Mostly dadrock, but have been getting into Stoner
    >How long have you been on /mu/?
    about three months
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:35 No.6237657
    New Jersey
    Brookdale Community College
    2 months
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:35 No.6237665
    Post-rock, Progressive shit.
    4 months lurking, 2 posting
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:36 No.6237677
    How old are you?
    Can't remember
    Where do you live?
    Göteborg, Sweden
    What college (if any) do you go to?
    Schillerska gymnasiet, i don't if that would be a college in america
    What's your favorite genres of music?
    Hip hop, downtempo, ambient
    How long have you been on /mu/?
    A few months
    >> Bromuda !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 11/29/09(Sun)16:36 No.6237678
    Breakcore, 'real' emo.
    2 years
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:37 No.6237680
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    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:37 No.6237683
    >How old are you?
    >Where do you live?
    South england
    >What college (if any) do you go to?
    not important
    >What's your favorite genres of music?
    metal (the more atmospheric types), prog, folk
    >How long have you been on /mu/?
    few months maybe
    >> Broseidon, Lord of the Brocean !!9Su9+37Cd/I 11/29/09(Sun)16:37 No.6237691
    Grants, New Mexibro
    Post-hardcore/Melodic Deathcore/Metalcore
    Lurking since mid '08, posting for a few months.
    >> Negro !!sWWxQl4w+Yp 11/29/09(Sun)16:38 No.6237697
    >How old are you?
    >Where do you live?
    Ann Arbor, Michigan
    >What college (if any) do you go to?
    University of Michigan
    >What's your favorite genres of music?
    southern metal, post-hardcore, metalcore (not the gay kind)
    >How long have you been on /mu/?
    ~3 years
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:38 No.6237706
    Edmonton AB
    Prog rock, psych rock, space rock
    2 years
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:38 No.6237707
    Ontario, Canada
    St Clairs (next year)
    Indie, Metal, Alternative
    about 2 years
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:38 No.6237708
    San Francisco, California
    San Francisco State
    Black metal and screamo
    3 years.
    >> °ε ° !!tKKGyHGTZf0 11/29/09(Sun)16:38 No.6237713
    >How old are you?
    >Where do you live?
    >What college (if any) do you go to?
    still not sure
    >What's your favorite genres of music?
    post-rock, hardcore, death metal
    >How long have you been on /mu/?
    almost a year
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:39 No.6237729
    >How old are you?
    >Where do you live?
    >What college (if any) do you go to?
    >What's your favorite genres of music?
    Folk, Noise, Post-rock, listening to a lot of dream pop lately
    >How long have you been on /mu/?
    a few months
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:39 No.6237732
    Wow alot of youngfags here.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:39 No.6237733

    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:40 No.6237740
         File1259530827.jpg-(12 KB, 231x298, 1240687092863.jpg)
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    >How old are you?
    >Can't remember
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:40 No.6237742
    Southern England
    Math, post-rock, post-hardcore, folk and hip-hop.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:41 No.6237753
    How old are you? 19
    Where do you live? Arizona
    What college (if any) do you go to? Shitty community college
    What's your favorite genres of music? Twee, "indie", post-rock, pop, hip-hop, "alternative", etc. I suck at genres.
    How long have you been on /mu/? On and off for three years.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:41 No.6237755
    >How old are you?
    >Where do you live?
    Barrie, Ontario
    >What college (if any) do you go to?
    Generic High School
    >What's your favorite genres of music?
    All of them.
    >How long have you been on /mu/?
    Two years.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:41 No.6237758
    Like I'm going to tell you what university I go to...
    Bah.. Too many (As in: I don't care about genre, if I like the music then I like it.
    About 1 year
    >> Occupant !qFzGBOGmuY 11/29/09(Sun)16:41 No.6237762
    >How old are you?
    >Where do you live?
    Los Angeles, California
    >What college (if any) do you go to?
    Not yet in collage, took a year off to study music, attending PCC in January
    >What's your favorite genres of music
    >How long have you been on /mu/?
    A year and a half at least, five days with a name.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:41 No.6237763

    i go to sf state too
    >> Bromuda !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 11/29/09(Sun)16:41 No.6237765
    Yep, and that's why /mu/ sucks.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:41 No.6237768
    nice to see another wolverine. too bad we don't like the same music
    >> SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert: COSMIC CRUSADER of BOOGIE !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 11/29/09(Sun)16:42 No.6237785
    Not saying
    Soul, funk, disco, garage rock, JPop
    Six months or so, posted on /a/ and /co/ for two or three years before
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:43 No.6237787
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    What the fuck is No-Wave?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:43 No.6237788
    I'm 25 how old are you
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:43 No.6237795
    >How old are you?
    >Where do you live
    >What college (if any) do you go to?
    >What's your favorite genres of music?
    Progressive Metal, Sludge, Industrial
    >How long have you been on /mu/?
    A yearish
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:43 No.6237799
    Orlando, Florida
    University of Central Florida
    Sludge, Doom, Progressive, Shoegaze
    Four years
    >> Bromuda !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 11/29/09(Sun)16:43 No.6237800
    Only 22. But in comparison...
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:44 No.6237803
    -Baltimore, MD
    -a local liberal arts college
    -sludge metal/hardcore/poppy punk/folk/ambient/post-rock/shoegaze
    -2 years or so?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:44 No.6237805
    St Helens
    St Helens College
    Post Rock/Metal
    Few months
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:45 No.6237814
    How old are you?

    Where do you live?
    Bergen, Norway

    What college (if any) do you go to?
    Currently taking a year off studies

    What's your favorite genres of music?
    Indie rock/folk or whatever

    How long have you been on /mu/?
    A few years
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:45 No.6237818
    It would appear the average mufag is 17, which is quite lulzy. I think this thread will make me leave this shit board.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:45 No.6237824
    This summarizes /mu/core and people who like it
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:46 No.6237828
    How old are you?

    Where do you live?
    Suffolk, England

    What college (if any) do you go to?
    I don't. Work full time in a factory.

    What's your favourite genres of music?
    Genres are bullshit.

    How long have you been on /mu/?
    2 years, roughly.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:46 No.6237830
    post-punk. really good shit
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:46 No.6237835
    Isn't everything post-punk you youngfag?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:47 No.6237841
         File1259531229.gif-(19 KB, 160x160, obivarg.gif)
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    >How old are you?
    >Where do you live?
    Vienna, AUT
    >What college (if any) do you go to?
    See above
    >What's your favorite genres of music?
    Psych/Stoner/Doom Rock/Metal
    >How long have you been on /mu/?
    A bit more than a year.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:47 No.6237846


    funny. not. get the fuck out of this blue board.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:47 No.6237849

    Think early Swans, early Sonic Youth, and James Chance
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:47 No.6237850
    >How old are you?
    >Where do you live?
    >What college (if any) do you go to?
    University of Southampton - studying physics
    >What's your favorite genres of music?
    Hip-hop, post-punk, black metal
    >How long have you been on /mu/?
    2 and a half years
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:47 No.6237852
    Orlando, Florida
    Full Sail University
    Folk Punk/ Prog Rock/ Indie Pop
    3 years lurking, I rarely post.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:47 No.6237854
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    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:48 No.6237862
    I'm sure glad you pointed out that my post was supposed to be funny, otherwise I might have missed it myself.

    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:48 No.6237863
    >> GavinDanced !!jy31j2tvsli 11/29/09(Sun)16:49 No.6237872
    How old are you?

    Where do you live?
    Belleville, Ontario, Canada, watup.

    What college (if any) do you go to?
    Loyalist College

    What's your favorite genres of music?
    IDM, Breakcore, Post-Hardcore, Mathcore, Folk, Folk-Punk, Hipster Garbage Indie Rock

    How long have you been on /mu/?
    Two years? I think. Recently got a tripfagtripcode.
    >> Bromuda !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 11/29/09(Sun)16:49 No.6237882
    The factory.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:50 No.6237888
    no? what in the fuck are you talking about? i'm talking about stuff like the talking heads, the pop group, etc...
    >> Occupant !qFzGBOGmuY 11/29/09(Sun)16:50 No.6237893
    That's more or less it.
    Teenage Jesus and The Jerks
    The Contortions.
    Calling it Post-punk is silly.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:51 No.6237897
    As far as /mu/ is concerned, everything is post-punk.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:51 No.6237902
    How old are you?
    Where do you live?
    What college (if any) do you go to?
    What's your favorite genres of music?
    How long have you been on /mu/?

    - 20
    - Mission Viejo, California
    - Saddleback College
    - Experimental / Progressive / Jazz / Post-Rock
    - Long enough, probably a year
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:52 No.6237916
    >> bandak !PhcqFnvxQY 11/29/09(Sun)16:52 No.6237925
    How old are you?

    Where do you live?
    Trondheim, Norway

    What college (if any) do you go to?
    You guys haven't heard about it anyway

    What's your favorite genres of music?
    Old school hardcore (especially d-beat, european, scandinavian, japanese, I love digging for all kinds of rare hardcore records, I mean, there are literally thosands of them) and post-punk (especially polish coldwave, ndw). I got this thing for Eastern bloc underground rock too. Not sure if you would classify it as any genre in particular (although it got quite an unique sound), but really, I listen a lot to that.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:53 No.6237941
    >Death Metal
    >3 years
    >> thicky eight !9N/zoOBdU. 11/29/09(Sun)16:54 No.6237948
    I am 26 years of age.
    I live in Atlanta, Gerogia.
    I am between schools.
    My favorite genre of music is "good".
    I've been on 4chan for 3 years or so.
    >> SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert: COSMIC CRUSADER of BOOGIE !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 11/29/09(Sun)16:54 No.6237950
    Does it include 80s NYC dance stuff like Konk, Liquid Liquid, 99 records, Sleeping Bag, etc? I'm just interested because James Chance will appear on a lot of those types of compilations. Don't really know much about the punk shit though.
    >> Wonderbeast !VADL0E5Xs. 11/29/09(Sun)16:55 No.6237965
    How old are you?

    Where do you live?

    What college (if any) do you go to?
    >BA; local private liberal arts school
    >Currently a first year law student at William Mitchell College of Law

    What's your favorite genres of music?
    >Power Metal

    How long have you been on /mu/?
    >about a year. Tripfag for a few months.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:56 No.6237980
    University of Twente
    Probably metal. I'm generally into punk and recently hip-hop too.
    On and off for about 2-3 years, I believe. There have been large gaps in this time though.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:57 No.6237999
    How old are you? 18
    Where do you live? Central California
    What college (if any) do you go to? Still in high school
    What's your favorite genres of music? Indie/folk
    How long have you been on /mu/? About 3 or 4 years. I was underage b& for a long time.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:59 No.6238027
    Live in
    >Aberdeen, Scotland
    >RGU, Computer Science Year 2
    Lurked for
    >a long time.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:59 No.6238039
    Sin City
    Post-harcore/Ambient/Alternative are my current favorites, it changes every now and then.
    Almost a year

    Also, sure is underage b&. No wonder why everyone thinks /mu/ sucks.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)16:59 No.6238040
    and I like Prog
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)17:01 No.6238064
    Age: 17

    Location: Norway

    College: No

    Favorite genres: Metal (Sludge and Doom in particular), Noise Rock and Prog, but I'm very open-minded

    /mu/ time: about a year I guess

    Kunne du tenke deg å flytte til Oslo og bli med i bandet mitt? :D
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)17:02 No.6238071
    stop spamming Anon Talk .com
    >> Happy Candle !DFckgrrDGQ 11/29/09(Sun)17:02 No.6238077
    >How old are you?
    Where do you live?
    >Paris, France
    What college (if any) do you go to?
    What's your favorite genres of music?
    >post-rock, black metal, IDM
    How long have you been on /mu/?
    >one year
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)17:02 No.6238087
    >buenos aires, arg
    >no wave, post hardcore, noise rock, indie folk, all extreme metal except death, indie rock/pop, krautrock, musique concrete
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)17:03 No.6238094
    I am not suprised, to be honest.
    >> Phil !!VxDHzhxaqjZ 11/29/09(Sun)17:04 No.6238131
    Gainesville, Florida
    Currently out.
    I'm not a big fan of using genre names and whatnot, I like a lot of things. So, I'll just paste from
    I'm into hardcore, metalcore, experimental, rock and indie, including:
    Poison the Well, Fear Before the March of Flames, The Mars Volta, Cynic, The Protomen, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Some Girls, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Born of Osiris, Botch, Pig Destroyer, Mastodon, Converge, The Residents, King Crimson, Frodus, Big Black, Veil of Maya, The Fall of Troy, Animal Collective, So Many Dynamos, The Human Abstract, Thrice, Venetian Snares, Suicide Silence, Oceano, After the Burial, The Acacia Strain, Between the Buried and Me, Baroness, Every Time I Die, Bring Me the Horizon, Neutral Milk Hotel, Cancer Bats, Quicksand, Heavy Heavy Low Low, Gallows, Pantera, ZAO, Melt-Banana, SikTh, Isis, Impending Doom, Liferuiner, Major Lazer, United Nations, Future of the Left, Behold... the Arctopus, The Red Chord, This Bike Is a Pipe Bomb.

    Check out my music taste:

    At least one year, less than two.
    >> bandak !PhcqFnvxQY 11/29/09(Sun)17:05 No.6238133
    Takker for tilbudet bro, men speller allerede i pønkeband her i byen!
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)17:05 No.6238142
    >Calling it Post-punk is silly.
    All the bands you listed are post-punk. No Wave isn't really a genre, more of a scene/art movement. See: >>6237950

    It includes all kinds of stuff, even disco and worldbeat groups. And also covers film and other art forms.

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