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  • File : 1257392001.jpg-(13 KB, 300x297, folder.jpg)
    13 KB imma !!FAgGOt85xE 11/04/09(Wed)22:33 No.5826813  
    Show some love to this amazing band/album /mu/. It's one of my favorite albums with some of the best vocals of the genre I've ever heard.

    Oh, and because I was bored and some of you may not have heard their EP.

    Glassjaw - El Mark EP
    >Only three songs. But three great songs. One traditional glassjaw song and two jazz songs that highlight Daryl's vocals very well.
    >> imma !!FAgGOt85xE 11/04/09(Wed)22:42 No.5826974
    And I thought there were Glassjaw fans on /mu/.

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