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  • File : 1255734015.jpg-(87 KB, 500x500, NeutralMilkHotel-IntheAeroplaneOver.jpg)
    87 KB MoseSchrute !YnhS0u2TPs 10/16/09(Fri)19:00 No.5510769  
    I don't get it. Why do people post this picture?
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 10/16/09(Fri)19:00 No.5510778
    Someone who made a "How to rage 4chan" picture said that posting that here made people rage.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:01 No.5510783
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:01 No.5510784
         File1255734069.jpg-(57 KB, 242x293, derpderp.jpg)
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    every fucking day
    every fucking hour
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:01 No.5510785
    >Implying he doesn't love Jesus Christ
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:01 No.5510795
    >"How to rage 4chan"
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:01 No.5510796
    It's something /sp/ started.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:02 No.5510805
    Is that a potato?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:02 No.5510811
    because 4chan runs every meme into the fucking ground
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:03 No.5510816

    it's a tambourine
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:03 No.5510824
         File1255734196.jpg-(234 KB, 800x1200, michelle-obama-not-happy.jpg)
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    because it's an album cover and this is /mu/sic
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:07 No.5510874

    this band sucks
    >> brambles !!VRXAN//FWJC 10/16/09(Fri)19:08 No.5510886
    because it is ironic.

    a meta-meme even. fully aware of itself, it simply takes the path of least resistance to where it wants to be.
    >> The Tripfag Formerly Known As Anonymous !kbcL9d5Cls 10/16/09(Fri)19:10 No.5510928
         File1255734653.jpg-(1.47 MB, 1800x3827, chikn.jpg)
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    you are now aware that Jeff laughs at the end of the line "That was doing her thing on your chest" from Oh Comely.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:11 No.5510938
    he's so creepy.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:11 No.5510941

    You are now aware that no one gives a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:12 No.5510944
    It's actually a fitness guide and this is /fit/. Just look at that buff potatohead chick.
    >> Mixtape !!4zIVPlUw1on 10/16/09(Fri)19:12 No.5510948
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:16 No.5511016
    WTF. I always just thought that was his voice quavering. But you're right.
    >> The Tripfag Formerly Known As Anonymous !kbcL9d5Cls 10/16/09(Fri)19:17 No.5511022
         File1255735030.jpg-(38 KB, 221x267, yesyoudo.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:20 No.5511072
    now I have to listen to it.
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 10/16/09(Fri)19:21 No.5511087
    You are now aware that at the end of Oh Comely if you turn your volume way up you hear Robert Schneider yell "HOLY SHIT!"
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:21 No.5511095
         File1255735305.jpg-(100 KB, 750x600, tgdemotivator.jpg)
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    /tg/ regularly gets spammed by "so what's the deal with -4 STR? But /tg/ can't handle trolls so they actually answer the question :(
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:22 No.5511108
    i knew the HOLY SHIT thing but i never noticed him laugh...

    we are all faux fans
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:22 No.5511110
    this is obvious
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:24 No.5511142

    You don't need to crank up your volume to hear that, you deaf fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:25 No.5511164
    so where is the cover art from anyway? is it like an actual old painting, or is it made to look like one?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:26 No.5511180
    oh goddam, got raeped by that motivator.
    >> The Tripfag Formerly Known As Anonymous !kbcL9d5Cls 10/16/09(Fri)19:30 No.5511237
    You are now aware that "Sailing Through" is the most hilarious thing Jeff has ever recorded.

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