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  • File : 1254095671.jpg-(492 KB, 1151x1532, reasons_the_beatles_suck.jpg)
    492 KB Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)19:54 No.5226462  
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)19:55 No.5226474
    Only 100?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)19:58 No.5226502
    Except OP's picture is a joke.

    typical retard.
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)19:59 No.5226523
    >Thinks The Beatles are anything but a glorified boy band

    Typical entry-level/casule music listener
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:00 No.5226530
    >thinks Radiohead are nothing more than a generic alt rock band that made anything more than neonate like impact on music.

    Typical hot topic shopping 12 year old
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:01 No.5226543

    wait wat?
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)20:02 No.5226546
    >Thinks a band with talent and an impact on music (Radiohead) has something to do with a band with no talent or impact on music (The Beatles)
    >Thinks Hot Topics exist in Canada

    Typical American.
    >> Arcadia Express !3GqYIJ3Obs 09/27/09(Sun)20:02 No.5226551
    >no impact on music (The Beatles)

    troll harder, nigger
    >> Dr. Alfred E. Poole !!YvgeH/WriKE 09/27/09(Sun)20:02 No.5226552
    These arguments sound like The Tourist arguments, IE, retarded and full of shit.
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)20:03 No.5226556
    I'm not a troll.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:03 No.5226562
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    >The Beatles
    >No impact on music
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:03 No.5226563


    The Beatles inspired GENERATIONS of musicians and influenced musical trends. They defined certain decades of music. Stop being so pretentious.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:03 No.5226564
    >typical delusional fanboy persists to revise history to make it seem that radiohead did anything for music so it'll increase his dangerously low self esteem.

    Typical Canadian with his fundamentally low self esteem (Canadians realize that only a handful of them in their generation will turn out to be notable, so they are born with a low self esteem)
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:04 No.5226571
    You are getting massively butthurt. Just sayin'
    >> ... Who? !Ees11ibj1s 09/27/09(Sun)20:05 No.5226585
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:05 No.5226587
    >English magazine
    >not funny, trying too hard

    Go figure!
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)20:06 No.5226592
    >The Beatles inspired GENERATIONS of musicians and influenced musical trends.
    The only thing The Beatles inspired was a hairstyle.

    >They defined certain decades of music. Stop being so pretentious.
    No they didn't, stop reading Rolling Stone.

    >Doesn't realize his own country has a higher population than Canada, lowering his chance of becoming notable
    Typical American.

    Yes my butt is very hurt.
    >> {Trippy} !!7YlUfDyWW8Y 09/27/09(Sun)20:07 No.5226609

    >implying people read your shitty post.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:08 No.5226622
    "No they didn't, stop reading Rolling Stone."

    radiohead were on the cover of Rolling Stone twice
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)20:08 No.5226627
    >Implying a few people including yourself haven't responded in this thread alone
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)20:09 No.5226634
    The difference is Radiohead were on the cover when the magazine was actually good. Because they were in it.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:10 No.5226657
    >doesn't realize that the average american is more prone to be notable than average Canadian
    >> {Trippy} !!1BGUBoV85ax 09/27/09(Sun)20:11 No.5226665

    In general I just see you're name and I just bash you. Face it, you're a fucking moron. The Beatles influenced tons of bands. If you don't like it have fun living in your dreamland.
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)20:11 No.5226668
    >Doesn't realize that with a population ten times the size and a drastically lower average IQ that Americans can't be notable unless they are entertainers on MTV
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:11 No.5226669
    Wow that list was suprisingly unfunny. If you're going to make something like this, at least make it funny....
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)20:12 No.5226685
    You bash me? Oh nooo

    My dreamland will suit me fine.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:14 No.5226707
    >thinking that the only notable americans are entertainers on MTV

    Typical uncultured Canadian
    >> {Trippy} !!1BGUBoV85ax 09/27/09(Sun)20:14 No.5226710

    I do because you're a moron. I want how you can sit there and say they haven't had a impact on music.
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)20:15 No.5226722
    >Implying that even if that weren't true I would care about such an inferior country

    >I want how you can sit there
    >> {Trippy} !!1BGUBoV85ax 09/27/09(Sun)20:16 No.5226743

    Whoops, my bad.

    *I want to know how you can sit there and say they haven't had an impact on modern music.
    >> BaRaCk !ObAmA9kF6M 09/27/09(Sun)20:17 No.5226758
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    Because he's a troll, and you're feeding him.
    >> lumbs !!G5HmxJLXIkb 09/27/09(Sun)20:17 No.5226761
    I think the Beatles' influence on music ultimately led to the disaster that is modern mainstream music. Basic and catchy all went to hell when everyday people realized they could "do it" too.

    But the influence is MOST CERTAINLY there. Today's popular music would be nothing like it is if they didn't exist, I would contend.
    >> Paul McCartney !0bV.0LXE02 09/27/09(Sun)20:17 No.5226763
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    >No talent or impact on music (The Beatles)

    Of course John screwed the band up, but comeon I had the most talent.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:18 No.5226769
    Stop posting.
    >> {Trippy} !!1BGUBoV85ax 09/27/09(Sun)20:18 No.5226771

    Oh make no mistake I know what he is. It's just fun
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)20:19 No.5226792
    Simple facts.

    I'm not a troll.

    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:21 No.5226813
    >implying you're not a troll
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:21 No.5226829
    sitar rules fuck off nazi punk
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)20:22 No.5226830
    >Implying I am
    >> {Trippy} !!1BGUBoV85ax 09/27/09(Sun)20:22 No.5226832

    All I got out of this was that you have no clue what you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:22 No.5226837
    >implying a country that's extraordinarily more inferior to America is anywhere close a lightyear's distacne in regards to importance.

    Typical brainwashed canadian
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:23 No.5226855
    >Basic and catchy

    that's because you hever never listened to the beatles before.
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)20:24 No.5226864
    The only thing The Beatles influenced (and it wasn't even direct, they're marketers were everything) were boy bands and entertainers like them, Jonas Brothers, Backstreet Boys, 50 Cent, N'Sync. They all take the same formula, no talent + great promoters = short career with no experimentation.
    >> Paul McCartney !0bV.0LXE02 09/27/09(Sun)20:24 No.5226869
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    You wouldn't like me when I'm angry...
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)20:25 No.5226884
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    >Implying he has never seen the UN polls

    You're right, they're even more basic than basic and they're not even catchy.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:26 No.5226909
    And what great promotion brought the Beatles to fame?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:27 No.5226925
    >implying that picture could in anyway refute my objective fact that i stated earlier.

    lol. Typical canadian, failing miserably.
    >> lumbs !!G5HmxJLXIkb 09/27/09(Sun)20:27 No.5226930
    I'm quite familiar with their entire discography. I'm saying that some of their more dancy and simplistic songs were adopted by future bands and exaggerated heavily, eventually to the point of Basshunter and other shitty modern "musicians".

    Let's be honest, popularity was independent from quality when it came to The Beatles.
    >> {Trippy} !!1BGUBoV85ax 09/27/09(Sun)20:29 No.5226948

    If you read any interview with any sort of musical artist 9 times out of 10 the beatles influenced their music.

    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)20:30 No.5226957
    Generic gimmicks like films, the fact they were an accessible pop band for an easily influenced pre-teen female audience, etc.

    >Doesn't even know how to capitalize properly
    Typical American with inferior curricula
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:31 No.5226981
    >Doesn't know how to spell casual.
    Typical Canadian with inferior curricula
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:32 No.5226995
    >can't combat facts, have to pounce on irrelevant bullshit

    hahahaha. typical canadian
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)20:35 No.5227032
         File1254098148.jpg-(38 KB, 562x437, HA_HA_HA_OH_WOW.jpg)
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    And that article lists about 10 artists that covered their songs in the music section, and covers don't constitute influence.

    >Implying casule isn't a word and is a typo for casual
    Oh wow, pic related.

    >Calls relevant, on-topic points "irrelevant bullshit"
    Typical American who gets inspired by Fox News on how to debate
    >> {Trippy} !!1BGUBoV85ax 09/27/09(Sun)20:39 No.5227086

    Made me chuckle how you ignored the first part of my post.

    Also see:;col1
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:41 No.5227121
    itt incredibly butthurt beatles fans
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)20:43 No.5227145
    >A bunch of typos
    >It uses material from the Wikipedia
    Looks credible.

    There's no influence stated there, did you even read these?

    Seriously, these are all written by people on par with Amazon reviewers level of authority. You could have at least posted something professional from a magazine.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:44 No.5227162
    Except you used wikipedia to backup your argument for radiohead. Learn the concept of consistency. Typical retard.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:44 No.5227171
    >thinking capitalizing letters are 'on topic points'.

    Typical retard.
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)20:45 No.5227192
    You'll have to show me this argument since clearly it isn't in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:46 No.5227198
    Good point.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:46 No.5227202
    when we people learn to simply ignore the tourist?

    goddamnit /mu/
    >> {Trippy} !!1BGUBoV85ax 09/27/09(Sun)20:47 No.5227222

    Ah, you got me. I just ran a simple google search and then didn't read them at all. I'm to lazy to really care about an internet argument. You don't have to like their music but it did have an impact.
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)20:47 No.5227228
    That's about as useful as
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:48 No.5227244
    Because everyone secretly dreams that they will expose the gaping hole in The Tourists logic and tear him to shreds. Too bad he doesn't actually respond to any posts and just thrives on generalizations and throws ad hominem spitballs around.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:50 No.5227280
    no, it didnt.
    >> {Trippy} !!1BGUBoV85ax 09/27/09(Sun)20:50 No.5227287

    Back that up please.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:50 No.5227290
    you screencap of OK computer. Typical retard, easily forgetting memorable, long-lasting topics that wree created only a day ago
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:51 No.5227294
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    I'm boycotting this POS magazine that doesn't recognize The Beatles' unquestionable greatness, who's with me?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:51 No.5227308
    Biased promotion made the Beatles.

    This isn't the 60's. Everything they were acclaimed for then doesn't live up now. They inspire via biased promotion. They don't inspire new generations, some kid who hears "SHE LOVES YOU, YEAH YEAH YEAH" isn't "inspired." He just has to garner an appreciation for them... Cos..... They preach peace and love and shit... YEAH! You can't mock them, they are for peace and love!!
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)20:54 No.5227352
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    That was a "memorable, long-lasting topic" for you? You have pretty low standards, then again, you must since your country is so bad.

    Oh and there's a huge difference, you see those numbers (1, 2, 3, etc., you should understand) and the brackets ( [ ] )? Those are citations. They're reputable sources on music, historians, musicologists, industry experts, etc. People who know real music, and don't praise boy bands like The Beatles who had no impact on music.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:54 No.5227355
    they had an impact(IGUESS), just not on anything worth a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:56 No.5227391
    Can you name some music historians who criticize The Beatles or downplay their significance? Not trolling, I'm legitimately interested. I've never seen it before.
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)20:58 No.5227408
    Piero Scaruffi has written a pretty good essay:

    His taste is pretty eclectic, some obviously forced but his two part essay is dead on.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:58 No.5227411
    > Old. I already read this on (anan = anon) last night.
    I think I know you in real life, OP...
    >> {Trippy} !!1BGUBoV85ax 09/27/09(Sun)20:59 No.5227421

    >implying the wikipedia article I posted didn't have citations.

    Lol @ your double standards.
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)21:00 No.5227441
    >Dead link
    >Something not even about influence on Encyclopedia Britannica
    >Some store promoting Magical Mystery Tour
    >Dead link

    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:02 No.5227466
    Actually you didn't click the links.

    All historians, music scholars, critics, music musicologists, etc. all cite the beatles as the most important, influential, revolutionary act in history.

    And We have already proven how inferior Canada is to America. so no need to bother bringin America vs Canada in here again.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:03 No.5227484
         File1254099793.jpg-(8 KB, 315x303, 1208003143247.jpg)
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    >The Beatles

    >no experimentation
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)21:03 No.5227492
    Actually I did, but clearly you didn't.

    And if there's so many historians, etc. who praise The Beatles why are their texts so non-existent? Rolling Stone doesn't count here by the way, they seem to be your prime source.

    And who is "we", and when did you prove something false? Facts are facts, you can't just flip them.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:04 No.5227496


    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:04 No.5227504
    Except nobody takes Piero Scaruffi seriously. And he is not a music scholar at all. try again.
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)21:05 No.5227521
    He's a published author who has written about music for decades before you were born. Clearly you know nothing about music.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:06 No.5227528
    this thread and about 99% of Beatles threads on /mu/ are bullshit
    ESPECIALLY after these remasters

    also, i know more about the beatles musically and historically then anyone in here, with the exception of another Beatles lover that extents beyond the music but knowing about the little fucking nuances in their personal and professional lives.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:06 No.5227534
    >Actually I did, but clearly you didn't
    Actually you didn't. See now you're lying to impress your online friends on here.

    >And if there's so many historians, etc. who praise The Beatles why are their texts so non-existent?

    they're non-existent to you because you're fantastically uncultured and unusually incurious.

    And I told you that Canada's significance is not anywhere close to a lightear away from America's. That's a fact.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:07 No.5227541
    The Beatles were an amazing pop rock boy band. They were the Backstreet Boys of their day. However, they were fortunate to have peaked at a time when there were only a limited number of T.V. stations, radio stations, few distribution channels, etc. They were huge because of the same reason everyone in America used to watch the Tonight Show. Johnny Carson was the best of 3 choices. Where else were you going to go for entertainment? Same thing with the Beatles. If you were somehow to swap the N'Sync or New Kids On The Block with the Beatles in time, we would all be wincing while listening to baby boomers ramble on about IMPORTANT N'Sync was and likewise suffering through ridiculous assertions that if you play "I Want It That Way" backward, you will hear satanic messages.

    tl;dr. The Beatles. Whoop-a-dee-fuckin-doo.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:08 No.5227551
    And yet nobody takes him seriously. Clearly you know nothing about music if you think anybody with an IQ over 16 is takes him seriously. He's widely criticized for making baseless statements.

    of course you in your typical Conservative fashion will latch on to it. More proof that you look to Sarah Palin for inspiration
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:08 No.5227554
    That article was pretty disappointing. The tone was so deliberately inflammatory and it seems obvious the writer's being more exaggerated than necessary for attention's sake. It read like a Glenn Beck rant, full of attention-grabbing diciton and teeming with fallacious generalizations, not only about the Beatles, but about nearly every cultural reference he makes.

    Sorry to look a gift horse in the mouth, but got any others? Thanks for the link regardless.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:09 No.5227567
    Scaruffi is just a guy with a lot of time on his hands running a website. The guy doesn't get published in any music magazines or papers so why should his reviews be considered professional? His writings are also clearly biased against popular music, regardless of how well researched they are. Music is not a science, you cannot approach it as one. The best critics approach their subjects from all angles, he only approaches it from one.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:10 No.5227575
    The problem I have with this Scaruffi fellow is that while it's one thing to say you don't like a band like the Beatles, it's quite another to say that they're unoriginal, musically insignificant, essentially a 60s boy band, etc. These are objective statements that simply fail with any real knowledge of musicology (
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:10 No.5227578
    None of those are actually reasons
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)21:11 No.5227585
    >Actually you didn't. See now you're lying to impress your online friends on here.

    >they're non-existent to you because you're fantastically uncultured and unusually incurious.
    Then why don't you post one? Remember, no Rolling Stone.

    >And I told you that Canada's significance is not anywhere close to a lightear away from America's. That's a fact.
    We already proved otherwise, so clearly not.

    Oh that's cute, I point out that you get inspiration from Fox News and you point out that I'm conservative, how original.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:11 No.5227586
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:11 No.5227588
    >It read like a Glenn Beck rant

    Exactly. That's why I noted how Tourist and his Conservative leanings will readily latch on to it.
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)21:12 No.5227611
    Am I supposed to know who Glenn Beck even is? You Americans are so insignificant it makes me burst out in laughter how I'm supposed to know your favourite politicians by name.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:13 No.5227625

    fellow tripfags on here. It's blatantly evident that is this the case. denying this is futile.

    >Then why don't you post one?
    Look at that. inadvertently showing us that he has no clue what he's talking about when he actually needs reasons as to why the beatles were important. Absolutely pitiful.

    >We already proved otherwise, so clearly not.
    That's because you're the delusional canadian that does not like to accept facts.

    Typical retarded canadian
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:14 No.5227638
    look at that. Typical uncultured Canadian. not realizing that America is inarguably the most powerful, influential country on the planet.

    Typical brainwashed Canadian
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:14 No.5227644
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    Holy butthurt, Batman!
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:14 No.5227649
    Dude, you just blew my mind.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:14 No.5227650
    #60 is so true.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:15 No.5227669
    Calling him canadian really isn't helping your argument
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)21:15 No.5227671
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    >fellow tripfags on here. It's blatantly evident that is this the case. denying this is futile.
    Well obviously it's futile against an American so typically narrow-minded.

    >Look at that. inadvertently showing us that he has no clue what he's talking about when he actually needs reasons as to why the beatles were important. Absolutely pitiful.
    Look at that, changing the subject when he can't post anything substantive.

    >That's because you're the delusional canadian that does not like to accept facts.
    Fixed that for you, and even if that was a fact, you can't deny a fact.

    Pic related.
    >> The Wiggler !k1WzAw/iO6 09/27/09(Sun)21:16 No.5227675
    Why is it that Beatles threads always seem to "just pop up" when ever The Tourist is on? Coincidence? I think not.
    >> Raoul D. !!mJiy02c8VEv 09/27/09(Sun)21:18 No.5227706
    Glenn Beck is not a politician, you goddamn retard.
    Just because you're Canadian doesn't give you the right to be completely uneducated.
    If you even watched the news, you would know who he is.
    >> Glucose !!ZVHunbe8BJC 09/27/09(Sun)21:18 No.5227710

    Iceland is fucking destroying everyone in that thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:19 No.5227723
    >Well obviously it's futile against an American so typically narrow-minded.
    Obviously you'd think there's a possibility for you to refute this fact as you're stunted intelligence will not allow you to recall multiple times where it's been evident that you have no life at all.

    >Look at that, changing the subject when he can't post anything substantive.
    look at that. Still showing us that he is utterly unversed in music. >hurr durr i need links to show why they were important because i know nothing about musick!!!111!ONE!

    >Fixed that for you, and even if that was a fact, you can't deny a fact.
    never once have i alluded that i ever flirted with the idea of denying a fact.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:19 No.5227725
    Wait, what's going on amongst this tl;dr? Is someone seriously saying that if you don't totally lurve teh Beedluz then you're a stinking, uncultured, fat, conservatard American who's no better then Glen (Hitler) Beck?

    Wow. Just wow.
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)21:19 No.5227727
    Raoul, I don't know how it works in hick country over in the prairies but over here we don't pay attention to irrelevant news.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:21 No.5227746
    I never once said that America is perfect. Just that America have contributed more things to human civilization in the past 200 years than Canada has.

    I'm constantly bashing America, and posted a troll topic on /b/ last night discussing how america isn't #1 atm.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:21 No.5227753
    This is the fake tourist right? He's never this much of a troll.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:22 No.5227759
    you clearly did not read one post in this topic.

    Although you have no taste in music if you do not like the beatles, sure.
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)21:22 No.5227771
    >Obviously you'd think there's a possibility for you to refute this fact as you're stunted intelligence will not allow you to recall multiple times where it's been evident that you have no life at all.
    You sound unreasonably upset. May I remind you this is a simple music board.

    >look at that. Still showing us that he is utterly unversed in music. >hurr durr i need links to show why they were important because i know nothing about musick!!!111!ONE!
    You know you have to press enter before you put in another quote or it'll simply look like you talking.

    >never once have i alluded that i ever flirted with the idea of denying a fact.
    Typical American with inferior English comprehension. Can't even understand that it doesn't even matter who is denying the fact, but that it's futile.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:22 No.5227774
    Don't you live in Alberta?

    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:23 No.5227777

    Somewhere, Hugo Chavez giggles.
    >> Raoul D. !!mJiy02c8VEv 09/27/09(Sun)21:23 No.5227784
    He lives in Ontario, I'm pretty sure.
    >> The Tourist !!MU9MYo46Eyu 09/27/09(Sun)21:24 No.5227792
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    Ontario and Alberta, there's a difference.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:25 No.5227803
         File1254101102.jpg-(84 KB, 550x413, 1252346666153.jpg)
    84 KB
    what the shit's going on here

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