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  • File : 1252935712.gif-(31 KB, 300x300, pretentious.gif)
    31 KB Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:41 No.5037787  
    hi guys,this is my first day here.what should i know about you?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:42 No.5037789
    >pic related
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:42 No.5037796
    That no one's opinion in here is valid at all
    That every person in here is a troll
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:44 No.5037807
    oh great. basically you are exactly the same as the place i come from, /tv/.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:44 No.5037810
    People hate everything and like everything you listen to. Unless it's scene or pop and then everyone hates you.

    If you're a metalfag you will be trolled constantly.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:45 No.5037822
         File1252935958.jpg-(32 KB, 337x378, 1244449167025.jpg)
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    OLDFAG HERE. Quick OP, listen closely, there's something of vital urgency I need to tell you about /mu/, no time to lose! The most important and closely-guarded secret is thaHNNNNNNNGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:46 No.5037831
    1. Bob Dylan is King
    2. David Bowie is queen
    3. Jef Magnum is the Prince
    4. Loveless, In the Aeroplane over the Sea and Merriweather Post Pavilion are compulsory listening
    5. enjoy!
    >> =:x !!c0MM5QUDH/M 09/14/09(Mon)09:46 No.5037833
         File1252936018.png-(172 KB, 476x356, aku64.png)
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    Get a trip, you will need it
    >> Workfag !!r6vbiSePEQ4 09/14/09(Mon)09:48 No.5037847
         File1252936119.jpg-(17 KB, 640x360, 293651.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:48 No.5037848
    we're not as mainstream as /tv/. /tv/ hates anything even slightly obscure, whereas /mu/ hates anything that isn't obscure.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:49 No.5037856
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:50 No.5037862
    Giving In The Court of the Crimson King a listen wouldn't hurt either.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:51 No.5037868
    >I am an attention-whoring circlejerk faggot who can't grasp the idea that when users start being able to identify posts as being made by certain individuals, the entire concept of 4chan completely breaks down and the entire fucking place turns into another ebaumsworld
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:52 No.5037879
    i thought the entire concept of 4chan was to talk about animes and be gay
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:52 No.5037881
    op here,i love you already /mu/
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:52 No.5037882
         File1252936350.jpg-(1.19 MB, 1250x1500, musicroll.jpg)
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    ok, wats compulsory listening?
    where those jpegs when you need em
    >> b12nd0n !!LHiOF05DTPp 09/14/09(Mon)09:52 No.5037887
         File1252936371.jpg-(34 KB, 544x517, 1251826196324.jpg)
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    You're gonna need a shitload of reaction pictures if you're gonna be part of this board.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:53 No.5037891
    Yeah, tripfagging is an ego-driven phase that some newfags go through because they're deluded enough to think that they're important/smart/special enough to label themselves and be recognized on a long-term basis.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:54 No.5037896
         File1252936461.jpg-(39 KB, 640x480, 1242018279850.jpg)
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    too true
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:54 No.5037898
    /mu/ faggots like to think that their taste is obscure and superior to everybody else's, but when you look at their charts you see that they mostly listen to Radiohead, Death Cab For Cutie, Mastodon, and other such mainstream shit. They will make fun of you for liking coldplay and then turn around and spam the new Muse album until you want to kill yourself.

    Also, everybody trolls. All the time. At least I do.
    >> =:x !!c0MM5QUDH/M 09/14/09(Mon)09:55 No.5037906
         File1252936533.jpg-(30 KB, 798x399, aku75.jpg)
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    Oh anon
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:55 No.5037907
    Our favourite bands are Neutral Milk Hotel, Radiohead and Animal Collective.

    The Antlers album, Hospice is a close favourite.

    Our favourite Hip-Hop is Wu-Tang Clan.

    Other notable favourites are Kid Cudi, Drake, Common, Talib Kweli, Mos Def and A Tribe Called Quest.

    Our favourite Electronica is Daft Punk and Justice.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:55 No.5037913
    I rarely see people boasting about how obscure their taste is
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:56 No.5037921
    >implying this board is different to any other board on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:57 No.5037931
    They think it. You can tell without them saying it outright. Just like you can tell right now that I think *my* taste is superior to everybody here.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:58 No.5037937
    Oh yeah, OP, be prepared for a lot of implying. It's not as bad as /sp/ but it's getting there.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)09:59 No.5037949
         File1252936798.jpg-(398 KB, 721x721, beatles-revolver.jpg)
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    check out the /roll thread for more cumpolsory listening

    we dont like pitchfork.

    dont listen to bill murrey, the tourist or misses bellamy.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:00 No.5037956
    >We don't like pitchfork

    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:01 No.5037959
    >They will make fun of you for liking coldplay and then turn around and spam the new Muse album until you want to kill yourself.
    I hate Coldplay because they're boring and try to promote themselves as "mature" music. I don't say the same about Muse because they don't do that though I don't like them either. Popularity isn't a factor.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:01 No.5037961

    Bill Murray is a genius... MissesBellamy though, I'd kill that shim for $5.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:01 No.5037967

    Bill Murray isnt a troll and actually knows a fair bit about music

    Also the Tourist is hilarious, if theres anyone you shouldn't listen to it's fucking Indie Music Cooperation
    >> Popular°3°Tripfag !mG5O0Tff5s 09/14/09(Mon)10:02 No.5037973
         File1252936943.png-(181 KB, 897x3336, triprate.png)
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    Ignore any tripfags not on here, especially Bill Muray(although he will back himself up disguised as anon)
    >> Popular°3°Tripfag !mG5O0Tff5s 09/14/09(Mon)10:03 No.5037979
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:03 No.5037983
         File1252937012.gif-(3 KB, 150x150, 4040e780f5fbfea84d6bd0f4dbb223(...).gif)
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    op this pic related to /mu/?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:04 No.5037996

    I'm not abiding to any list that ranks Indie Cindie Music Faggeration in 'decent'
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:05 No.5038001
    Get used to Popular Tripfag spamming this image; and ignoring it.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:05 No.5038002
    people sometimes make threads insisting metal isn't "real music". Just ignore it. If you ignore it, it'll go away.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:05 No.5038005
    OP should ignore that list as it was created by Indie
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:06 No.5038008


    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:06 No.5038014
         File1252937195.jpg-(48 KB, 448x473, Sniper.jpg)
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    But metal isn't real music.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:06 No.5038016
    Go back to posting fifteen troll threads per day on /fa/ please. You're fairly worthless.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:06 No.5038019
         File1252937203.jpg-(152 KB, 427x640, 1233619553468.jpg)
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    Why has no one mentioned Modest Mouse? There are practically daily circle jerks around here in their honor.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:06 No.5038021
    OP needs to post his musical taste so we can tell if he will fit in around here.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:07 No.5038025
    OP, if somebody makes a post like this, you should respond thusly:

    >Implying metal is music

    And then post a reaction image. This is your first lesson in trollan.
    >> Popular°3°Tripfag !mG5O0Tff5s 09/14/09(Mon)10:07 No.5038027
         File1252937246.jpg-(9 KB, 246x245, 1235622477971.jpg)
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    Hahaha, anon "opinions"
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:07 No.5038028
    I doubt OP is even still around
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:07 No.5038031
    it is evryone /mu/ses dream to do this

    this way every hipster bitch would instantly drop their kneess, and pleasure you while humming "i only said" by my bloody valentine
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:09 No.5038044
    >Bill Muray(although he will back himself up disguised as anon)
    Exactly, just like he did yesterday in that shitty thread he made.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:09 No.5038045
         File1252937372.jpg-(10 KB, 266x400, 1234579576962.jpg)
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    >implying modest mouse deserves a thread
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:09 No.5038049
         File1252937391.jpg-(90 KB, 537x543, 1252015506402.jpg)
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    >Implying metal is music
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:10 No.5038054
    im here.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:11 No.5038064
    on that note OP, always have David Bowie images at the ready. Any un-hip, un-indie comment can be forgotten and reconciled by posting images of the King of /mu/.

    All Bowie is god tier, except goatee bowie.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:13 No.5038081
    Godamn you, Goatee Bowie
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:13 No.5038082
    >Implying everyone who hates IMC and his stupid tier list is Bill Murray posting as anon
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:13 No.5038085

    do it OP.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:13 No.5038086
    I feel slightly ashamed that what started out harmlessly degenerated so quickly, but then that makes this a good realistic slice of /mu/.

    Especially niggers like Popular°3°Tripfag. Climaxia is also a perpetually butthurt little freak.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:15 No.5038101
    If you use iTunes people will imply you to death even though easily 75% of people here use iTunes and don't have a problem with it.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:15 No.5038102
    Bowie has not and never will be capable of growing any kind of facial hair. Prove me wrong.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:15 No.5038106
         File1252937749.jpg-(3 KB, 126x119, 1234587295828s.jpg)
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    OP, natural progression in threads is to decend into chaos and trolling and raging

    to be saved by a thin white duke.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:16 No.5038110
    op here. well, thank you guys. you've all been very helpful. i'll definitely visit more often, you seem like fun. :3
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:16 No.5038113
         File1252937782.jpg-(60 KB, 454x600, deniserichards.jpg)
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    >hi guys,this is my first day here.what should i know about you?

    >implying you have not been to this board and are not using this thread to troll.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:16 No.5038118
    Music that anon won't talk about:

    Weeaboo shit
    Mainstream anything/Top 40
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:19 No.5038145
         File1252937955.jpg-(13 KB, 250x311, goateebowie.jpg)
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    incoming bowie dump
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:20 No.5038157
         File1252938039.jpg-(29 KB, 450x375, 6a00d8341c730253ef00e54f92096c(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:20 No.5038160
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:21 No.5038165

    Aesop Rock is superior to most nigger bullshit
    Mike Patton makes cutting edge music that's ahead of its time
    Sunn O))) are real drone music
    You don't really like _________, you're just doing it for the cred
    Isis is what happens when metal grows up, leaves the basement and shaves its neckbeard
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:22 No.5038184
         File1252938146.jpg-(3 KB, 126x87, 1234274790336s.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:22 No.5038186

    Is sad that his shitty threads are saged to page 10
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:24 No.5038204
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:24 No.5038212
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:25 No.5038219
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:26 No.5038224
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:26 No.5038232
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:27 No.5038236
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:28 No.5038241
    >implying I was generalizing
    except Popular°3°Tripfag doesn't post in this board anymore, whoever is using that tripcode now is not the real Unpopular.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:33 No.5038291
    i'm the only one guy here who isn't a troll. also, beware of tripfags. btw, some of them are nice even if they are tripfags [e.g. Bill].
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:36 No.5038315
    >i'm the only one guy here who isn't a troll
    >beware of tripfags(...) some of them are nice [e.g. Bill]
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:39 No.5038331
         File1252939141.jpg-(11 KB, 320x240, Futurama_Fry_Looking_Squint.jpg)
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    i just can't stand the idea that a bill murray fan could be a total dick. so when he posts i just look at the pics
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:53 No.5038417
    Lebroski is a pretty cool guy
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:54 No.5038425
    ITT: Tripfags remove their trips and talk about how cool they are.

    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)10:57 No.5038446
    You were agreeing with a generalisation
    >> DeliciO)))us Sub-Bass !475nADt2BY 09/14/09(Mon)10:58 No.5038460
    This is a really bad thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)11:00 No.5038473
    Animal Collective is the tits.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)11:47 No.5038802
    >tripfag calling thread bad

    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)12:21 No.5039046
         File1252945287.jpg-(10 KB, 148x389, ggfsgffsfd.jpg)
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    not op, but also a newfag to /mu/
    can we also talk about writing our own music in /mu/, or would it get flamed right off?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)12:22 No.5039048
    Flamed. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)12:23 No.5039061
    OP, don't listen to anyone on this board. They're all trolls with shitty taste in music. You're best off not to start browsing /mu/ at all.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)12:25 No.5039076
    you can share your music with us, but /mu/ will probably be very critical.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)12:32 No.5039137
         File1252945923.jpg-(57 KB, 640x480, 1250606944277.jpg)
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    if there is one thing i've learned it is that /mu/ respects everyone's musical decisions.

    OP should list his favorite bands so that we may engage in a deep discussion about them.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)12:36 No.5039186
    We used to have a pic for that... can't find it though
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)12:38 No.5039210
         File1252946312.jpg-(81 KB, 450x450, neutralmilkhotel.jpg)
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    OP, I've found a great variety of bands through this board exclusively, including Neutral Milk Hotel, Animal Collective, The Antlers, Mew, The Protomen, and Mastodon. I hope you enjoy you're stay and keep an open mind. /mu/ will be a rewarding experience in the end.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)12:47 No.5039286
    I'm currently working on music for a personal video game and I doubt most of /mu/ would be too receptive

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