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    162 KB SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 09/08/09(Tue)01:06 No.4940588  
    Honest, authentic, listenable genres of pop music: JPop, disco, house, garage rock, soul, R&B, funk, New Age, electro, freestyle, afrobeat, afropop, trance, soul jazz, hard bop, corporate pop

    Shitty, image-obsessed, useless, possibly racist/classist/elitist genres of pop music: AOR, prog, metal, post-1985 hip hop, modern rock in any form, punk, hardcore, anything associated with "indie", free jazz, bebop, "ambient", "experimental", "avant-garde", post-rock, dnb

    Anyone who listens to much music in the second list is only buying into some image or association they have with the music's "coolness", as it isn't functional in any way and is very likely hypocritical in what it presents. Please actually think about the music you are listening to and where it is coming from, you will realize that you are wasting your time on trash performed by people posing as "cool".
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:08 No.4940621
    >Shitty, image-obsessed, useless, possibly racist/classist/elitist tripfag:
    SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!Io+rhm7ZDyI
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:09 No.4940636
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:10 No.4940643
    >Honest, authentic, listenable genres of pop music: JPop

    Stopped reading there.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:10 No.4940645
    >> Glucose !8ToR9inu6A 09/08/09(Tue)01:11 No.4940669
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:14 No.4940701
    I know it's trolling, but what image would Ambient be associated with? Dressing like Brian Eno back when he was in Roxy Music?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:14 No.4940709
    >> SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 09/08/09(Tue)01:16 No.4940722
    Appearing "deep" or "intellectual". I don't mean all kinds of ambient music, since I think New Age and meditation music serves a purpose, but most electronic-type ambient music and Brian Eno's shit is just for "intellectuals". Minimalist classical music is complete beard-stroking garbage too.
    >> Sine !t4kkMlRU3U 09/08/09(Tue)01:16 No.4940725
    >modern rock in any form

    Might as well just ditch with the genre listing and go straight to:
    >any music ever created is donkey balls

    If you enjoyed the music you listened to, you wouldn't be posting this. -1/10.
    >> SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 09/08/09(Tue)01:17 No.4940739
    I'm sorry, not everybody buys into the "rock" image or even listens to 99% rock music like a fucking redneck.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:19 No.4940754
    >...genres of pop music
    >using indie to describe a genre of music instead of the type of label a group is on
    >> SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 09/08/09(Tue)01:20 No.4940769
    I didn't say it was a specific genre of music, I said anything associated with "indie". Only certain types of labels and artists, even among independent labels and artists, describe themselves as "indie".
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:20 No.4940771
    >Music which is less popular in /mu/: JPop, disco, house, garage rock, soul, R&B, funk, New Age, electro, freestyle, afrobeat, afropop, trance, soul jazz, hard bop, corporate pop

    >Music which is more popular in /mu/: AOR, prog, metal, post-1985 hip hop, modern rock in any form, punk, hardcore, anything associated with "indie", free jazz, bebop, "ambient", "experimental", "avant-garde", post-rock, dnb

    Fixed that for ya, OP. You can thank me later.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:22 No.4940787
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    Too bad everything concieved musically is influenced by The Beatles, and yes, that includes all the stuff you like. Your argument is invalid.
    >> SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 09/08/09(Tue)01:22 No.4940789
    Of course it is more popular in /mu/. Most of those genres appeal to "authenticity", something that "music fans" (ie, kids who don't listen to what's on the radio) crave. The fact is that none of you have actually considered the implications of the genres, or the absolute hypocrisy in any of them claiming "authenticity".
    >> SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 09/08/09(Tue)01:24 No.4940814
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:25 No.4940832
    fuck me, you are one dumb cunt, aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:26 No.4940850
    >> Sine !t4kkMlRU3U 09/08/09(Tue)01:26 No.4940851
    It wasn't even the fact you said rock, it was the fact that you use words and phrases like "in any form" and "anything associated with".

    You dismiss entire sub-sections of music with the wave of a hand. The fact is, it seems like your only argument that's being presented is that the music is shit, because you attached the people that listen to said music for so-called "ungenuine" reasons and that's what makes it "trash".

    So, what if something you listen to becomes a trend that people catch on to? What then?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:26 No.4940852
    You left out some. What of post-punk? I assume on the second list is where it would be.

    If so, fuck you.
    If not, fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:26 No.4940857
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    >Honest, authentic, listenable genres of pop music: JPop, disco, house, garage rock, soul, R&B, funk, New Age, electro, freestyle, afrobeat, afropop, trance, soul jazz, hard bop, corporate pop
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:27 No.4940859
    dont be confusing pop music and popular music son.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:27 No.4940870
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    >Shitty Genres of pop music:.....Metal....
    >Genre of Pop

    The music expert has spoken.
    >> SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 09/08/09(Tue)01:28 No.4940882
    No, post-punk is actually on the first list, to an extent. Post-hardcore is on the second though.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:29 No.4940891

    Surely you mean Kpop, you gigantic faggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:29 No.4940894
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    That's what I thought.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:30 No.4940903
    Pop =/= Popular
    And this is a troll. Anyone who suggests JPop to be an authentic, listenable genre is trolling.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:30 No.4940907
    probably thinks metal should be categorized as a type of classical music
    >> homesick alien 09/08/09(Tue)01:30 No.4940912
    :| thank you, good sir. >>4940643
    >> SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 09/08/09(Tue)01:32 No.4940930
    What are you talking about? I don't care if any of the music I like becomes a "trend", it already has in many instances. I don't like new garage rock or Animal Collective afrobeat either.

    I don't think they listen to it for ungenuine reasons, since there is no "genuine" aspect to music at all. The sad fact is that the music they like isn't functional in any capacity, which is true of all "modern rock", so they only listen to it for an image which is most likely racist or co-opted or false. And then they actually believe themselves to be "music fans" who are in it "for the music" as if there is some actual, objective good or bad quality to tones of sound.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:33 No.4940937
    sure is 'tryin too hard' in here.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:34 No.4940947

    Sounds like someone's butthurt about only having the same musical tastes as the only sweaty nerdo group that will talk to him/her.

    Just throwing that out there.
    >> SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 09/08/09(Tue)01:34 No.4940953
    I meant "popular". "Pop music" changes definition so much with the time that I thought it was fine.
    >> SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 09/08/09(Tue)01:35 No.4940963
    I hardly ever talk to people about music because hardly anybody I know likes dance music and they all listen to things for stupid reasons.
    >> BaRaCk !ObAmA9kF6M 09/08/09(Tue)01:36 No.4940969
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    >Honest, authentic, listenable genres of pop music:
    >garage rock
    >Shitty, image-obsessed, useless, possibly racist/classist/elitist genres of pop music:
    >modern rock in any form
    I think you just ripped a hole in space, OP.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:36 No.4940971

    Are you trying to tell us that JPop is NOT a trend? That shit is for teenagers with no life, and is quickly outgrown.
    >> SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 09/08/09(Tue)01:38 No.4940992
    JPop is very explicitly corporate and focuses on rhythm and catchy riffs, hence I don't find it hypocritical or image-conscious. Nobody listens to JPop to be "different".
    >> SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 09/08/09(Tue)01:38 No.4941001
    I meant real garage rock, not The White Stripes or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:39 No.4941010
    True dat.

    I fucken loled at 'Corporate Pop' being an 'authentic, listenable genre'. Clearly, OP doesn't know shit about music.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:40 No.4941027

    uh you do.
    >> BaRaCk !ObAmA9kF6M 09/08/09(Tue)01:40 No.4941032
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    But real garage rock is still modern rock.
    >> Sine !t4kkMlRU3U 09/08/09(Tue)01:40 No.4941033
    The point I was trying to make was that you were slamming on the second grouping purely based on people. Thus, if the same was true for the similar kinds of music you listen to yourself - does that then devalue the first listing?

    Do you honestly think people, in their own homes, with no one around listen to music to satisfy a need to project an image?

    tl;dr, this entire thread is bullshit, but we already know that.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:41 No.4941037
    You haven't listened to much J-pop have you? There's tons of j-pop which is just like regular music but just in Japanese.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:41 No.4941042
    uh you do. and your different in the sense that youre a FAGGOT!!!!

    >> SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 09/08/09(Tue)01:41 No.4941049
    How is not authentic? It is mass-marketed and over-produced and doesn't try to hide it. "Indie" rock made by rich trust fund kids with connections and ripping off black musicians, that people enjoy because they believe it to be "authentic", is what's truly shit.
    >> SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 09/08/09(Tue)01:43 No.4941066
    OK, I meant like post-65 rock music. I'm not great with genres but I can clarify anything in OP if people need me to.
    >> SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 09/08/09(Tue)01:45 No.4941084
    Of course they don't, but they listen to it in their homes because the music gives them a false feeling of "authenticity" or "rock and roll" which is unfounded shit. I am trying to show people that they only enjoy music based on cultural connections which mean nothing. Then you can actually think critically about what it means to be "authentic" and "functional" musically, and what genres of music are selling you a fictitious image built on elitism.
    >> SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 09/08/09(Tue)01:46 No.4941092
    No I don't. I'm not sure what you think is so "different" about disco or corporate pop music. I also never claimed to listen to all of the music in the first list.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:46 No.4941093
    showing how much you care about "authenticity" or "genuine music" only shows how big of an asshole you are. get out, get off 4chan, and go kill your self. you arent cool by listening to music that is has no "image".
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:46 No.4941098

    Yep, Metric sure isn't one of the greatest, most original bands out there because it's, technically, 'INDIE.'

    As opposed to what? JSuck? The whole point of that clusterfuck was to copy North American culture. Now who's unoriginal?

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