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  • File : 1252278741.jpg-(32 KB, 320x320, Snowing_-_Fuck_Your_Emotional_Bullshit.jpg)
    32 KB Posimodo !zShlnHArrw 09/06/09(Sun)19:12 No.4919787  
    hey /mu/ i think it's about time we GET RAD.
    let's have a cool share thread for cool kids, my posts are gonna focus on that noodely emo stuff, and anything that seems super POSI. you guys feel free to contribute with whatever you want.

    Teenage Cool Kids - Queer Salutations
    >Real good fuzzy pop punk, catchy hooks, balls out choruses. crucial jams.

    Snowing - Fuck your Emotional Bullshit
    >You probably already have heard of this band, but if you haven't you need to download this pronto, really heartfelt emo, some really great sing along moments, and just the right amount of spazz.

    Colossal - Welcome the Problems
    >More noodles than chinese takeout, think Algernon Cadwallader, but with a singer who doesn't balls out yell, but sings well.

    Cowboys Aren't Indians - S/T
    >sounds like it was recorded in a bro's basement, but in a good way, cool kids doing cool stuff, sounds sorta like cap'n jazz.

    Hightide Hotel/By Suprise
    Hightide Hotel - Porch Luck
    >Another band from Pennsylvania, what seems like the get rad emo capital of the world right now, it has the noodely bits, it has the emotional sing along bits, it has really clever lyrics, this is the band i'm most anticipating a full length from.
    >> Posimodo !zShlnHArrw 09/06/09(Sun)19:29 No.4920005
         File1252279751.jpg-(41 KB, 600x599, myhearttojoy_seasonsinverse.jpg)
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    Boy Problems - Tour Demo
    >It's sad but these guys already broke up after only like a year, but that's forever in emo time i guess. a little, yellier? emo, lots of gang vocals.

    Age Sixteen - Open up Finders Please
    >pretty much one of my favorite screamo outfits together right now, they get compared to suis la lune a lot, and rightfully so, but the vocalist is way more balls out than Henning, bad ass gang vocals, cool shit, get this.

    Castevet - Summer Fences
    >American football if their balls dropped.

    My Heart to Joy - Seasons in Verse
    >really beautiful stuff, i think it sounds lush, that good ol' emo thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:32 No.4920036
    Finally a share thread!
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:34 No.4920063
    needs more pop-punk
    >> Glucose !8ToR9inu6A 09/06/09(Sun)19:35 No.4920082
    Dude, I just heard this band that reminded me of Snowing. Pretty great.

    Merchant Ships - I want To Forget About Anything That's Ever Happened
    >Screamo, a bit noodley. Broken up, some members are now in the band below v

    Midwest Pen Pants - Inside Jokes EP
    >Snowing-esque emo. Awesome.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:39 No.4920130
         File1252280372.jpg-(30 KB, 400x353, jazz_liberatorz-clin_doiel.jpg)
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    Jazz Liberatorz - Clin D'oeil
    >A great mix of Boom Bap beats with Jazz samples, topped with a light creme of raps contributed by Fat Lip, Buckshot, Sadat X, Asheru and others
    >> Posimodo !zShlnHArrw 09/06/09(Sun)19:40 No.4920149
         File1252280455.jpg-(53 KB, 300x300, oregon trail.jpg)
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    I'll start working on that!

    but first, i have one last link from the last batch

    Colby R. Death - The Oregon Trail
    >This is a kid Madeline Ava introduced me to, he plays really great lyrics centric, folkish stuff. It sounds like a glitched out Theo Zumm (He's the main songwriter for Nana Grizol, and did some stuff in Defiance, Ohio) demo tape.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:42 No.4920167

    >> Glucose !8ToR9inu6A 09/06/09(Sun)19:43 No.4920177
         File1252280614.jpg-(16 KB, 139x149, 2882-lautrec.jpg)
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    Lautrec - 8 songs
    >Screamo. Reminds me of The Fall Of Troy a little bit, because of the vocals. No singing in this one though.

    Lion Of The North - The Compass Calls E.P.
    >Screamo/emo. Has some fast abrasive parts, with the occassional technical slow-downs.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:44 No.4920189
         File1252280657.jpg-(51 KB, 351x348, Slum Village - Fantastic, (...).jpg)
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    Slum Village - Fantastic Vol. 2
    >album title says it best. you don't know yet? you don't deserve it.
    >> Drudge !8g7HMHayhg 09/06/09(Sun)19:44 No.4920195
    Thats the link for the Snowing album bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:47 No.4920231
         File1252280849.jpg-(85 KB, 300x300, dasefx.jpg)
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    Das EFX - Hold It Down
    >To the hip and the hop you don't stop, Das EFX wit da real hip-hop! - old-school boom bap classic
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:47 No.4920238
    Sonreal - Good Morning
    >Good, chill hip-hop
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:51 No.4920291
         File1252281100.jpg-(99 KB, 900x790, lookingback-781459.jpg)
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    someone requested more like Jazz Liberatorz, so here you go:

    Sound Providers - Looking Backwards
    >jazz-hop talents playing with drum computers
    >> Glucose !8ToR9inu6A 09/06/09(Sun)19:53 No.4920319
         File1252281228.jpg-(21 KB, 300x300, thesilentyears2.jpg)
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    Tiger Trap - s/t
    >Twee, pop-punk. Reminds me of Lemuria a little bit.

    Lemuria - The First Collection
    Get Better
    >Indie, pop-punk

    The Silent Years - Let Go
    >indie, for a lack of a better definition. It's nice, though

    Jumbling Towers - s/t.
    >I don't even know what this is. Thank you though, for the person who asked for a link of this yesterday, I found it and checked it out. Pretty great.
    >> Posimodo !zShlnHArrw 09/06/09(Sun)19:54 No.4920326
         File1252281252.jpg-(50 KB, 400x354, intolakegriffysmtq3.jpg)
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    Alright, Pop Punk time.

    We are Still alive
    No Matter where we go...!
    Turn Up the Punk, We'll Be singing
    >One of my favorite bands ever, super posi lyrics, great choruses, can't recommend highly enough

    The Max Levine Ensemble - Ok Smarty Pants/How to Build an Intergalactic Time travel Machine
    >this is a weird, two albums one .rar thing i did for my blog, that in retrospect was dumb, but this music isn't. just really solid pop punk, i really like spoonboy too.

    Hot New Mexicans - Wah
    >They have a really loose Replacements sharing an apartment with Aaron Cometbus while collecting wellfare checks to buy Rolling Stones records feel. Really good. The singer is a rocker.

    The sidekicks - So Long Soggy Dog
    >that really gruff, melodic sound, if i was a lesser man i would call it orgcore, but it's not. It's pop punk, and i love it, think Delay. but poppier.

    Good Luck - Into Lake Griffey
    >The closest thing to an all star line-up i've seen. You've got Matt Tobey (Matty Pop Chart) ripping the shit out of his guitar, making catchy hooks and sweet riffs, then you got Ginger Alford on Bass, Holding it down and belting it out, and Mike Harping on drums, laying down great beats. really fresh cool stuff.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:54 No.4920334
    this shit is cash. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:55 No.4920338
         File1252281307.jpg-(62 KB, 500x500, 00-othello_(of_lightheaded)-el(...).jpg)
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    Othello of Lightheaded crew - Elevator Music
    >underground rap ranging from chilled out to uplifting
    >> Twee As Fuck !rXjatVeY5M 09/06/09(Sun)19:56 No.4920361
    OP, are you me?

    Downloading the things I don't already have, because I love everything I DO already have. Hit me up with your if you have one.
    >> Drudge !8g7HMHayhg 09/06/09(Sun)19:56 No.4920366
    Best Latterman album iyo?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:57 No.4920382
    Rubber City Rebels - Pierce my Brain
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:58 No.4920387

    this, been wanting to check them out for a while.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:58 No.4920389
         File1252281504.jpg-(53 KB, 350x351, 40dd337c0558c0d55a6067b0951a..jpg)
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    Ohmega Watts - The Find
    >vivid underground rap with influences from jazz to funk to rock
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:03 No.4920462
         File1252281798.jpg-(79 KB, 600x600, l_5f566b028b79472a8ed48b06d9a1(...).jpg)
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    owen - new leaves

    Artist: Owen
    Album: New Leaves
    Bit Rate: 320 kbps
    Release Date: Sept. 22, 2009
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:03 No.4920471
         File1252281826.jpg-(46 KB, 360x360, The Procussions - ...As Iron S(...).jpg)
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    The Procussions - ... As Iron Sharpens Iron
    >another underground rap crew, partly influenced by jazz, with some of the best lyrics ever
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:04 No.4920481
    yes! this is a really, really good album. jay dee was amazing, RIP
    >> !GrimRrKFpM 09/06/09(Sun)20:04 No.4920485
    I saw Get Rad at Dudefest 09 they rocked.
    >> Posimodo !zShlnHArrw 09/06/09(Sun)20:09 No.4920552
         File1252282184.jpg-(28 KB, 475x462, Left.jpg)
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    One Reason - All Rivers Run South, All Roads Lead Home
    >I've got a pretty big stiffy for Ginger Alfords vocals, she's got soul, this is really good stuff, and i can't get enough of that chorus in the song "The Black and the Red"

    Halo Fauna - Durak
    >i don't really have all that much to say, but i'm gonna green text anyway. Features Eric Ayotte, of Eric Ayotte (non)fame.

    Lemuria - Get Better
    >another Female Fronted pop punk band, i always think i get to the end of the album way sooner than i should, i guess time flys when you're having fun!

    Off With Their Heads - From the Bottom
    this band has guys from Dillinger Four, Banner Pilot, and Rivethead in it. This should give you an idea of what you're getting in to. really traditional punk stuff, power chords and strong basslines.

    The Weakerthans - Left and Leaving
    >not strictly pop punk i guess, but it's pop punk enough. This is what the midwest sounds like.

    Yo man, Go! - Demo
    >I'm pretty sure this is complete bullshit, but i think they share a member with Saetia, great, posi pop punk regardless.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:11 No.4920571
         File1252282294.jpg-(18 KB, 400x400, j88.jpg)
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    J-88 - The Best Kept Secret EP
    >Slum Village before they called themselves Slum Village

    and the other Procussions albums

    The Procussions - Up All Night

    The Procussions - 5 Sparrows For 2 Cents

    i also posted all the other rap links, could i get some in exchange, please?
    >> Posimodo !zShlnHArrw 09/06/09(Sun)20:12 No.4920578
    i'm the guy that runs soup,eerie,oar,taste. i just finally decided to trip up. also thanks, you're a bro!
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:13 No.4920592
    Except Sonreal. ;)
    >> Posimodo !zShlnHArrw 09/06/09(Sun)20:18 No.4920662
    we are still alive...! has a few really stellar songs, but my favorite has got to be no matter where we go, it's just so consistently good.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:20 No.4920697
         File1252282825.jpg-(19 KB, 300x300, 082-BITD_Onyx_AllWeGotIzUs.jpg)
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    onyx - all we got iz us
    >damn good record from a so-so group, amazing production and unbelievable lyrics, sticky fingaz TEARS it up.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:21 No.4920702
    Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - Greatest Hits
    >Essential heartland rock
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:23 No.4920737
    you've got a link to Bacdafucup I or II?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:24 No.4920746
         File1252283046.jpg-(11 KB, 320x320, Frengers.jpg)
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    Mew - Frengers (2003)
    >>prog rock, dream pop, shoegaze, experimental, jazzy art-rock.
    >> 404 !!BDGzwhXRaPr 09/06/09(Sun)20:26 No.4920765
    DLing now. If your description in accurate, this is the best album ever.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:27 No.4920785
    Outkast : Speakerboxx: The Love Below
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:27 No.4920789
    Its pretty accurate
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:28 No.4920799
    Turn Up the Punk, We'll Be singing
    >One of my favorite bands ever, super posi lyrics, great choruses, can't recommend highly enough

    >everything is lower-case
    >> pokemoniscool !CSZ6G0yP9Q 09/06/09(Sun)20:29 No.4920813
    i lold
    Alice Donut is a black humor punk band that is comparable to butthole surfers.
    Alice Donut-Bucketfuls of Sickness and Horror in an Otherwise Meaningless Life

    Alice Donut-The Untidy Suicides of Your Degenerate Children
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:29 No.4920816
         File1252283391.jpg-(40 KB, 493x480, 2940uoz.jpg)
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    Cannibal Ox - SpeakerOxxx / The Ox Below
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:32 No.4920852
    bacdafucup II
    >> Posimodo !zShlnHArrw 09/06/09(Sun)20:33 No.4920865
    What's the matter, i see capitals in all the right places.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:36 No.4920903
    Finally finished capitalizing and figuring out the full song titles. Music is well worth it.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:37 No.4920909
         File1252283820.jpg-(58 KB, 514x552, 1250643366003.jpg)
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    Share threads make me happy.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:37 No.4920920
    thank you kindly, sir
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:38 No.4920924

    Protip about this album;
    It containes the best song of all time called "Comforting Sounds".
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:38 No.4920932
    The song titles were in all lower-case when I downloaded them.
    Maybe Zune is just being retarded or something.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:39 No.4920940
         File1252283983.jpg-(78 KB, 1358x1359, ntm_lp4_front.jpg)
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    NTM - Suprême NTM
    >some of the best french hip hop out there. if you have any hesitations about downloading it cause it's not in english, fuck you, just get this, it's too good.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:40 No.4920946
    french have a fucking talent for making unbelievably good beats
    >> 404 !!BDGzwhXRaPr 09/06/09(Sun)20:40 No.4920947
    That is all.
    >> Posimodo !zShlnHArrw 09/06/09(Sun)20:41 No.4920955
    Oh, i'm sorry about that, mediafire is always deleting my links, so i had to find a new one real quick, sorry the tags were wrong, that's always a bummer.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:45 No.4921012
    It's cool, holmes.
    The music was awesome, that's all that matters
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:47 No.4921037
    More variety please share thread :)
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:48 No.4921052
    Hanoi Rocks - Bangkok Shocks, Saigon Shakes, Hanoi Rocks
    80s pop-rock...catchy tunes.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:49 No.4921060
    samefag, /r/ing some alternative rock.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:49 No.4921068
         File1252284581.jpg-(29 KB, 320x317, ''''.jpg)
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    Phantomsmasher - s/t
    experimental, grindcore, noise, electronic, post-rock, this is fucking incredible i might add, seriously, nothing sounds like this.
    >> Drudge !8g7HMHayhg 09/06/09(Sun)20:56 No.4921167
         File1252284982.jpg-(128 KB, 567x561, tyrantcorecover.jpg)
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    Accidentally made a thread out of this album yesterday, but I'll post it in here because it is fucking awesome.

    Down I Go - Tyrant
    >>Awesome experimental mathcore, criminally underrated.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:02 No.4921247
         File1252285332.jpg-(856 KB, 1426x1426, Purple Image album art.jpg)
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    Resurrection - Embalmed Existence (old school death metal)
    Nektar - Journey to the Center of the Eye (70's psych/prog rock)
    Purple Image - Purple Image (psychedelic funk)
    >> Folk-punk essentials. Glucose !8ToR9inu6A 09/06/09(Sun)21:02 No.4921249
    Andrew Jackson Jihad - People who can eat people...

    Defiance, Ohio - Share What Ya Got

    Johnny Hobo and The Freight Trains - caught in the act of not being awesome

    Wingnut Dishwashers Union - Burn the earth, leave it behind.
    >> Glucose !8ToR9inu6A 09/06/09(Sun)21:05 No.4921295
    Does anyone know any sites that contain a large list of mediafire links to various albums?

    Kind of like this one :
    >> Climaxia !!W3iVOHgpKcS 09/06/09(Sun)21:11 No.4921365
         File1252285881.jpg-(13 KB, 320x284, gnaw.jpg)
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    Indeed it is, Plotkin is awesome.
    This band is slightly related to Phantom/Atomsmasher, it's an industrial/noise project of Alan Dubin from Khanate, it's called Gnaw, and this is their debut album from this year, "This Face".
    (sorry about the rapidshare, I just took it out of a blog)
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:14 No.4921407

    this from memory so might be a page not found but let's try
    >> Drudge !8g7HMHayhg 09/06/09(Sun)21:15 No.4921419
    awesome album
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:16 No.4921432

    only problem is no descriptions
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:17 No.4921437
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:17 No.4921442
    i want anal bum hurr
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:18 No.4921470
    The amount of quality punk music in this is pleasing.
    >> Posimodo !zShlnHArrw 09/06/09(Sun)21:20 No.4921497
         File1252286412.jpg-(13 KB, 180x180, 180px-Love_is_Freedom.jpg)
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    gawd, singing along at an Andrew Jackson Jihad show is so fucking fun, i will help you spread the folk punk gospel!

    Wingnut Dishwashers Union - Burn the Earth Leave it Behind
    >brand new full CD from the wingnuts, tons of fresh new songs, some old songs that sound new. crucial jams.

    Brook Pridemore - A Brighter Light

    Andrew Jackson Jihad - Can't Maintain
    >album of the year, i love it so much, AJJ have even started to get shitstorms on /mu/ so they gotta be getting better.

    Tim Barry - Manchester
    >leader singer of punk giants AVAIL singing some country, folky, punky stuff.

    Nana Grizol - Demo's
    This is a lot more bare bones compared to the regular nana grizol sound, mostly Theo and his guitar, some handclaps and neat stuff sometimes, a lot folkier.

    Blackbird Raum - Swidden
    >This band stinks. quite literally, the kind of folk punk you would find in a garbage can, sounds like pirates made it, enjoy your accordians.

    Y Lime? - Hunan Garden
    >Brother sister duo that plays really heartfelt songs

    Madeline Ava - Songs i'm too nervous to sing for my mom.
    >coolest person ever, Ukulele cuddle-core.

    Paul Baribeau - NEW DEMO TAPE
    >saved the best for last, the big B's new demo is really good, and i can't wait for his next release.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:23 No.4921548
    this is a really good share thread, up them punx.
    >> Drudge !8g7HMHayhg 09/06/09(Sun)21:24 No.4921562
    Cheers for the shares bro, I'm gonna have to listen to these. Folk-punk is something I've been meaning to try out for a while now.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:27 No.4921602
    Brook Pridemore played a pretty awesome house show in my town. There were only 10 or so people there D:
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:27 No.4921606
    /r/ above this fire
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:27 No.4921607
    the pogues are folk punk

    not andrew jackson jihad

    I fucking hate how they have just appropriated the term when it means something completely different
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:31 No.4921666

    if anything they are just fast anti-folk
    >> Posimodo !zShlnHArrw 09/06/09(Sun)21:32 No.4921680
    come on now. i realize the pogues were really influential and helped create "Folk Punk", but you can't honestly say Andrew Jackson Jihad does not sound like folk punk at all, you could call it "Second Wave Folk Punk" or something equally fruity if it makes you happy.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:33 No.4921709

    sorry they are nothing alike, they've just latched onto the term because it makes them look more interesting than just anti-folk/other
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:34 No.4921725
    I fucking love you for this. Was at The Sidekicks CD release show last night.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:35 No.4921731
    What are gang vocals?
    >> Posimodo !zShlnHArrw 09/06/09(Sun)21:35 No.4921733
    I guess I'll just have to respectfully disagree, it's cool though, I'm probably just wrong and stubborn.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:35 No.4921735
    Arguing about genres makes you retarded. Bands can label themselves as anything they want.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:36 No.4921755

    they are folk punk now, get used to it
    >> Posimodo !zShlnHArrw 09/06/09(Sun)21:36 No.4921759
    Those super sweet parts of a song where the whole band yells some lines together, at live show everyone usually shouts those lines too, you know the whole "Gang" gets in on the "Vocals"
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:37 No.4921765

    bands dont decide genres you dolt, genres are a way of describing the noise a band makes, they arent rigid but they do have limits.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:38 No.4921782
    Posimodo, based on your musical taste I can only assume you go to often.

    Were you at Bereafest?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:39 No.4921802
         File1252287544.jpg-(43 KB, 462x462, bathory hammerheart.jpg)
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    Bathory - Hammerheart
    >Actually Good Black Metal
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:39 No.4921814

    Im aware that they've changed the meaning of the genre, thats what makes me rage. Words exist for what they do, but those words were never folk-punk.

    brb going to cry in the shower
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:39 No.4921819
         File1252287592.jpg-(62 KB, 300x300, americanfootball-americanfootb(...).jpg)
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    American Football
    >emoish rock music for cool kids.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:41 No.4921839
    What the fuck is POSI and why should I care?
    >> Bill Murray !!wTxG4xvZNui 09/06/09(Sun)21:41 No.4921844
         File1252287687.jpg-(42 KB, 257x400, jennifer-butler-murray.jpg)
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    I wouldn't call that album black metal, it seems like it was the start of actual viking metal, along with a couple songs from Blood Fire Death.
    >> Glucose !8ToR9inu6A 09/06/09(Sun)21:42 No.4921858
         File1252287724.jpg-(32 KB, 314x298, 1245487560119.jpg)
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    >Madeline Eva


    I need it. FFFFFFFF
    >> Posimodo !zShlnHArrw 09/06/09(Sun)21:42 No.4921867
         File1252287739.jpg-(35 KB, 400x400, son-lux.jpg)
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    i do in fact go to ifyoumakeit a ton, it's a really great site, but sadly i wasn't able to go to Bereafest, since i can't drive yet, but next year it's totally happening.

    also here's another album I'm really liking, lets try to get back to more sharing and conversation, less genre shit dickery.

    Son Lux - At War with Walls and Mazes
    >Really cool anticon based artist, that makes neat soundscapes, sometimes phat beats, and always dreamy repeated lines that get pretty hypnotic sometimes. Ambient, that isn't really that ambient, if that makes sense.
    >> thoughs !!7HFwNwXspa3 09/06/09(Sun)21:42 No.4921871
    Radio Dept. - Freddie and the Trojan Horse

    >pretty cool shoegaze but like rock-y

    idk if its like impolite to make a request but does anyone have that new Pet Shop Boys album
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:42 No.4921876
    whatever genre you want to call it, it still kicks ass
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:43 No.4921886
    I'll contribute a bit I suppose. It's gonna be super unorganized because it's just a hodgepodge of links from other share threads I've been a part of, but here it goes:

    Bridge and Tunnel - East and West.
    Kinda like Melodic Hardcore and Folk got into a car accident. Kinda like Latterman.

    no PW
    Polar Bear Club - Think Small Brown Bike or older Hot Water Music. One of my favorite bands. No PW.

    The Redder The Better EP (2006)

    Sometimes, Things Just Disappear (2008)

    Summer of George EP (2009)
    >> thoughs !!7HFwNwXspa3 09/06/09(Sun)21:43 No.4921888
    shit shit shit forgot link
    >> Posimodo !zShlnHArrw 09/06/09(Sun)21:44 No.4921912

    Madeline Ava - In the Aeroplane over the sea, but not really

    there you go bro, Madeline is really sweet in real life, like her music fits her perfectly.

    Also, Posi is just short for Positive/Positivity, what this board needs more of.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:45 No.4921932
    >Ah. You would have loved it. I'm lucky enough to live right outside of Cleveland so I am pretty much smack dab in the middle of the wonderful Pop-punk/folk Renaissance going on in the Midwest right now. Cleveland seems to be where all the great shows wind up, here and Bloomington.
    I really recommend Two Hand Fools, and Reverse The Curse

    and some gaslight anthem:

    The '59 Sound - 2008

    Senor And The Queen EP - 2008
    (all tracks are unique on this, despite being released in the same year as an album)

    Sink Or Swim - 2007
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:45 No.4921939
    >Also, Posi is just short for Positive/Positivity, what this board needs more of.
    you just made me vomit everywhere jesus christ
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:46 No.4921946

    Guy/Chick duo. Used to be in some metal band that kinda blew. New album just dropped this week. Really good.

    Album Stream:
    Album Download:

    Ghost Mice - The Debt of the Dead
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:46 No.4921950
         File1252287977.png-(165 KB, 300x300, clouddead peel sessions.png)
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    the cLOUDDEAD Peel Sessions 10". This is worth downloading, if only for the awesome version of Grey.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:47 No.4921968

    Fake Problems - It's Great To Be Alive
    >> Posimodo !zShlnHArrw 09/06/09(Sun)21:47 No.4921979
    that's cool, i live down in Lexington, and for awhile, it was like a midway point between Bloomington and Gainsville, so i got some pretty cool shows, hell suis la lune came from sweden so i can't really complain, but it's a bummer to see cool shows that are like an hour or two away, and i can't go.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:48 No.4921982

    That's a lyric of theirs? Because I love Jawbreaker and if they mention them in a song, I MUST download their entire discography.
    >> Skip !WBRXcNtpf. 09/06/09(Sun)21:49 No.4922013
    Am I the only person who finds that new folk punk stuff a little retarded?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:49 No.4922016

    Bad news for you and me. This is the last year for The Fest for a few years. I haven't been able to go yet (don't have the money this year, underage the other years (under 18s can't get into any of the venues)).
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:49 No.4922033
    Yes it is.
    >> Glucose !8ToR9inu6A 09/06/09(Sun)21:50 No.4922038

    Yep. The song is in the album I posted.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:53 No.4922101

    I think it's one of the most annoying genres out there.
    >> Posimodo !zShlnHArrw 09/06/09(Sun)21:54 No.4922122
    yea, i thought it was 21 for the longest time, but i was talking to Anthony (The bro who runs sidejar records, they put out a Two hand Fools record, so i don't know if you know him, anyways) he told me It was 18 now, and you could (probably) get in if you had a guardian with you. but now i find out that they aren't gonna have it for awhile, so i guess i'm waiting those 2 years anyway. bummer.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:58 No.4922184
    All the venues outside of one are 18+. The 21+ one never has any of the big ticket guys anyway.

    Also, Antonio is awesome, met him at Bereafest. Bought some shit from him.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)22:00 No.4922220
    assuming it was the same guy you're talking about. Didn't catch his name.

    Just assuming he sold the merch.
    >> Posimodo !zShlnHArrw 09/06/09(Sun)22:01 No.4922239
         File1252288863.jpg-(19 KB, 400x360, Count-The-Days-by-The-Seedy-Se(...).jpg)
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    sorry for the needless bump, but i just remembered a band a lot of you will probably dig.

    The Seedy Seeds - Count The Days
    >Bluegrassy Electro, i guess, this is a really unique band that blends cool banjo licks, tight vocal harmonies, and fat beats, flawlessly.

    Also i wanna thank
    i've been looking for some Bridge and Tunnel stuff for awhile now.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)22:03 No.4922274

    short for positive, and is a widely accepted term among scenster hardcore kids. most commonly used in songs by the band Good Clean Fun.
    "dude, that wasn't very posi"

    oh my fucking god. kill yourselves, that is so sad and waspish it hurts. bake yourself another fucking apple pie and get mom to drive you to the mall in the van so you can go to gap and hop topic, you vile bastards

    you are all going to grow up to be malcontent and slightly plump middle managers
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)22:04 No.4922288
    I hate being at a hotel that limits bandwith, I'll have to save this thread and take stuff from it later.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)22:08 No.4922354
    One Hundred Words for Snow- Discography
    >Sort-of pop rock, sort of emo. A short-lived yet awesome band. The broody voice of their frontman is perfect for the kind of broody music they play. I'll admit that I've cried to one of their songs.
    Watercolour- Stories About Old Rich White People
    >None of the tracks have titles beyond numbers, and apparently nobody from the band remembers the titles either. I don't know who to compare the vocalist to, but imagine Tim Kinsella with a higher voice.
    >> Posimodo !zShlnHArrw 09/06/09(Sun)22:10 No.4922408
    yea, it was probably Anthony, he has short hair, i'm not sure if the red stripe is still in it, i was planning on giving him a bunch of books so he could sell them and make fat stacks, but i couldn't get them to them before the fest.

    huh, i didn't actually know that, i heard it in a bomb the music industry song (there's also that song Posicore off Andrew Jackson Jihad's home recordings, it has a really posi message), and thought it was a pretty cool word. but yea, i am a fuckhead, i'll concede that point.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)22:15 No.4922501
    >I hate being at a hotel that limits bandwith
    >hotel that limits bandwith
    >> Posimodo !zShlnHArrw 09/06/09(Sun)22:22 No.4922586
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    I like Japanese Hardcore - Live on WHFB
    >super cute, female singer songwriter stuff. a lot of the songs are break up songs, but they are done well.

    The Nation of Ulysses - Plays Pretty for Baby
    really cool, influential, (post?)hardcore, from dischord records, also these guys were stylish as fuck.

    Dangers - Anger
    >really angry, fast hardcore, good stuff, i might be talking out of my ass, but i think they have a full length coming out soon.

    Thelonious Monk - Straight, No Chaser [Remaster]
    I don't listen to enough jazz to be an expert, but this is my favorite jazz album, "I didn't know about you [take 4]" is my favorite track. also, has anyone heard both the remastered and non-remastered versions? are there any big differences?
    >> Twee As Fuck !rXjatVeY5M 09/06/09(Sun)22:57 No.4923065
    Bump for tons of awesome stuff.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)23:01 No.4923125
    I can't find the album Reveille Deerhoof anywhere.

    Upload? Please.
    >> pukirocks !P2WlB9ZNoo 09/06/09(Sun)23:05 No.4923182
    some not anime yoko kanno:
    >> Glucose !8ToR9inu6A 09/06/09(Sun)23:12 No.4923266
         File1252293175.jpg-(221 KB, 500x498, Plushgun-pins-and-panzers-2009.jpg)
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    Plushgun - Pins And Panzers
    >Indie pop, synth-y.

    Test Icicles - For Screening Purposes Only
    >Dance punk with some hardcore influences.

    Great Eskimo Hoax - Of Many Victories
    >Twinkly indiemo stuff.
    >> Pazuzu !!tRGMNaGgujq 09/06/09(Sun)23:18 No.4923335
    Genre: Post-rock

    Stumble.Stop.Repeat (2003)

    The Fall of Math (2004)

    Hole (2005)

    One Time For All Time (2005)

    Radio Protector (2006)

    The Destruction Of Small Ideas (2007)

    Don't Go Down To Sorrow (2007)

    The Distant and Mechanized Glow of Eastern European Dance Parties (2008)

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