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    File : 1251948600.jpg-(21 KB, 448x336, Rock_and_Roll_Hall_of_Fame_and_Museum.jpg)
    21 KB Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:30 No.4867219  
    In this thread we complain about bands never, never, NEVER coming anywhere in a 500 mile radius of you.

    What the fuck? About every concert I'm interested in is held in fucking Philadelphia. It's like an 8 hour drive to every single concert I want to go to. I mean, it's ok doing it a couple times a year, but I can't drive a 16 hour round trip in one day, so I'm usually stuck spending about $120 on what should be a $10 concert.

    Why doesn't anyone ever come near Cleveland? Hell, or anywhere else in Ohio?

    In before jokes about how much of a shithole Cleveland is, it's not like Philadelphia is much better. People in similar boats to me please voice your struggles and complaints.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:32 No.4867251
    i live in newfoundland and have a summer house in iceland. not even those viking rock garbage bands come to visit.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:32 No.4867252
    Cleveland is a shithole.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:33 No.4867261
    hahah you are in ohio!
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:34 No.4867269
    I live in upstate-almost-fucking-Canada NY

    Not even bands from upstate NY play shows in upstate NY.

    NYC is a six or seven hour drive from where I live. ):
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:38 No.4867304
    Why does Cleveland have the R&RHOF anyways?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:39 No.4867312
    Montana. Enough said.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:39 No.4867314
    I live in New Zealand, no-one comes here. Ever.

    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:40 No.4867325
    Hey I'm from akron and its not that bad here! I think we get decent bands everyonce in a while. Who is it your driving 8 hours for?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:40 No.4867334
    living in toronto is awesome. EVERYBODY COMES HERE BITCH (cause we're pretty much the nyc of canada)
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:41 No.4867338
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:41 No.4867341
    I think Green Day came close to where I live.

    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:41 No.4867348
    You're closer to Denver than Montana. I get a fucking 8 hour drive to go see Mastodon.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:41 No.4867349
    Buffalofag here. I feel your pain, but between Rochester, Buffalo, and Toronto (has to be a fucking amazing band to go that far) I can get by.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:42 No.4867351
    all you faggots in america/canada whatever don't get to complain

    new zealand is the worst
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:42 No.4867359
    living in winnipeg was hard, but the new mts center has greatly improved the amount of artists and quality of artists that have appeared recently. but I still will say im sympathetic to OP.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:42 No.4867361
    I did it for Mono Al Stewart, and Animal Collective. I'm probably going to go back to see Mono, but I can't decide if it's worth missing two days worth of classes.

    I know our situation isn't as bad as a lot of other peoples, but it still sucks.
    >> Woo !/HqrgjNwYE 09/02/09(Wed)23:43 No.4867366
    Las Vegas ):
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:44 No.4867378
    Athens, GA.

    Nothing but bro-friendly bands come around here anymore :(
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:44 No.4867386
    Also, I used to go up to Toronto to see a lot of concerts, since it is only about a four hour drive, but now I don't have a passport.

    I live in Youngstown by the way.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:46 No.4867396
    Problem is Ohio has too many big cities that are close together. Bands justify that they can play any one of the three majors (Columbus and Cinci being the other two) and they think everyone will hop in a car to drive to see them. Is it total bullshit? Yes, but I've talked with a few bands about it after shows and most of them have given some variation of that, metal bands in particular.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:46 No.4867397
    Akronfag here,
    I was going to go to that weezer concert tonight (despite the fact so manys hitty bands were going) and modest mouse was in columbus two weeks ago and I'm seeing gogol bordello in cbus next month
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:46 No.4867400

    shit sucks man
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:47 No.4867402
    Renaissance is coming to PA!
    That's right next to me!
    Suck it!
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:47 No.4867404
    I live in Rochester.
    I must be missing something.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:48 No.4867417
    Detroit. No problems here.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:48 No.4867420
    Cursive came to Akron a few weeks ago if I'm not mistaken.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:50 No.4867434
    I live in canton (oh) and I feel the pain, it kills me when I see a tour go from like chicago than skip to new york or phillie or some shit like that
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:50 No.4867435
    I live in davenport IA. Obviously no bands come to my city, but chicago is 3 hours away, so that works sometimes. On very rare occasion, a cool band will come to iowa city, a mere 45 minutes away.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:52 No.4867460
    I don't even know what cursive is
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:52 No.4867463

    Shit's awesome.
    >> Pazuzu !!tRGMNaGgujq 09/02/09(Wed)23:55 No.4867493
    Rotting Christ and Anaal Nathrakh:
    Fuck you. All you do is play festivals in Europe.

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