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Thoughts on this band ?
They're great. MPP is my favorite.
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>They're great. MPP is my favorite.
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>Strawberry Jam
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They're great. MPP is my favorite.
Feels > STGSTV > MPP > the rest
They're great. Pet Sounds is my favorite.
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mpp isn't my favorite but it's way better than strawberry jam (one of their worse albums honestly)

deal with it faggots
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>implying this isn't obviously the superior album
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>( ´・ω・) nyoro~n happy !sphealltsE and his opinions
Water Curses > Feels > everything else
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why didnt they just include water curses in jam? making it a 10/10 album instead of a 9/9
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>making it a 10/10 album instead of a 9/9
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Please if you're going to listen to noise, at least listen to good noise.
b-but there were nine tracks lel
what, no love for Here Comes the Indian or Sung Tongs? they're some of my favorites
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anyone who says that anything other than Strawberry Jam is the best album is just looking for attention
but strawberry jam is their worst album
Attention whore.

I can't decide on a best. Strawberry Jam is the only album they have where 100% of the songs are always worth listening to, but Sung Tongs has Visiting Friends, Feels has The Bees and Daffy Duck, and MPP has No More Runnin, if only to name the big 4.

A close contender for best album would be STGSTV, and anyone who says otherwise hasn't listened to it enough.
>Visiting Friends
>No More Runnin
Jesus christ you have the taste of a 15 year old.
Spirit isn't a contender, it IS their best. Nothing afterwards even comes close.
Only the first minute of Strawberry Jam is good.
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>belt manana

>not looking for attention

>implying you have ever listened to melt banana
10/10, my jimmies were rustled.
okay to be fair, either sung tongs or feels could count as their best. also, i haven't heard centipede hz yet, so i can't say
>implying MPP is better than SJ

He was saying those songs were good, retard.
>tfw you feel like you're the only who likes Hollinndagain, let alone have it as your favourite besides Strawberry Jam
i honestly do believe that but maybe it's because i haven't overlistened to MPP like a lot of people. I'm not a big fan of either album though
MPP > Feels
are you implying visiting friends and no more runnin are bad?
Hollinndagain is good. Not their best, but enjoyable enough.
He said "SJ has all good songs, but the other albums have..." Which good imply: The others are not perfect because of these tracks
The others have these few good tracks.

Based on the fact that /mu/'s terrible taste tends to mean they don't enjoy Daffy Duck, Visiting Friends, and No More Runnin, I assumed he was trying to say they weren't good.
>implying that anyone wears green flip-flops anymore
>implying that beach is summer

I really like Essplode and Runnin the Round Ball from Danse Manatee though, I wish the rest of the album was that good
They bring the albums down. They're not bad, but the album loses it's perfect flow with these tracks. Transitioning straight from Banshee Beat into Loch Raven is too good.
to be fair melt banana is atrocious
Just booked my tickets

Anybody going to be at the Philly show in October? I'll bring the acid and/or shrooms if you'd like
Visiting Friends is the best track on ST.
>Visiting Friends
>Not Winters Love, Leaf House, Who Could Win a Rabbit, Mouth Wooed Her, We Tigers, College, Sweet Road, Kids on Holiday, or The Softest Voice
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What you talking about willis?
pretentious hipster bullshit.
No, I said Visiting Friends.
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>p4k hyping the album panda bear has the most influence over while demeaning the works of Avey Tare

Yup, nothing new.
how can they be pretentious doing what they do

are you serious
I just don't get it. It's a good song and I like the atmosphere of it, but best song? Seriously?

While on the topic of bad (relative to the rest of the album) songs, does anyone like Good Lovin Outside and Whaddit I Done? It feels like such a let down to close the album with that song.
Geologist is like the worst member.
He does everything the other members don't have time to.
Avey is too busy playing guitar and making noises
Deakin is just too busy being awesome
and panda bear is too busy not being productive but looking pretty.
It's ethereal and profound and in my opinion easily the best realization of the concept they try to convey on the album.
I never noticed the Spacemen 3 shirt until now. Shit's so trill.
Avey Tare > Panda Bear
Music by betas, for betas.
The concept? You mean returning to an old house, doing nothing with friends, or making sounds with bones?

We Tigers screams that shit.
Hey does anyone have any video of Panda Bear just beating the everloving shit out of the drums?

That would be pretty cool.
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AnCo Power Rankings
1. Avey
2. Deakin
3. Panda
3. Geologist
No I mean the raw aural concept which to me is acoustic ambience.
Winters Love is their best song.
so jelly of that shirt
First half of Winters Love > Visiting Friends.

And Campfire Songs > Visiting Friends.
I'm going, bro. Mann Center. Going to be so fucking dope.
>First half of Winters Love > Visiting Friends

Campfire Songs > Visiting Friends
Well that and ST are the only two AnCo albums I like.
no more runnin is the second or third best track
Not Alvin Row.
It's their second best though.

I like the fact that they play Winter's love pretty different EVERYTIME, it's a great song to see them play live.
Have you listened to Prospect Hummer or Panda Bear's Young Prayer?
Talk about acoustic ambiance on the second one.
>Prospect Hummer
Yes that is my favorite EP from them.

>Panda Bear's Young Prayer

But honestly I'm not too interested since not any of even those three releases interest me too much, sorry.
Is Geologist basically just Ringo?
So why were you even in this thread? You should give Young Prayer a try. It's only 30 minutes long.
>So why were you even in this thread?
Now that I think about it, I have no idea. I guess I had to complain about dissing Visiting Friends.
What has Deakin done for the band?
You really ought to get around to listening to SJ
Feels > Sung Tongs > Spirit They're Gone > Prospect Hummer > Strawberry Jam > Fall Be Kind > Campfire Songs > All the albums and EPs I haven't listened to yet > Merriweather Post Pavilion.
It's too repetitve, it's ok to drift off to, but the same strum pattern just gets old

Best is The Softest Voice for sure
this guy gets it
Geologist is in charge of many of the electronic "noises" and samples, probably more than Avey (not counting Spirit)
MPP and Strawberry are shitty because they're accessible.

>> All the albums and EPs I haven't listened to yet > Merriweather Post Pavilion.

I don't like MPP that much but still that's just silly.
What other artists do something similar to the electronic ambient echo with lots of vocals that they do so great? Things like the second half of Daily Routine, the ending of Did You See The Words, or the mid part of Chores. I just love those sections so so much and would like to hear some more
I don't think anyone is doing that. The opposite maybe, but not what you're pointing out.

I love MPP, but all the X > Y > Z > MPP isn't because MPP is bad. The other albums are just better.
And yes, No More Runnin is worst track.
so what do you guys think of Honeycomb and Gotham?
Panda Bear - Person Pitch

I listed Honeycomb in my top 10 AnCo tracks and got yelled at.
Yes I already listened to Person Pitch and it is indeed excellent. But I'm looking for something not by them since I'm pretty sure i've listened to their whole discography.
I was quoting >>25642531 I just forgot

And I agree I think it lacks energy and panda is better spent on the drums, I just think it's silly to put it last by default.
Not really as
said he does contribute a lot. It's more a joke because really, without him Avey Tare could do most of it. But it's good he's there because it makes live shows better.

Deakin does a lot in AnCo yet no one really pays attention, guitar, percussion, keyboards the lot.

That said, I honestly think despite my power rankings earlier all AnCo members do a lot of different things for the band. It's not just one guy does one thing. Hell, I saw them play winters love and Panda was on guitar while everyone else was on percussion.
I just noticed the horn in the hook of Honeycomb last week and now it seems to overpower every other instrument when that part comes in
No it isn't.
Gang Gang Dance
El Guincho,
Black Moth Super Rainbow (Kinda?)
Avey and Panda's solo stuff.
Atlas Sound
Early Ducktails
Early Racoo-oO-oon
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are you me
i just want centipede hz to leak so fucking bad
Person Pitch>HCTI>STGSTV>Young Prayer>MPP>Sung Tongs>Feels>FBK>Hollinndagain>Danse Manatee>Campfire Songs>Strawberry Jam>Prospect Hummer>Water Curses>Pullhair Rubeye>Padington Band>Ark>Honeycomb/Gotham>Tomboy>Animal Crack Box>People>Keep>TTG>Panda Bear>ODDSAC>Down There

the real ranking of everything anco related. not that anyone cares
>No jane
>no terrestrial tones
It's like you don't even AnCo projects.

i hope they do a live tripped out version of no more runnin on this tour that would be siiiiiiiick
/r/equesting how to get into AnCo guide
They are this gen's beatles
Strawberry Jam > STGSTV > FBK > Person Pitch > Feels > Sung Tongs > HCTI > Water Curses > MPP > Prospect Hummer > Honeycomb/Gotham > Down There > Campfire Songs > Danse Manatee > Shit I've never heard > ODDSAC
Person Pitch>HCTI>STGSTV>Young Prayer>MPP>Sung Tongs>Feels>FBK>Hollinndagain>Danse Manatee>Campfire Songs>Strawberry Jam>Berserker>Prospect Hummer>Water Curses>Coconuts>Paradise>Pullhair Rubeye>Padington Band>Ark>Honeycomb/Gotham>Tomboy>Animal Crack Box>People>Keep>Dead Drunk>Oboroed>TTG>Panda Bear>Blasted>ODDSAC>Down There

forgot about them. happy now?
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I kind of followed this. I listened to sung tongs and feels but it was only after SJ that I actually started appreciating AnCo and got the fullest out of the previous two
There best albums are Spirit, Hollinndagain, and OODSAC.
Yes and no.

Your list is all wrong.
>STGSTV not first
>Down There, Keep, Panda Bear, Terrestrial Tones, ACB worse than Tom Boy
Thanks, man.
>that feel when you're at a party and someone is projecting a 50ft oddsac on the wall.

Oddsac works great both as a record and on 'film'
no this is totally wrong. Literally start at MPP and go backwards.
There are three good Animal Collective albums. You can order them how you like, but none other can enter the top 3.

>Sung Tongs
>Spirit They've Gone...
not gonna argue that those albums are all great...but saying they're the three good Animal Collective albums....
That's essentially the same as what I told him. I think starting with MPP is bad though because the rest of their stuff is pretty different. Even though SJ is accessible it doesn't sound the same.
No it's not. If you start at MPP you could have false assumptions about the rest of the band. The chart recommends MPP if the first 2 albums don't do you anything.
I started with MPP and didn't like Strawberry Jam until after hearing Sung Tongs and Feels. Now Stawberry Jam is my favorite album.
Person Pitch isn't better than anything they've released as a collective(lol).
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And this is why this board needs forced anon, to remove hipsters and their self-referencing microcosm -bands only hipsters could listen to, because of forced quirkiness- :

90% of triptards in this thread, discussing a piece of shit hipster band
1. anon makes thread
2. thread is about music
3. people reply

You can do this now too you know. You can also filter trips. Also

I don't think you know what that means. And since you'll probably reply with this anyway, sure i'm "le mad"

this is their best song by far. when it kicks in around 3 minutes, it almost becomes a spiritual experience.

best album would either be feels or MPP. as much as people can hate the choice for the latter, I thought it was their best realised album to date and I connected a lot with the lyrics on it. feels just makes me feel glad to be alive.
anco, dirty projectors, dinosaur feathers, yeasayer, fang island, etc etc all those bands are quirky and suck dicks

What music is not "quirky" and why are those bands "quirky"?
>There is absolutely no one on this planet who doesn't enjoy AnCo on their own terms.
I agree, just listen to the chorus to Peacebone or the intro to Brothersport, I think that you'd have to be pretty narrow-minded not to see the appeal
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Here's a great article on this awful band:


I love Something Awful's music article writers, they always tell it like it is.

This reminds me of my 4 year old brother throwing a bitch fit but on a cocktail of stimulants
Because they try hard at being "adorably' weird, lolrandumness is their holy grail, and their output is musical gibberish, which hints at the fact that they think it's somewhat intellectual or cerebral. Irony, you see?
>Animal Collective are like the patron saints of every mainstream 'alternative' music site going ... and if that's not reason enough to hate them, I don't know what is.

>lack of bass
It's like he listened to the bad parts of Sung Tongs then just kind of wandered off

>Separated at birth: Built To Spill, Modest Mouse, Arcade Fire and Animal Collective. How do you tell these bands apart from middle distance? Squint a lot?
what the fuck
It's like /mu/ in a single review
I don't really see. You didn't actually give any examples, just threw around buzzwords. You also didn't give any examples of non quirky music.
Feels is best
Strawberry Jam is just behind, then Sung Tongs and MPP lagging behind that. Their later work is superior to their earlier work, in my mind.

Also, the GOAT EP band
Could anybody recommend me some more music like Strawberry Jam (and the more straightforward sections of MPP)? I really like their poppy sound but I found Feels dull.
Beach Boys, MGMT, Olivia Tremor Control, Flaming Lips, Tame Impala, of Montreal
The Beach Boys
You see, when Yeasayer massacre saharian blues or afropop and do boring trite vocal harmonies just after, they're being adorably weird, to appeal to all the little kids who think irony is cool. Because it's ironic, pretending to play stuff, and acting like you don't care (and they really don't).

Also, quirky: An unpredictable or unaccountable act or event. Hipster music is like that. It's all cut'n'paste of uninspired riffs and random melodies. It leads nowhere.

Music is most usually non-quirky -except improvised, free-form stuff-. But hipster art is not really art. It's a self-referencing microcosm of visual and auditive outputs. It's not universal, is not a social painting, and it cannot be grasped or enjoyed by someone who is not a hipster. While black metal or african rumba are loved all over the world, for example.
if you're not a troll, what music do you like and think is "genuine"?
You probably think Vampire Weekend shouldn't be allowed to sound like King Sunny Ade because they're white and sing about college
>Psuedo-intellectual: The post
1. We are talking about animal collective. I genuinely like the way panda drums, I don't see anything ironic about the way avey sings because there is no template for a "good" voice and I don't claim to know the reason why artists make the music they do they you are.

2. It's funny that you thing "hipster" likes self-refential and vacuous things and yet you don't define what a hipster is. From what I've seen anyone and everyone can be called a hipster. Example all those people on /b/ who like metal or like dadrock are just being hipsters because pitchfork-core is what is mainstream now. How are they suppose to prove they genuinely like what they like and aren't putting on a front to be cool and edgy?

3. your applicaiton of quirky seems to imply music is suppose to work one way and refashioning it and changing it is just trying to gain attention and be "so hip". It also seems to imply something can only be genuine and non-quirky if it is loved by a lot of people.

why artists make the music they do like you are*.

Also, what animal collective have you listened to?

I really wish I could hate you to death, and I heate hipster trash
Whatever you just said, please know you're wrong.

I'll admit part of the appeal for AnCo is the quirky sound. I described it as childish when discussing Sung Tongs once, and it sort of stuck. But it's not childish in a bad way, it's difficult to explain. There's not a lot to "get" or understand. It's complex while not being too deep. It's thick while being easy to swallow. It's fun, and it's the kind of music we played in our heads as small children.

At least that's how Sung Tongs feels to me and if I can't even explain that worth a damn I'm not going to try the other albums.
Vampire Weekend is the ultimate irony: Ivy League kids pillaging african music. Even their name states that. Vampirizing music on the weekend. How could it get more frontally ironic?

They shouldn't be allowed to play music, but unfortunately we don't live in a fascist state ruled by philosopher kings. At least they should be beaten up. The levels of wrong in their act are evident... but maybe you're an Ivy League kid yourself, or a pleb trying to climb society's ladder, and therefore need cultural references from the higher ups.

You need a definition for hipster? In my mind, it's a gentrifying trust-fund ironically dressed youth dropping names from the buzzosphere.

Had you more artistic culture and have thought or read extensively about why art is art, you'd understand my point -maybe not agree-. But I can't bash a teenager for having a developing culture.

It's faux-childish, and faux-complex. Just random, for the sake of being random, and appearing both complex and simple. Totes ironic!

Small children enjoy structure and melodies, nursery rhymes are awesome btw. Anco's music is the total opposite of those simple songs, which make sense.

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