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/mu/ - Music
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I've had the privilege of chatting with and meeting a lot of great people from 4chan over the past 8.5 years, and lost touch with many.
If we used to chat/hang, drop me a line at moot@4chan.org or on AIM at MOOTCHAT. And if we haven't, feel free to say hi.

Introducing /wsg/ - Worksafe GIF

Update: /rs/ - Rapidshares is fixed—sorry for the downtime there. Also I think we've fixed most issues with boards.4chan.org and sys.4chan.org. Keep your fingers crossed!

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>The Pope
I keep forgetting that Rustie doesn't know shit about anything.
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Anonymous' Definitively Revised Guide To The Tripfags of /mu/

>Decent Tier
BanjoMan Franklin
Ultraviolet Harmonies
Bad Bandwith
δυσοίωνος Ανώνυμος
Post !Human
Honey Frosted !Butts
k l y t u s

>Get Fucked With a Rake Tier
The Tourist
NigMan420 (RIP)
Hamtrax (Bourgeoisie)
Miranda Kerr
Donald Bastard
Stone Farmer
우유 !Milk/l7nL.
Trolllllllllllllll (flying traps)
the fagit (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)
Summer !Faggot
All of the summer trips nobody will remember in a week or two because they stop posting because they're a bunch of faggots with small penises
>caring about tripfags

it's just an imageboard.
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>/mu/'s culture


>not cancer
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18 KB
I'm not even nobody
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Dis some old shit, my trip isn't even right.
You have never seen /cgl/ have you?
Because this was from last year.
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Why are there so many tripfags on /mu/?

I'm genuinely curious.
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>Bill Murray
Overrated as fuck
People who make music their hobby have a low self-esteem and likely had parents that ignored them when younger.
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>Bill Murray
Overrated as fuck
no Biotroll?
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I report u nigga
wat up now
The rest.
>been on here for about a year and a half
>not even on F

Of course, I never do anything important or interesting anyway, but that is scarcely the point
I've been here for 3 years and have honestly never see you post once.
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>you will never have a /cgl/ gf
>no Climaxia in the legendary tier

I see you started lurking /mu/ a couple weeks ago.
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.doesn't know the cyclist
I'm a Britfag so obviously on at different times
>Doesn't know how to hold shift
the gorespammer's activated by a person for each thread, it's not triggered by some magical keywords or whatever

you're gonna have to try to turn this into a metal sharethread if you wanna pull that off
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britfags are the cancer killing this board
put me on that list bitch

>jake always in top tier because of some shitty avatar gimmick and his somewhat nice and ironically quirky demeanor
has the new one been made into a chart yet?
It's actually because he's sucked everybody's dick.
>being aware of me
This is huh, wow

I post infrequently, really. And I can't recall ever having made a thread of my own. So it does make sense that you haven't seen me. But I do post
By the way, this shit needs to be updated yo. It still has my /YYYs/ trip as opposed to the eDREAM one.
It also worked with words before.
that would explain all dick sucking talk
Also, I sometimes participate in gaytripfag circlejerks
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i am the Zooey Deschanel of tripfags.

not counting Zooey Deschanel the tripfag.
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>tripfags jelly on each other
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to be fair ur new trip sucks
>tfw list is prejudiced against namefags
Except Zooey was better than you.

And Jarhead was a shitty movie.
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this is the official list

just fyi
the gyllenhaal thing isn't that old though, what was your name before that?
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>glitter in A
Should I switch back to the old one?

I don't even like Yeah Yeah Yeahs
But I also don't like Tangerine Dream
no tears only dream now
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i won't make arguments there

this is my first tripthing. before that i was just an anon who posted pics of jake until i sold out.
>tfw trying to fast for 3 days
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Is it that time already?
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try harder sooth
why does this guy look so soulless? it's something about his eyes i think
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>tfw not on there

i've been trippin like 5eva

do i even exist
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i know that feel
why would you do that
Jake Gyllenhaal (49)
I, The Witchfinder (47)
Cookie Monster (29)
Biotroll (25)
Lazare (20)
Q (19)
Banjoman Franklin (18)
Wait, what? (16)
Leo (14)
Ducky (13)
Biggums (13)
Jhon (13)
Malcolm X-Wing (13)
Mendicant (12)
Summer !Faggot (11)
Vredes (10)
CooItop (9)
Doorstuck (9)
Madonna (9)
Anti-Aristocracy (8)
C (8)
Boogers (8)
Little Kookenhaken/Mittens (7)
Vaginsaur Jr. (7)
Meow (6)
and his band (5)
Schmuddle (5)
Halica (5)
Bad Bandwidth (5)
Patrc0))) (5)
aliceanon (5)
Honey Frosted !Butts (5)
CLT (5)
Shinfinity (4)
Guinessess (4)
Cassandra Gemini (4)
Donald (4)
Billy Corgan (4)
The Mind's Eye (4)
Sgt. Meatliver (3)
Ziggy (3)
Praxis (3)
Tahassa (3)
alice glass *half past france gall* (3)
In (3)
Climaxia (3)
WWPT (3)
Postman (3)
Franz Liszt
NSA (3)
Vredes (3)
The Pope (3)
Reverie (3)
k l y t u s (3)
ans (3)
glitter (3)
Onyxthebirthstonekid (3)
CaP'n Die Katze (3)
Primary Colours (3)
Yusuf+Islam (3)
Artanis (3)
Cease (2)
Dizzy (2)
Loligagging (2)
Black Bros Immortal (2)
fem (2)
Mint 400
Niggerman420 (2)
chon (2)
Butts (2)
beast (2)
Hamtrax (2)
Buffalo (2)
trelt (2)
Gray Blob (1)
colin (1)
ASOBGuy (1)
April (1)
Andy Warhol and the Bananas (1)
VoDkA (1)
turny (1)
nno (1)
Musikopolis (1)
Junes (1)
Thumper Kegg (1)
Spectacular Reflection (1)
δυσοίωνος Ανώνυμος (1)
Sticky Stumps (1)
Cancer (1)
the fagit (1)
i didnt make that
>both cool/////top and clt
aren't they the same person?
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Goddamn 4chan, why does it take so long to post
Was this the Ameri/mu/ votes?
really? nonetheless I'm pretty sure I read the actual thread, where you suddenly went "well maybe I shoud avatarfag as jake gyllenhaal", and then kept doing it from then on. maybe I dreamt that too :'(
supposed to make me healthier. i'm gonna try and go on a strict diet afterwards but this is hard
i can't believe someone voted for me
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>tfw joint 10th

how the fuck did that happen
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>not combining Euro and USA votes into 1
not eating is not healthy, good luck with the diet
...Aw :(
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I know. I'm drinking this lemonade mixture my mom told me about.

She's a health nut or whatever so I trust her
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i made some changes 2 da list so me n my friends could be recognizd

hop u like it
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>tfw yotsuba will never be your daughter
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Best character incoming
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The worst feel
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I'm really bored and just used Nair on my right leg.
>people voted for me
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>Top 10 Americlap
Jake Gyllenhaal (49)
I, The Witchfinder (47)
Cookie Monster (29)
Biotroll (25)
Lazare (20)
Q (19)
Banjoman Franklin (18)
Wait, what? (16)
Leo (14)
Ducky. Biggums, Jhon, Malcolm X-Wing (13)

>Top 10 Yuropoor
Malcolm X-Wing (28)
Jake (22)
Summer!Faggot (15)
turny (13)
Biotroll (13)
Leo (11)WE STRONG (8)
I The Witchfinder (8)
Mendicant (8)
NiggaFish (7)
Network23 (6)
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what a weird feel
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>tfw yuropoor but on americlap list because of insomnia and drunk posts
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Aw shit something came up
I'll finish the comic when I get back, and I'll post one or two more just to make up for it
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What's it like being less awesome and popular than me?
Awesome, I'm not on any list
Alright. It's not 2010 anymore.
how about you post a new list OP u pleb
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>2010 was 7 years ago
>i-i don't even want to be on that stupid list
Remember when people thought Damsel was dead?
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Alright, now where was I
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Remember when people thought Damsel was a trap? Also she was the one who made this picture iirc.
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you motherFucker
I just getting into that comic too
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Even if, I wouldn't really care
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dem sharpie-eyebrows
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11 KB
>nobody likes me
>nobody wants me
>they don't want me around

>before they pick me up
>they put me down
>because I'm...
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I still have that picture of Valkyran and her ass. If it's anything.
I like you

i'll always remember you for that one time you fell asleep on tchat
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I actually don't have that, but I'm sure it's glorious. Only thing I have is a picture of Climaxia with a shoe on his afro.
"You've eaten poo have you?"

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I ♥ u 5eva bbz
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I suppose that... isn't bad? Best known for falling asleep once. Okay, I'll take it.
Oh Yotsuba. You're so kind and lovable.
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I dubstep noise you too.
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That's kind of accessible, though.

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I don't even know why I still have these guys, do you remember fy0? I found them on an old external HDD recently.
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I'm going to need a d/l link for these or we're going to have problems
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Double feature, but it isn't Yotsuba
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They're all on TPB/Demonoid/Etc
Did she die? She seemed like someone who would die on the internet.

By that I mean she really enjoyed attention.
Just type Yotsuba&! BakaBT in google and download the torrent.
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If you haven't read a Jason comic before, get ready for a case of the feels
evening, everyone. Guess who dumped SHO for HBO/Cinemax last night, watched every episode of the Ricky Gervais Show, and then spent the following day listening to records as loud as he could while he repaired his computer for five hours?
Also Toby Driver is following me on tumblr. Is shit like that normal?
She's not dead. She's pretty alive.
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Fucking love the Gervais show
>repaired his computer for five hours
What did you have to do?
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Nope, I saw her post on /soc/ recently and she was surprised that anyone remembered her. She also asked me not to call her fy0.
manually excavate my whole C drive, looking for corrupted files.
I missed it.
also watched the first few episodes of Veep. Real funny, reminds me how stupid politicians are.
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I don't see Miranda Kerr.
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Why would you torture yourself by watching The Ricky Gervais Show? He's one of the most unfunny men in the whole of Britain.
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By the way, this comic's pretty long- 72 pages
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hey traps I thought you a were dead
both u and cease
Well that's reassuring. I vaguely remember being in some tinychat rooms with her and a few other tripfags years ago, but that's it really.
Oh shit an imposter. So you're the new glassJAw... do you like Ape Dos Mil?
1. Ricky Gervais is funny
2. So is Stephen Merchant, and almost definitely unintentionally, Karl Pilkington
3. It's great for when you're just trying to read or something and need a show to fill the silence
4. Ako nee, so good to see you. Oh, how I've missed thee.
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If you're worried, the plot kicks in 4-5 pages
The Ricky Gervais Show has very little to do with Ricky Gervais
Probably mewmewmew or something.
Go to bed.
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>implying benny hill & rowan atkinson aren't the only two funny brits
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I miss /muuu ;_;
am i going to cry?
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I kind of miss Hamfist. I miss Ziggy a wholelot.
Ricky Gervais is an unfunny cunt, Stephen Merchant is pretty funny though
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You'll be depressed probably
Or at least get a heavy case of the feels
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where did euro went? i wanted more milionaires :/
n tats not how u trigger the bot silly :3
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Thread over.
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Neal Adams is the best Batman artist by the way
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Every tinychat/IRC has always been terrible, no exceptions. Does anyone remember the name/trip of the guy who distributed these (her internet boyfriend)? I can't remember for the life of me.
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its fucking sweaty in this fkin apartment n theres nothing i can do abt it :<
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I think he's funny because he's such a cunt.
too damn good
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I checked, five pages
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Oh, well admittedly I've only seen The Office.
Have you seen the UK version of The Office? It's better than the American version but it's still horrible, his radio show is pretty bad as well. I guess I just don't like his crude sense of humour and the way he makes fun of people for no reason, also his delivery. I've only seen Stephen Merchant on films like Hot Fuzz. I don't even know the other guy, I'm honestly a pleb when it comes to comedy. I like Black Books and Monty Python, I've seen a couple of episodes from Green Wing and Andy Partridge, that's about it. Thanks, I haven't been on /mu/ for awhile now, I missed you too <3
Miranda wasn't even posting when that list was made.
get one of those magic bladeless fans
Ever play Portal 2? Stephen Merchant made that game
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Tripfag name or real name?

Tripfag name was Formerly and name was Matthew.
Oh man.
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um stephen merchant wasn't in hot fuzz, you have no idea who you are talking about, do you ?
That wasn't formerly. It was 2hip. get with it nerd.
Chris Morris is the best British comedian and satirist of the past 20 years
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aww shit nigga like this winter like in february or smthing i was in a store n they had those it was like what the fuck lol

but i meant like right now, i dnt normally b this hot here :x
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can you post a download link? I gotta go now and I like this

It's been too long. The only tripfags I remember from when I used to come here are Phitts, Climaxia, and coffindodger, or some shit like that.
You're thinking of Simon Pegg
Dem dreams ;_;
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Hold on let me upload it
He was actually, it wasn't a big part though, just one of the residents.
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IMC is the Brand New guy. Also sexy.
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Yeah, that was probably it. I knew it wasn't Formerly, I would have remembered that.
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That sounds right though.
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No fuck that song.
It's the same me I just changed my trip because people kept saying the old one was ugly.
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This can't end well.
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Knock this shit off. You're just giving more ammo to these newshits to latch onto and make it a big thing again.

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>dat sound system
we /mu/ related now
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yeah, I've seen both versions of the Office, both unfunny. I like how rude and bitchy he is, though. I also agree with many of his opinions. Merchant was only on Hot Fuzz for a bit. He's done a bit of stand up, I think, but he's done some hilarious interviews - go find that one he did on Conan in like February of this year. I dare you.
Pilkington was just a radio dude or something, did something off mic for a while until Merchant and Gervais found out how hilariously stupid he is. They've even gotten him his own show on travel channel now.
When it comes to comedy for me, no one beats the big three:
Eddie Izzard, Lewis Black, and, the king, Steve Martin.
whaddya mean?
he had a cameo appearance - he called in about the swan. His name was cocks or something.
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>Indie Music Corporation
That is just so off the mark it isn't even funny, George Harrison.
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>Lewis Black
>Steve Martin
2/10 had me going until then
He voiced a charactor, it was quite funny
Fuck, everytime I open a page I keep trying to read right to left.
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No one even knows what the fuck happened. Hell, most people that were there just know that tori.rar existed and nothing else. Calm your butt, bro.
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Oh fuck fuck fuck
damn, i forgot how chubby she used to be.
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Fuck. I know that feel.
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How could it possibly a big thing? It's lost all meaning at this point. No one even cares. There is nothing less relevant than these photos.
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>piercings & tats
>pedo stach
>my space angle

2/10 wouldn't bang
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>doesn't like ape dos mil
are you still uploading?
Awwwhh man...what the hell.
>220 posts and 116 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
lol jesus
In retrospect, you're right and now I feel bad. ;_;
Already uploaded
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>bad tastes
breaking news guys
cheers, missed the post
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Does this faggot still post here?
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>go for a nap
>miss a 200 post circlejerk
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Sup Jhon.
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Funny coming from you of all people.
wait so did wite rabbit die? pussy it's like a 10 foot drop, i fell on my head from higher then that no problems
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End of Part One
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>likes Ape Dos Mil

Man, I thought you were cool.
>doesn't like Lewis Black or Steve Martin
must be a puritan.
I hope so. I like that faggot.
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>tfw when not even a name
I jumped off the roof of my own house once and nothing was hurt or broken.

White rabbit's a puss.
Fuck man...fuck...
>when when
>I like that faggot.
You might be the only one.
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Part two
thread hidden.
Why is he sitting in the dark taking pictures of himself?
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Malcolm tastes pretty good, if you ask me
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i never asked for these feels
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No wait, now it's Part Two
it isn't the best track, but it's still good.
In retrospect, actually, I think some of my favorite Glassjaw tracks come from the 2011 extended plays. You're Not Fucking John Lennon, All Good Junkies Go to Heaven, Gold. Fucking excellent across the board.
No, I just don't like unfunny old men who think they're hip because they rally against the establishment.
We old now?

>twf that fell when ah fuck it
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It's metal you wouldn't understand.
Probably for his ugly e-girlfriend.
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>think they're hip
total assumption
>rally against the establishment
neither do I. I like funny people, like Lewis Black and Steve Martin, who say funny things.
>The Less Talented George Harrison !fwB1S46b6I
The fuck?
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Our Color Green is probably their best release imo, it was fucking great.
Though Coloring Book was probably my least favorite of theirs.
>have I made it onto the list finally?!?!?
>back to the grind
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My favorite comedian is Woody Allen, not that anyone asked
>Not even on there
Mission complete.
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>implying i have bad tastes
oh god its getting worse

lel :3
>270 posts and 136 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Who is this Less Talented guy?
>not knowing the difference between comedian and movie star
What about your dreams dammit?! Didn't you want to travel the world?! ;_;
that guy from Zombieland?
Yo dawg. I posted here like 3 years ago with this trip. Get on my level.
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I dunno, this is the first time I've seen him

also please stop flip, I read ahead and I don't think they'll be able to handle it :(
>Anonymous 06/14/12(Thu)00:12 No.25643722
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I think the name of the character he played was Peter Ian Staker. I honestly can't find that interview you're talking about for the life of me and I've been searching for ten minutes now. I'll continue my search tomorrow since I'm about to hop off to bed and I'll check out Pilkington too. I don't know who the other three people you posted are, at least not by name. And I guess the reasons why you like Ricky are the same ones why I hate him, he's just too much of a cunt for me.
Oh fair enough. Want me to like, dissapear or something?
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His standup is actually really good
This. What the hell is going on in this thread?

And Eddie Izzard is clearly the superior British comedian
ignore him

full speed ahead
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No, I'm finishing it
It was, Nick thought it was a joke (Peter Ian Staker = P.I. Staker = Pisstaker) but it was real. I think he was only in one scene, he was the guy who lost his goose.
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It's hard for me to decide. I like to treat both extended plays as if they were one full LP, called Colors or something. I like both of them a whole lot, but I might like Coloring Book more because dat Gold.
If you combine the EP's, I like the more than the LP's.
great writer, pretty funny, terrible person, actor, mediocre director.
Not sure if you're being serious, but if so there's enough room for both of us.
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That page is a dream
Hows life been treating you, Jhonny boy?
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please don't be serious
yo seriously this comic is a peace of shit, o im' gonna show him getting ready for bed FOR A WHOLE PAGE! ya real deep and "edgy" faggot
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>tfw on the list
You've never read any comics/manga have you?
Stop it you
>tfw no more images
>Max image limit

I'm just talking about how funny he is

I chuckled
S'alright, though I'm home from uni for the summer and it's boring as shit
I know like hardly anyone here and I won't see most of my closest friends for a few months
also theres a new 'her' who actually likes me back but it's all complicated and I can't go see her and she can't come see me so I won't see her until september probably
You hardly post anymore
ya i have but this is aparently suposed to be depressing..and it ain't, it's just fucking dumb

where's the dl link?
also i came joint 10th most popular tripfag and i don't know why

I guess I can start a new thread maybe.
You know that if you miss me you can always hit me up, right?
I've got a new rig. Still getting used to it.
that is a funny jew
>terrible person
"hurr he married someone that he saw naked as a baby, what a bad person"
It was only half way through the story.

Dude, how was it just dumb?

The guys best friend died and he was obviously miserable as he had given up all his dreams to live a life he said he never would.
I don't mind really

Thats cool. I never get rated but have a small but dedicated fanbase. Jhon, Postman, Helders. All mah boys.
Well you weren't online on MSN until today either
do that
Matt never posts anymore ;_;
Wut, I've been online all this time. Just ask the other fegs.
Fuck it, gonna finish the comic

I guess you can take your circlejerking there too, I don't care
he married a girl he raised, with his spouse. It's a bit fucked up. And actually I was referring to the terrible conceit he has, you know, placing himself in the lead roles of his films, ruining them, all that shit.
alright, point taken I suppose.
dude, i clicked through like half the thing, and almost all the pages are just one action stretched out to a page, itls like panel 1: he looks left panel 2: he looks right panel 3: he looks up panel 4: he looks down IDK what he does the next 2 panels it's just a waste, it ain't sad to watch a guy staring at a tree

maybe my MSN is acting up
>making his movies the way he wants to make him
he's a pretty bad actor.
So? it's his movie and beside, i don't see you giving Spike Lee shit for DTRT
>i clicked through like half the thing

So you didn't read it. Cool.
I don't like Spike Lee for better reasons.
lemme guess, all moral too
and I bet you don't like Polanski either
I'll always be your fan

How have you been George?
Fine I guess. Applications for uni, etc. I'm probably getting a job in a petrol station, so that might be cool
Where have you applied to?

I just reapplied for my old job at Primark, it's going to be hell but the job situation in cardiff is awful and I need the money
I don't like Polanski or Lee because they make bad movies.
But also because Lee is the summation of over offended, delusional black people in the present United States.
explains y ur parents can't spell jhon rite, ur all rite tossers over there LMAO brainspan of a partridge
>Knife in the Water
>The Tenant
>Rosemary's Baby
pls finish the comics
My two main choices are St Marys and Greenwich

Shitty, but who gives a fuck, I'll be living in London for three years
Living in london is great, we should go to gigs together :)

Are you going this september?
Chinatown is pretty good.
I don't judge films based on their directors private lives, or vice versa. I try to keep myself unbiased.
I'm a bit against what Polanski did though. Moreso than I am Allen, who I don't care about much.
Hopefully. I live near London anyway, gigs is no problem for me. Are you going to AnCo in November?
I had to make the extremely tough choice between them and Godspeed, I chose Godspeed.
Me and my friend did the same thing and chose AnCo even though we've seen Panda Bear live already. I'm also going to Beach House a few days earlier
Are there still tickets for that? Might get on that when I get some money, though I am seeing them at End of the Road anyway.
I dunno, probably not. Got any other gigs coming up?

>tfw not enough money for a festival
I don't really either, I'm stewarding EotR and my Bestival ticket was a gift.
Only other thing is Four Tet and Caribou in November which should be fun.

Will probably check out whats going on in London closer to september though, theres nothing going on here.
>Only other thing is Four Tet and Caribou in November which should be fun.
I only found out about that after it sold out. Pretty much fucking everyone is going to Bestival. If I get this job and get a last minute ticket, I still might go.

It'd be a great place to accidentally bump into the girl who dumped me, as I know shes going/
Each run of tickets sold out within the day haha, bought one as soon as I saw it

Yeah I know a bunch of people going bestival, you should definitely try and go, the line-up is fantastic

It's probably going to be the first time I see the girl I was getting really close to these past few weeks in 3 months so hopefully I will hang out with her. Though I think her boyfriend may be going as well.

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