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    File: 1335945546.jpg-(59 KB, 400x400, GrimmTemplate.jpg)
    59 KB Cure my boredom? Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)03:59 No.24602467  
    So saw this picture in a different thread and changed it to a template

    >ITT change the blank to an album you like

    >also taking requests due to boredom

    If you have an album you like suggest it with its album art and ill throw it in there for ya

    >500x500 please

    Ill probably be bumping this with random albums as i make them for fun.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)04:01 No.24602486
    >not transparent
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)04:01 No.24602490
         File: 1335945690.jpg-(85 KB, 400x400, Magnumm.jpg)
    85 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)04:02 No.24602501

    if you want it changed, tell me what you want out of the template and ill change it accordingly

    i never usually do this, just trying to kill time for the night
    >> Philip J. Fry !mu829SLURM 05/02/12(Wed)04:03 No.24602504
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)04:05 No.24602515
         File: 1335945905.jpg-(79 KB, 400x400, fahren fahren fahren.jpg)
    79 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)04:42 No.24602942
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)04:49 No.24602997

    well, that's the most we'll get out of this template. It is now officially pointless.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)04:53 No.24603026
         File: 1335948794.jpg-(51 KB, 500x495, 45435345353535.jpg)
    51 KB
    Is 500x495 okay? ;_;

    I can't find any bigger.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)04:53 No.24603027
         File: 1335948804.jpg-(33 KB, 600x600, Ride_(Nowhere_-_Front)[1]..jpg)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)04:53 No.24603034
         File: 1335948835.png-(130 KB, 400x400, FixxedTemplate.png)
    130 KB
    Testing a replacement templace
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)04:54 No.24603043

    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:01 No.24603111
    Make the white section transparent.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:02 No.24603114
         File: 1335949327.png-(201 KB, 400x400, Smoke.png)
    201 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:03 No.24603124

    few secs
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:06 No.24603153
         File: 1335949563.jpg-(71 KB, 500x500, The-Money-Store.jpg)
    71 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:08 No.24603173
         File: 1335949680.jpg-(71 KB, 300x300, Merzbow_pulse_demon.jpg)
    71 KB
    >> Mint 400 !!xzW6Xp1QUiX 05/02/12(Wed)05:12 No.24603213
         File: 1335949945.jpg-(117 KB, 500x500, buyer.jpg)
    117 KB
    She just looks so happy and innocent
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:14 No.24603238
    Oh hey NSA
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:14 No.24603244
    req: Boris - Feedbacker
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:15 No.24603252
         File: 1335950125.png-(740 KB, 1920x1080, template.png)
    740 KB
    but this template already exists
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:16 No.24603258
         File: 1335950180.png-(137 KB, 400x400, Test Temp 3.png)
    137 KB

    better? i left the black outline becuase i figured without it people would have trouble lining up their albums
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:17 No.24603262

    this is more for /mu/ purposes, perfect for posts
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:17 No.24603269
         File: 1335950270.jpg-(63 KB, 612x612, 2c6de1de1dcd11e1abb01231381b65(...).jpg)
    63 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:18 No.24603276
         File: 1335950298.jpg-(7 KB, 225x224, songsaboutleaving..jpg)
    7 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:21 No.24603307
         File: 1335950479.png-(176 KB, 400x400, buyer's market.png)
    176 KB
    >> Jart Fokes !FartsLKSg2 05/02/12(Wed)05:21 No.24603308
         File: 1335950490.jpg-(137 KB, 400x400, earth.jpg)
    137 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:21 No.24603313
    Thank you so much.

    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:22 No.24603317
         File: 1335950540.png-(182 KB, 400x400, yeeeeeep.png)
    182 KB
    >> !!TLkkw0Zl9o8 05/02/12(Wed)05:23 No.24603325
         File: 1335950612.jpg-(50 KB, 400x400, spk.jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:24 No.24603328

    Thank you good sir.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:25 No.24603339
         File: 1335950711.jpg-(27 KB, 500x489, cover.jpg)
    27 KB
    sorry it's not entirely square
    >> Mint 400 !!xzW6Xp1QUiX 05/02/12(Wed)05:25 No.24603349

    This pleases me
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:27 No.24603365
         File: 1335950866.png-(165 KB, 400x400, YO AREA.png)
    165 KB

    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:31 No.24603398
         File: 1335951116.png-(230 KB, 400x400, KSSHHSHHHSHSHSHS.png)
    230 KB

    here you go anon
    >> Summer !.Faggot7Aw 05/02/12(Wed)05:36 No.24603431
         File: 1335951411.png-(136 KB, 468x389, fix this shit.png)
    136 KB
    >> !!TLkkw0Zl9o8 05/02/12(Wed)05:41 No.24603465
         File: 1335951715.jpg-(54 KB, 400x400, unchain.jpg)
    54 KB
    >using the template
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:42 No.24603474

    thanks for bringing this for my attention

    working on touching up the template.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:44 No.24603482
    theres only something in the right corner, you might want to clean your screen
    >> Summer !.Faggot7Aw 05/02/12(Wed)05:46 No.24603500
         File: 1335951963.png-(162 KB, 679x561, stay told kiddo.png)
    162 KB

    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:47 No.24603515
    >implying you can see that
    >> Summer !.Faggot7Aw 05/02/12(Wed)05:50 No.24603541

    u mad breh
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:50 No.24603545
         File: 1335952241.jpg-(207 KB, 953x945, grendel.jpg)
    207 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:51 No.24603552
         File: 1335952288.png-(132 KB, 400x400, Transtemp4.png)
    132 KB
    put it on black, cleaned it up.

    this should be the template you want
    >> Summer !.Faggot7Aw 05/02/12(Wed)05:52 No.24603559

    could be better but it works.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:52 No.24603560
    I expect it twice as big
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:52 No.24603565

    honestly if you hadnt pointed it out, i wouldnt have noticed it.

    if anything you made the template better.

    should be good to go now
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:52 No.24603567
         File: 1335952365.png-(87 KB, 651x481, this is how not mad i am.png)
    87 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:59 No.24603630
         File: 1335952770.png-(188 KB, 400x400, woundfucker.png)
    188 KB

    here ya go.


    this is the template you wanna use
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)05:59 No.24603632
         File: 1335952774.png-(195 KB, 400x400, sakamichi no apollon.png)
    195 KB
    But what's the point?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)05:59 No.24603634
         File: 1335952790.png-(211 KB, 400x400, 1335950180114.png)
    211 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:00 No.24603639
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:00 No.24603641

    i dont really know, i just wanted to do something to occupy my time
    >> my spirit animal is rivers cuomo 05/02/12(Wed)06:04 No.24603672
         File: 1335953074.jpg-(58 KB, 500x500, weezer_pinkerton.jpg)
    58 KB
    could i get this one with
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)06:05 No.24603678
         File: 1335953102.png-(204 KB, 400x400, now playing.png)
    204 KB
    Fine. I wish the animu girl was bit more... interesting.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:06 No.24603689
    >masturbating to animated pictures
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:06 No.24603695
    Do you like Stones brah?
    Favorite album?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:09 No.24603716
         File: 1335953359.png-(202 KB, 400x400, yepyepyep.png)
    202 KB
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)06:09 No.24603719
         File: 1335953371.png-(1.07 MB, 1920x1080, dicks.png)
    1.07 MB
    No, that's not what I meant. I just find her a bit dull and not very well drawn. Could be better.
    Yeah, they're good. Great, even. Couldn't pick a favourite, but I think everything between Aftermath and Goats Head Soup is good.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:10 No.24603725
    do the other album they showed Kaoru listening to
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)06:12 No.24603739
    Uh, which one was it? I forgot.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:12 No.24603741
    > I think everything between Aftermath and Goats Head Soup is good.

    That's pretty accurate. If they didn't have so much filler they'd be great for me too. I'd almost go to your to check your Stones library but rumors say you got yourself a subscriber thingie so I'm extra cautious :3
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:13 No.24603748
         File: 1335953617.jpg-(31 KB, 220x221, 0101.jpg)
    31 KB
    >No, that's not what I meant. I just find her a bit dull and not very well drawn. Could be better.
    I know bio.

    >this one please
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)06:14 No.24603754
    Yeah, there's quite a bit of filler on their albums unfortunately. To me they're really more of a singles band, but god damn their singles are amazing. Especially now that spring has come, the sun is shining and summer is just around the corner.

    Will do after I find which one >>24603725 wanted. Wallpaper version or square?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:14 No.24603755
         File: 1335953674.png-(195 KB, 400x400, pinkerton.png)
    195 KB

    here ya go anon
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:17 No.24603788
    What program are you guys using to edit these?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:18 No.24603798
    portrait in jazz
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)06:18 No.24603802
         File: 1335953904.jpg-(355 KB, 1780x1820, 725543841810.jpg)
    355 KB
    Is this what you meant?

    >> NSA !qiRfAUBYSU 05/02/12(Wed)06:19 No.24603810
         File: 1335953969.jpg-(772 KB, 600x600, This Is Skullflower.jpg)
    772 KB
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)06:19 No.24603815
         File: 1335953999.png-(1.11 MB, 1052x1052, head hunters.png)
    1.11 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:20 No.24603817
         File: 1335954006.jpg-(114 KB, 500x500, 777sects.jpg)
    114 KB
    Could you make me one with this template? >>24603252
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:21 No.24603826
    Or scratch that, could you do it with the large transparent template like >>24603815
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:21 No.24603827
    thanks bio.
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)06:21 No.24603828
         File: 1335954091.png-(1.03 MB, 1052x1052, portrait in jazz.png)
    1.03 MB
    >> NSA !qiRfAUBYSU 05/02/12(Wed)06:21 No.24603830
         File: 1335954098.png-(707 KB, 605x600, Thunder Perfect Mind.png)
    707 KB
    Also if you could do this one I'd love you tons and stuff.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:22 No.24603844
    the girl looks like she would listen to all the albums her gay love shows showed
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:23 No.24603846
    I have a few requests if you guys are feeling generous, for the 1920x1080 wallpaper version.

    >MBV - Loveless
    >William Basinski - The Disintegration Loops(preferably the cover of II)
    >Boris - Flood
    >LSD and the Search for God
    >Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun or whatever the fuck you spell that
    >Pharoah Sanders - Africa
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)06:24 No.24603853
         File: 1335954260.png-(1.16 MB, 1052x1052, this is skullfaggot.png)
    1.16 MB
    >> NSA !qiRfAUBYSU 05/02/12(Wed)06:25 No.24603870
         File: 1335954328.png-(170 KB, 354x330, 1315235909025.png)
    170 KB
    >This is Skullfaggot
    thanks bro
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)06:26 No.24603878
         File: 1335954375.png-(1.08 MB, 1052x1052, blut.png)
    1.08 MB
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)06:28 No.24603902
         File: 1335954503.png-(1.14 MB, 1052x1052, nurse without boobs.png)
    1.14 MB
    >> my spirit animal is rivers cuomo 05/02/12(Wed)06:28 No.24603906
    much appreciated!
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:28 No.24603908
    This is awesome, thanks.
    Does anyone have any simliar slot-the-album-in template wallpapers? Quite like the effect, especially with wallpaper rotation.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:28 No.24603910
         File: 1335954533.png-(675 KB, 1052x1052, Transtemp4 large.png)
    675 KB
    OP here

    im done for the night


    borrowed your 1025 variant and made it a bare template for the others

    also hope anyone enjoys the ones that were made

    thanks for the help

    >my, its still fairly new

    ill be back later in the day to make more
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)06:29 No.24603918
         File: 1335954582.png-(626 KB, 1052x1052, 1335952288190.png)
    626 KB
    >Blur and artifacts everywhere
    Here bro.
    >> NSA !qiRfAUBYSU 05/02/12(Wed)06:30 No.24603920
    >> Coral Ann Moth !!bor9fDlPvHO 05/02/12(Wed)06:30 No.24603923
         File: 1335954641.jpg-(49 KB, 500x500, 7534.Warning-_2D00_-Watching-F(...).jpg)
    49 KB
    Tried doing it but Gimp hates me for some reason.
    Could you this Bio?
    bio plz
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:30 No.24603926
    hamp is just better than you at this game.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:31 No.24603930
    Thanks, bio.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:31 No.24603935

    ahhh sweet

    thanks for that, perfected it.
    >> Toujours 05/02/12(Wed)06:31 No.24603937
         File: 1335954717.jpg-(173 KB, 500x500, TRI362CD.jpg)
    173 KB
    someone do this please
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:32 No.24603943
    gimp is pretty shitty for some thigns
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:34 No.24603957


    i honestly dont know much about editing images

    did what i could, bio did a great job cleaning it up
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)06:36 No.24603970
         File: 1335954969.png-(929 KB, 1052x1052, warning for dicks.png)
    929 KB
    >> Coral Ann Moth !!bor9fDlPvHO 05/02/12(Wed)06:37 No.24603980
         File: 1335955038.jpg-(121 KB, 900x900, Perfectly tangled.jpg)
    121 KB
    Thank you.
    >warning for dicks
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)06:39 No.24603993
         File: 1335955145.png-(931 KB, 1052x1052, rome dome home.png)
    931 KB
    >> /μ/-tant !AwvPLEBEms 05/02/12(Wed)06:41 No.24604012
         File: 1335955268.png-(1011 KB, 1052x1052, MI-TEM.png)
    1011 KB
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)06:43 No.24604028
         File: 1335955391.png-(642 KB, 1044x1044, anime is holding an invisible (...).png)
    642 KB
    Fixed it up a bit more.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:45 No.24604043

    once again, thanks fer the cleanup

    made this into a pretty useful template
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:47 No.24604059
    >this thread
    autism overload
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:49 No.24604086
    not cool nigga
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:51 No.24604104
         File: 1335955914.png-(221 KB, 400x400, technique-New Order.png)
    221 KB
    My favourite album
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:52 No.24604116
         File: 1335955972.png-(219 KB, 400x400, Bastards of Young.png)
    219 KB
    This is so awesome
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:56 No.24604149
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)06:57 No.24604162
         File: 1335956276.png-(686 KB, 1044x1044, anime is holding an invisible (...).png)
    686 KB
    Added some drop shadows to make it more like the wallpaper.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:59 No.24604182
         File: 1335956353.png-(1.14 MB, 1052x1052, Plebtastic.png)
    1.14 MB
    I don't really like this album much, I just thought she looked like the kind of indeh girl who'd go crazy over The Smiths
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)06:59 No.24604188
         File: 1335956379.jpg-(38 KB, 195x195, 1334096905080.jpg)
    38 KB
    >> Coral Ann Moth !!bor9fDlPvHO 05/02/12(Wed)07:01 No.24604206
    How do you guys manage to get the black to be transparent when you do this?

    I have to manually cut everything out in gimp.
    >> Summer !.Faggot7Aw 05/02/12(Wed)07:02 No.24604212
         File: 1335956520.jpg-(137 KB, 1067x913, awful.jpg)
    137 KB


    See me after class.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:02 No.24604216
    based photoshop
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:02 No.24604218
    this nigga's fucking crazy
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)07:04 No.24604236
    You missed one you amateur.
    >> Coral Ann Moth !!bor9fDlPvHO 05/02/12(Wed)07:04 No.24604241
    I'll have to invest in that at some point.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:04 No.24604243

    dont see you fixing anything
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:04 No.24604245
         File: 1335956694.jpg-(72 KB, 1044x1044, datface.jpg)
    72 KB

    couldn't resist
    >> Summer !.Faggot7Aw 05/02/12(Wed)07:05 No.24604247

    Sure, I could also nitpick about how you can't even into anti-aliasing, but as it stands you can't even clean some spots up.

    Tsk tsk.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:06 No.24604260
    no doubt.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:06 No.24604264
         File: 1335956815.png-(1.27 MB, 1044x1044, Sippin on a Light Beer.png)
    1.27 MB
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)07:07 No.24604267
    But you're already trying to nitpick. Why not do it properly?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:08 No.24604281

    I just copied the album cover off google images, used btrl's template >>24604028 and edited it in using by messing around with the layers.
    >> Summer !.Faggot7Aw 05/02/12(Wed)07:09 No.24604290

    Cause I expect better from you.
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)07:10 No.24604299
    That doesn't make any sense.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:11 No.24604306
         File: 1335957060.jpg-(114 KB, 400x400, bb.jpg)
    114 KB
    did this before reading
    >If you have an album you like suggest it with its album art and ill throw it in there for ya
    >> Summer !.Faggot7Aw 05/02/12(Wed)07:11 No.24604310

    Ya it does you must be dumb if you don't think that makes sense like really wow man seriously?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:13 No.24604323

    why not fix imperfections rather then point them out?

    not as productive if you dont wanna contribute
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)07:13 No.24604324
    Oh, okay.

    Better shadow, minor aliasing fixes, removed spots no one would notice. Not doing any more because if it wasn't obvious already I'm not trying to spend a lot of time on this.

    Because fixing something like the aliasing properly takes a lot of time and patience.
    >> Summer !.Faggot7Aw 05/02/12(Wed)07:14 No.24604330

    Biotroll is taking care of things, I'm sure he'll get a perfect copy soon enough.
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)07:14 No.24604334
         File: 1335957285.png-(671 KB, 1044x1044, anime is holding an invisible (...).png)
    671 KB
    >no image
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:15 No.24604342
    >animated pictures
    >still images
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:17 No.24604363
         File: 1335957437.png-(52 KB, 159x150, 1334364063787.png)
    52 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:17 No.24604371

    should we consider this the final?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:18 No.24604375
    little late there fwend.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:18 No.24604378
    why the fuck is this in .png. not useful
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:18 No.24604383
         File: 1335957538.jpg-(6 KB, 300x303, 1326958354784.jpg)
    6 KB
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)07:19 No.24604389
         File: 1335957577.png-(686 KB, 1044x1044, anime is holding an invisible (...).png)
    686 KB
    No, this is the final. Fixed a small issue with the shadow. Now I'm done.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:20 No.24604399
         File: 1335957613.jpg-(90 KB, 400x400, cruisin.jpg)
    90 KB
    overlooked /mu/core
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:21 No.24604410
    >that selection raster
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:21 No.24604417

    looks great

    op here, thanks for fixing this up man.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:22 No.24604423
         File: 1335957741.jpg-(484 KB, 1920x1080, 1312666609269.jpg)
    484 KB
    >> Anonymoose !MOOSE7nhDk 05/02/12(Wed)07:23 No.24604438

    her left eye is a little off
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:23 No.24604439
         File: 1335957821.jpg-(131 KB, 574x574, 1284013053_type-o-negative-the(...).jpg)
    131 KB
    do this one
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)07:23 No.24604445
         File: 1335957834.png-(958 KB, 1044x1044, anime is holding a frog with b(...).png)
    958 KB
    Aaaand it should look something like this with an album.

    Actually considering throwing a slight gradient on top of the album, but I dunno. No I don't want to spend more time now.
    >> Summer !.Faggot7Aw 05/02/12(Wed)07:25 No.24604451

    We web 2.0 now.
    >> Refused Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:27 No.24604477
         File: 1335958059.jpg-(91 KB, 600x600, Shape.jpg)
    91 KB
    >> Coral Ann Moth !!bor9fDlPvHO 05/02/12(Wed)07:28 No.24604486
         File: 1335958116.png-(798 KB, 1044x1044, reality.png)
    798 KB
    First try.

    Looks really rough around the edges.
    >> Summer !.Faggot7Aw 05/02/12(Wed)07:29 No.24604497

    For the longest time I thought the guitar was actually a gas grill.


    Protip: Don't use magic wand, use the pen tool.
    >> Summer !.Faggot7Aw 05/02/12(Wed)07:30 No.24604500
    >gas grill

    Charcoal grill.
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)07:33 No.24604523
         File: 1335958384.png-(993 KB, 1044x1044, with gradient.png)
    993 KB
    Keyword: subtlety
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)07:34 No.24604533
         File: 1335958449.png-(990 KB, 1044x1044, without.png)
    990 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:35 No.24604544
         File: 1335958523.jpg-(127 KB, 400x400, shapeofpunkjpg.jpg)
    127 KB

    I actually already had this but I can't find it without the text. Its a simple enough edit with ms paint though
    >> Summer !.Faggot7Aw 05/02/12(Wed)07:35 No.24604547

    Gradient doesn't really make a difference. If you're spending this much time on it, you might as well add a shadow under her fingers where she touches the LP.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:35 No.24604550
    jesus god are you the same guy from last night with the field recordings thread?
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)07:37 No.24604563
         File: 1335958625.png-(483 KB, 778x753, Capture.png)
    483 KB
    Way ahead of you.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:37 No.24604565
    >> Summer !.Faggot7Aw 05/02/12(Wed)07:38 No.24604571

    Bit too much on her left hand. Right hand is fine though.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:38 No.24604572
    eyy langa, brorsan bio
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:38 No.24604576
    Album has been popular on here the last week
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:38 No.24604578
    What a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:39 No.24604579

    def want this
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)07:39 No.24604584
    Neither hand is fine. Don't assume I'm already done.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:39 No.24604588
    Summer in charge of keeping it music related
    >> Summer !.Faggot7Aw 05/02/12(Wed)07:41 No.24604602

    Calm down babby, don't get ahead of yourself.


    Le tears of frustration. : - )
    >> Piracy !!VZNx34SOr5M 05/02/12(Wed)07:41 No.24604611
         File: 1335958919.jpg-(10 KB, 170x125, 987986865.jpg)
    10 KB
    >All theses posts about slightly changing OP's image
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:44 No.24604640

    templates changed alot from my post

    bios taken over on it.

    and its looking alot better with each tweak
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:47 No.24604672
    cool, what's the point of this thing though?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:47 No.24604673
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:47 No.24604675
         File: 1335959233.png-(991 KB, 1044x1044, thatChin.png)
    991 KB
    >> Ceremony Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:47 No.24604677
         File: 1335959278.jpg-(489 KB, 800x800, ceremonyrohnertparklp.jpg)
    489 KB
    Please <3
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:48 No.24604682
    >Does anyone have any simliar slot-the-album-in template wallpapers? Quite like the effect, especially with wallpaper rotation.

    >> Kill All !NerdsLGg9w 05/02/12(Wed)07:49 No.24604693
    what's the point in anything?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:49 No.24604700
    deep as fuck bro :D
    >> Kill All !NerdsLGg9w 05/02/12(Wed)07:51 No.24604717
    nothig madders :DDDDD
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:51 No.24604719
         File: 1335959500.png-(1020 KB, 1044x1044, bigstar.png)
    1020 KB
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)07:51 No.24604721
         File: 1335959512.png-(1.04 MB, 1044x1044, anime is holding a crazy high (...).png)
    1.04 MB
    To kill some time.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:52 No.24604724
    anyone can see.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:52 No.24604728
    wise words brah :DDD
    >> Coral Ann Moth !!bor9fDlPvHO 05/02/12(Wed)07:53 No.24604731
         File: 1335959593.jpg-(123 KB, 960x637, 8aY8f.jpg)
    123 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:53 No.24604732
    pass them joints brothaz :DD
    >> Summer !.Faggot7Aw 05/02/12(Wed)07:53 No.24604733

    Are you a bored enough dude to actually draw in some deterioration/scratches on the edges on low opacity to make it look like an actual LP?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:53 No.24604736
         File: 1335959634.png-(1.24 MB, 1044x1044, woweezowee.png)
    1.24 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:54 No.24604744
         File: 1335959674.png-(326 KB, 500x500, Album Cover.png)
    326 KB
    /r/ing this please
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)07:54 No.24604746
         File: 1335959681.jpg-(151 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Sakamichi no Ap(...).jpg)
    151 KB
    Any more detail will just make it look detached from the original image. The finger shadows are already enough, seeing as the base doesn't have (proper) self inflicted shadows.
    >> Summer !.Faggot7Aw 05/02/12(Wed)07:56 No.24604757

    Fair enough.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:57 No.24604763
         File: 1335959823.png-(1.02 MB, 1044x1044, ceremonyrohnertpark.png)
    1.02 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:57 No.24604764
         File: 1335959838.png-(1.17 MB, 1044x1044, testestest.png)
    1.17 MB
    op testin bios temp
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:57 No.24604766
         File: 1335959851.png-(1.17 MB, 1044x1044, thefreewheelinbobdylan.png)
    1.17 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:58 No.24604774
         File: 1335959925.jpg-(10 KB, 250x259, Tbone.jpg)
    10 KB

    great final temp
    >> Flip !!2M2ZGCTL84d 05/02/12(Wed)07:59 No.24604776
    That show man
    All dat friendship building
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)07:59 No.24604778
    It sucks dick when it's not about Jazz
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)08:00 No.24604781
         File: 1335960004.gif-(6 KB, 200x200, excited bw.gif)
    6 KB
    Sentaro is my new animated mancrush. New episode tonight, I think?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:01 No.24604794
    He's a bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:01 No.24604797
         File: 1335960109.png-(1.12 MB, 1044x1044, visions.png)
    1.12 MB
    >> Flip !!2M2ZGCTL84d 05/02/12(Wed)08:03 No.24604806
    Yep, Wednesdays
    Then a new Polar Bear Cafe tomorrow
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:03 No.24604811
         File: 1335960234.png-(942 KB, 1044x1044, themodernlovers.png)
    942 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:05 No.24604821
         File: 1335960307.jpg-(57 KB, 300x323, asset.JPG?id=7BE98BCA-13C6-478(...).jpg)
    57 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:06 No.24604827
         File: 1335960386.jpg-(96 KB, 500x500, zammuto.jpg)
    96 KB
    This please
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:07 No.24604836
         File: 1335960450.png-(1018 KB, 1052x1052, agape.png)
    1018 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:07 No.24604837
         File: 1335960456.png-(746 KB, 1044x1044, 69lovesongs.png)
    746 KB
    >> MT Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:07 No.24604839
         File: 1335960467.jpg-(464 KB, 1427x1412, 040blue.jpg)
    464 KB
    Sorry I keep asking. Your just frigging awesome at this!
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:09 No.24604846
         File: 1335960547.png-(1.15 MB, 1044x1044, zammuto.png)
    1.15 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:10 No.24604854
    AOTY btw
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:11 No.24604861
         File: 1335960678.png-(1.19 MB, 1044x1044, minorthreat.png)
    1.19 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:11 No.24604871
         File: 1335960719.jpg-(248 KB, 500x500, throbbinggristle20jazzfunkgrea(...).jpg)
    248 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:12 No.24604876
    that chick's a ho
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:13 No.24604888
         File: 1335960831.png-(1.1 MB, 1044x1044, loveless.png)
    1.1 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:14 No.24604892
         File: 1335960875.jpg-(187 KB, 500x500, monoliths.jpg)
    187 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:15 No.24604895
         File: 1335960926.png-(183 KB, 554x485, AlbumBand(Edit).png)
    183 KB
    not sure how to change this to 500 square without distorting it.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:16 No.24604909
         File: 1335960992.png-(1.18 MB, 1044x1044, 20jazzfunkgreats.png)
    1.18 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:19 No.24604939
         File: 1335961167.png-(1.01 MB, 1044x1044, recursive0.png)
    1.01 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:21 No.24604960
         File: 1335961294.jpg-(243 KB, 675x675, cannibal-ox-cold-vein.jpg)
    243 KB
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)08:22 No.24604967
         File: 1335961327.jpg-(75 KB, 450x268, tumblr_m0wb2xz9Yh1r08e3p.jpg)
    75 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:25 No.24605014
    No good, I can see the last one.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:27 No.24605043
    Meh, I was going to do that.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:29 No.24605057
         File: 1335961761.jpg-(115 KB, 500x500, soh.jpg)
    115 KB
    pretty please
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:36 No.24605140
         File: 1335962207.png-(1.01 MB, 1044x1044, recursive0-2.png)
    1.01 MB
    my apologies, thought it had stopped being discernible. Two more iterations, just to be sure.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:43 No.24605219
         File: 1335962600.png-(1.01 MB, 1044x1044, missed1.png)
    1.01 MB

    >that feel when your captcha has the middle english s ſ
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:46 No.24605258
         File: 1335962815.png-(1015 KB, 1044x1044, missed2.png)
    1015 KB
    >> ڿڰۣ❀ღ♡ღ❀̆̃̃ڿڰۣ Donny !ASTRAlkAaA 05/02/12(Wed)08:48 No.24605279
         File: 1335962899.png-(1.21 MB, 1044x1044, z1335948835014.png)
    1.21 MB
    just woke up
    >> Coral Ann Moth !!bor9fDlPvHO 05/02/12(Wed)08:48 No.24605283
         File: 1335962919.gif-(267 KB, 219x300, K-On is happy.gif)
    267 KB
    >> DEATH !GRIPSzvGo2 05/02/12(Wed)08:49 No.24605298
    Hey OP, can you do it with the album art for Midori- We Are Midori?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:49 No.24605302
         File: 1335962998.png-(1.26 MB, 1044x1044, missed3.png)
    1.26 MB
    don't care if troll
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:51 No.24605320
         File: 1335963094.jpg-(130 KB, 500x500, black flag my war.jpg)
    130 KB
    Do My War please.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:52 No.24605330
         File: 1335963163.png-(1.04 MB, 1044x1044, missed4.png)
    1.04 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:55 No.24605362
         File: 1335963303.png-(1.08 MB, 1044x1044, missed5.png)
    1.08 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:56 No.24605377
         File: 1335963364.jpg-(74 KB, 500x500, avcd-23989.jpg)
    74 KB
    >> Gringo2012 !H2opjANA/2 05/02/12(Wed)08:57 No.24605383
         File: 1335963442.jpg-(162 KB, 500x502, bssm.jpg)
    162 KB
    this one please
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)08:57 No.24605386
         File: 1335963459.jpg-(21 KB, 300x300, the-microphones-the-glow-part-(...).jpg)
    21 KB
    Can anyone do this one? Id be very grateful
    >> Anonymoose !MOOSE7nhDk 05/02/12(Wed)08:58 No.24605395
    the hell is the point of this thread?
    >> DEATH !GRIPSzvGo2 05/02/12(Wed)08:59 No.24605397
         File: 1335963549.png-(147 KB, 500x500, wearemidori.png)
    147 KB
    You know you want to.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:01 No.24605409
         File: 1335963662.jpg-(69 KB, 500x500, bitches brew.jpg)
    69 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:03 No.24605427
         File: 1335963793.png-(136 KB, 400x400, darkside.png)
    136 KB
    Did this myself, just to say: LISTEN TO THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T.
    Was a bit messy with the edit, but couldn't be bothered.
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)09:05 No.24605441
         File: 1335963946.png-(1.28 MB, 1280x720, dunno davis.png)
    1.28 MB
    Who knows?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:07 No.24605459
    the fuck
    did you forget to ctrl+d and just screencapped?
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)09:07 No.24605461
         File: 1335964067.png-(381 KB, 1280x720, dunno.png)
    381 KB
    Have another template.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:07 No.24605463

    What album is it? How can I listen to it if I don't know what it is? TELL ME PLEASE
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:08 No.24605468
    >no cute girl
    >implying anyone is interested in this
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)09:08 No.24605473
    >Not watching Sakamichi no Apollon
    >Not being interested in anything related to the series
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:08 No.24605477
    >replying in the same minute
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)09:09 No.24605478
    >Auto update script
    >> DEATH !GRIPSzvGo2 05/02/12(Wed)09:10 No.24605484
    I'm tempted to just do the Hello Everyone We are Midori one myself, but I'm not too good at Photoshop. Is the album area in another layer or something that's transparent, so all I really need to do is import a square image, then rotate it into position?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:11 No.24605488
    >> Summer !.Faggot7Aw 05/02/12(Wed)09:12 No.24605498

    Nice job.
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)09:13 No.24605509
         File: 1335964423.png-(826 KB, 1044x1044, anime is holding a naked girl.png)
    826 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:13 No.24605512
    are you trying to be friends with bioman? :3
    >> DEATH !GRIPSzvGo2 05/02/12(Wed)09:14 No.24605519
    There's always nervous tension between the two of them, it's fucking hilarious to watch.

    Thanks Biobrah
    >> Summer !.Faggot7Aw 05/02/12(Wed)09:15 No.24605528

    I don't have a problem with him.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:16 No.24605534
    goddamn, how am I supposed to fit something in this?
    >> ڿڰۣ❀ღ♡ღ❀̆̃̃ڿڰۣ Donny !ASTRAlkAaA 05/02/12(Wed)09:17 No.24605539
         File: 1335964623.png-(854 KB, 1044x1044, z1335948835014z.png)
    854 KB

    >> ZIKIMOS 05/02/12(Wed)09:18 No.24605547
         File: 1335964682.jpg-(49 KB, 400x400, ANIMEZIKI.jpg)
    49 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:18 No.24605553
         File: 1335964733.jpg-(54 KB, 251x251, album.jpg)
    54 KB

    If you're not too concerned about perfection. You paste the album on a new layer, use the distort tool to fit it to the white square, then move the layer below the other layer. Use the magic wand tool to select the white, refine the edge so the tolerance and smoothness are good and delete it.

    Although I don't see much point in doing this.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:19 No.24605559
    years ago two parents went out to dinner. a few hours later the babysitter called and asked if she could cover up the clown statue in the kids room. The dad said "get the kids out of the house and we'll call the police. We don't have a... clown statue." the clown was actually a killer that escaped from prison 10 years ago. If u don't post this on ten photos, the clown will be in your bed with a chainsaw in his hand at 3:00 am
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:19 No.24605567
    any chance you could fix it up between little and ring fingers?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:21 No.24605587

    I didn't realize someone posted a transparent version already, ignore the last half of those steps.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:23 No.24605605
         File: 1335965001.jpg-(42 KB, 320x320, NewsomHaveOneOnMe-2.jpg)
    42 KB
    Please someone do Joanna Newsom - Have One on Me?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:26 No.24605637
    years ago two parents went out to dinner a few hours later the babysitter called and asked if she could cover up the clown statue in the kids room. The dad said "get the kids out of the house and we'll call the police. We don't have a... clown statue." the clown was actually a killer that escaped from prison 10 years ago. If u don't post this on ten photos, the clown will be in your bed with a chainsaw in his hand at 3:00 am
    >> DEATH !GRIPSzvGo2 05/02/12(Wed)09:26 No.24605638
         File: 1335965183.png-(1.17 MB, 1044x1044, exmu.png)
    1.17 MB
    Thanks for doing it.
    Figured out how to do these myself (finally), it wasn't as hard as I thought. After I discovered black-and-white-checkers = transparency, I realized that I'm a moron.

    Quick question to those Photoshoppers, though- when I try to place the album art, Photoshop keeps trying to lock the album down when I drag it too far to a corner of the area where the album should be. In other words, the album art is acting like a magnet, and the sides of the frame keep pulling and locking the image to it. How do I get this to stop?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:27 No.24605649
    years ago two parents went out to dinner a few hours later the babysitter called and asked if she could cover up the clown statue in the kids room. The dad said "get the kids out of the house and we'll call the police. We don't have a... clown statue." the clown was actually a killer that escaped from prison 10 years ago. If u don't post this on ten photos, the clown will be in your bed with a chainsaw in his hand at 3:00 am
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)09:27 No.24605654
    Hold ctrl or disable snap to under view.
    >> DEATH !GRIPSzvGo2 05/02/12(Wed)09:28 No.24605662
         File: 1335965303.png-(1.17 MB, 1044x1044, exmu.png)
    1.17 MB
    Got it, thanks a lot <3
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:29 No.24605681
    GIMP instructions:
    Download this image or similar
    Open it in GIMP

    If you have the album cover on your computer
    "File" > "Open as Layers..." > select the cover
    Otherwise copy the image then
    "Edit" > "Paste as" > "New Layer"

    Then you need to
    "Layer" > "Scale Layer..."
    I tend to do 499 pixels
    Make sure "Interpolation" is s
    Sinc or Cubic, whichever you think looks better.

    "Layer" > "Transform" > "Arbitrary Rotation..."
    and do angle = -11.9
    Then line it up and make sure the album layer is at the back and save as
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:30 No.24605687
         File: 1335965418.jpg-(185 KB, 1280x720, LesRallizesAnimés.jpg)
    185 KB
    Rock 'n' roll, man.
    >> DEATH !GRIPSzvGo2 05/02/12(Wed)09:30 No.24605690
    Also, just because it's a far superior application, if anyone wants a download for Photoshop CS5 Extended as a portable EXE, lemme know.
    >> btrl™ !BIOTROLLTM 05/02/12(Wed)09:31 No.24605709
         File: 1335965517.gif-(1.3 MB, 499x271, eat it 3.gif)
    1.3 MB
    Wow, that is so much more work than it is in photoshop.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:35 No.24605744
         File: 1335965739.png-(202 KB, 402x402, image2993.png)
    202 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:41 No.24605800
         File: 1335966080.png-(1.06 MB, 1044x1044, missed6.png)
    1.06 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:42 No.24605811
    I was just about to say yes, but then T remembered that I'd be downloading a .exe from a completely anonymous user of 4chan.
    >> DEATH !GRIPSzvGo2 05/02/12(Wed)09:43 No.24605825
    >implying you wouldn't run a virus scan on it first
    i shiggy shiggy you don't goop goop goo
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:45 No.24605854
         File: 1335966350.png-(1.15 MB, 1044x1044, missed7.png)
    1.15 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:48 No.24605875
         File: 1335966485.png-(1.2 MB, 1044x1044, missed8.png)
    1.2 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:50 No.24605895
         File: 1335966619.png-(1.11 MB, 1044x1044, missed9.png)
    1.11 MB
    It looks shitty because your source image is shitty
    >> synecdoche 05/02/12(Wed)09:53 No.24605927
         File: 1335966798.jpg-(194 KB, 800x700, reichstage cover.jpg)
    194 KB
    This, please, pal.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:54 No.24605941
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:54 No.24605942
         File: 1335966873.jpg-(2 KB, 126x104, 1334846561461.jpg)
    2 KB
    Thank you anon
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:55 No.24605946
         File: 1335966900.png-(1.15 MB, 1044x1044, bitchesBrew.png)
    1.15 MB
    assuming you wanted one with the girl
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:55 No.24605953
    Seriously guys, what is the point of this? What will you do with these images?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:55 No.24605956
    I like how her eyebrows are on top of her hair.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:56 No.24605964
         File: 1335967000.jpg-(1.89 MB, 1400x1400, Loveless 4.jpg)
    1.89 MB
    Please OP, I'm begging you!
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:58 No.24605977
         File: 1335967129.png-(1.09 MB, 1044x1044, haveOneOnMe.png)
    1.09 MB
    Allow me to quote from a great man, myself:
    >It looks shitty because your source image is shitty
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)09:59 No.24605983
    This. This thread has been going for exactly 6 hours now... what the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)10:00 No.24605998
    Sweet, thanks!

    Meh, maybe there's a quicker way, don't know, don't know shit about GIMP.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)10:00 No.24605999
    If you can't think of the applications, you have a very, very limited mind.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)10:05 No.24606055
         File: 1335967546.jpg-(115 KB, 400x400, AAS.jpg)
    115 KB
    Here you go.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)10:06 No.24606066
         File: 1335967587.png-(971 KB, 1044x1044, reichstage.png)
    971 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)10:06 No.24606069
    Well, I was just about to make a wallpaper for my iPhone.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)10:07 No.24606071
    I think OP is long gone.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)10:07 No.24606084
    was meant to be
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)10:10 No.24606103
    print & cum
    >> ڿڰۣ❀ღ♡ღ❀̆̃̃ڿڰۣ Donny !ASTRAlkAaA 05/02/12(Wed)10:13 No.24606141
         File: 1335968011.png-(954 KB, 1044x1044, zx1335948835014z.png)
    954 KB
    >> synecdoche 05/02/12(Wed)10:22 No.24606244

    Thanks dude.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)10:33 No.24606388
    Image limit reached

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