dubstep really that bad?What exposure I've had through, well, okay it's basically Skrillex, that's pretty much it. It sounds alright. Okay. Ish?Is it really not worth looking into? Is there nobody on /mu/ who might know these things?
if dubstep is worse then who can tell that skrillex is the people many sound like the music?
The stuff you listen to is shit.Try James Blake's early EPs and Burial.
Know what I'm tired of, guys.Dubstep threads.
If you think Skrillex is alright, then you are not part of the group that think dubstep is really that bad.Pic related if you really want to get into the genre.
it's not really that bad. it's just a genre full of the brim with terrible, generic music. you can get stuff like Document One. They're decent. faggot.
You're thinking of brostep.Dubstep was created in LondonWhen it came to America, it completely changed>>21175324
two kinds of dubstepdubstep, and brostepbrostep is what most people think dubstep is, the whole wubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwub stuffactuaal dubstep is really differenttry mount kimbie and burial and come back once you've learn sumtinon a side note, brostep aint bad, it's just overplayed and overrated at the moment, which makes it incredibly hateable
>>21175359>When it came to America, it completely changedNo, not really. It has nothing to do with the US.
I recently got into dubstep, i was really avoiding it at first and i stumbled upon really good stuff/Try : DuffstepDubwarZombyJames Blake - CMYKJames Blake - Air and lack therofZombyDam MantleAnd those who are more witchhousy and kinda ambient :Holy Other - With U (almost my AOTY)Balam Acab - (his last one, don't remember the name is outstanding)Clams Casino
>>21175399>And those who are more witchhousy and kinda ambienti like all three acts mentioned to varying degrees, but none of those people make dubstep.
>>21175399>his last one, don't remember the name is outstandingWander / Wonder
>>21175424yeah i know i wasn't sure about mentionning them, but i think if you're into dubstep you're likely to like them.
OP here. Thank you for your suggestions - I will make notes and try new things at your behest.Bless ye.