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    American Censorship Day: November 16, 2011
    On November 16th, the "Stop Online Piracy Act" will be heard in Congress. This legislation, in addition to the Senate's "Protect IP Act," completely undermine and fundamentally change the core principles of the Web. They have the potential to radically alter or shut down sites like YouTube, Flickr, 4chan, others, and all new companies that follow.
    See for more and help us stop these bills from becoming law.

    (Site back online after DDoS—sorry about the downtime. Be sure to follow @4chan and @moot on Twitter and check in the event of future downtime.)

    File : 1321445695.png-(125 KB, 1057x525, Welp, shit.png)
    125 KB Flip !!2M2ZGCTL84d 11/16/11(Wed)07:14 No.21089702  
    >That feel when you'll have no communication or a way to get any new music after these bills

    Well, it was nice knowing you guys
    >> KTY !KPOPmZfszA 11/16/11(Wed)07:17 No.21089711
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    >If this law passes, sites like Tumblr and Facebook could be shut down for letting users post freely.
    >Implying Facebook can be shut down
    >Implying Zuckerberg doesn't have pictures of every congressman's dick
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:18 No.21089717

    Also, I don't think shit like this can pass in Amurrica. People are too obsessed with their "freedoms". I mean, just imagine the chaos that will reign if they actually start banning and charging people on facebook, lol.
    >> PazMusicOfficial !rv1XzCGaAQ 11/16/11(Wed)07:20 No.21089727
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    I am not a number, I AM A FREE MAN

    Fuck this bill.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:22 No.21089738

    Do not under estimate the level of hibernation of the american people.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:22 No.21089740
    American laws only affect Americans. Just go to a Russian website.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:24 No.21089751
    I just feel like when your average female 20something Women Studies Major graduate won't be able to log in to her favorite website, the Occupy Wall Street movement will get a new, much more radical boost.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:24 No.21089756
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    Are you not seeing all this at the top of the page?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:25 No.21089761
    They can force ISPs to block access to websites like that.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:25 No.21089764
    Derp. I wasn't paying attention, lol.

    Sorry, it's 4 in the morning and I gotta go to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:28 No.21089779
    >getting between a jew and his media empire
    Great idea congress, hope y'all like flipping burgers
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:33 No.21089812
    >implying the media corporations would allow piracy to decrease
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:35 No.21089825
    Haha americans fail so hard for doing this to themselves. Europe ftw.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:37 No.21089841
    happens in australia:
    >hurrdurr backward convicts have with no internet and kangaroos not like murica master race

    happens in america:
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1THE END OF THE OWRLD AS WE KNOW IT SAVE US INTERNET ANAONYMOUSE IS LEGION WE DO NOT FORGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:38 No.21089844
    >happens in australia
    [citation needed]
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:40 No.21089851
    >sites can be shut down for having illegal stuff on it
    >If I want to shut down some website I would have just to upload some illegal stuff on it.

    MFW we will back to web 1.0
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:42 No.21089857
    >I just feel like when your average female 20something Women Studies Major graduate won't be able to log in to her favorite website, the Occupy Wall Street movement will get a new, much more radical boost.

    >the Occupy Wall Street movement will get a new, much more radical boost.

    Those boosts will means nothing if the law is already there.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:43 No.21089861
    >can be
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:46 No.21089878
    >can be

    If they are thiking about a law like this one its already loss.
    Its totally obvious this law is/would be stupid, and they are still thinking about having it. Even if this law doenst pass we are still at a losss because this show how stupid congressman can be
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:46 No.21089879
    they are also obsessed with "christian values" which means at least 4chan is going down
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:47 No.21089885
    lol, enjoy
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:48 No.21089893
    You know that this could remove USA websites you like right?

    PS: I am not from usa also
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:49 No.21089901
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    Finally, something real and genuinely positive to affect online piracy for good. Just pay you fucking thieves! This will boost the economy a fair bit. Piracy is probably why the economy is in the shitter anyhow.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:50 No.21089910
    >Not moving out of USA after something this big being discussed

    Seriously, just move to canada, its near USA
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:52 No.21089919
    >MFW I will just legally download stuff from nelabels AND WILL NOT BUY MUSIC
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:54 No.21089926
    Your face almost no one knows about netlabels.

    Big labels are doing it because of the average man pirating their stuff, not because more serious music listeners doing it they are a ultra small part of their income
    >> Your Mother !QhBIgrobYw 11/16/11(Wed)07:55 No.21089927
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    >Piracy is probably why the economy is in the shitter anyhow.

    pic related and a half
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:02 No.21089964
    reducing or removing piracy, you reduce the chance of people trying non big labels songs
    >> KTY !KPOPmZfszA 11/16/11(Wed)08:02 No.21089967
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    Oh dear, big labels won't be able to buy that second private jet they've always dreamed about.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:04 No.21089977
    >reducing or removing piracy, you reduce the chance of people trying non big labels songs

    Almost no one search about underground music, it would remove the ability to some that do it. but the % of listeners that do it are pretty small.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:08 No.21090000
    What they are doing are prevention not remedy. They are making sure in the future its become way harder to people to search about music, in the case people start to want to saerch about it
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:09 No.21090006
    >Implying if people paid for all the stuff they've stolen over the last 10 years it wouldn't get the world out of debt 3 times over.

    Go scrounge some more thief, you'll be first in the gas chamber come the New World Order. We have ways of dealing with little untermensch like you.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:12 No.21090020
    Sorry, you're just not a very good troll.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:14 No.21090039
    better download as many flac discog torrents as possible!
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:16 No.21090046
    that's stupid. it would actually IMPROVE the marke for indie labels because when you give away free album like Death Grips they can't just go download the latest commercial bullshit for free, know what I'm saying?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:16 No.21090047
    >Implying it's not true.

    Prove it wrong, aside from the joke part. Way to avoid the issue.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:18 No.21090058
    You lose, the economy would be great again if there was no piracy. The 99% are what's fucked everything up, spending money they don't have on things they don't need. Stop trying to live like rock stars and you'll get by fine.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:20 No.21090064
    except if no one buys anything then retail sails fall and the stock market crashes and we have to bailout the rich so they can give us all jobs, face it, spending money you don't have on your credit card is patriotic
    >> Your Mother !QhBIgrobYw 11/16/11(Wed)08:21 No.21090068
    Musicians don't make up a really large part of the population, and the majority of the music we own is produced by people with plenty of money; us not paying for all the albums we own wouldn't hurt the economy any worse than listening to them on youtube, and paying for them would fuck the economy up worse because we'd have no money, dickheads.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:23 No.21090074
    speaking of piracy, where can i get a copy of this song? they want 5 bucks for the EP and that's just too expensive, best song i heard in a long time tho
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:30 No.21090099
    meh... with all due respect to moot and the causes he evidently believes in, this website blows everything completely out of porportion, neither of these acts will force youtube or facebook to shutdown, and the whole logic of the site seems to be "if you read it this way there is this small chance that they could do this or that, SO THEY WILL!", and as far as the so called "protect IP Act", that's not going to pass, do you know how many times they have tried to pass something similar? it has never gone through, I don't see why it would now, especially that this time people actually know it exists.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:32 No.21090109
    >5 bucks
    >for an EP
    >too expensive

    wait, what?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:35 No.21090118
    the reason moot is scared is because he knows 4chan will get blacklisted for cp. lets be honest, part of the reason 4chan was such a success early on was because it was basically a child porn trading spot.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:36 No.21090124
    SO how would you feel if you got rich by hard work, then some twat said "you owe me money!". You'd say "go fuck yourself, i earned that!", which is exactly what the 'rich' are doing. They got that way by hard work, skills, and just generally being better people than you. Don't blame them for you being inferior.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:38 No.21090136
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    record shop/live shows

    keep your interwebs and fuck it
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:40 No.21090139
    i agree but in my opinion you're too liberal. i think the rich should form a new aristocracy and rule us. i mean lets face it the french revolutionary was a wrong turn in western civilization. bring back monarchy.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:44 No.21090153
    naw dude, it really wasn't.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:46 No.21090164
    >that's stupid. it would actually IMPROVE the marke for indie labels because when you give away free album like Death Grips they can't just go download the latest commercial bullshit for free, know what I'm saying?

    Big labels have payola and people WILL listen to their stuff by it and the effects of it.
    With piracy you can discover some artist and easily pirate his album to check how it is. With artists that release their song for free, you will need to discover the artist that released their song for free, if you discover another artist without free stuff you will have a harder time to check it that can be enought to some not do it and after some time doing it join the 'underground music world"
    >> barcelona !SguXjiaceI 11/16/11(Wed)08:50 No.21090186
    The discussion on piracy vs payment is moot. This will do nothing to stop piracy even if it does pass, which is unlikely. The only way to stop piracy (and even then it would only be in one country) would be to force all ISPs to offer some kind of walled garden or subscription model whereby users could only access the websites the ISP or the government dictated.

    Piracy is here to stay, deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:51 No.21090191
    I am pretty sure that you were never here early on and have no clue what you are talking about, it was never a "cp trading site", what ever the myths might say, it started out life as an anime nerd site actually...
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:52 No.21090196
    Could you please type in your native language? I feel Google translate will do a better job expressing your thoughts in English.
    Thank you.
    >> Your Mother !QhBIgrobYw 11/16/11(Wed)08:54 No.21090205
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    >implying he's not google translating

    >captcha: demandable raverl
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:56 No.21090219
    damn right i wasnt here back then because i'm not a fucking child rapist otaku freak
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:57 No.21090222
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    >The discussion on piracy vs payment is moot
    >is moot
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:57 No.21090223
    It's clear he isn't by the typos in his post...
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:57 No.21090225
    download all ur shit now dudes
    >> Creamy !Cu2m43pJwM 11/16/11(Wed)08:58 No.21090227
    >Facebook could be shut down

    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:59 No.21090230
    There are millions of places to get free, legal music without having to steal online. Quit making excuses for being a criminal, and admit what you're doing to yourself. There is no excuse anymore.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:59 No.21090232
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    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)09:00 No.21090238
    yeah, just stream it off youtube to your iphone instead of downloading it, then google is doing the stealing not you!
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)09:01 No.21090241
    you seriously think the FBI doesn't consider 4chan a child porn hub? are you just lying to yourself or really that naive? every entry level pedo knows 4chan is the place to get started.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)09:03 No.21090252
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    >implying piracy doesn't equal more touring sales
    >implying album sales make more than gig sales
    >implying pirating music is a bad thing

    Y'all niggas be saying some shit that I don't even be getting.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)09:06 No.21090274
    I know for a fact that they do, but the FBI also thinks that Juggalos are a dangerous gang... I wouldn't really put too much stock into what they think... also real pedos don't bother with places like this, it's too open, most of their trading goes on in usenet and underground networks

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