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  • File : 1317267271.jpg-(197 KB, 850x1078, jjh.jpg)
    197 KB SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!ePND2QFwJDq 09/28/11(Wed)23:34 No.20286227  
    Why is rape treated both culturally and legally as any worse than regular assault? I just don't understand what makes forcibly putting your penis in an orifice any WORSE than punching someone or tackling someone. Not to mention that the majority of reported rapes don't even involve forcible attacks or anything...

    Can someone explain this to me? If a woman raped me, yeah, I might not enjoy it, but I sure as hell would rather have that than getting my ass beat. And please don't come in with some HURF DURF SEE HOW YOU LIKE BEING FUCKED UP ASS LOL bullshit, because it's not analogous at all to vaginal rape. Unless of course women don't actually even enjoy sex in the first place (which honestly might be the case).

    I really think it is just a power thing in the end - not in the sense of the man "getting off on having power", but in the sense of women bawwing like little babbies because the one thing they use to get everything they want, withholding sex, was suddenly taken away from them. But it's fucking stupid that we let that dictate rape as somehow worse or even as bad, most of the time, as any basic assault. Can women just own up to the fact that they are butthurt at not being able to manipulate men, and that is the only reason rape is so "terrible"? Because it makes no logical sense, when you think about it.

    Nearly 70% of rape victims report having an orgasm - gee, that sounds like a real crime to me!
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:36 No.20286258
    SHin I love you and all but rape is not funny.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:37 No.20286271
    Oh lord...
    >> ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮hsiFreggiN‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 09/28/11(Wed)23:37 No.20286278
    >they use to get everything they want

    this, my gf asked me to take her home the other night so I just drove around town for 2 hours, she got so mad over nothing

    one of the funniest, yet disturbing things I've ever seen
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:40 No.20286311
    imagine having someone put their butthole up to your vagina and then pooping. if you like it then you'll get like a 2 foot poop wiener tickling your innerbits and if you don't like it then it's just poop being up your vagina but it makes you way more emotionally abused. that's why the do it.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:40 No.20286330
    Rape is dirty, deprecating, and cheap. It's impossible to walk away with a sense of dignity.
    I would personally rather get beat up.
    >> ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮hsiFreggiN‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 09/28/11(Wed)23:41 No.20286347
    Rape is NOT funny. All you fucking virgins sit around all day and laugh at terrible things like LOL RAPE & Women's rights xD, but it' not fucking funny, it's probably the reason you have no friends. When I was 15 years old I was raped. Some stranger took my virginity. I will never be able to get my virginity back, I will never be able to forget that terrible memory. Some stranger took away my innocence with out my consent. Now I will never be able to give my virginity to the man i love, but between you and me.. something amazing happened! and now I can talk to animals! It's pretty cool and totally secret, and you know what? Life will never be the same.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:41 No.20286349
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    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:42 No.20286366
    This is why /r9k/ shouldn't have been axed, then shit theads like these would be on there and not all the other boards/.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:42 No.20286367
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    Hi Shin!
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:43 No.20286376
    wait, when did /r9k/ come back?
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:43 No.20286387
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    >> Tony Perkis !VIuniVREHM 09/28/11(Wed)23:44 No.20286395
    >But it's fucking stupid that we let that dictate rape as somehow worse or even as bad, most of the time, as any basic murder


    Women exaggerate everything, why would it be different with rape?
    >> Freudianslipz !!4HCpPQTb38h 09/28/11(Wed)23:44 No.20286400
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    >this thread
    >> SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!ePND2QFwJDq 09/28/11(Wed)23:45 No.20286422
    Seriously? I don't see why, it might be unpleasant if an ugly woman raped me but who cares? Definitely beats sustaining actual injury.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:45 No.20286428
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    I lol'd hard.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:47 No.20286463
    I agree, rape should be just like every other felony, but the severity of rape depends on the actual action committed, not on what morals and society dictates as severity.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:49 No.20286498
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    What is this.... feeling?
    Newfound respect for... Niggafish?
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:50 No.20286519
    No. All roody-poos are the same. They never deserve respect.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:50 No.20286537

    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:51 No.20286555
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:52 No.20286569
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    I came to /mu/ because I needed help finding good dubstep. And I felt like posting on your board. Problem?
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:53 No.20286581

    >> Tony Perkis !VIuniVREHM 09/28/11(Wed)23:53 No.20286595

    Skrillex, Deadmaw5, the list can go on.....
    >> Tyler, The Complainer !SWAGaa/Uc. 09/28/11(Wed)23:53 No.20286597
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    >mfw this thread represents what odd future is doing to our society's view on rape
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:55 No.20286619
    god damn it shin
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:55 No.20286622
    GOOD dubstep. You seem to be misinterpreting me.
    >> laff !!hVYqSkOgsAq 09/28/11(Wed)23:55 No.20286624
    SHINfinity, this is laff checking in 3 years since I was a mediocre tripfag on this board. Nobody remembers me. Back when sticky stumps trolled you all with good music is when I was around. I am sad that you are still doing such shitty non-music trolling. I wish the best for you and your boring internet life.

    To somehow make a dead thread appreciate a tune i personally enjoy

    Might not be your speed, but Godspeed. See you all in 3 more years.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:55 No.20286631
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    Go find your shitty dubstep on MTV.
    >> Dr. Warren Zevon Is In My Dreams M.D. !lihFVgjBrA 09/28/11(Wed)23:55 No.20286634

    No, no. He's coming here so he's into sooper obscure dubstep like Burial, Mt. Kimbie the list could go on.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:56 No.20286647
    how was /mu/ back then?
    >> Tony Perkis !VIuniVREHM 09/28/11(Wed)23:56 No.20286653

    I've never heard of them tho

    must be hipster bullshit
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:57 No.20286677

    >implying the beta hipster fucks who take OF seriously would have the balls to rape a bitch, hold her down and give their best nut.
    >> Dr. Warren Zevon Is In My Dreams M.D. !lihFVgjBrA 09/28/11(Wed)23:58 No.20286688

    Yea lol I not surprised you havnt hurd of it lol

    Indeh as FUCK
    >> newnumberorder ♥♥♥ Love me! Love me! ♥♥♥ 09/28/11(Wed)23:58 No.20286692

    hue hue hue
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:58 No.20286695
    you know, i cant even rage shit like this anymore, i mean if your gonna troll atleast make a nigga laugh
    >> Dr. Warren Zevon Is In My Dreams M.D. !lihFVgjBrA 09/29/11(Thu)00:00 No.20286722

    >you know, i cant even rage shit like this

    Wow. Does that hurt?
    >> Tony Perkis !VIuniVREHM 09/29/11(Thu)00:00 No.20286726

    LOL u like undrground indy music u shuld try the arcade fire or radiohead
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:01 No.20286753
    figgernish used to be hilarious and then he joined the fag alliance and turned into a minds eye clone
    >> laff !!hVYqSkOgsAq 09/29/11(Thu)00:01 No.20286755
    As trendy as it is now. Music is social, go out! Talk tunes! You will find music so much more awesome with acquaintances and friends over a 6 pack!
    >> Thanksgiving Turkey !!2loI4kUzoY3 09/29/11(Thu)00:02 No.20286765
    Its the same reason governments punish sex-workers and not the customers.

    welcome to a world full of sexual double-standards
    >> Dr. Warren Zevon Is In My Dreams M.D. !lihFVgjBrA 09/29/11(Thu)00:02 No.20286769

    Omg dood way toodeep4me lol i liek classic rock liek tool. WHY DONT U KIDS LIKE THE TOOL?
    >> April and the Phantom !KNs1o0VDv6 09/29/11(Thu)00:02 No.20286770
    I know this is a troll post, but I really don't get why rape is worse than getting the shit beaten out of you (regardless of gender). I could see as a little kid, but past the age of like 16 I just don't understand why it is viewed as so much worse than assault.

    The only responses I've ever gotten have been weird stares and "YOU DONT GET IT BECAUSE YOU'RE A MAN", both of which haven't satisfied me.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:03 No.20286791
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    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:04 No.20286806
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    >implying I don't know that

    I come here to laugh after a long day, man.
    >> Tony Perkis !VIuniVREHM 09/29/11(Thu)00:05 No.20286822

    WOW lol u like tool?!?! lool r u som kind of plebean ?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:06 No.20286839

    Probably because assault can sometimes be seen as justifiable, while there can really be no justification for rape.
    >> April and the Phantom !KNs1o0VDv6 09/29/11(Thu)00:07 No.20286865
    Ah, right. I knew I was overlooking something..
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:08 No.20286877
    I'd take a punch in the the face over a dick in the ass any day of the week.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:10 No.20286918
    what if im going to die and ill never have a kid because I have a disorder that makes me gain weight really easily and I have bad skin so all i can do is stay inside and complain about music on the internet so if i dont rape a bitch then ill never be a father
    >> Dr. Warren Zevon Is In My Dreams M.D. !lihFVgjBrA 09/29/11(Thu)00:10 No.20286919

    no i not pleben ur a faget

    i liek relly obsucr screemoo bans includding blud on da dancelfoor and bring me teh hurizon
    >> SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!ePND2QFwJDq 09/29/11(Thu)00:10 No.20286921
    I explained why in OP.

    Plenty of men get raped in prison, hazing, military, etc, but you don't hear them crying about it.

    I also love the non-answer "you don't know because you've never been raped!" Get over yourself, you aren't special. I've rarely had a female show open sexual interest in me, let alone love me so much that they would do anything to have sex with me, why should I pity you?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:11 No.20286936

    Uh, how can assault be justifiable? I'm interested in hearing how you phrase this response in such a way as to exclude rape being justifiable.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:12 No.20286963
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    You've obviously never met a girl who's been raped, have you?

    Blank stares, flinching at the slightest touch, calling me in the middle of the night, too scared to sleep.

    It's something psychological, something I'm not sure I can even begin to explain, much less interpret an iota of what she was feeling

    she was haunted for months, and I'm still not sure if she's over it.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:12 No.20286966

    Welcome to emotion. It's the thing that most people substitute for reasoned argument.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:13 No.20286981
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    silly humans, right?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:13 No.20286985
    I'm not that person, but there times when someone deserves an ass kicking. There will never be a time when someone deserves a dick forced in their ass.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:14 No.20286992

    You probably meant that sarcastically. You probably also missed the irony.
    >> April and the Phantom !KNs1o0VDv6 09/29/11(Thu)00:14 No.20286998
    I've never met a starving African before but I can empathize with them. Also, I understand that rape is bad, but not why it is considered so much worse.

    The whole unjustifiable thing makes it a bit more understandable, though.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:15 No.20287005

    That's just restating what was already said, not actually explaining it. Can you explain it?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:16 No.20287021
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    I've met a girl who's been raped, and I was molested as a child. She's over it now, but just doesn't like rape jokes. Sort of how I don't like molestation of children (although I'm a pedo anyway and have the urge every minute of every day). but it doesn't haunt the person forever. Eventually they get over it, forgive and forget. It's not healthy to dwell over something like that for so long.
    >> SHiNfinity Is My Taigaberryking expert of Matsuda Cocks (has removed 40% of Jake's Snakes) !!ePND2QFwJDq 09/29/11(Thu)00:16 No.20287029
    Why do you fucking idiots immediately equate "heterosexual, probably non-violent vaginal rape" to "homosexual, violent ass rape"? A woman getting raped by a man = a man getting raped by a woman.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:17 No.20287046
    Quick question.

    How is this /mu/ related?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:18 No.20287060
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    is /mu/ shin /a/ shin and what is /a/ shin
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:18 No.20287064

    What, is the metaphor too deep for you?
    >> ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮hsiFreggiN‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 09/29/11(Thu)00:18 No.20287067
    a vagina is suppose to have things go in it

    asses aren't designed for that,totally different thing
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:18 No.20287072
    Don't question the wise Shinigger.

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