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  • File : 1305577709.jpg-(78 KB, 750x600, die_in_a_fire.jpg)
    78 KB Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)16:28 No.17431698  
    Love /tv/
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)16:29 No.17431729
    I'll be damned if I'm going to take that from a board full of pedophiles
    >> Mr Magic !!ei5eOK8Bn+c 05/16/11(Mon)16:30 No.17431740
    >implying we give a fuck you stupid pedophiles
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)16:31 No.17431779
    oh shit, is it summer already?
    >> Mr Magic !!5j1ez7F6yIU 05/16/11(Mon)16:31 No.17431780
    go to
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)16:31 No.17431782
    Can you just fuck off already you cockmongling shitfucker
    >> Mr Magic !!5j1ez7F6yIU 05/16/11(Mon)16:32 No.17431798
    Oh what fa/tv/irgin u mad that I get six pussy a night?
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)16:35 No.17431867

    No, i'm the Janedoeguy from the first thread of yours that i derailed and turned everybody in /mu/ against you.
    You should go to bed, it's a school night.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)16:37 No.17431884
    You really need to fucking leave
    >> Mr Magic !!5j1ez7F6yIU 05/16/11(Mon)16:37 No.17431887
    >turned everybody in /mu/ against me
    Lol they allready hated me faggot
    >jane doe guy who derailed thread you made
    I derailed my own thread as I intended to

    I believe you should go to bed faggot
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)16:38 No.17431909
    are you the same guy who posted earlier who said they had chlamydia?
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)16:38 No.17431915
         File1305578318.jpg-(24 KB, 320x228, 6a00d8345275cf69e201156f8425ab(...).jpg)
    24 KB
    Whatever bro

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