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    File : 1294609760.png-(686 KB, 1680x1050, buttstep.png)
    686 KB Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)16:49 No.14858566  
    Dear /mu/,

    Can someone please explain in detail the appeal of Dubstep? Where did it come from, what is it all about? How can I distinguish good dubstep from bad dubstep, and why does it all sound the very similar?

    Not trying to start a WUBWUBWUB flamewar, just genuinely interested.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)16:52 No.14858613
    There is no such thing as good dubstep and it probably came from when a neckbeard farted and made a loop out of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)16:52 No.14858614
    dub originated with reggae and progressed when dj's in europe got ahold of it. now good/bad dub is up to the listener, i personally love borgore, skream, rusko, nero, and deadmau5
    >> Chbosky !GxqZhYcGx. 01/09/11(Sun)16:52 No.14858615
    Not trying to be unhelpful, but this really is a very good outline of dubstep, how it came to be and what it is and what it isn't.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)16:53 No.14858633
    Came from the garage and grime (pretty interchangable really) scenes in London, and its about using low frequencies and minimal rhythms and melodies to make dance music.

    You recognise good by hearing it and thinking, hey, this is good. The bad usually makes me want to tear my ears off.

    It doesn't at all sound similar. Check out the differences between Boregore and Martyn. Or Vex'd and Zomby. Or Mala and Pangaea. Or 2562 and Shackleton.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)16:53 No.14858644
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    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)16:54 No.14858653
    Do you have any good examples of these?

    Thanks, I was too lazy to wander over myself. But I still value the human component of /mu/'s input.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)16:55 No.14858660
    you're retarded and confusing reggae dub (1960's-present) with dubstep (approx 1999-present)
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)16:58 No.14858712

    btw, the connection between dub reggae and dubstep is the emphasis on bass, something originally picked up on by junglists and the London hardcore scene in the early 90s.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)16:59 No.14858721
    OP, you can distinguish bad dubstep when it's deadmau5.
    >> noko Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:01 No.14858752
    borgore-nympho, guided relaxation, love, saturday night, sunday morning
    skream- midnight request line
    nero- innocence
    deadmau5- raise your weapon, trick pony
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:02 No.14858764
    The appeal is the bass OP. If you don't own a subwoofer then don't bother listening.
    Great music though

    this guy>>14858614 has shit taste
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:04 No.14858796
    >skream- midnight request line

    only good song on there. Borgore is for drunk sluts
    >> MysteryStain !!znrPCIWIp7O 01/09/11(Sun)17:04 No.14858798
    The fact that it's extremely bass heavy and dancable makes it really popular in clubs. Ever stood next to a massive sub when dubstep's playing? Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:05 No.14858819

    Scuba - Before
    Peverelist - Roll With The Punches
    Martyn - All I Have Is Memories

    Fuck's sake, we want MUSIC here.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:05 No.14858820
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    >mfw deadmaus5 really does look like a dead fucking mouse.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:07 No.14858859
    and this shit is boring as fuck.
    Why do people always have to be on one side of the spectrum or the other. Either really bad wobble bullshit or boring as fuck ambient dubstep.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:07 No.14858864
    If I hear Boregore or anything similar I know I'm in the wrong place.
    I'm a fan of dubstep. Love it. But it still has to be good music.

    Also, Twitch - Scuba (Jamie Vex'd remix)
    >bit rinsed and is starting to show its age but still a fucking tune.
    >> Chbosky !GxqZhYcGx. 01/09/11(Sun)17:09 No.14858876
    For fucksake.

    >good, little-wobble but still fucking intense dubstep
    Nit Grit - Nit Grit

    Everybody will find something they like in this. The remix of DJ Shadow is fucking amazing. Such an immersive album if heard on closed headphones.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:09 No.14858885
    Ok, early DMZ then.

    And how about that Scientist Launches Dubstep Into Outer Space album? Fucking blew my mind.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:09 No.14858887

    You are a waste of air and existence. Die painfully.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:11 No.14858909
    mt. eden- hide and seek
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:11 No.14858913
    OP here.

    Thanks all for the artist suggestions, I'll be sure to give them a good listen. Keep them coming, if you can. Even YouTube or links are helpful too.

    So the bass is the focal point of the music then. Thanks for the verification; but I had already gathered that from just hearing the dubstep songs that I have.

    I guess what I am personally not understanding about the appeal of dubstep is its "danceability" (if that's even a word). I can understand that with certain forms of house, trance, funk, hip-hop, and contemporary pop music are highly danceable because of the way the melody or vocals sit on top of the relatively consistent bassline. How does one dance to dubstep? It's very erratic in its presentation (to my ears anyway). Do people pop to it? Liquid? Grind on people? Stand in the corner and bop their head? Lean from side to side? I don't get it.

    Keep it up, /mu/, you're being very helpful to me.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:14 No.14858953
    you only find out when you find yourself doing it, there is no particular dance associated with dubstep in any club I'm been to. I've seen headbanging, hands-in-the-air, skanking, 2stepping, stomping and generally freaking out.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:14 No.14858956
    >Stand in the corner and bop their head? Lean from side to side

    basically these 2. Real EDM heads would never call what you do to dubstep dancing.

    Plastician - Japan

    Zomby - Liquid Dancehall

    If you like these 2 OP I can send you in the direction of similar stuff
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:16 No.14858980
    sanity has arrived!
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:17 No.14859010
    >Ctrl+f burial
    >no results

    I am disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:18 No.14859022
    dub=/=dubstep, dubstep originated from uk garage and is pretty closely linked to grime.

    the dubstep you hear today is different from what it was, trance like bassy beats (search mt eden- classic dubstep artist), now however its bug drops, more and more lyrics involved i.e the likes of flux pavillion, chase and status etc, hardcore dubstep fans call it brostep and they hate the amout of wobbles used, this is not how dubstep was intended
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:18 No.14859025
    Burial is too garage to be dubstep.
    I think he'd hate to be associated with it anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:20 No.14859049
    >mt eden- classic dubstep artis

    this is bullshit. Don't listen to Mt. Eden
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:20 No.14859053
    > mt eden- classic dubstep artist

    > dubstep was intended

    It is merely an extension and diversification of garage.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:21 No.14859070
    IMO if it's not ~140bpm with half-time drums, it's not dubstep. That's like the main defining factor of dubstep. Burial is garage, a deep dark garage.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:22 No.14859082
    you rock your head to the beat and when breakage comes on YOU FUCKING MOSHHHHHHHHHHHH

    no but seriously its not that bad, i never liked dubstep either for the same reasons OP, you need to go to a good dubstep club to really experience it trust me you will enjoy it, stoned or not
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:22 No.14859092
    >~140bpm with half-time drums
    We used to call that garage too.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:24 No.14859106
    There's someone who has never been to a real club.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:26 No.14859128
    Dubstep drums are half the speed of garage. In garage the snares are on/around 2 and 4, on dubtep the snare is on/around 3
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:26 No.14859132
    OP here.


    These suggestions were alright, I didn't want to immediately tear off my headphones when I heard these. Any further listening suggestions? Anyone agree/disagree with these posts? If so, why do you agree or disagree?

    This is about what I expected as far as the dancing goes. But if anyone has any other suggestions or opinions, I'd love to hear them. I'm personally a big fan of liquid popping, digitz and tutting, and dubstep seems at first glance to be a modern EDM venue for this type of dancing. (I'm not a big fan of what's going on with "hip-hop" lately, but that's an ENTIRELY different thread topic.)

    Thanks for all your help, /mu/. I love picking your brain.
    >> Dubstep !uhGols11hY 01/09/11(Sun)17:27 No.14859142
    This is me>>14858956
    I'm just gonna trip to avoid confusion.

    There are 2 very distinct kinds of Dubstep right now. 140 BPM is the only thing these 2 have in common.

    One is the "older" style of dubstep which takes most of its elements form 2-step Garage and Reggae Dub. Really slow hypnotizing beats and nice deep sub-bass that shakes your body. It is being ignored by the mainstream, but continues to thrive in many underground circles i.e. DMZ nights and the like

    The second is known as "brostep", "WUBstep", or my personal favorite "mid-range cack". Although born in the U.K. the U.S. and Canada are known for making an pushing this bullshit to the masses. Usually utilizing high-pitched noises, heavy drops, and excessive wobbles this style of "dubstep" is popular at parties and with bitches.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:27 No.14859149
    kid, dont make me fucking laugh been going to clubs since i was 17, fucking americunt hipster thinks he knows what a club is..... stfu
    been to every club in london worth noting
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)17:28 No.14859174
    Garage used to have 2 speeds, 2 step and half step.
    A more minimal form or garage was being produce in the late 90's which eventually people called dubstep, largely due to music journalism.

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