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    File : 1294609557.jpg-(22 KB, 291x300, 1286676752231.jpg)
    22 KB Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)16:45 No.14858509  
    >mfw /mu/ labels some music as '/mu/core' as if you're some affluent taste maker and anyone gives a fuck what you think
    >> Mr. Feeny !!lWm6DKUDEwb 01/09/11(Sun)16:50 No.14858569
    Although most /mu/core is actually really good.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)16:50 No.14858577
    >mfw I don't think that you know what /mu/core actually is
    >mfw I have no face
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)16:51 No.14858589
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    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)16:51 No.14858598
    >affluent taste maker
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)16:51 No.14858599

    pick one
    >> !BIOTROLLTM 01/09/11(Sun)16:52 No.14858612
         File1294609930.gif-(31 KB, 300x300, pretentious.gif)
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    Except it's really only called /mu/core because it's so ridiculously popular here on /mu/.
    >> !BIOTROLLTM 01/09/11(Sun)16:56 No.14858678
    Hipster is not a genre. Spoilers don't work on /mu/, just go back to /v/ already.

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