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  • File : 1282643513.jpg-(388 KB, 1500x2586, Rachmaninoff.jpg)
    388 KB Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)05:51 No.12371123  
    Rachmaninoff Appreciation Thread
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)05:53 No.12371150
    I appreciate it
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)05:55 No.12371165
    he sure had big hands
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)05:55 No.12371170
    >> Groceries !!l3ndoH/Seho 08/24/10(Tue)05:55 No.12371173
    I downloaded a whole bunch of his stuff, but have yet to listen to it.

    I should really get on that.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)05:55 No.12371178
    Yes. You should.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)05:56 No.12371187
    motherfucking vespers
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)05:57 No.12371195
    I like nearly everything I've heard by him (not a terrible lot) - except for the piano concertos. They're trash.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)05:57 No.12371197
    dat hat right there.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)05:57 No.12371200
    this is the general russian people appreciation thread

    i like that nabokov fellow and that stravinksy chap

    i wonder why russians have such awesome art
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)05:57 No.12371201
    He's the highwater mark of Music and it's all been downhill

    Hell just go listen to his 3rd Piano Concerto (starts at :26)
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)05:58 No.12371202
    Haha what? You stupid, champ?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)05:58 No.12371211
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    >Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto's trash
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)05:59 No.12371218
    I'll see your Martha and raise you a Horowitz
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:00 No.12371223
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    My piano concerto is more famous.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:01 No.12371234
    Blatant lies!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:05 No.12371277
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:05 No.12371287
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    Rimsky Korsakov is a pretty cool guy
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:06 No.12371297
    Those opening chords...ahhh...

    but still Rach's 3rd beats it hands down.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:07 No.12371308
    Now you're exaggerating. Rachmaninoff is good, but not particularly relevant in the big picture.

    They have some nice tunes but wear thin awfully quickly, to me his thematic development is clumsy, even plodding, the orchestration and textures lack contrast - his piano concertos are extremely monotonous compared to truly great ones like Mozart's, Beethoven's, Schumann's or Schoenberg's. Quite frankly I do not think Rachmaninoff was great enough a composer to handle such large, abstract structures. His shorter piano pieces and works with lyrics are superior.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:08 No.12371315
    I like his Preludes and Etude Tableux.

    His concerti are sometimes hackneyed in lesser hands but in the hands of real masters they're great.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:10 No.12371332
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    Bitches be jealous...

    Also Kissin's hair...fucking eh...
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:12 No.12371351
    The Audio quality, good lord.

    Have some Pollini
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:27 No.12371473
    Piss on audio quality.

    Have some Cortot
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:27 No.12371481
    First good piano concerto in the whole thread:

    Also a mindblowingly spirited performance.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:29 No.12371494

    Chopin is such a bitch to play, I mean it's technically easy but I always find myself playing far too legato.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:29 No.12371498
    I get you're one of those Classical Elitists who hates the Romantic movement
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:30 No.12371505
    Fuck edutes, Nocturne No. 2 up in this bitch.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:32 No.12371519
    Nope, some of my favorite piano concertos are either Romantic or post-Romantic.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:33 No.12371526

    Etude Op.10 No.3 is considered by quite a few people (including Chopin himself) as his best work.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:33 No.12371527
    Fuck overplayed Chopin, let's get some Krakowiak, yes that's fucking right KRAKOWIAK BITCH.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:36 No.12371555
    I always liked Schumann's homage to Chopin
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:53 No.12371692
    I like it less if its just individual, seems to fit in better with the entire Carnaval.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:54 No.12371705
    well this thread got derailed
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:56 No.12371724
    appreciation of rachmaninoff is introspective, just like many of his works
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)07:05 No.12371788
    The Rach 1 is arguably a descendant of the Schumann Concerto.

    Schumann -> Grieg -> Rach 1

    Rach thought the Grieg Concerto was the greatest concerto ever composed, and it shows.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)07:06 No.12371798

    What's interesting is that I *believe* Rach 1 is considered his "worst" either that or Rach 4
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)07:08 No.12371818
    And now for the best and most original Romantic piano concerto, the greatest leap forward for the genre since Mozart's KV 271:

    Shame on you if you didn't know which one I was talking about before clicking the link.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)07:11 No.12371839
    Sends chills man
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)07:12 No.12371848
    Yes, I knew that - still, I have a hard time thinking of Grieg's and Rach's concertos as evolutions of the Schumann concerto, they're just nowhere as good.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)07:13 No.12371858
    >opinions opinions opinions
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)07:14 No.12371869
    Yeah, that performance destroys, it's one of the few non-chamber orchestra versions that successfully conveys Schumann's incredibly nuanced orchestration too - those who think Schumann couldn't orchestrate are stark raving mad.

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