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  • File : 1275861803.jpg-(129 KB, 500x649, enhanced-buzz-10191-1274281004-4.jpg)
    129 KB Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:03 No.10227295  
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:04 No.10227332
    That board scares me.
    >> Veil of Deception !!OVB1xuGalyC 06/06/10(Sun)18:04 No.10227341
    Typical /jp/ thread
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:05 No.10227344
    It's just so sad.

    I can't even laugh at that shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:05 No.10227348
    >/mu/- 4chan general discussion
    >> Schnookumz | now playing: Story of the Year - Remember A Time !!2f4mfNv6WZ/ 06/06/10(Sun)18:05 No.10227351
    fuck /jp/
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:06 No.10227366
    This thread again?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:07 No.10227424
    >1. She must possess a strong determination and not be afraid of anything
    >2. She must be beautiful
    >3. Cheerful
    >4. Her mind must be free of impure thoughts
    >5. She must be virgin

    jesus christ, some of them sure do put alot of thought into it
    >> Kimmo Alm !!fSH8pJRcMMQ 06/06/10(Sun)18:08 No.10227444
         File1275862127.jpg-(55 KB, 900x703, wtf.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:09 No.10227473
    I love how SRS he is about it.
    Sage for no contribution.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:09 No.10227477
         File1275862192.jpg-(31 KB, 500x375, hipdog2.jpg)
    31 KB
    >beautiful and perfect body
    >strong in terms of mind and power
    >she must not be immortal but eternal
    >virgin and pure
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:11 No.10227517
    wat iv just read...
    >> Reverie !xYdTnkbKQg 06/06/10(Sun)18:11 No.10227518
         File1275862302.jpg-(50 KB, 206x201, jimmyurine.jpg)
    50 KB
    >1.Intelligent, determined, and powerful
    >2.Compatible personality and interests
    >3.Under 18 years old with small breasts
    >4.Does not have an aversion to lying, genocide, or anything similar
    >5.Cute outfit with unnecessary frills and accessories
    >> Neely O'Hara !Sa5CMDOLLs 06/06/10(Sun)18:12 No.10227527
    Hands don't have thoughts.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:13 No.10227555
    >Must not have an aversion to genocide
    Christ, I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:13 No.10227561

    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:13 No.10227569
    I saw this one - now I have to assume he must be referring to a 2D creationg because:
    >3.Under 18 years old with small breasts

    surely, aging.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:14 No.10227593
         File1275862479.jpg-(10 KB, 300x400, babb.jpg)
    10 KB
    >She has to call me onii-chan
    I just remembered on I'm 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:16 No.10227638
         File1275862590.jpg-(106 KB, 1680x1050, Seinfeld.jpg)
    106 KB
    1) She has to be be 10 years old or younger.
    2) She has to be cute.
    3) She has to be extremely shy and only talk to me.
    4) She has be pure.
    5) She has to call me onii-chan.
    >> Neely O'Hara !Sa5CMDOLLs 06/06/10(Sun)18:17 No.10227680
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:18 No.10227685
    inb4 inter-board war
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:19 No.10227718
    If you guys keep doing this /jp/ is gonna get serious, and you don't want to see them serious.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:19 No.10227728
         File1275862784.png-(253 KB, 848x480, 1275859984662.png)
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    >two posters asking for the source for this image

    I have no face.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:19 No.10227736
    >must have a vag and an uterus. Really it's all i need. No need for hand/legs/head/breasts. keep it simple

    >> Reverie !xYdTnkbKQg 06/06/10(Sun)18:20 No.10227749
    >1. Made out of adamantine
    >2. All her craftsdwarfship should be of the highest quality.
    >3. Menaces with spikes of turtle shell
    >4. Encircled with bands of obsidian
    >5. Has cheese engraved on it
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:21 No.10227775
    >Other threads on /jp/ include:
    >/jp/, what do you hate in life? as for me i hate niggers.
    >If you could get raped by a touhou, which one would it be?
    >In real life Rin would be the slut with 10000 cocks sucked, and Sakura would be the unpopular sister.
    >Got this for $60 at A-kon. Good deal or no?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:21 No.10227781
         File1275862895.png-(54 KB, 410x226, 1274894008923.png)
    54 KB
    If /jp/ comes with magnifying glass on their shotadicks we will drone them to death.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:22 No.10227791
         File1275862928.jpg-(5 KB, 144x198, chrishanson.jpg)
    5 KB
    >1) She has to be be 10 years old or younger.
    >2) She has to be cute.
    >3) She has to be extremely shy and only talk to me.
    >4) She has be pure.
    >5) She has to call me onii-chan.
    >> Buffalo !XcLQaMCkA. 06/06/10(Sun)18:22 No.10227806
    Now, that's my kind of waifu.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:22 No.10227809

    oh no /jp/ serious oh no run for your life their coming
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:22 No.10227815

    "w" + "j" - "j" + "w" + "i" - "i" + "w" + "t" - "t" + "." + "u" - "u" + "a" + "e" - "e" + "n" + "n" - "n" + "o" + "i" - "i" + "n" + "s" - "s" + "t" + "u" - "u" + "a" + "y" - "y" + "l" + "h" - "h" + "k" + "l" - "l" + "." + "n" - "n" + "s" + "f" - "f" + "e" + "h" - "h"
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:23 No.10227831
         File1275863021.jpg-(34 KB, 398x335, despair.jpg)
    34 KB
    i make fun of the waifu dudes all the time but I secretly empathise with them a lot
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:24 No.10227845
    fuck that shit, let's start a war!
    >> Reverie !xYdTnkbKQg 06/06/10(Sun)18:24 No.10227848

    >/mu/ is laughing at us because they don't understand the beauty of waifus, fucking bastards.

    We got caught
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:25 No.10227887
         File1275863118.png-(5 KB, 296x315, 1265902745360.png)
    5 KB
    1) She'd have to screech like Malefic
    2) She'd have to play guitar like Segovia
    3) She'd have to sing like Anna Netrebko
    4) She'd have to play base like Nathan East
    5) She'd have to be hardcore like Clint Eastwood
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:25 No.10227890
    >implying it wasn't a /mu/tant
    >> (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ BOOF ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) !AWEsomEEEE!!g4pQz5RFuPl 06/06/10(Sun)18:25 No.10227893
    You fags just can't comprehend our devotion.
    >> Neely O'Hara !Sa5CMDOLLs 06/06/10(Sun)18:25 No.10227907
    fucking lonely bastards
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:26 No.10227922
    and you cannot comprehend our love for jesus christ
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:26 No.10227927
    Haha, oh wow.
    I guess you guys don't have anything better to do than criticize other boards, right?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:26 No.10227941
    how the fuck can they not know that... its obviously k-on
    >> Buffalo !XcLQaMCkA. 06/06/10(Sun)18:26 No.10227946
         File1275863212.png-(26 KB, 625x564, 1269201547289.png)
    26 KB
    >Must wear a red dress
    >Must be jewish
    >Must be from Holland, 1945
    >Must have a drum for a head
    >Must be the King of Carrot Flowers
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:26 No.10227948
    trap sprung
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:27 No.10227950

    Just make sure they don't see this thread >>10219267
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:27 No.10227959
    u mad
    >> Coral !Uz7tsi.s6w 06/06/10(Sun)18:27 No.10227963
    nice one, i lold

    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:27 No.10227971
    Has /mu/ ever been at "war"?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:28 No.10227981
    >Attack rating
    >Special unique skill

    I may apply this to real life women.
    >> Buffalo !XcLQaMCkA. 06/06/10(Sun)18:28 No.10227985
    That thread was fun
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:28 No.10227987

    it would be pretty interesting since /jp/ is allied with /a/ for obvious reasons. Worse, /a/ has a moderate connection with /b/..../mu/ is practically hated by every board except /r9k/ and /lit/ - not very good allies in a boards war though... -.
    >> Schnookumz !!2f4mfNv6WZ/ 06/06/10(Sun)18:28 No.10227990
    no 'war', you idiot /b/tards, jesus.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:29 No.10228017
    /sp/ hates /a/ with a passion and we're bros now, I'm sure they'd join us.
    >> Buffalo !XcLQaMCkA. 06/06/10(Sun)18:29 No.10228023
    I thought we and /fa/ were allies.
    Music and fashion go hand-in-hand
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:29 No.10228026

    yesk, with /sp/ kids
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:29 No.10228031
         File1275863370.png-(97 KB, 280x352, varg.png)
    97 KB
    This is uh..
    >> (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ BOOF ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) !AWEsomEEEE!!g4pQz5RFuPl 06/06/10(Sun)18:29 No.10228037
    /jp/ sees /mu/ as our big brother.
    >> PlagueOnWheels !AnOn.0/RCE 06/06/10(Sun)18:29 No.10228040
    U SAD
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:29 No.10228046
         File1275863391.jpg-(112 KB, 720x511, lolol.jpg)
    112 KB
    >my face when music gives me pussy and anime is for 25 year old virgins
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:30 No.10228069

    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:30 No.10228074
    shit nigga dont point it out
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:31 No.10228075
    yeah, with /sp/
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:31 No.10228087
    you listen to Celine Dion or sth?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:31 No.10228088
    Actually /mu/ is the most hated board on 4chan. People are very touchy about having their favorite band insulted.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:31 No.10228094
    We've got /lit/, /fa/, /fit/ and /sp/.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:31 No.10228098
    >/jp/ is allied with /a/
    What? I browse /a/ sometimes and /jp/ has always hated /a/. Although in the case of some anti-waifu crusade by /mu/, /a/ would probably express support for /jp/. Also isn't /mu/ friends with /fa/, who are in turn friends with /fit/?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:32 No.10228112
    why does everyone hate us? i was unaware of this.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:32 No.10228116
    God dammit, /t/.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:32 No.10228121
    I like you.
    And all /jp/ now
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:33 No.10228141
    >Just another thread on /jp/
    >/mu/ joins in
    >Suddenly, neutral milk hotel everywhere oh god
    >> trvemetal !!XTkpaFvGNXl 06/06/10(Sun)18:33 No.10228143
    Yeah, with /sp/ as others have mentioned. But now we are bros, and I even occasionally visit there.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:33 No.10228145

    "w" + "x" - "x" + "w" + "k" - "k" + "w" + "a" - "a" + "." + "f" - "f" + "a" + "v" - "v" + "n" + "f" - "f" + "o" + "v" - "v" + "n" + "u" - "u" + "t" + "b" - "b" + "a" + "p" - "p" + "l" + "t" - "t" + "k" + "i" - "i" + "." + "d" - "d" + "s" + "j" - "j" + "e" + "j" - "j"
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:33 No.10228147
    because we're elitist faggots
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:33 No.10228150

    /fa/ and /fit/ fight all the time because people in /fa/ are always talking about how best to starve yourself for the purposes of fitting into skinny jeans and stuff like that
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:33 No.10228152

    50% of /fa/ are /mu/tants actually
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:33 No.10228159
    in which case i think we could take /jp/
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:33 No.10228160
    That because they usually listen to entry-level pretentious bullshit like Nickelback, Slipknot or techno.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:33 No.10228165
    Because /mu/ is the defitinition of elitist hipster fag.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:33 No.10228168

    The thought of /mu/ and /jp/ being bros could work...the k-pop & j-pop threads are strong on here
    >> PlagueOnWheels !AnOn.0/RCE 06/06/10(Sun)18:34 No.10228173
         File1275863640.jpg-(24 KB, 450x450, what'sthat.jpg)
    24 KB
    > my face when it's Molestation Time
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:34 No.10228187
    im pretty sure they're friends though
    >> Buffalo !XcLQaMCkA. 06/06/10(Sun)18:34 No.10228200
    I've come to the general that every board hates every other board and that no board is with any other board.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:35 No.10228211
    Bro, I don't wanna be friends with /jp/. They smell like hot pockets and desperation.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:35 No.10228212
         File1275863708.png-(287 KB, 560x720, 1275436875650.png)
    287 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:35 No.10228213
    then we should go to war with /a/. fuck those weeaboo faggots
    >> (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ BOOF ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) !AWEsomEEEE!!g4pQz5RFuPl 06/06/10(Sun)18:35 No.10228231
    Apparently, /jp/ is nothing but ska and eurobeat.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:36 No.10228248

    The only reason you could consider them friends is because some of the more disliked tripfags on /fit/ are skinnyfags from /fa/. Those guys like /fa/ but I think a lot of the rest of the time /fa/ is used as an example of what not to do.

    But if you're saying they don't go to war with each other then yeah.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:36 No.10228265
    >/jp/ is nothing but touhou remixes
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:37 No.10228283

    That's a shame. There are some real dedicated east-Asian music fans here. I've seen threads go to 1000+ posts
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:37 No.10228292
    I don't think /fa/ would help us, they didn't help with /sp/. And since when do we have anything to do with /fit/?
    >> Buffalo !XcLQaMCkA. 06/06/10(Sun)18:37 No.10228294
    I feel like I should leave this thread but it's the most interesting one right now.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:38 No.10228300
    I agree. I fucking hate this board.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:38 No.10228311
    >Is alright with being friends with /jp/
    >Want to go to war with /a/ over them being weeaboo
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:38 No.10228326
         File1275863924.jpg-(34 KB, 282x272, seinfeld.jpg)
    34 KB
    /mu/, the time for war is ripe, with our numbers bolstered by the /b/tard summerfags, who are eager for war, we could easily snatch a victory from the unsuspecting fiefdom of /a/.

    Gentlemen, TO WAR!
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:38 No.10228327
    what is a waifu
    >> Schnookumz | now playing: Straight Lines - All My Friends Have Joined The Party !!2f4mfNv6WZ/ 06/06/10(Sun)18:39 No.10228350
         File1275863964.jpg-(27 KB, 377x258, reaaaaally.jpg)
    27 KB
    jesus christ, you're an idiot.
    >> PlagueOnWheels !AnOn.0/RCE 06/06/10(Sun)18:39 No.10228357
    It's a very sad day indeed.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:39 No.10228363
    /jp/ is pathetic.

    /a/ is fucking gay.
    >> Buffalo !XcLQaMCkA. 06/06/10(Sun)18:40 No.10228367
         File1275864001.jpg-(14 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)
    14 KB
    Na, let all the stupid summerfags do it.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:40 No.10228368
    I think I started the hate between /sp/ and /a/
    I spammed anime on /sp/ for like 5 hours and made threads on /a/ asking for help.

    I don't know if this was the start of the rivalry or if it had been going on before.

    I've since stopped watching anime and hate /a/.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:40 No.10228372
    A war against /a/ seems like a terrible plan. I'm fine with kicking some /jp/ ass though. Who's asking /sp/?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:40 No.10228396
    It's like watching a car crash, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:40 No.10228398
         File1275864053.jpg-(9 KB, 323x340, 11353131531.jpg)
    9 KB
    mai waifu :3
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:41 No.10228408
         File1275864077.jpg-(41 KB, 490x474, 1273931137375.jpg)
    41 KB
    Sure is summer in here
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:41 No.10228432
         File1275864103.jpg-(40 KB, 604x453, sskid.jpg)
    40 KB
    The dissenters will be silenced when the war is over. Victory is a garuntee, gentlemen. When we win, I promise you that the unbelievers WILL be silenced
    >> (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ BOOF ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) !AWEsomEEEE!!g4pQz5RFuPl 06/06/10(Sun)18:42 No.10228455
    The feeling of absolute happiness.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:42 No.10228465
    The only thing i can smell is VICTORY
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:42 No.10228466

    "w" + "s" - "s" + "w" + "i" - "i" + "w" + "r" - "r" + "." + "g" - "g" + "a" + "t" - "t" + "n" + "d" - "d" + "o" + "n" - "n" + "n" + "y" - "y" + "t" + "l" - "l" + "a" + "h" - "h" + "l" + "a" - "a" + "k" + "s" - "s" + "." + "k" - "k" + "s" + "n" - "n" + "e" + "q" - "q"
    >> Buffalo !XcLQaMCkA. 06/06/10(Sun)18:42 No.10228470
    You just want to pull over to the side of the road and watch till they're done cleaning up the blonde chick and her convertable off the road.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:42 No.10228474
    >> Schnookumz | now playing: Straight Lines - Antics !!2f4mfNv6WZ/ 06/06/10(Sun)18:43 No.10228486
    hoooooly shit, go back to /b/.

    i slightly irritated.
    >> Coral !Uz7tsi.s6w 06/06/10(Sun)18:43 No.10228491
    Why would we start a war with any board?
    that will bring us closer to every board
    lets just be isolationists and cut our ties with every fucking board
    especially /jp/
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:43 No.10228492
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:43 No.10228509
    you're awfully bright...
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:44 No.10228520
    So just to clear things up, /mu/ is friends with /lit/ and /fa/ ?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:44 No.10228521
    Then join me, men, as we CONQUER the vast lands that present themselves to the base of our musical cock. This is only the beginning!
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:45 No.10228558
    Yes, we're all elitist pricks at heart.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:45 No.10228563
    what board would you say has no allies?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:45 No.10228571
    wtf am i reading
    >> eaxty !!+ECzoXZLCoR 06/06/10(Sun)18:45 No.10228573
    We've got /fa/ and /lit/, we could probably settle our differences and join forces with /sp/ need be.

    In the event of some kind of gay 4chan civil war, whoever has /b/ on their side wins. That would probably be /jp/, unless /b/ goes all "not your personal army" on them.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:45 No.10228581

    Yeah let show other boards the strength of /mu/ otherwise we will lose respect and end like the /x/, a emergency shithole.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:45 No.10228584
    >> (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ BOOF ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) !AWEsomEEEE!!g4pQz5RFuPl 06/06/10(Sun)18:45 No.10228587
    Like riding a cable car at a fair, but when it's time for you to get off the man catching cars and opening doors ran to go to the bathroom. So you end up riding back to where you started

    So you set off on one adventure, only to return and find out you where on one already.

    That's the feeling of having a waifu, the feeling of eternal completion.

    No matter how hard you try, no matter what you do you life is as good as it will ever get.
    >> Buffalo !XcLQaMCkA. 06/06/10(Sun)18:46 No.10228597
    Yea, Not gonna happen.

    Bra, you and me just leave this thread.
    Don't look back and have nothing to do with this.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:46 No.10228603
    /a/ is a wonderful board
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:46 No.10228604
    >implying the thread would get any attention
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:46 No.10228616
    i don't know what the fuck that means, but it sounds very gay
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:46 No.10228617
    I say we could easily get /sp/ on our side
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:46 No.10228619
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:47 No.10228620
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:47 No.10228632
         File1275864442.jpg-(127 KB, 455x700, hipdog1.jpg)
    127 KB

    >1.) Must be blonde.
    >2.) Must be between 5'6" and 5'11"
    >3.) Must wear dresses and skirts.
    >4.) Must have a BMI (for lack of better size/weight measurement system) smaller than 23.
    >5.) Must have C cup breasts at most.
    >6.) Must enjoy Classical, Jazz, and Black Metal.
    >7.) Must be prude outwardly.
    >8.) Must be well educated.
    >9.) Must be white.
    >10.) Must have facial features that I find attractive.
    >11.) Must have at least shoulder length hair.
    >12.) Must be wealthy, although not necessarily more than me.
    >13.) Must have ties to one or more secret societies.
    >14.) Must have noble blood.
    >15.) Must not enjoy loud noises.
    >16.) Must be a virgin.
    >17.) Must have a taste for european cuisine.
    >18.) Must not like alcohol.
    >19.) Must not be acquainted with any Iago-like persons.
    >20.) Must have a terrible, abusive personality, but not cheat.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:47 No.10228634

    I told /a/ about your guys plans. I may go on /mu/ more often now but /a/ shall always be my Motherland.
    >> Coral !Uz7tsi.s6w 06/06/10(Sun)18:47 No.10228636
    im even annoyed now about the retarded troll comment i left on that /jp/ thread
    we just go our separate ways
    and not turn into /x/
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:47 No.10228637
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:47 No.10228648
    so, what the fuck are we doing?
    >> Schnookumz | now playing: Straight Lines - Say It For Your Sake !!2f4mfNv6WZ/ 06/06/10(Sun)18:48 No.10228655
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    let's go.

    >my face when i keep telling people /jp/ has a hard-ass for a mod and will squash whatever you try, you imbeciles.
    >> eaxty !!+ECzoXZLCoR 06/06/10(Sun)18:48 No.10228667
         File1275864508.jpg-(21 KB, 475x358, USAD.jpg)
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    That's fucking depressing.
    >> Coral !Uz7tsi.s6w 06/06/10(Sun)18:48 No.10228670
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:49 No.10228678

    only summerfags and normalfags don't
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:49 No.10228681
    >implying /b/ needs allies
    >implying /b/ doesnt have more population than if you put every board except /a/ together
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:50 No.10228718
    >implying /v/ doesn't have more users than /a/
    >> eaxty !!+ECzoXZLCoR 06/06/10(Sun)18:50 No.10228722
    one of the ronery boards like /cgl/ or /toy/.
    Athough I suppose they could pair up with eachother to make one sad, basement-dwelling team.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:51 No.10228746

    planning a board invasion.
    >> holic♪ !!kcBk/2kfo8h 06/06/10(Sun)18:51 No.10228753
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    >my face when normalfags shitpost about music near me
    >> PlagueOnWheels !AnOn.0/RCE 06/06/10(Sun)18:52 No.10228770
    No, we're not.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:52 No.10228783
    >serious business, bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:52 No.10228786
    all those opposed to the idea of board invasion:

    If it happens, can we all just move to /n/?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:53 No.10228796
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    yes we are
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:53 No.10228806
    Drop this shit it has nothing to do with music.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:54 No.10228815
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    life with Grandma can't
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:54 No.10228823
    >hurr durr i'm not normal becaus cartoons watch i
    Fuck off. You fags are the reasons I stopped watching anime entirely.

    Not only that, but you fags have shit tastes in music and only know about your faggot OST music.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:54 No.10228837
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:55 No.10228852
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    combine /mu/jp/a/. get awesome results.
    pic related.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:55 No.10228861
    Fuck that. Let's just go to 420chan's music board if that happens. It has like 1000 or so posts in it in total. It could use some more.
    >> eaxty !!+ECzoXZLCoR 06/06/10(Sun)18:55 No.10228862
    sounds good to me.
    bracing for /mu/ to become /x/2.0...
    >> \oдo/ !C.A.Tdb5RI 06/06/10(Sun)18:55 No.10228867
    You are hunderd years too early for invasions silly /m/!
    >> Coral !Uz7tsi.s6w 06/06/10(Sun)18:56 No.10228871
    I really do think we should just break our ties with every board and not raid
    therefore becoming the only board that is truly together
    besides we already have enough trouble with fights with Metalfags and Indiefags
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:56 No.10228882
    no refers /g/? they are our main bros!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:56 No.10228887
    >> Coral !Uz7tsi.s6w 06/06/10(Sun)18:56 No.10228889
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)18:57 No.10228905
    13.) Must have ties to one or more secret societies.
    14.) Must have noble blood.
    Hahahahahah what

    Also, you fags are gonna get raped if you raid /jp/. Mods care a lot more about the weeaboo boards than us.

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