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So, today my six-year-old son was over today. I'd promised him last time he was over that I'd show him Equestria Girls. He knew the character names. He loved the movie. And apparently he watches the show at home. I've never been proud of my son before this day.
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Your son is the biggest faggot EVER.
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you are an excellent father, and your son will go far in life.
Nice. Does he wants all EqG dolls now?
I can't wait till he joins us horsefuckers some day to creat MUCH OC.
Not to my knowledge, and he didn't seem to even notice mine (I have Sunset Shimmer and both versions of Twilight Sparkle
>>12570454 (OP)
So who was his favorite character?
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Pic related.
What the... what happened there? Is that some new thing I'm not aware of?
An image with the same dimensions got posted at the same time.
So RD?
Yes, Rainbow Dash. Though He also seemed to like Pinkie and Applejack quite a lot (Can't say I approve of anything other than hatred towards AJ, though...)

>Rainbow dash

take him to the doctor and have him checked out for autism
But... Dash is MY second favorite of the mane six...
>>12570454 (OP)
What do you mean he was "over"? Why are you surprised he watches it at "home"? Do you pay no attention to your living room?
He doesn't live with me, he lives with his mom.
Huh? But that's the same place if he lives with your wife.

thus op is either divorced or the child was born out of wedlock and he gets occasional weekend custody
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>(Can't say I approve of anything other than hatred towards AJ, though...)

You're a huge faggot.
... I'm not married. I was never married. His mom and I split up when she was pregnant because she went insane.
this guy gets it.
Um, no he isn't. Both of those are against Christian beliefs. This IS a Christian-faith based website.
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>>12570454 (OP)
>son watches shit movie, knows the name of the characters, watches the show at home
>"I've never been proud of my son before this day."
I am very much against the cult known as 'christianity'.
The movie is great and you know it, Captain Marvel.
It's not a cult. I guess I'll be praying for your lost soul tonight.
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I don't care about you or your son's bad taste, I'm more perplexed as to why you've never felt pride for your son until you found out that he watches a children's cartoon. What, the day he started walking or talking or whatever didn't impress you?
What are talking about? That guy is Shazam. This chick is Captain Marvel.
Cult: great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book)

Sounds like christianity to me.
I don't care very much for my son. Never liked children, never understood why people just automatically love their children, and all he tends to do for me is make me interact with his bitch mother.

Also, Marvel Comics suck, Captain Marvel is a DC character and there is no other character by that name.
By that logic, isn't /mlp/ a cult?
... Fuck, there's no flaw in your logic...

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