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For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

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>What is a 'Satyr Abomination' thread about?
A satyr is what happens when a man/woman and a mare/stallion decide to get freaky and end up having a child. This thread is dedicated to the art and written works about these lovable creatures.

>What are the rules to 'Satyr Abomination' threads?
Follow the standard /mlp/ rules. Other than that, have fun! Draw a comic or picture, write a story: do what you want! Don't be afraid to get creative.

Master List:
- http://pastebin.com/RFgtrECq

Story by Parent:
- http://pastebin.com/qFf46ep5

Need some proofing done? Or want to throw ideas around without shitting up the thread? Add the skype below!
Cool pic In reference to the scootasatyr uploaded on mlpchan

On the one hand, the waist down is completely horsey. This makes it seem more 'real', if you get what I mean.

On the other hand, the pose and the fact she's flagging make it look like it's supposed to be sexy, and the actual horsey 'parts' don't work as well on a satyr as I would've thought.

Personally, I would've planted the vagina a bit more forward, but not necessarily as far as with human women.

The reason I asked was because I was unsure if you wanted people to specifically reply to your posts for adding to the masterlist and such, or whether you'd find any requests in the storm of blacktext that is the normal thread contents.
>>11484724 (OP)
I have a question Satyr bros.
Do Satyrs have 2 pairs of breasts?
Ya know, human and mare?
I think only 1 pair.
Genetics 'n shit-wise, its up to the artist/writer
How's this so far?
Is the ass to human?
Sorry, but I haven't really studied a real horse's ass or pony plot

quick dinner break, then I'll finish up Hope's ass
that came out wrong...
came out...FUCK!
Looks fine to me. Maybe her human genetics predisposes her to having a fine booty.
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Sup guys, dropping in to let anyone that cares know that my laptop shat itself so thats why i may not be around for a stretch till i unfuck it.

I'll try to keep up the archive, but i dont know how well that will go over using a phone.
Very nice. Although her left buttock is overlapping her right. Which seems mildly odd.
All /mlp/ threads are archived on heinessen. Also, you should encourage writers to get their own pastebins, minimizing the effort you NEED to put in.
>>11484724 (OP)
It's silly, seeing my flat-shaded Fluttersatyr up there with all that work it can't even compare to.
Oh, hush with your suffering artist syndrome. Yours is great too.
But then id have nothing to do or contribute.
Well, that and i try to mostly stick to oneshots that woildnt really require a bin for one short story
Any other opinions on this?
I'd go with the single pair on the top half for the sake of the human half having something.

She can obviously keep her ravaging horse vag. I have no objections to that.
it all /d/epends what you're into, really. I'd say no, but if you really want to do such a thing, go ahead.
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How about teensatyr
Personally, I prefer top only, but it would probably make more sense if they had both.
I wouldn't mind little crotchboob nipples, but nothing huge like milky
Have her and Lyra sitting on a bench and playing their musical instruments. Add Anon playing some sort of percussion for bonus points.
>"Hey, mom, what do you call someone who hangs out with musicians?"
>"A drummer!"
Please tell me you are going to draw the other satyrs as teens.
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Finishing up chapter three of "The Little Piper".

I really want to put it up on FiMFic, but I have no art of Clef available. ;_;
female anon and Big Mac, go!
>"I don't think it'll fit."


Bedtime getting close
I may have time for one more picture
Might I suggest anything with changeling satyrs? Anything at all?
Might I request Clef, the Octavia satyr? It's a male that plays the concert flute. I need some artwork for FiMFic.
Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to read that yet.
Can you describe what he looks like?
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Long, straight hair, keeps a stern look like his mother. Always serious, but very easy to excite. Usually carries around a concert flute. I have picture for reference, but in the story he is twelve.
pony legs dont bend like taht...

Yes they do.
Okay, I'm writing right now, so it'll be up reasonably soon. Anybody here?
Golly, it's odd going from the absolute flood of stories on Sunday to the trickle today.
Give it to me. I'm dying for a story right now.
I got more writing done on Sunday than I have in one day in months. I think father's day was sort of a massive inspiration for everyone.
I eagerly await your words.
Cant wait.

Changeling for sure.
The castle loomed above as Hope jogged towards it, tendrils of fog threading between her feet and making the path ahead almost invisible.
She walked carefully, the clatter of hooves the only sound in the unnatural dusk that seemed to fill the air, even though minutes ago Hope had stood in full daylight.
A flutter of wind at her back caused Hope to pause, but after a moment of intent observation, her ears swiveling in every direction cautiously, she continued onwards.
Only one hurdle now seperated her from the grand steps of the ancient castle.
A rickety rope bridge.
Hah, Hope laughed to herself. Of course there was a rotten old bridge.
How could there not be one more obstacle, or perhaps trap, preventing her from arriving at her destination?
There always was something.
Her father's dreams of the improvement of thousands of lives. Her dreams of archaeology, much like her hero 'Daring Do' whom anon had laughed about wistfully when he had seen the books and the iconic rugged adventurer on the cover.
Her mother's plans for her daughter to be accepted into the family, and into ponykind, properly.
Eternally, and obstacle would come up and throw everything askew.
Anon: builder, inventor, dreamer; caught in a web of deciet and intrigue
Lyra: anthropologist, musician, daughter of a wealthy family; exiled and disowned by her own kin.
Hope: the child of two worlds, raised during the fall of a peaceful neighbour nation, fighting for a place to be accepted; only to be hunted by those she would be allies with.
Hope sat at the cliff's edge, legs dangling through a gap in the ancient bridge, and stared up at the withered castle.
The castle stared back, offering no comfort or warmth to soothe her troubled spirit.
Yet, despite the discomfort and sadness, Hope regained her upright stance and crossed the bridge.
Hope shook the last of her emotions away, albeit fruitlessly.
This was, for now, home.
Sure. "Home".
Celestia stared at the windows on either side.
Vivid colors and brilliant light shone through from outside, lighting the entire room with a kaleidoscope of light and powerful solar energy.
On the walls, the stained glass windows spanned the entire height of the large hallway, from floor to 20 foot ceiling.
Glorious, angular images adorned them, marking the events of the years with unerring precision, and calling forth long forgotten memories back to her ancient mind.
This particular window showed an old, purple coated, pink maned wizard.
He stood atop a gray rock jutting out of the ground, and from his horn shone a brilliant pink and purple light that filled the entire top half of the enormous window.
Below, imps and monsters withered, obscene expressions on their faces, as they turned back into harmless bunnies and other woodland creatures.
"Alas, Starswirl." Celestia spoke quietly up at the window, as if addressing her old friend in person, "Even your greatest magicks could not keep you among us lonely survivors."
A single tear threatened to fall from her cheeck, but the princess shook her head and it dissapeared with a flare of golden energy, her horn glowing with a similar hue.
Her mane fluttered in the solar breeze as she stared down the endless hallway, rows and rows of windows spanning impossible distance.
Her horn twinged with energy again, as Philomena appeared in a burst of fire, a letter clamped in her claws.
"Thank you, dear" Celestia heard herself say, as she absentmindedly scanned the contents, her mind still racing through the ancient halls, thinking of hundreds more lost friends.
The letter simply read;
'Urgent. Six Elements of Harmony request audience. Questions regarding mission information and help with compass spell.'
Celestia smiled outwardly, thanking Philomena and sending her back with the calm order to, "Allow them in, and inform them that I shall arrive shortly"
However, inside she was caught in turmoil. The letter had torn her completely out of her peaceful thoughts of the past, and sharply back into the cruel world of today.
The griffons, in open rebellion.
The ponies, cowed and cowardly as if their spirit had somehow left them, with only a determined few holding the soul and strength their ancestors had flaunted with ease.
And right in the middle of all this, the Human and his half-breed child.
He had unbalanced everything, and now she had to set things right.
At least now 'anon' was no longer stirring up trouble. All that could be done was clean up his mess, and try to make it that the next 20 years weren't as difficult as the past 20 had.
But 'Hope', the satyr. She was one loose end that refused to be tied.
And peace would never be reached until her string, like those of her own friends, was woven back into the fabric of time, and lost in the past.
Celestia's eyes shone, as she powered up her horn and teleported to the waiting room, where the six were certain to be waiting for her.
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Wow, eighteen chapters already. Huh.

Also; shit, I forgot the greentext arrows. Sorry!

So, being that this was a bit experimental, I'm extra open to criticism or suggestions.
I also might slightly change some of this in later chapters, as I have already done slightly for previous ones... in a perfect world I would have been writing the exact same story when I started as when I finish, but these things to tend to evolve as they go.
Such is the beast, no?

Atanyrate, I hope you enjoyed it, and as always...
Stay Frosty!

welp. It's shit. sorry guys. Next one will be better.
Info dump? Way too many commas? No greentext? Very little action or progression? The hell was I thinking.
I won't take it down, but I promise to be better in the future.
Have a present, guys.
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Yeah, no.

Guess we should delete all the monstergirl threads on /co/, /v/, /d/, and /tg/ then.
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Is the Cider/Garret writer still alive?
You could write about them if you want. Not like anyone reserves the right to make content involving a certain thing.
I've got stories of my own I need to write. I just loved the direction he had for it. Hope to see more sometime.
I'm around. Honestly I've been waiting for the shitstorm to calm down. Think its safe now?

Mods have confirmed that we're allowed here, plus we even had some NSFW content deleted from our thread and the thread itself didn't get deleted. We're back.

See >>11492893
Fantastico. I have the first third(ish) of the "At the movies" chapter done, so let me officially say I am back in the writer's saddle Nyuk nyuk.
Is the writer of "Hope the Chub" on?
Update on Cinnamon Cider and Garnet story pending! Hlaf done, and into the meat of the chapter!

Yes, this is a shameless bump. But I crave appreciation.
Can't wait.

That's okay, all us writefags and drawfags are attention whores at heart - I was a little bummed out when nobody commented on my last update...

Anyhow, looking forward to reading more of your story!
Here it comes...

Three days. For three whole days he had waited. Three days he had stayed up most of the night, staring out his window towards the apple farm. For three whole days he had agonized over every little minute detail that could go wrong at the theater. Garrett was wearing himself ragged, completely unable to push thoughts of Cinnamon Cider from the fore in his mind. She was so beautiful, so calm, so soft, so firm so PERFECT. He couldn’t stand the thought of anything going awry and ruining his chance to repent to her for his arrogance when they were schoolmates.
“Garnet, dear, come down for dinner. You need to eat something, at least.” Rarity, his mother, called from the other side of his bedroom door. She had been all but giddy at her son’s reaction to seeing Cinnamon Cider after all these years at first, but in but a few days she had become quite worried for her little love struck satyr.
“I’ll be down directly, mother.” Garrett called absently from his seat at the window. With a tormented sigh he dragged himself away from the window and looked at himself in his bedside vanity mirror. He looked dreadful. Hid hair had lost its elegant curls, and his eyes were basined in deep bruise colored bags. His skin was pale and he even looked almost gaunt, his lack of appetite had been nowhere to be found these past few days. He could under no circumstance let his mother see him like this. So he spent a few minutes re-curling his hair and applying some clever makeup.
“Garnet, do you want this plate to get cold? Come down here!” his mother called from the kitchen downstairs with an imperative town. Garrett quickly finished his façade and half-stumbled down the stair into the kitchen
“Oh, Garnet, my sweet, please eat something. You look frail and waifish. It is not a very flattering look. Eat.” She commanded, sliding a plate of lukewarm fettuccini towards him with a flick of her horn. He sat in his chair with an overly audible thump, and lazily picked up the fork waiting for him. He mechanically shoveled the plateful of delicious food into his mouth and swallowed, not tasting any of it. He thanked his mother for the wonderful meal, and took his leave. Back in his room he realized that if he came to the theater looking the complete wreck that he was, Cinnamon Cider would surely reject him. So he resolved to lather on some rejuvenating mask and turn in immediately. The big day loomed with the dawn, and he had to be ready.
>>At the apple farm
Cider had been largely unconcerned by her ‘date’ with Garrett on the coming weekend. When she had seen how pathetic he looked, begging for her attention, she couldn’t make herself say no, much as she wanted to. He was just too pitiful. But she had more important things to worry about. Her father needed her help in the house, repairing a stuck window, and her Uncle Macintosh needed a hand rather than a hoof putting a new axle on one of the old carts.
“Cider! C’mon in for lunch!” Applejack called from the kitchen, rattling the triangle by the window to sound the mess call. It was then that Cider remembered that she hadn’t mentioned her plans to her parents yet. She’d have to tell them at lunch. Cider wedged the shovel she had been digging a hole for a new fence post with in the ground next to the hole and headed for the house.
“Somethin’ on yer mind, sweetness? Ya look like ya have somethin’ to say.” Her mother asked as they sat down for apple fritters.
“You can always talk to us, Cider. What’s on your mind?” her father chimed in. Cider wasn’t sure if her mother had told him she’d been sent into town at all. Now that she was about to tell them she was suddenly a mite timid to tell him, she didn’t want him to make any assumptions.
“Well, Pa you know I went into town to get that wagon top canvas, right? And that Miss Rarity is making me a proper dress?“ She started awkwardly, pushing pieces of fritter around her plate.
“I didn’t, but it’s good that you’re getting something pretty to wear, just in case. Is there something else?” Anon asked her, sensing that she didn’t want to say whatever it was that was on her mind..
“Well, I sort of have a date tomorrow.” Cider said abruptly, bracing for the row she was sure she had just started. When she peeked open one eye to look at her parents, they were both looking at her expectantly.
“And? With who?” Anon asked, unsure what the girl was so worried about. She was getting grown now, and he trusted her to make good decisions. But seeing her acting so sheepish over something so simple was adorable. Anon found himself trying not to snicker.
“G-Garrett, he asked me to go see ‘All Over Equestria and Back’ with him.” Cider answered, straitening up a bit now that neither of her parents were giving her the bad reaction she had expected.
“Well, though I disagree with your choice of movie, from what I know of him Garrett is a nice boy. I hope you two have a nice time. Don’t get home too late.” Her father said, finishing his lunch and leaving his dishes in the sink to soak.
“Cider, sweetie, you ain’t got nothing to fear, tellin’ us you got a date with a boy, specially not one so nice and so close to the family. Rarity and me might not get on like we used to, but she a good pony, and her son is a nice young man. Enjoy your movie.” Applejack said, kissing Cider on the forehead and heading back out to the yard. Cider mentally slapped herself for being so foolish. Of course her parents didn’t mind. They trusted her, and she hadn’t let them down yet.
“Some fool am I huh…” she muttered aloud, before heading out to finish up her own chores.
>>The next morning
“Mother I am going to be LATE! Where is that navy tie you got me to wear to Darned Fleece’s cuteciniera? I need it to finish this outfit or I’ll look ridiculous!” Garrett shouted from his room, rifling vigorously through his closet. He had been brainstorming his outfit for the movie all morning, and he finally landed on an idea not an hour before he had to pick up Cinnamon Cider from the apple farm.
“You don’t need to wear a tie, dear. It’s a film theater, not a live performance. You’ll look overdressed.” Rarity tutted from the doorway, looking at her son over her ever-present gilt rim glasses. With a gesture from her horn, she repacked Garrett’s clothes into the drawers and onto the hangars he had flung them from in his desperation.
“Garnet, dearest, don’t worry so much. Just be charming and attentive and you needn’t worry about anything else. Now, here are some extra bits, make sure to buy popcorn and candy for your little paramour.” Garrett’s loving mother said, pressing a small pouch of coins into his hand. She tugged at a few of his seams and corners, making sure he looked perfect, and shooed him out the door.
“Go on now and win her heart, you handsome devil you.” She said as he walked away.
>>Meanwhile, back at the ranch
“Ma! I’m leaving fer the movie! I’ll see you an Pa for dinner tonight!” Cider yelled into the house on her way past it to the main road. She had spent the last hour or so prettying herself up for Garrett, just to make him squirm a little in his fine britches. She was definitely going to enjoy this ‘date’ of theirs.
“I thought yer man was gonna come and git ya. He late or somethin? Very ungentlemanly of him.” Applejack replied, leaning her head out the window.
“Naw, I’m gonna meet him on the road and surprise him. Sides, I don’t want Daddy or Uncle Mac giving him ‘the talk’ just yet. Don’t want to scare him too much.” Cider said, gesturing to where her father was sharpening a woodsman’s axe. He’d been there all day. Sharpened up every tool on the farm too.
“You mean I spent the whole day doin this for nothing? Wish you’da told me your plan, sugar, I’da done something more productive with my morning.” Anon said, dejectedly tossing the axe he had into the shed with the rest of the tools.
“Needed done anyhow Pa, Bye!” Cider said, waving one last time before hopping the front fence and hitting the road. She hadn’t put on that red silky dress Miss Rarity had made for her, she look right foolish dressing up that nice just to go to the movies. But she had elected to show a tad less skin that the last time she’s seen Garrett. Theater gets a mite cold, and she didn’t want to be shivering. She Had put on her cleanest full-length shorts with the fewest rips on them, and she had her shirt tucked into the top of them, and they were buttoned up just enough for her cleavage to be visible from the angle she’d have Garrett looking at her from.
Garrett, to his credit, wasn’t exerting himself too hard to get to the apple farm. He was deathly afraid of being late, missing the film, and ruining his last chance at redemption, but he was also keenly aware that exhaustion would do him no favors. So had settled into a strong but reasonable gait (what some might call a trot). About halfway down the road to the farm, he saw someone coming in the distance. IT was her, his image of loveliness, coming to meet him. Which, he thought, was odd; but perhaps she was very eager to see this Celestia-awful film, and had left early so they wouldn’t be late.
“Cinnamon Cider, hello! Taken the initiative and met me half way? Well, since you’re so enthused to get to the theatre, shall we away?” Garrett said, once he’d closed the distance to speaking range. Rather than go to pieces again, he decided he needed to maintain his composure, lest she think him a squibbling prat with no spine. He offered her his arm once they were close enough.
“Yeah, let’s get going.” Cider quipped back at him brusquely, brushing aside his elbow and taking the lead back to P0nyville. Garrett was taken aback, not sure how to react. Fortunately his legs put him in step behind her while his brain struggled to catch up with what had just happened. When he regained his composure, he stepped up his pace for a few strides so he was beside Cider, rather than behind her.
“I’m surprised your dressed so normal, relatively speakin. I’d half thought you’d show up wearing a tie or some nonsense.” Cider said, looking him up and down. Garrett did his best not to look sheepish, having torn apart his room looking the very thing Cider was taunting him about.
“Yes, how silly I would have looked. Wearing a tie to the theatre, ridiculous.“ He managed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand. Cider grinned appreciatively at his reaction, then tossed him a curve ball.
“Shame, though. You sure look sharp with a tie on.” She mused aloud, a subtle hint of implied attraction underlying her words. Garrett blushed mildly at this, loosening his short collar with a finger. Before he could say something else, they had made it to town.
“Get them tickets ready, there’s already a line.” Cider said, pointing towards the theater. And sure enough, there were ten or fifteen ponies lined up at the door, waiting for the show to start seating.
“Got the right here, worry not. “ Garrett said, producing a pair of crisp tickets from his shirt’s breast pocket. The two of them strode past all the waiting ponies right up to the door pony. Garrett presented their tickets to him, who in turn grabbed them and dropped them into the little basket on his podium.
“Go on in. Enjoy the show.” He said, pushing open the door for them with a hoof. Once again Garrett offered Cider his arm, but she simply smiled at the door pony at walked in, leaving Garrett in the behind. Remembering his mother’s advice, he grabbed a bag of popcorn and a small bag of sour candies from the concession stand before following her in. He found her sitting dead center in the back of the room, eyeing his expectantly.
“Wondered where you’d got off too. I was worried for a second. Thought you might’ve gotten cold hooves.” She said as he sat down beside her, snatching the bag of candy from his hand. She popped one into her mouth, but not before rolling it over her lips slowly. Much to her content Garrett’s eyes were locked on her lips as she gave the sour ball a little lip-service.
“Mmm, my favorite. Good choice.” She said, rolling the little green ball of sugar around in her mouth.
“I’m glad you lik-“Garnet started, but Cider cut him off.
“Shh, it’s starting.” She whispered at him, tossing a sour candy into his open mouth to shut him up. Apparently more time than Garrett thought had passed, since the theater was now dark, full of ponies, and the opening credits for ‘All Over Equestria and Back’ had begun to roll down the screen.
There, tht's the part I have so far. I'm off to forge some breakfast for myself. Upon my return, I'll put the rest of the words on paper, and from there it will come strait to you.
Enjoyed it so far, keep up the good work.
Mimic, you in this thread?
I greatly enjoyed this one.
Heh, a true chapter! It is interesting indeed, although I feel like the meat of it will be in the second half. I shall read it this evening.
I'm emotionally invested now. Despite a few grammatical errors (hey, we all make mistakes) very good job.
Hey DJ, /r/er of that Hope butt pic,
I think you drew it to someone else's request.
Woo, the next part! Glad to see you again, friend.
I'll just Leaf this link here, since I'm unsure if it was posted.

oh wow
is the artist going to colour it?
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For any of the writefriends in this thread, I found this a while back and think you may be interested.
Etii, is that you? I'm trying to think who is in both threads
Just a lurker in both threads.
I must have missed something in the last 5 days; did the scruffening end?
Are we free to return to our usual endeavors?
Yeah, just no porn.
>no porn
Audibly hue'd.
NSFW text is allowed, just no NSFW pics.
My understanding is that if it becomes Satyr Sex Story General, we get the boot
i saw a porn thread up for 3-4 hours yesterday or the day before that i believe.

as it should be
no, stories are allowed, not NSFW pics
you can imgur/link to nsfw pics if you tag them, and stories are alright if they don't completely dominate
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We need a Celestia satyr child. It would have wings and horns. Yes horns, 1 unicorn horn on a human head would look retarded, I was thinking satan horns, goat horns, or ram horns but ivory white. Also being a demi god he will be muscular and shit.
Just a few ideas I had whilst driving home from work. These could be made into stories, some longer, some shorter. If they are short and sweet, I just may feel the need to make it into a comic.

1. Bon Bon calls Hope over to help her with something. Little does Hope know, that something is sexual release. Bon Bon wanted Lyra, but Lyra chose Anon, now Bon Bon goes for the next best thing...

2. Something happens and Anon must return to Earth. Anon decides to take his daughter with him, trying to hide her pony parts with long flowing dresses, etc. The satyr must try to fit in school and keep her body a secret.

I was already considering a lesbian clop comic, so if someone decides to write #1, be as visually descriptive as possible, and try to keep it relatively short.
"Are you ready?" you ask bracing your cock against Twilight's hot slit
>"Yes!" she gasps in ecstasy, spreading her legs wider
>you slowly push the head of your dick into her wet, waiting lips
>her juices supplying ample lubrication as her inner walls begin to clench and massage your shaft
>Twilight sighs in bliss as you work back and forth, in and out
>Glimmer's voice yanks you out of sexual euphoria and you dart off of Twilight
"G-Glimmer!" you pant, "What's wrong, honey?
>"I heard mommy crying."
>to your horror, you see Glimmer's silhouette reaching for the light switch
>you try to cover yourself, but the blanket won't budge
>the light comes on
>you cover your goods with your hands
>as you search for something to cover yourself with, you notice that Twilight is still writhing in arousal, her body flush and glistening with sweat, her chest heaving with each lustful breath
"Twi! Cover yourself!" you whisper, trying to use what little blanket is movable to throw over your wife "Glimmer is-"
>"What's that, daddy?"
>in trying to cover Twilight's crotch, you unknowingly removed your hands from yours, revealing your fully erect penis
"Glimmer!" your tone is demanding, though not harsh "Wait out in the hall and close-"
>you are interrupted by Twilight's hoof on your chest
>"Let her join." She coos with a seductive glance, biting her lip
>taken aback, you look back over to your daughter, still transfixed on your manhood
>before you have time to react, you hear Twilight's voice
>"Come here, Glimmer."

couldn't write any further, someone else is welcomed to take the wheel, if not I can retry later when my tank isn't empty
If I do does it have to be wincest or could I save Glimmer from it?
>and just then
>a nuke fell from the sky
>and they all burned in hell fire
>the end
Twilight would have been slapped right across the face. No way in hell would that have flown with me.
Not the same Anon here, but...
Sorry guys, wincest is my fetish. I might continue this once I get off work. Tripless, of course.
"Glimmer, run!
>"Daddy what's wrong?"
"Just run!"
>She bolts down stairs and out the front door
>You turn your head to Twilight.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
>"I, I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry"
"Sorry? you tried to have a 3 way with our daughter!"
>"I'm in heat!"
"That doesn't mean what you tried to do was okay!"

Should I keep going
first, what the hell does wincest mean? i know "incest", but wtf is the w there for?
I remember when these threads welcomed incest stories. know you fags have polluted them with fatherly feels
you are a blight on 4chan
you sir, you are a blight
in all seriousness, when did you guys start getting all soft?
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>you are a blight on 4chan
>doesn't know what "wincest" is
It's a combo of win and incest.
>you guys
that, anon, is one person.

>thinking the "w" in "wincest" stands for something
>mfw i have no face
>pretends to be an oldfag about a thread that's been around for maybe a month
>doesn't know what wincest is
Anon confirmed for 100% summer.
>tfw Twilight holds you down and magically hilts your cock into your tiny, prepubescent daughter
>tfw she looks up at you with her wide, sparkling eyes, ready to learn
>like mother like daughter
>both are getting a hot, gooey load
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I know, that post gave me melanoma
>"Don't worry about it, Glimmer. That's just daddy's... manhood." Twilight appreciatively drawls that last word.
"Uh, yeah, every boy has one. You don't have to worry about it because you're girl, though. I mean, not until you're a big girl, like mommy." You finally think to cover yourself with a pillow. "Does that make sense?"
>"Were you hurting mommy?" Glimmer looks at you with suspicion, misreading your nervousness.
>"No! No, nothing like that at all."
>"But I heard you crying and stuff." Glimmer climbs onto the bed, sitting at your feet.
>"Well, if it makes you feel better, you can sleep with mommy and daddy tonight."
>Glimmer gives Twilight a weird look.
>"...It would make mommy feel better."
>Glimmer crawls up between the two of you, where it's uncommonly warm. "It smells like ass."
"Glimmer." You think to admonish her, but she's already drifted off to sleep in her parents' mixed scent. You lie down with your tiny corner of blanket, a pillow between you and your daughter as you reach an arm out over to Twilight. She puts a hoof over the little satyr as well, joining your hand over her.
>Twilight is holding back a giggle as you look at her. You're probably more frustrated than she is right now.
"We're sending her out on a sleepover this weekend."
I'm voting for 1, because I just can't see 2 happening. Covering her pony legs with a dress wouldn't exactly help cover the sound of hooves when she walks.

>Polluted them with fatherly feels
>Implying these feels are bad
Get out.
>It smells like ass
My sides ran away from home and joined the circus
this thread has always been fatherly feels.
Anon stopped a threeway with Twilight and his satyr daughter

Anon is sexless and has most likely put a strain on his relationships with both his wife and daughter

Conduct unbecoming of a horsephucker

Anon will be relieved of his penis for failing to uphold the morals(or lack thereof) of internet culture, especially pertaining to the sick fucks of /mlp/

Your penectomy is scheduled for the 22nd day of July, in the year of 2013. Failure to comply will result in termination of life.
Have a wonderful day.
Big squishy hoof booties strapped on.

captcha: made mayrage
Captcha disagrees...
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One horn is fine. She'd look something like this.
Maybe but the devil or ram horns would look so badass.
Kill it with fire.
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my vote is for 1 because im a depraved bastard

also im surprised you are still alive DJ
putting all this art out in such a short time would have burnt out a lesser man
but, muh kneesocks
>Implying he wouldn't punish Twilight sexually
>know you fags have polluted them with fatherly feels
These threads have been about the fatherly feels since day one. Where the fuck have you been?
I would like to say fuck yall.
I don't want these fatherly feels.
It hurts to no I will never be with my waifu and child.
Why do you people do this?
These threads were originally about fatherly feels, they got polluted with wincest.
she looks like Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo

capcha: discuss ckesmbi
Because this is how we get our sick kicks. By making people have unwanted fatherly feels.
I like two.
It would be different and I'd like to see how Anon hides his daughter.
Does he introduce her to his family?
Does she go to school and make human friends?
How would said friends react ro satyr?
Damn if only I could writefag properly
Forgot to put my name.
Damn you and these feels
I'd rather 1 without the skeevy abuse of authority.
It HAS been hard. With me getting off of work at 4:30 and having to be in bed by at least 11:00, that affords me only 6.5 hours and that's including cooking, eating, shower, time with my wife, and an occasional trip to the store. I don't really have a whole lot of time to draw, but I do enjoy what little I get.
That would require anon actually getting a name and a background and... well, basically anon would have to NOT be anonymous.
I have a trip I just only use it in a few threads
Kind of funny how you almost have 20 chapters huh? The info dump was kept to one post so that wasnt too bad and I think green text is a rather delicous way to deliver just enough information to get us interested and start to wonder about the tings you had told us.
>The ponies, cowed and cowardly as if their spirit had somehow left them, with only a determined few holding the soul and strength their ancestors had flaunted with ease.
That drew my attention as I wouldnt say that they are cowards just easily rustled...
Or is that just the prespective of living for over a thousand years?
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No one is more new than you. Fatherly feels are the reason these threads came to be in the first place.
One of my downfalls is that I put too much on my plate and bite off more than I can chew.
For that, I apologize. Here is a list of things I have either promised, started, and/or need to finish:

Moonsatyr (child)
Sunsatyr (child/female)
Berry Punch satyr
Scootaloo CYOA clop
Cleft (Octavia satyr/age unknown/male)
Spitfire satyr twins (older boy/younger girl)
Harvest (fluttershy's edgy son)
Mistake (changeling satyr) (Possibly a comic)

That's all I can think of at the moment. Again I apologize for taking so long on some of these. I will try my damnedest to deliver as much as I can this weekend.
Take your time man.
Your work is always worth the wait
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Bolding really dropped the ball on that one with the spelling. I died when he came back and was like "Guys I found out it's 'Clef' not 'Cleft'."
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We will patiently wait, DJ.
Good god man you've got more drive then the entirety of /v/.
>Harvest (fluttershy's edgy son)
This sounds interesting.
>Pulling out just before she cums
>Holding your ground as she tries to magically force you back inside
>Holding her hooves down when she frantically tries to pleasure herself
>Grinning as she screams and pounds the bed with her hind legs, begging for release
>Resting your knee at her nethers, teasing and pulling back when she tries to grind into it
>Feeling yourself grow painfully hard as she breaks down into a sobbing mess in the bedsheets
>Leaning down and whispering a deal into her ear

But what is it that you want?
Hehehe I just cant stop grinning from this story. Get em Cider!
Reminding everyone complaining about incest that it's literally been here from thread one.

We coexist, loving father and creepy uncle, all in one.
I would pray that Glimmer doesn't burst through the door with a bunch of other friends that she gathered up by telling them that her parents were in some sort of danger because her dad told her to run without saying why.
Yes we need more stories and seeing how divergent this could become would be interesting much like a CYOA type thing... Might I suggest that Anon now has to explain to Glimmer that no he wasnt hurting mommy he was just oh god fatherly spagehtti everywhere... who would a thought?
Alright, kids. Let's all have sex ed around the foot of the bed.
Does a satyr girl have a period or go through heat?
I miss those stories where the father is oblivious to his kid's moves.
I kinda want to see a story where Garrett secretly has the hots for his oblivious dad.

Instead of yearly estrus, one week 'heat', one week period, two weeks no drive at all.

Or for fetish mode the heat is unending and unyielding, the satyress a creature of hedonism and lust that none understand as she is the first of her kind and she struggles to suppress the shameful urges of her body.
>So he resolved to lather on some rejuvenating mask and turn in immediately
Garret Bateman?
In mythology, satyrs were pretty much this.
why have we not picked up on this before
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He checks them doubles every day.

Literally every sex story has the satyr a monstrous yet innocent succubus of lust that cannot help but cast her spells of wicked temptation, unknowingly, on the closest males around her.
I could try but I write like shit
I'm amazed KC hasn't made one, yet.
Not like we'd be able to tell.
>"Father, dearest?"
"Yes, Garrett?"
>"Father, it is no secret that my parentage has shaped me thusly. I know that I am half equine and half human, but you, father, YOU are fully human."
"Yes? I'm missing your point, dearest."
>"Well, being equine from the waist below, I was not surprised by my anatomy lesson on gender differences today at school. But it had me pondering what...um...THAT part of humans looks like."
"OH! Um, s-son, I-"
>"But, father dearest, would you starve your loving child of the knowledge he so craves?
"I don't-"
>"this is important research for class, father! For science!"
"Well...I suppose you're right..."

wh-why are you licking your lips, Garrett?
>"Would you have me fail, father dearest? I need an in depth report on human genitalia. How it works, looks...tastes..."
Flash Sentry satyr when
"Garret! I found - these - in your room!"
>You hold out a tiny black thong
"I can't believe you're bringing women into your-"
>"Oh! That's where I put those! Thank you, father."
>He plants a kiss on your cheek, grabbing them from your hand
>Before you can continue your tirade, your mouth drops when he puts his legs through them and pulls them snuggly up to his ass
>He sways his ass from side to side, tail keeping pace
"G-Garret, please... can w-we go back to the part where I thought you were b-bringing women into your room?"
I am, strangely, enjoying this.
Do go on...
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>you will never molest your gay son
>"D-Do you think I'm pretty?"
"Course, dumplin'. You've grown into a fine young woman."
>"I mean...would you want to be with me?"
"Um...Heh I'm not the best person to ask that question, darlin'. Is there something wrong, sweetie?"
>"...would you fuck me?"
>"We can do it right here in the barn! No one has 'ta know! Jus' real quick!"
"What the hell has gotten into you, girl?!"
>" Daddy, I've been havin' urges! I don't trust any ol' stallion...I heard momma talkin' to the other mares about how...good you are. I was hoping you could...teach me?"

You are anon
What do?
absolutely not. I draw the line at Cider
Why don't you ask uncle Mac?

Continue the proud line of Applecest
she has to save her virginity for marriage

so anal only until then
"...Have you tried masturbating?"
>Most likely to lust for his father
I vote Pogo
I want a Pogo X Anon wincest oneshot
do it
my dick demands it
>all dat bouncing
>not Pa
do you even cider?
>>11484724 (OP)
Really Satyrs?
Have we really fallen so low this is fucked
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No girl, that shit doesn't float. We're going to go buy the nicest dildo and you can go masturbate yourself into a coma for all I care, but don't speak about this ever again. And don't even think about going around town like a five bit hooker or I swear I'm going full gorilla warfare and gelding every single male in the town with my bear hands. You're gonna find yourself a nice boy one day, but before that you're going to keep your goods locked in those pants you hear me missy?
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>your post

Someone said this in another thread and it slaughtered my sides because l was thinking along the same lines

Rarity x Her satyr seems like a bittersweet tragic frobidden romance

Pinkie x her son seems like they just wanted to dirty fuck
he qould ride anons dick to oblivion

capcha: son
Use the dragon dildo

>Telling your daughter to lose her chastity to a chunk of rubber

You're a bad, bad father.
>Most likely to lust for his father
Garrett, due to him being pampered by his mother and his father literally being one-of-a-kind.
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Hymens are overrated, all they do is make the magical first time into an awkward moment nobody enjoys.
"Go to your room. If I hear you say the 'f' word one more time, I'm slapping you across the face."
>"Dad, I didn't know you could get so kinky..."
>Rarity x Her satyr seems like a bittersweet tragic frobidden romance

>"Oh, alas! Our love can never hope to be! We are sinners! Shameful creatures forever cast out by the world around us! Such forbidden fruits, such untamed pas-"
>"Mooooom, we're just having sex. It's not that big a deal."
>Rarity removes the hoof from her forehead and sighs
>"Oh fine, spoilsport. Just get it over with. Mommy has a hooficure at seven and she doesn't want to be late."
>"Yes mom" he says, continuing his thrusting
>"Oh, and sweetie? Remember not to tell a soul, got that?"
>"Yes mom"
>He giggles as she nuzzles his cheek affectionately

Coping with your satyr offspring's lust while remaining a good parent, how to?
>"So no one can hear of screams of love making? Good idea, daddy!"
Fucking them and satisfying their urges, not passionately like a lover, but rather lovingly like a parent. You're only teaching them how to enjoy themselves responsibly, not taking advantage of their state to satisfy your own filthy lust.
"I'm not having sex with you."
>"Just rut me, you beta faggot."
What happened to fatherly feels?
Why father feeling up?
Mommy is making daddy sleep on the couch and daddy gets these urges if he doesn't get his daily dose of sweet pony pussy.
"This is what I get for not setting up the firewall properly"
>"Please. Don't think I didn't see your 'hidden' folder. 'Mandingo Parties'? You are the lowest of the low."
"Coming from the one snooping through my stuff."
>"I wonder what mother would think about your 'Cockstar Collections' DVDs that you hid in the closet?"
"Probably "Is that you in those movies, dear?""
You're boring. I'm done.
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stop it. this is neither the time nor the place for this shit.
"Hey Anon I got that box of scrap metal you wan-"
"Eh, what the hell is going on here?"
My goal has been accomplished.
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Daily dropoff.
Sick of me yet?
in fact your perseverance and constant productivity is making me like you even more.

you should totally colour some of your sketches
Nope! Hell, I'm happy to see you so enthusiastic about this thread.
And looks like the cutest psycho-killer on the market.
Where's Mimic?
I have a question for the guy.
Tracy Satyr?
My heart. I hope you get use to doing other satyrs. I do like how persistent you are.

On a unrelated note, what is Fluttersatyr's name?
I need writefags and drawfags for an upcoming project me and another person are working on.
Anyone interested?
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no, i like you
can you draw a pic of Lacy and her mother?
I can do others, Lacey is just the first one that comes to mind when I'm left to my own devices. Throw up some suggestions and maybe I'll do them next time instead.
Fuck yeah encouragement!
I might throw some colours on some of these in the future, I still have the fullsize .sai files saved. Not immediately though.
For now it's mother fucking nap time. Hells yeah.
Writefags for 2 stories, and drawfags for cover art, if we decide to put it up on Fimfiction.
I'm saying what are we writing?
I would like to see a satyr with both of their parents.
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I might possibly be interested, depending on what the stories entail. Email is in the email field and Skype info is in the subject field if you need to contact me.
Talk to me in either of those places and we'll discuss it.
Story 1: (non Satyr) Lyra is transported to a alternate universe where all the ponies are human. The human Lyra switches with her.
Story 2: It's a story where Dee (Vinyl + Anon daughter) has feelings for Hope. Hope secretly is bi, but doesn't want to disappoint her mother. Dee is also secretly bi. They have a secret relationship, but that's as far as we got. We're discussing it right now, actually.
Good to see you guys back on /mlp/ and not under Scruffy's tyranny.
your stalker reporting in. Can I get a link to the pastebin with all ur Satylings?
Finish your other stories, faggot
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Writing is haaaaaaard
Don't we all know it...
If writing were easy, books would be moot.
Update SCP, dammit.
you mean this? Shit, can't find it. I had a pretty photo version of it... ergh.

If we "become a fetish general" then we're out, so one or two raunchy tales are fine but if it becomes the majority of what we post then we'll be at risk.

Ram horns have been seriously underrepresented.
I'll second this, /r/ing to whichever drawfag willing.

Hohoho what. Moar.

obligatory nothing

I'm mostly disappointed, but a small part of me is relieved.

absolutely disgusting.

Well, apart from the mane six, every single pony is absolutely hopeless in a crisis. It makes you wonder how on earth they had survived pre-princess. They must have become soft since she came to power and they no longer needed to protect themselves to survive... or something like that. I dunno.

I personally prefer the 'mild endless heat' thing in theory, but in practice I don't want every story to devolve into oh who the hell am I kidding of course I do.

OriginalSatyrThreadAnon is back! Woohoo!

>reliably decent art
nope, not sick of ya. carry on!

Yep. You must continue, though.

that wall of replies. jeepers.
D-did this thread die?
It'll pick up later.

It started off so innocently. Pogo and l still lived together even into adulthood, two stags keeping a home together. Pogo never stayed out late, always worked so diligently and never brought home any girls. Not like l forbid it or anything, hell, l practically locked him and the Cake girl in the home and left on several occasions. Nothing ever happened though, they were firmly best friends and no further. Now, l was hardly about to judge Pogo on having alternate preferences. His mother and l each had our experimental phases around his age, but l never knew just how perverted my little angel was.

'Happy Father's Day' rung from his soft pink lips, oversized bottle of wine in the left hand and a six pack of bottled ciders in the other. I only made mention of his lips as he licked them right before he spoke, drawing my attention. I brushed it off as his eagerness to drink 'my' presents. Surely enough, l hadn't even thrown dinner into the sauté pan before l heard a bottle slam against the counter rim, cap ringing out with each bounch as it rolled across the floor. He brought it to me, pressing the cold, wet bottle into my hand as l cooked for us. He finished two before l brought him his food, and while l set the table he himself made sure to put the two oversized glass on the table.

Huge glasses, of course they were only designed to be used an ounce or two at a time, but Pogo filled them up as though they were water glasses. A gentle pang crossed my heart, his mother poured so overzealously as well, something l've never told him. So similar they were, l've been calling him 'sweetheart' and 'honeybun' for so long from early childhood l sometimes forget they were his mother's nicknames as well.

He must certainly have her horse's liver as well in there, the wine poured down his throat freely, the ruddish tint to his skin swelling into a blush around his cheeks, and with each draught of the glass he licked his lips, his warm, pink lips
>still not used to the extraordinary level at which time of day affects our thread's productivity.
there'll be some stories like mine that get posted later in the night, but the most activity of any day is in the 6-8 EST time range.
I could take a crack at some coloring, what am I working with here?

I kept noticing them, every sensual lick caught my eyes, brought them back to his mouth. They did seem so pink, flushed, sensitive. I wasn't even eating now, just staring at him. It's as though he were drinking yet l was the one growing drunk, my head hot beyond the half glass l'd had.

I excused myself to get some water and cool off, but standing up too quickly nearly robbed myself of consciousness. How strong was this wine? Pogo leapt up to assist me, his thick thigh smacking the table hard enough to topple his empty glass in his haste to steady me.

I disregarded his aid, forcing another step away from the table toward the kitchen. My leaden foot found itself placed poorly, and as l listed to the side l felt as though l collided with a rock wall. My head rested on a firm chest, my hand grasped a thigh, ironlike cords of muscle unyielding to the touch. He held me now, like father and child in reverse, steadying me.

Yet, no such reorientation came. In his arms the headiness grew worse, the world spun faster, the heat burned my cheeks and ears. This wasn't wine, it couldn't be. But what magic could a satyr, an earth-satyr possess? The thought was lost, slippery and impossible to hold onto, melted away in the heat. I picked my head up off his chest, fearing a burn from the warmth on my cheek. Vision swimming, my gaze locked onto the only thing that remained steady in the hazy sea.

Those damned lips, as warm and inviting as ever.

And they were twice as soft and warm on my own as l could have ever imagined.

The tongue seemed like a salamander, the serpent of fire in my mouth spreading it's devilish heat. My own tongue was left numb, speechless. I was most certainly bewitched, whether consciously or not, by my own son. Lost in this bonfire of teenage lust l was burning alive, the warmth under my skin heightening my sense of touch to near painful hyper sensitivity. Echoing in my head l hear, 'Come on, you should get to bed', as though spoken far away.

And the clop's over here while mom screams so loud you can hear her all the way from heaven

not posting the whole thing?

I generally have a strong aversion to clicking out... although I'll make an exception. I must read the conclusion to this. For reasons.

Also, NSFW text is fine...
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That was a good read. Glad to finally have satyr sexual hypnosis implemented in a story.
Pinkie could sense the future,
Pogo could MAKE the future
I got a trip, guys.
am I cool yet?
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I have a trip as well.
Yet I never use it
I think you should only use it when you're contributing.
ha it says satyr in it see it's funny because you don't need a trip.
I want to be cool too
I have a trip for you.
What's your skype so I can msg it to you, if you have a skype.
Imma stop using my trip, for now.
aww i was hoping pogo would ride him while making terrible puns about pogo sticks

still a boner inducing story though

Son of a bitch l can't believe l forgot to work 'pogo stick' in damn it

I'll have to slip it into another story
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my skype is :
I don't have skype
Drool dripped from her chin in anticipation as she spread the orange flesh apart. The scent was mild, teasing Cider's nose with promise of the goodness to come. Well lubricated, Cider slipped her tongue into the slit.
""C-Cider!" Applejack gasped desperately but her words fell on deaf ears as Cider burrowed deeper into the dripping wet chambers. She must have hit the right spot as sticky sweet juices began to gush out, coating her tongue and sliding down her throat. The taste was intoxicatingly sweet and she greedily drank every drop.
"Cider!" Applejack cried again from the doorway, snapping the satyr out of her stupor.
"M-ma!" Cider cried trying to hide the orange behind her back.
"What. The. HAY! Is. That?"
Cider froze with terror, searching for an explanation, but it was too late. Cider had broken the biggest rule on the Apple Farm. It was going to be a rough week.
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very good, extremely well written, but I was hoping that Pogo would be the catcher. Oh well, I still got hard.
Spoilered for >nohomo

Well, if Pogo has one defining feature setting him apart it's his childish hopping, that takes a devilish twist as he's matured into a young man with such incredible spring driven power and stamina in his legs. My mouth was getting wet imagining the power behind his piston like thrusts, a fucking engine pumping at what must be hundreds of beats per minute, such a thing makes my knees weak.

It would be such a shame to be a bottom with such a gift.
He effectively did consecutive squat-thrusts every time he went anywhere.
I just always thought of him as effeminate and girly. maybe it's the pink hair and leg coat. I imaging him riding anon in a chair, getting a reacharound while anon kisses the side of his neck. still tho, I understand the reasoning behind him being the pitcher.
Is there any story about anon having a kid with spitfire?
Yes, actually. Maybe Sgt.Strangelove has it on his pastebin.

Yea they're Top Gun puns and they go camping and eat Swedish meatballs
Got a link?
Thanks man
>>11484724 (OP)
Congratulations! your son you had whit lady Rarity is a trap.
Seriously than thing is too undefined i doesn't look completely like a girl and it would be to much of a faggot were it a male.
would still bang tough
10/10 Parent of the year.
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yep. I'd expect that from this guy
Why does he look like a guy I know and trust with my life?
because he's an Apple now
makes sense
Apples are nourishing.
Chuck Nourish
This guy looks exactly like my father...
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>tfw you never had a loving father
hope you like SWEET APPLE PUSSY
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If this was my future, I would be bretty fukken happy.
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I prefer hot fiery pussy.
>sweaty applejack
that makes me want to unf seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? now I have to clop
glorious faggot
Amen to that!
Although it will never come true... Or at least it won't until you die.
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Mottled shade from the old oak tree played over the benchs by Sugarcube Corner, the gentle summer breeze fanning the boughs overhead and cooling the brows of the group of satyr below.

Pogo sat there, chin resting on balled fists, both elbows on either side of his frosted mug. It was a tall, floral milkshake glass coated in frosted dew, the cherry atop the milkshake sinking with each sip of the straw.

Directly across him sat Cider, cheek in her palm, elbow propped on the table, her other hand idly picking at her custom ordered bananna split. The dish at her spot held a mostly eaten bananna, half melted ice cream, and a generous helping of hot brandy reduced chunky apple syrup topping. Her spoon gently tinked at her bowl, ice cream turning soupy in her listless attitude.

Hope sat improperly, her butt on the table proper, hooves on the seat. Her thigh was close to Cider's arm, her back to Pogo, her flat tail dangling from the table near him. She had a soda, heavyset glass sweating a river onto the table by her thigh. In between wetting her lips on the syrupy treat she brought her pipes to her cold mouth, absentmindedly attempting to compose a song that still eluded her.

Each of the troubled satyrs sat there, alone in their own worlds, lost in the madness of puberty and fighting their urges that grew harder and harder to control each passing day. Even among each other they rarely dared to voice these concerns, each having been raised to know sych things were best kept secret.

But they were not ponies. Nor were they human. Only now, on these rare get togethers, could they speak in like company. Hope spoke first, ever the farsighted poet, although she was quickly joined in chorus by her companions.

"Do... do you ever wanna just-"

>"fuck your dad?"
>not fucking your mom
>turning away from hot winking mare pussy
I laughed.
So... care to continue? Or is this strictly a one-shot?
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Would Cherry Berry's kid inherit her bad luck?
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No sense in denying your own children one.
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no but she is affected by her mothers bad luck

hence why she dies in a freak accident while Cherry watches oh helplessly

cant that pony have something good happen for once
well she fucked a human and had kids, thats kinda nice.
though knowing her luck she was raped

>In the dark bar Anon tgought it was Cheerilee
>Came inside
>Didn't call next morning
>Or ever
>Pregnant with this thing
>There were complications
>Child was fine, but need medicine ever day now
>Non pony child doesn't qualify for Equestrian aid
>Struggle as single mother
>When the accident comes
>She simply closes her eyes
>It's finally over
>This gay life is finally over
does she have a name?
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why do we have to be so horrible to this pony, she has it bad enough in the show
I don't believe anybody's put any forth. Brainstorm time?
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You could call her another type of fruit or something. Such as Strawberry something

It could also be something related to how she is the good luck in her mothers bad luck

Or you could just call her something like Cerise. (the French word for Cherry)

i dunno im not a naming expert
Is there anything canon/fanon wise as to how long it takes satyrs/ponies to grow up & reach adulthood?
My dick
I think it takes them both the same amount of time as a human to mature, the show seems to have it where ponies age about the same. Satyrs because they'll have human hormones to stimulate growth.

Canon is a mess (Granny Smith is hundreds of years old, the Apple family reunion is every eight years but Applebloom hasn 't aged since the last one, ect, really quite sad when the professional writers take the show less seriously than the fans)

Usually the standard human age scale is applied unless there's a gag to be made
Foals become mares/stallions at three years old, and are sexually mature before the end of their first year. They tend to be fully grown by six, although sometimes it can be two or three years longer, depending on the individual.

So it doesn't really matter, as long as you're consistent.
I like the name Passion as in Passionfruit I think that's how you say it then again I just woke up
I'm still puzzled as to how the hell MLP:EG could have been written any human being stuck in such a situation would have called the goddamn army in.
Nice run on sentence. Do you even grammar?
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Someone better start producing some content or I'm forced to do it myself and impose my headcanon upon you, and then you'll have nobody but yourselves to blame.
But I can't write worth shit.
Then write like shit, the important thing is that you tried.
Shhh... Calm yo' tits. I'm currently working on something, hopefully ready by tonight.
Where's the writer of Hope The Chub?
I've been waiting on him to write more of his glorious story.
I think he died.
No interesting stories for me on my lunch break ;_;
My stomach is filling but my imagination is starved
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fuck this depression. I want to write, my head is bursting with ideas but my hands are incapable of doing fucking anything, it all just melts into an incomprehendable mess and won't leave my fingetrips. I'm not even mad at myself anymore, I'm fucking pissed at this piece of shit disease. there is no suitable description to just how fucking livid I am right fucking now.
What's your Skype? I guess I can help, if you want.
Cheerilee x anon satyr would be awesome dj, if you have the time or want to do one
The guy's got enough on his plate, if I were you, I would wait until he got done with the requests he already has. You'd get it in the same amount of time and kinda help the guy get rid of his stress.
Sounds like she was expecting her daughter to grow up as a hooker then, or ponies are oblivious with their names.
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>That pic
Here's the version that has the tail.
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And a bonus.
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>Cherry has a daughter who she loves with all her heart.
>Daughter grows up to be the town bicycle

Yep that sounds about right for Cherry.
Out of curiosity and boredom, when you read a story, do you imagine that the satyrs has an accent whenever they talk? e.g., Dash has a slightly raspy voice, so do you imagine that dash's satyr kid also has a raspy voice?
when reading in my head, everything has the voice of Samuel L Jackson
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I imagine Rarity's kid with the voice of Nathan Lane.
Everyone else I can't pin a name to, just relatively generic accents or voices.
"Hope, you little motherfucker, you better get yo ass down here right now!"
>Your fucking daughter hauls ass, gets herself right out of her motherfucking room, and sets herself down at the motherfucking table
>"I'm tired of motherfucking salad for my motherfucking meal!"
"Shut your motherfucking mouth! You'll eat what I put in front of you, you little bitch"
>"Do I look like a bitch?"
Made my day.
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>Looks at Ponko
>Pic related
>>11484724 (OP)
Why is Dash's kid falcon punching Twi's kid?
Because Cyclone isn't ready to be a futa-father
Wait, do any Satyrs have established Cutie Marks?
its still in question whether they can get them or not
Most people tend to go with satyrs not having cutie marks. That doesn't mean it's not allowed; by all means, write about it!
Do they still get the one on the inner thigh for who they lose they virginity too, or would that be too weird for Hope?
I've only seen one pic of a Satyr with a Cutie Mark, and it was drawn for me. I didn't even ask for a Cutie Mark on it, either.
Could you post it?
My sides are orbiting the sun.
You have made my day.
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>You'll eat what I put in front of you, you little bitch"

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I'm not using my name in this thread, but Mimic drew me this a while back.
Looks nice.
I'm going to request a drawing of Dee (female) Jay (in the picture) Vinyl and Anon, might ask if he can make a wallpaper.
Got an idea for a story:

Taken, but in Equestria.
Someone on mlpchan started it, but I don't know what happened to him.
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If I had a satyr kid, I would teach her how to speak Swedish, simply because it is my native language and I love it.
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>teaching your kids a speech impediment
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>>11484724 (OP)
Just going to say...the OP image...

The Rari-satyr is photoshopped HORRIBLY into that image. Is there a way someone can fix this shit? I see this thread now and again popping up with the rest of the generals but HOLY SHIT it bothers me every time.

Also, a request for a story, but with no particular character.

Can we have a teenage satyr just starting his dating life? Go through the awkwardness of being the only satyr, how ponies don't like him that much. Maybe he even somehow gets into a sexual relationship and his human/horse hybrid cock just makes them run off.
They were all drawn by different authors, at different times, and then a seventh person shooped them together.

So it is unlikely to be corrected, unless you fancy creating one for us?
Do you really have to start shit every thread you come into?
Okay, so I have a few requests, as I haven't seen anything on the following ponies/satyrs:

Mayor Mare
Ms. Harshwhinny

Yeah, I have a thing for Milfs, don't judge me
I know nothing of photoshop fu, but that explains why it looks that way. Don't know why I didn't come to that conclusion in the first place. Durr.

No? Shit man, I just noticed something about the OP image and figured I'd say something. Turns out I didn't notice it wasn't all one project or whatever.

I even came in here with an idea. Cool your tits mang.
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>pointing out something he thinks is wrong in the picture
>Starting shit

He isn't starting shit, but you definitely are.
>photoshopped HORRIBLY into that image

Was it necessary to say HORRIBLY? What stopped him from saying it wasn't done right? And then he continued to ramble on about it. Sounds like starting shit to me. He could have easily said, "The Rarity satyr was placed in the photo poorly. Someone should fix that," and moved one.
Derpy's been done.
Working on Cheerilee.
If you think someone's starting shit, don't fucking reply.

Let's get back on topic.
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Good idea.
Anyone know who drew this?
I have a request for the person.

C-can I get a source or something of the Derpy Satyr Anon?
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Prepare those feels

Holy shit son, those are adora-


....oh fuck, I wasn't prepared for that
Why do you give me these feels...?
Pony god hates little satyr girls.
>They were all drawn by different authors, at different times, and then a seventh person shooped them together.

Nope. I drew them all and other artists were kind enough to color them for us. I then took all 6 and placed them (horribly, as already noted[with GIMP]) into the same picture with their names in order to show that two were still lacking a name. I never intended the picture to be a save-worthy picture. I implore someone to redo it properly.
HAHAHA It's funny because she can't see!
You might say that you didn't see it coming
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Three seconds in MSPaint.
now i want a pic of Celestia being angry at little satyr girls.
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You need to set your sights higher instead of blindly groping for the first reply you can think of.
Well now I just spewed breadcrumbs everywhere. Thanks, Anon.
Hey DJ, do you have that picture of Pogo himself still?
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Yes, thank you.
carlos pls

You magnificent bastard.
what the fuck did I just watch? Source?
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Why wouldn't you trust Norville Rogers and Nathan Drake's lovechild?
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How do I even into sitting poses? Fuckit, they're not all going to be winners.
>dat filename

b-but... we mean well
I'm not sure if I should click play. Will post reaction.

It's probably because of all the Vinyl/Octavia shipping and such, but I like to imagine that their sons get along with everyone except each other -- and their hatred for one another grows into a cartoonishly over-the-top feud.
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And then hatefucking?
daww, always nice to see the satyrs with their pony parent
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Yeah, inconsequential. I don't see a lot of fan animation. Any good ones out recently? Is that Children Of The Night FMV out yet? I was kinda hype for it, but stopped following it because EQD
I use my head canon that Vinyl and Tavi are cousins ( pardon the autism) and think of the satyrs as relatives that they get along well.
My headcanon preferred shipping them, and I got way too into it and listened to shitty electronic music all the fucking time in front of my friends like a spaghetti-spewing faggot... and now I can't see a picture of either of them without feeling that awful spiral of shame.

At any rate, I have a beautiful new cherry mx brown keyboard, so I'll be writing like no tomorrow this night. Content to come.
Is that Sweetie Belle?
nope its a background pony

but now that i look at it i does look a bit like an older Sweetie
awwf, how did I only just notice this? Best one to date. you're definitely improving.
They go to band camp together, meeting for the first time standing above the other ponies in the new arrivals line. White legs brush against gray as he sidles in close to his buddy that's just like him, the withdrawn, raven haired boy doing his best to not shy away and make friends like his mom had begged him too.

The electric blue haired boy winds up stealing his first kiss behind the kayak racks, no chaste peck but with wandering hands and tongue. Fright parts the younger boy's lips, the invitation pounced on with fervor, pulling him to the ground and dominating the moment.

Then, brushing dark mud off white knees, the aggressor laughs at his prey, the younger's pale lily skin blushing deeply, visible even past the sunburn from the day's activities. A tousle of the hair says the wordless goodbye, Vinyl's son off to the canteen, leaving the younger alone to bask in the moment.

Relaxing muscles he never knew were tensed, leaning his head against a kayak and watching the son come to set beyond the trees across the lake, such burning warmth in his cheeks and hands.

Guess camp might not be too bad.
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The legs lend themselves nicely into a squat, and if you search other pictures of (humans) squatting you can see how it's a very natural position as opposed to sitting.

"3rd world squat" is a good article on t-nation about it
its the slav squat hue
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Horse have four bits of movement - hip, second hip, knee, ankle; as seen in picture.

Hip 1 + 2 are close, so you can sort of treat them as one.

This means if you treat their hoof as the ball of the foot, and they walk digitigrade (on the balls of their feet), you can use the human leg as a rough estimation; just don't forget that hip2 functions (visually) as a backwards knee. Diagram links below:

do satyr's get cutie marks?
Please refer to my older question.
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Si vous voulais
"You all are retards. Satyrs are half goat. Get your mythology right."
Anthing else?
I was told to say that, hence the quotes.
So they never existed. What's the problem?

Polite sage for replying to bait.
Uh huh...
Might I ask what the quotation marks are for?

You zebra know better than that
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Oh noes! Some strange person on skype thinks we arebeing silly! Whatever shall we do?
Shoe pan?

He wanted me to tell you guys, sorry for derailing, sage, and have a nice day.
Seriously that 'we know' copypaste should be the head of the OPs
Who? Who is this strange faggot?
Oh I am Faggatron, the lone ranger.
>I am highly autistic, so stop making different versions of mythological creatures that never existed


>What is a 'Satyr Abomination' thread about?
A satyr is what happens when a man/woman and a mare/stallion decide to get freaky and end up having a child. This thread is dedicated to the art and written works about these lovable creatures.

>Isn't a satyr a half hum—
We know. We're fully aware. We just don't care, like you shouldn't.

>What are the rules to 'Satyr Abomination' threads?
Follow the standard /mlp/ rules. Other than that, have fun! Draw a comic or picture, write a story: do what you want! Don't be afraid to get creative.

Master List:
- http://pastebin.com/RFgtrECq

Story by Parent:
- http://pastebin.com/qFf46ep5

Need some proofing done? Or want to throw ideas around without shitting up the thread?

Add the skype below!


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