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I feel like sitting out on my porch, listening to the crickets and puffing away at a corncob pipe, swapping stories about the good old days.

How did you all first come to /mlp/? How about the show?

Tell me a story.
acciedntly stumbled upon a pony thread simulator, visited it, lurked for about a month then started posting after I understood the culture.
>>12445921 (OP)
I got here from PTS.
Sorry for shitting up the place for while.
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>>12445921 (OP)
You wanna reminisce in the past of /mlp/?
>pic related
I used to frequent a minecraft forum. There was a thread about how bronies were taking over the forum. I had no idea what that was, checked it out, watched all of S1 and S2 in three nights. I started posting a shit ton of pony pictures, for no justifiable reason. I eventually shitted up the place so much, they told me to go to 4chan. I fitted right in.
>watched all of S1 and S2 in three nights.
>tfw you will never watch mlp for the first time again
>>12445921 (OP)
Came here in January 2013 Came because of a PTS
If it makes you feel any better I don't actually post much, just do a hell of a lot of lurking.
>>12445921 (OP)
ahhhh. fuck nostalgia.
take me back OP.
I heard of the show from memebase around the early summer of 2011. I like girly cute things and fandom culture, so I knew I would like it. I marathoned it in a week. My first episode was the premiere of course, but I was hooked by Bridle Gossip.

Ponies introduced me to 4chan as they originated on /co/, but I would never post. Only lurk. I was too resentful because ponies weren't allowed. Instead I used Ponychan, back when it was at the height of its time. When /mlp/ was made, I started posted to see if this place was worth using.

I'm still in the process of deciding.
>I'm still in the process of deciding.
You've been trying to decide whether you should stay here or not for over a year?
I remember seeing the 'pony war' bleed out into /b/ years ago. Didn't really mind, but I didn't check it out either until this January. Watched two episodes, "eh sokay." Then I was having a random conversation at Magfest and I saw the girl I was talking to had a MLP phone case, so I asked her when it gets good. She said "just keep watching, if you watch like five I swear you'll be hooked, it has subliminal messages for guys or something"

Next thing I know, Applebuck Season had me laughing myself half to death and I decided to watch the rest.

Re-watching everything in the past month or two has been enjoyable as well. No matter how much I hang around /mlp/ I just don't get as jaded as the rest of you
Started in February or March 2011. No escape since then, so I've been around since /mlp/ was created.

It's gotten a lot better.
To be honest heard about 4Chan on reddit came here saw /Mlp

first heard of mlp on youtube said shit about bronies and they liked ponies and I was like wtf then my parents got netflix and I saw3 episodes and I was in love with it..
Sorry for being a faggot
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>These dubble dubs,...
>that very first post by moot
Damn it just takes me back. I remember the excitement of having this board created. Now it's just being destroyed and moot barely gives a shit
There was MLPG, /b/read, a bunch of threads declaring the board to a trap, and shitposting from other boards.

For the first few months, there really wasn't anything other than those two giant threads.
I wish moot cared but hes is not trying to have our board taken down
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Well fuck
no not in muh ml fucking p
It will be taken down. Trust me it will.

It was one year ago. I started seeing ponies all over my internet but at first I thought it was some kind of trend like "hey let's draw cute little horses". Then I accidentaly found a video in youtube (it was cupcakes HD). Then i discovered the show, watched some episodes, liked it, said "I need somewhere to discuss about this" and somehow found /mlp/.
Selection of threads may have been low but everyone was still psyched about it. It was bustling with activity.
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>>12445921 (OP)
I tell the bronies in my pathfinders group and my online server group friends who know I like mlp that I heard about it on tf2, because a bunch of our servers were flooded with it...

But that's a flat out lie.
First time I heard about the show was from someone I know from tf2 yes, but he was into /co/ then. I'd been to /co/ one and off before but wasn't on around the time of mlp. Guy mentioned it once and I ignored it, sounded like just another silly thing on the internet.

Then one day I was looking at porn. And I don't mean any porn. Let me just say that liking mlp r34, and even shit like crotchtits, were never a hard step given the crazy fetishes I've been into before. So I was deep, scraping the bottom of the barrel for stuff from some obscure fetish, on a crazy obscure image board that likely doesn't even exist anymore.

I was scrolling through the thread looking for the few of the more broad category that fit what I was looking for, and someone posted an mlp reaction image. Someone else responded about the 'latest episode' with "So how about that psycho pinkie pie?" Some else replied with a picture of crazy pinkie pie "OMFG day psycho pinkie pie!" and the thread derailed into mlp talk. I had come to it a week later so the next episode was likely to come out soon.

so I finally let my curiosity take over and streamed an episode at random. It was CMC hang gliding. I didn't last past the intro. Tried another random one. Pony was talking to a tree, other pony was annoyed, I didn't pay much attention and lost interest at the intro again. So I gave up.

Week later exactly, I woke up about midday. I felt the weirdest urge. I needed ponies. I had no idea why but I could not imagine doing anything else that day but watching ponies, even though it wasn't as interesting before. I just needed to watch it all. So I did. I started at the beginning and didn't sleep until I had reached the end.

And here I am still. Not an episode I didn't enjoy a little.
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Pt 2 because why not

That all was back when S1 was wrapping up. I never thought to look up a stream though so those last few episodes were each a little after they aired. Only places I had to post pony stuff I found were with my server group.

Thing is I was a moderator there, but I'm not the type to spill spaghetti all over shit. That was the only place I'd even mention liking mlp. Everything looked beautiful during that high you're on the first few months of pony, but I knew it wouldn't last, and could already see the slowly building annoyance others outside the fandom were gaining for the thing. So I half jokingly made a thread on that forum called "pony quarantine", and that turned out to be the best possible idea. Let us spurge about the show without bothering others, helped keep drama from building up in my more personal corner of the internet.

Around mid summer though that wasn't enough. So I started looking into other pony places. Even back then I realized I didn't like EqD for a number of reasons. And when I tried the MLPG thread I guess I caught them at a bad time in the summer, because it was at a shitty point and I 'didn't get the appeal'. Soon the new season was getting ready to air. I needed people to talk about it with this time around, I wanted to see it live. Heard about ponychan.

Back then, and up until right around then, ponychan was actually pretty nice. Seemed like they had some good potential there and were a bit of fun the first time I caught a stream (discord episodes) and then the following discussion threads. Plenty of people in their /pic/ boards too. Most of my Luna folder is still made up of the hundred or so gifs and caps from their thread after the episode.

And it seemed like everything was going to be just fine...
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pt3 because it never ends...

That was it for ponychan.
It was all downhill from there. Because suddenly we had MMDW, and all the drama it brought. See, for lots of folks this seems to be their first fandom uber trip. So they make the mistake of letting time screw up their perception of a thing, and the falling of the 'pony high' make them feel the new stuff isn't as good as the old. Basic nostalgia + hedonic treadmill issue.

Since the start of S2 there had been a building in the show discussion threads by people making that mistake. They weren't as satisfied with the new season as others around them seemed to be, or how they had expected to be. And they didn't know why. So they looked for reasons. Nitpicky reasons everyone ignored. So no issue. Their nonsense reasoning for disliking the new was drowned out because the reasons were actually nitpicky and nonsense.

MMDW however ruined that. Most people agreed it was subpar, and given Dash is babby's first 'best pone' 7 times out of 10, it wasn't hard for nostalgia driven oldfags to get enough newfags to agree that the episode was the worst possible thing ever!!!1! From then on, not only was everything somehow Merriweather's fault, but every negative thing was the end of the world.

At the same time the hugboxing on ponychan had been building and we all know what happened to them. I gave up on them only a few episodes after MMDW and only ever went back to get screencaps until around the end of S2 when they started to suck at even that.

So for part of the season I was adrift. I could barely keep up with the show for a few episodes because I knew I'd have no one to talk to. I tried MLPG again but they seemed even worse than before. I had come in during some of the earliest bits of the fluffy gore crap where someone was talking about killing coke pony. I heard there was a pony group on /b/ though, looked them up.
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pt 4 why am I still writing?

...It took me a few weeks to realize they never even talked about ponies. I though maybe no one cared for my posts, but no one else talked about the show there. It was just a terrible chatbox that used pony out of tradition and was regularly raided by the rest of /b/. I'll always remember exactly why the /b/read faggots disgust me.

So I bounced around. I'd catch a stream and be in the chat for that, but then I'd bounce between trying to get in an actual show discussion on MLPG, forcing one on /b/ pony threads, and trying to stomach ponychan. But in the end none of them worked. Ponychan was all drama and loud opinions that made little to no sense and all spoke of doomsday. No one enjoyed the show at the time. /b/read didn't even watch it. MLPG actually knew how to enjoy it and were actually fun... except they had way too much crap about fluffy pony or others, or any other random thing that annoyed the fuck out of me at the time.

So I got sucked into fanfiction somehow. First off I went for some good tf action with whatever I could find. That lead me down the dark path of the Conversion Bureau... So I tried for something more optimistic and happy after that, Fallout Equestria. Got real deep into that. It wasn't until the next summer that I found anything outside of those two fanfic groups that I dared to read. Know some good HiE fics now, wrote some of my own since then.

Anyway, finally /mlp/ was made. And it was shit. It got better later into the following summer, but at the start it was shit.

I won't get into any of the history of /mlp/ itself because I've typed way too much and that would be about 6 more posts like this to say all that would need to be said. So I'll just say: what we've got isn't so bad. New and old people will cry just like always...

But I never stopped liking the show. I never didn't enjoy an episode just a little. I've seen more shit than I can say, but I'm still happy.

Why aren't you?
I remember one of the first threads on /mlp/ was making a big picture collage to try to prove how normal everyone looked.
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There. Done. Good enough story for you OP?
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Oh my. I remember that thread.
One of maybe. I made the mistake of getting caught up in the storm of the different factions trying to draw lines and yelling for the others to stay on their side. So I guess I saw nothing but shit at first. Tried too hard to get people to get along and find common ground. Should have known all they needed was time to blend together until the lines didn't exist.
it's funny how that comic fits so perfectly with what happened this summer too. Just replace the never forget date and add milky way in there somewhere.
I'm about to, and I'm not sure if it's a good idea...
Watch all of it in just a few nights time or watch it for the first time?
First Time.
I...I just don't know if I'll come out the same.
You'll be fine. Just don't think too much of it and try to approach it like you would any other show. It's just a cartoon anyway. Nothing too out of the ordinary unless you make it that way.
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Shit, I remember the threads on /co/.

I remember the first flutter-rapes, and the first dimensional warping involving pants and twilight sparkle meeting tara strong, all of which lead to AiE. It's a strange feel.
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> regular at /b/ and 4Chan as a whole for several years
> notice ponies in /b/ assume it's a joke
> kind of n and off 4Chan for the passed couple years
> do notice that the ponies got their own board, "hmm...guess they're serious
> flip by the show and watch it, "seems neat"
> don't really get into it because of other interests but I'm in denial at this point
> decide to watch it at home on lunch break one day this April
> for some reason always want to watch it if I see it's on
> become obsession out of nowhere and still can't pinpoint exactly when
> now I'm never getting off this ride
> Dashfag
oh yeah...
> then decide to frequent this place once I realize there's no going back
about a month after i joined the fandom.
I wouldnt come here often.
I thought the website looked terrible.
But the time came.
Twilicorn happened.
The first shitshtorm I have ever experienced.
all of the brony websites were collectively losing their shit.
I went to the one safe place I knew.
but not even /mlp/ was safe.
the first time I truly cared about what happened here there was a war going on.
I watched Robotnik die.
After that day I swore to never let /mlp/ go through a loss like that ever again.
I am your protector /mlp/.
I am your body guard.
I am your secret service,
I am the Robotnik Protection Force.
>le epic maymay get XDXDXDXDDDDD
Almost exactly the same as what happened with me, only I'm a Tavifag.
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I remember that fateful battle.

There'll never be another like Robotnik.

He gave his life for us all.

Rest in peace, you magnificent sonofabitch.
Saw the show on the Hub, gave it a shot since I watched G1. Liked it.

Randomly saw it on 4chan, came in, no regrets.
how would you like to join the RPF?
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so you came in right before Faust visited too?
I came because of a PTS hue

My first post was on April 21st, I had been lurking for a while and am still understanding some things. Right now I am about to go head to head with Scruffy for a magnet. Prepare for 404's and Scruffining.
Ah, there's the other difference - I joined over a year ago.

Thank you kind sir, but no. I prefer to work alone. If /mlp/ sees another day as dire as that, I will do my part as I did on that day. I'm glad you are willing to do the same.
I came in right at the end. Fucking people losing their shit over twilicorn and ponychan invading. Not to mention the scruffining
this. this. is how /mlp/ should be.
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Don't worry Anon, he will be defeated.
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Oh god, why would you do this to me?
quite a shame, but if you change your mind, summon me. you'll know what to do
Hopefully the next time you see me it won't be on the battlefield.
Well, I was sat in my room, watching CraigAA1028 until I stumbled across his brony trolling videos. I thought it was hilarious and decided to give the show a try instead of immediately dissing it. I became a brony February 26th, 2013.

A Few months later, I wanted to come inside Rainbow Dash

Yeah, I remember that, that's how I got started, saw some dumb argument on /b/ about MLP:FiM, and found a post saying something like: "If you want to understand, just watch this link."

I didn't really DO 4chan back then, I was just really tired and bored. For a while, I was on funnyjunk, then I was on reddit for a while, then I found r/4chan and remembered the old magic, then when reddit became too shitty, I came over here.

I will. And hopefully we need not have to fight in another war for quite some time.
I also don't think I'll ever be as jaded as most on mlp
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