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Hello fellow bronies, this is my first post on this board, how are you?

Was anyone at bronycon?
too obvious

Please get the fuck out, autistic scum. Go take your faggotry over to Ponychan, where you can make all the shit OCs you want and whine about your made up conditions to your heart's content, as well as gush about how much you love the show. After all, that is what brony types like you do. But please leave us alone.
capper was (he is regular poster on here)
but not many like the brony cons.
If you're not being ironic, you're the full on autistic scum, anon.
Just because we don't like to call ourselves bronies doesn't mean anyone who does wear the name is some terrible obnoxious bastard. Calm down.
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If you don't like ponies then why are you here? You are a very angry fellow, cool down a little bit (about 20%). We like ponies, we are bronies, what's your problem :S?
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Gr8 B8 M8.
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Using RD
full b8
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I don't understand your post.

Rainbow Dash is my favorite pony, she's so cute :3
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Try harder OP
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>>12585320 (OP)
Hello brony! I love ponys too!
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Why are you guys so angry?

Just wanted to hang a little bit with some bronies. I don't know any bronies in real life.

What's this bait-thing, you have posted a lot of pictures of it. Is it one of these brony memes? I didn't know that one :)
Quads confirm bait.
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>>12585320 (OP)
Heyyy, what's your favorite one? I like all of them, but Rainbow is the coolest :3
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Czech those quads
welcome, my brony.
you'll like it here, most of us are from EQD and ponychan.
im from cheezburger myself.
Check 'em
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I always check the pony/brony news on there. It keeps me up to date, ponychan is nice too, but so little people there. I tried to talk to some bronies but it was a ghost town :/.
sonic is faster
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OP is a funny guy!
I like him!
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Finally an actual brony on /mlp/! Everyone here is too angry. Best pony is obviously a three way tie between rainbow dash, fluttershy, and pinkie pie!
>ITT nothing but master baiters.
I'm out
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Yeah Luna, she's my favorite princess. I hope she gets another episode like in season 2.
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Greatest thing ever and idk why.
Is my inner autism breaking out guys?
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Heyyy /)

Fluttershy is the cutest pony :3, her *squees* are so adorable.
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Indeed! And pinkie is just random and funny as all hell
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Fuck this thread, OP isn't giving up.
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Yip, her jokes are so funny and unexpected :p.
He's going full autism.
You never go full autism!
Unless you started at full autism. Then it just goes out of hand.
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And rainbow dash is so awesome! Episode 16 season 1 is still my favorite episode!
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Why do you want me to give up and on what :S?

No I don't have autism xD
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We are all a little autistic...
Deep down inside...
It is our curse.
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Mine too, that animation when she saved Rarity was super well made.
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It's just a bait. It's just a bait.
>a little
Look where we are right now.
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Ok alot.
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Haha funny picture :D

Can you tell me what's this bait meme is :S, I don't get it :/?
Ask /d/ about it there pretty nice over there.
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How come rainbow dash images are always used for threads like these?
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Ewwwww that board is disgusting, I don't want to post there.

>getting upset by porn

Come on, sonny, admit it. Dashie is fucking sexy. Let all of your inner desires for her out, and you'll fit in pretty well.
You're getting boring, OP.
Switch it up a little bit. People are starting to leave.

I mean, it's a cool thread and all. Hats off to all these pictures of worst pone you saved, but trolls used to try and be a little bit more elaborate.
Plus, bronies don't talk like this. Not real ones, anyway.

Real bronies would never come here. And when they do it's usually to flaunt their "holier than thou" attitude.
Take the other day for example, a guy who was trying to get /mlp/ to talk about Chatoyance's fanfics. Now THAT was a brony. And someone that is able to get /mlp/ properly riled up.

Improve your language a bit. Throw in some big words to try and seem smarter than everyone else, and give off an air of "I'm better than you".

Again, nice effort. I guess. But you haven't really succeeded in pissing off anyone who's been here over a year. Which are the people you WANT to piss off.

Czech em.
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Global genocide
Dubs confirm post porn.
Maybe this guy is serious. It's not the first time someone came in here with the misconception that this was a place for emoticons and the usual autism. And if that's the case, he'll just need to learn to adapt to our culture. Probably by lurking more, that'll do him some good.
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I think we scared him off.
>>12585320 (OP)
>trying THIS hard

But why
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Another brony hater :(, why do you post such things on this board, if you don't like ponies, you make me sad :..(

Dashie is sexy yeah :D, but that /d/ board is very strange, I don't go there anymore ;).

Rarity is sexy too :D
Oh really? That's too bad, he had some potential. If he stopped using the emoticons and got used to the porn, he could actually be a decent user.
Alright I'm going to assume you're a newfag.
Lurk more, cut the emoticons except for ;_; and get mad.
>brony hater

Your honor, I wish to retract my previous statement that this guy was serious.
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>Nobody has gone full introductions, on the off chance it isn't bait.

I'll take the floor this time, then.

We don't like using the word 'brony' here. While 4chan, and technically (by following on from /co/) /mlp/, is the earliest origin point of the fandom, and actually coined the term 'brony', we generally perceive that it's meaning has shifted from 'adult male fan of the show' to the kind of fat autistic manchild who wears MLP merchandise in public, mindlessly parrots really tired memes like '20% cooler' or 'love and tolerance', and generally treats My Little Pony like some kind of religion rather than an above-average children's show to be appreciated.

This contempt extends in most circumstances to other pony fansites, like Ponychan, EQD, and the subreddits.

4chan in general also holds itself to a higher standard of communication than you might be used to. Emotes like those you're using are very much frowned upon, as it makes you look immature.

Deriding something as 'bait' is what you do when you suspect something as being trollbait, AKA devised just to get people mad. Your posts, if genuine, are naive enough to the ways of our board (and composed of so much of the things we dislike about the rest of the fandom) that people are disregarding you as simply trying to get us angry.

If you are genuine, my advice is to watch the board for a while ('lurk') before posting much more. See how people talk, and get a feel for the general ebb and flow of conversation in /mlp/ and on 4chan.
Sustained. The jury will ignore anons previous assumptions of the seriousness of the other anon.
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No one likes bronies here. Back to Ponychan with you.
>Inb4 well played bait
He never said he didn't like ponies, he just said he didn't like...eh, well, the youtube style autism exhibited by some bronies. Which is kind of what you're doing right now. It's not necessarily a bad thing on some parts of the web, but here you kind of need to blend in. As the saying goes, when in Rome, do as the Romans do, so long as the Romans aren't being shitposters.
/mlp/ does not wished to under the same label as the spaghetti spillers and autists found in the fandom. If you wish to speask to fellow bronies I suggest you go to Ponychan.
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No, I'm straight, I actually got a crush on a girl currently :P (sorry I didn't know that you guys don't like emotions, I try to avoid using them now).

Oh wow, I didn't know all this, sorry :/, okay I try to watch how the other guys do it here and then I know it better, thanks for the tip /).
>he knows how to use the spoiler tags
b8 confirmed
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>using spoiler
Confirmed for bait. Get out faggot.
Thank you I was trying to find the best way to say that.
And another tip, stop using brohoofs. /mlp/ will hound you to oblivion and beyond for doing that, and even Ponychan hates them now.
Don't worry about the people here, they're just socially awkward and don't know how to act. You, my friend, are a real champion ^^
>I didn't know that you guys don't like emotions

Hue. That diabolical /mlp/ and their war on all emotions.
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If you truly are being sincere,then do as the anon says
Why are all these people surprised this was bait?
We're not.
Eh, we're bored, it's the hiatus, and we have no porn. Forgive us if we fall for bait easily.
Please don't confuse the newfag with conflicting signals.
It was a bait? I didn't know it was a bait. What's a bait?
I forgive you.
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ya know, considering the state of the board write now, brony shit might actually improve the place a lil bit
You know he is going to think you're serious.
No, it won't, out.
ahh fuck it im still right and anyone else saying otherwise is bad at logic
this is how one argues on /mlp/ now, right?
That's Ponychan talk, faggot. Go back there where you belong.

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It was all a ruse.

The autism is palpable. But seriously, please stop trying to "fit in", because you're really bad at it.
i just wanna attnwhore
>trying to fit in
you got than shit from PT's place, brah?
I agree with you. This is /mlp/ which is about ponies, and where ponies belong, bronies belong! :)
Love and Tolerance, friend. Do not succumb to hatred. Watch some MLP FIM to cheer you up :D
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Hehe I visit other forums as well, that's why I know it^^

Please somepony explain me the bait meme, I feel like an outsider :(.


Okay, thanks again.

Most of them seem to be nice^^, is this emote "^^" okay?

Please don't insult me, Friendship is magic, remember.
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Holy shit.
>I feel like an outsider :(.
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Alright OP it was funny at first but now its old.
>Do not succumb to hatred
im guessing you came in with lauren, didnt you?
Silly, every emote is okay xD Don't worry if they get mad, they're just having a bad day. You should cheer them up by about 20% ^^ Brohoof? /)
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Now it's just too obvious.
Sigh...no kid, you can't use emoticons except ironically. You're also going to have to deal with people insulting you. That's how this place rolls.

Honestly, you'll probably get along better on Ponychan.
No he probably came in last week.
I came in with Lauren and caught on by now.
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You have disappointing me for the last time.
>Friendship is magic, remember.
Too obvious.

well, at least the retards and the fags are in one thread for now time to go back to my porn.

get out, this is not some le epin ecksklusif maymay sekret klub, thats what /s4s/ and /v/ is for
oh thank god.
>his is not some le epin ecksklusif maymay sekret klub, thats what /s4s/ and /v/ is for

Funny how I never did that. Fuck you.
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>lol i adjusted so fast to the suuuper kewl 4chan culture
either contribute with something that is not shit or lurk, kiddo
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never thought i'd be happy to see you
I don't see you contributing. What makes you so special?
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
did i say i was special?
just stating facts you immigrant
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Not a single thing you said was a fact. So is english your second language.
I'm a different guy, and I've been here since the board began. But don't get mad at him for "not contributing" when you're not doing anything yourself.
This nigga gets it.
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All these double dups
>caring about le perfect capitalisation
>thinking we're all murricans

then dont get buttflustered over my post
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Spiderman was here first.
>thinking we're all murricans
Thinking english originated in america.
Now I know your just an idiot.
only when i dont want it.....god damn it bateman
>implying grammar nazis dont come from US
white nigger
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The same could apply to you, seeing as how you're probably the most tail-hole troubled right now.
I cannot grasp this form of stupid can another anon help me out here.
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This guy gets it
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Okay, sorry again.

What's old?

Meeeeeeeeeh now I'm confused :S, some people tell me not to use emotion faces, and you tell me it's okay :S

What's obvious?

Man this is sad news, I just want to speak with some bronies and not getting insulted. I tried the ponychan page, but it was so empty, only one person was talking with me and, this is a little secret I tell you now He was pretty awkward, some hardcore fan, I felt pretty uncomfortable, I hope he doesn't read this.

LOL the hooks remind me of Spongebob and Mr. Krabs when Krabs told them not to go to the hooks, I think I understand the meme now

What has spiderman to do with this?

That's the shows message, I like this moral.
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bloody hell this is now dubs thread
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I do believe he does.
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Hey guys.
You should all stop fighting.
Cause like.
Friendship is Magic faggot.
What would Faust think? Seeing you guys fight like this? She told us to behave last time she was here.
dont worry about anything, little brony
your posts are probably about average standard here now and this is actually a pretty active thread.
you have succeeded in doing something right
>What would Faust think? Seeing you guys fight like this? She told us to behave last time she was here.

Don't you fucking put words in her mouth. There is a line and you just fucking crossed it. She told us to behave when she went to visit ponychan. Don't ever fucking do that again.
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>implying she hasn't been lurking.

I laugh at your stupidity
She said to behave faggot.
Now do it bitch!
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But he's right.
god damn it dont remind me of the scruffening dammit, why dont you start posting MMC links while youre at ist and start singing fighting is magic hype train praises
nigger cant understand simple reason, im done witchu
buttfustrated now, eh?
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>nigger cant understand simple reason, im done witchu

I can spout random bullshit too doesn't make it simple reasoning.
>"I-I'm n-not mad, you are!"
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Fucking ant images.
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honey, thats not how one uses the tsundere card
now suck mah descartes

oh boy, here lemme spell it out for ye
>complains about english just for the sake of it
>confirmed grammar nazi
>fuck murricans, cause europeans are actually pretty cool about language
>oh lemme aducate you with origins
actually, you are right, i cant even process your level of retard
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>no dubs
Again, about the emoticons, there are already reaction images, so it all cool. People are naughty here and do not behave. I think they're here because they know that bronies love and tolerate others, and they want to be loved by someone. Be nice to them :) They're not naughty at heart.
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I'll kill you and eat you for dominance.
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>not 1x1
When will the 2013 awards be, at the beginning of 2014? And how come there isn't a best writefag award?
... did the thread stop working? Is anybody here?
bait is something said to get people mad or to act a certain way.
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You need assistance derailing this thread?
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Out of spiderman
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Well I tried, mods must not be on or something. I'm off to take a nap. This is shitpost general now.
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>>12585320 (OP)
>Hello fellow bronies
>fellow bronies
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This is now a bait thread post bait
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Wrong pic
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i miss four cannon now, and tulpas, and the cyoa threads, and milky, and porn, and fluffly.
threads like these, anons like these,
this is getting more unbearable than ponychan, i quit
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You're cool OP. Don't let these bullies get to you.
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were you silver tongue
cause you dead
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Bait is basically same thing like trolling.
If you took the bait, you have been trolled.
PS: This post is also bait.
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CYOA threads never left
Fluffy was batshit
Milky is an over-rated sexed up OC
Don't know why tulpa had to go.
>implying there weren't threads like this before scuffying
>not seeing good threads like those "button and his mom" that have been up today.

Don't let the door hit you on your way out.
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>>12585320 (OP)
Hey, do you have a email so we can talk? /)
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screencap for future use

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