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>>11409272 (OP)
Who the fuck is that blue dog at the bottom right?
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>>11409272 (OP)
>>11409272 (OP)

Did you notice Derpy at all?
She's in the end credits
Movie Anon already said that Derpy appears in the credits, human, with her eyes normal. I don't think he said she said anything.
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>>11409272 (OP)
And then the babies.
Any blatant bro-knee shoutouts?
It's your big day...Are you ready?
Are WE Ready?
Her eyes were not normal from what I remember, but she only appears in the credits

MovieAnon is legit
Just best moments from earlier episodes, most blatant reference is the Transformers one
Does something happens between Brad and Twilight? And also, will this movie affect in season 4?
Nah nigga, that's fucking green mario.
Read the earlier thread, Flash Sentry spends the whole movie trying to get into her pants
No it's not. Mario is a mexican carpenter. I'm asking a serious question you dipshit.
Commander Shepard
A lot of the rumours we got were legit
What exactly was in this alleged "Season 4 trailer"?
Previous thread >>11405301 →
I know it may be obvious, but just in case:

Is this a ruse or not? http://stuffandclap.com/videos/Download-My-Little-Pony-720p-BrRip-x264/
I wouldn't anon, it's much too soon. But I could be wrong. I wouldn't risk it though
>>11409272 (OP)

Describe the audience's motivations to attend. Should we fear a resurgence in fandom autism, or were most of them watching with a critical mind?
But does he gets it?

Anyone wanna test it?
Nope, Twily is a cock tease
They see a few references here and there.

It only takes a little slight-of-hand to make some retards think that shit is actually good.
You don't know who Sonic is?
I wish I could be that ignorant. I guess you'll have to learn about the autistic fanbase sooner or later...
Looks Sonichu rip off.
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IMDB link gives us Identity Theft. I'll test it anyways.
And there's only one way to start it.

Gentlemen, prepare THE COMIC.
You sure are a hero.
Nvm, makes you take a stupid fucking survey to access the download link.
You gotta be kidding...
More like Yugi

Take a look at them 5's
Well fuck
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What comic?
But there was methods to bypass those surveys. I'll try

still think it's ruse
Pls no
Is it that magical time once again?
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It's obviously Godzilla. can't you see the spikes on its back?
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That's not Godzilla faggot
I just figure that if you have to do a stupid survey/ad link then it is 99% a scam.

I have only ever had one of those actually be legit. Its about on par with those "How to make millions of Gold in X MMO" guide websites.
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Yeah, it was obvious

No Twilight has to get to the portal
Do you remember seeing any of these characters:

The cakes
Granny Smith
Hayseed Turnip Truck
Mayor Mare
Sapphire Shores
Hoity Toity
Fancy Pants
Flim or Flam
Pony Joe
Prince Blueblood
Aloe or Lotus
Babs Seed
Lyra or Bon Bon
Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon - Specifically these two
or Hugh Jelly?
You actually had a legit one? Wow.
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what is wrong with you, it IS godzilla
We did this once before
I actually found the comic
I regret everything
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The cakes - run a human world equivalent of Sugarcube corner, Mrs Cake has speaking lines
Gizmo-Appears with the nerds, appears a lot actually
Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon-Both of them trip Twilight when she first arrives
Granny Smith-lunch lady
Cadance-In Equestria only
Lyra-appears in a lot of crowd scenes along with Gizmo

Normal Norman appears in nearly every single scene
>someone actually fapped to the comic
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It's fucking Zilla
Toho got pissed at the US for making Godzilla look like a pussy. Renamed the monster Zilla. Get on my level newfag
whats it called?
How about Octavia?
I'm gonna keep asking until you answer me
I don't remember her
Fair enough, thanks
The comic found a thread i was in. Scruffy was nowhere to be found. I couldn't look away. Its still grained into my mind
Does anyone mind giving me a summary of the movie, and important events like what happens between Twilight and Brad? I just got home.
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>Someone is autistic enough to fap to it.
I'd prefer just questions
Well that's probably why it was made in the first place
Two babies one fox
It is true that Flash dances exactly like Twilight in a "Sweet and Elite" style for a moment?
No Twilight does though, Flash Sentry just looks makes a confused look at her autism
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that link didn't have nothing but a lizard thing
But how Twi and Spike leave the place? They just pass from the dance to the portal scene directly?
Google brings up nothing
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I know, it's just appalling.
>Wanting to look at it.
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Exactly. It's not worthy of the name God. Just Zilla.
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Also, you said that there is a gag where he faceplants into a wall. It's basically this scene but with him?
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Pls don't.
There's only one scene where Sunset Shimmer tries to threaten the FBI on Twilight, claiming that if Spike reveals hmself and she reveals what she is, she'll just have them taken away
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Please for the love of god no
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Anything else you want to know?
Wow, that's actually kind of smart of Shimmer. Nice to see Meghan actually using her head on that one.

Also explains why Twilight is more willing to try to beat Shimmer 'fair and square'.

I've never seen this? Should I just close this tab now while I still can?
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Was your spoiler on the S4 trailer just a ruse?
>Mario 64
There's no way that wasn't an intentional get...
She manages to spoof Pinkie and Applejack's email and phone numbers since they have shitty personal computer security
Is Flash seen carrying his guitar at some point in the film?

Yes, please tell people it is real so we can have people believe eminem is in Season 4
What about snips and snails
do what must be done.
salvation in damnation!
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All the time, he's considered in the punk clique and his band is scene playing in preparation to the prom
Let me guess, their passwords are "party" and "apple" respectively.
They are Sunset sidekicks, just like when they worked for Trixie
Shimmer's motivation. How Shallow is it? Why exactly is she pissed at Celestia? Just for precised 'holding her back'? Or was Celestia actually being over protective?

Why the fuck did she even break up the groups friendship? Seems rather pointless.
run. run now
Snips and Snails have a super huge role, they're SS's sidekicks

They become gargoyles
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Leave as soon as someone posts the first page.
That's the whole plot, for Twilight to bring these people back together
dude it has loli cream the rabbit, why not?
>captcha ontencp rash
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>Snips and Snails become gargoyles
Do you enjoy shit?
She's not pissed as Celestia, she's just a bitch who doesn't know how to NOT be an ass to people. She admits at the end she basically has poor social skills
Was there really a post credits S4 teaser? Why anyone show more details?
>>11409272 (OP)
I want to get a straight yes/no answer, is twi/royal guard ship confirmed?
This is not a ruse, I'm being completely legit, they turn into demons like Sunset Shimmer
Well duh, but I mean. What was Shimmer's motivation for breaking up the friendships. They were friends when they were freshmen and before Twi even arrives they hate each other.

Why is Shimmer ruining friendships? Does it have to do with Celestia trying to teach her that Friendship is important and Shimmer blowing her off and actively trying to ruin them?
depends, shit like shit posting or true actual shit from ass
And just to clarify, that is not "do you have terrible taste in entertainment". It is entirely literal.
...As if Meghan couldn't write a shittier character then ever.
it's just hinted at
it's barely a ship
When they first met, what exactly do Flash and Twilight talk about? I know it was brief, but about what talked is what I want to know

Also, you said that he was always trying to get into her pants. Any moments when HE begins to turn a little romantic?
IT fucking scat porn, just stop. Fucking please.
in that case no, no I dont
They do have romantic feelings yes
ok good, I can sleep tonight
oh god fucking damnit
You know, for trying to tell us that the movie wasn't bad. You are doing a poor job at it.

Conflicting stories.

It's going to be an interesting night.
>tfw ive gone so far down the rabbit hole that i read the whole thing and it didnt ever affect me
oh god what have i become?
The moment he tries to save Twilight from being expelled (The HUG scene) he asks Twilight out and she doesn't pay attention to him to give him an answer

He later asks Twilight out to prom and she agrees, the prom goes smoothly until Spike gets kidnapped, and Twilight busts through the crowd to go save him

A living testament to horsefuckers roots in /b/
Fluttershy tells Twilight not to go out with him because he's Sunset Shimmer's exboyfriends

Both Rarity's tease Twilight about it, there is blushing
was zecora in it? not like I care just asking
wait, he saves her and she ignores him?
elaborate more
all they do is basically blush at each other
it gets shot down at the end and they all play it off

it isn't something that is leaving the movie, that's for sure (if it does I'll be in shock)
so don't worry as far as season 4 is concerned
>in denial

FlashLight is coming Deal with it
>It gets show down at the end
>it isn't something that is leaving the movie

This movie is sounding worse than I could have possibly imagined.
yeah but thats not really a brony shout out. That more of a transformers fan shoutout, kinda like the battleships game in "Read It and Weep" from season 2.
She's focused on trying to get the crown, she admits that she was distracted with dealing with Sunset Shimmer that she couldn't answer his question.

Flash Sentry saves Twilight from expulsion by proving that the images of Twilight ruining the prom decorations were just photoshops of Twilight playing goalie against Rainbow Dash
>is doomsaying
just stop
can someone else confirm this? this is the only thing about the movie that I am concerned with
They do blush, alongside EVERYTHING ELSE THAT HAPPENS

You'd write it off if not for all the other dialogue mentioning the relationship, it's as big of a hint as Omochao
there's that reddit Q&A two guys did
they can back me up

The movie ends with the relationship, no ridiculous gag, just hinting that Twilight and Flash might continue their relationship
>won't leave the movie
>hinting that Twilight and Flash might continue their relationship

well yeah, everything else does happen
but it's not of romantic importance

the only thing "romantic" was the hug and the blushing, basically
it goes nowhere else beyond that


This fucker claims that he works for Hasbro, and yes:

Flash Sentry and the Mane6 Boyfriends are coming


See and judge for yourself. May be a ruse, but who knows? Some anon leaked that a Boyfriend for Twilight was real and.....here we are

plz happen
god damnit just pick one
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>I find 4chan more trustworthy
I never said it wouldn't leave the movie, it's ambiguous
like the numerous vanhoovers on 4chan can be any better?

they went to one of the 11am EST showing in NY/NJ


it was one of the few airings that beat out the west coast debut
There is a cafeteria song, there is a song when they get dressed for prom, Pinkamena makes a cameo here
ok, thanks

i'll just have to see it when it leaks
It looks like he is getting fact checked in that thread though.
Look at the evidence I have provided and form your own hypothesis
that's textbook bullshit for something set in high school
one of many cliches

it's not relative to anything romantic that has staying power
you look like a massive sperg.
I don't believe that guy. Feels just like the whole Vanhoover thing.

Not to mention that they wouldn't be able to change their relationship, they have already recorded almost all the episodes, they are just putting the finishing touches and then music and that's it.

He's full of shit. At the latest, if Flash is really a thing in Season 4, then they would have to wait until Season 5. It's already far too late to 'change based on reception'
That is blatant damage control
Hasdrone plz go
it's something you should have prepared yourself for when you found out that equestria girls was real and set in high school

setting expectations helps soften the blow
So boyfriends, then?
>thanks for confirming the unfortunate truth
yeah, shitty highschool drama that never lasts I hope
in EQG?
yeah sure, even though I felt that this wasn't anything seriously romantic in the slightest

in season 4?
only if you're looking for reasons to be upset

keep doomsaying, boyo
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Sooooooo essentially this then right?
>cant even spoiler
ok, at least you tried
Ok that's pretty clever anon
dude after all the shit thats been denied going into season 3 do we really have any reason NOT to believe Flash will be a thing in season 4 or beyond? Better to at least be cautious and weary of the fact rather then get rused and be lead into an epic letdown.
>>11409272 (OP)
The 4CCC is proud to announce you the marriage of Alicorn Twilight, princess of /mlp/ and SANIC, duke of /v/.

Nonetheless, the 4CCC is required to remind you first that you will be baked, and then there will be kek. Drama, lel and misogynism will ensue.
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All right. There's enough proof to confirm it.

Behold, the ship of the moment: FlashLight!


We haven't heard a damn thing about S4 at this point.
yeah, no
That's fanart.

We had pictures for Twilight's wings and dolls of sunset shimmer, as well as the picture leak of EQG. This is just you coming up with stupid ideas.
>romance confirmed for not happening
>rusemen are buttmad and spam it anyway

top kek
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I haven't seen Equestria Girls but I'm surprisingly OK with Twilight finding high school difficult to navigate and a big deal.

Yes, she's a grad student. But she was also Celestia's personal pupil. She didn't do the social thing.

It's going to be a challenge for her and she's flying solo Well except for Spike, thank Faust Spike is along and talks, that's actually a huge relief for me. Twi without support tends to go a bit Lesson Zero and Spike talking means the creators respect him and his contributions.

I'll pick it up on DVD. My question is what's the deal with the other humanized pones? Are they like mirror universe alternates? So why doesn't Twi have one?

Also, any Lyra sightings in the movie?
Thats a shop, the pony on the left is actually Shining Armor.

Hasbro was trying to get in on the whole incest thing game of thrones made popular
The Heavy, from Valve's "Team Fortress 2"
Lyra appears in many crowd shots

There are 3 background characters who constantly make an appearance

2. Lyra
3. Gizmo
considering that meghan (who has not lied at all, despite what you want to believe) has specifically said that EQG does not meddle with season 4, that's enough for me to go on

and before you say "oh what about season 5," give me a break
Rainbow Dash doesn't know what hands are
>EQG does not meddle with season 4
I fucking hope so

I really fucking hope
Again I told McCarthy I loved that she gives an extreme amount of attention to Twilight and Spike, my opinion is biased because I love these characters

The movie gives more attention to Rarity and Pinkie Pie

AJ and RD are background women
OP is a ruseman
I have photos from the event
she's tweeted that answer on, like, five different occasions and has said that she's getting tired of answering it

she means it
>photos from the event
>no photos of the screen
shyggy diggy piggy
They banned recording devices, what the fuck did you want me to do
he does
Not be a pussy and hide it in your hair?
Fuck, man, my hairs less than half as poofy as yours and I've hid things in it of that nature.
>saying you have photos
>not posting said photos the whole thread
you missed the previous thread. half of it was about how ugly OP was
What, was there a scary looking man outside the theater patting people down for cameras and shit before they entered?

>they banned recording devices
>I have photos of the event
pick one
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So... uh...

Anyone upload the movie yet? Where is it?
Remind me who Gizmo is.
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I was not OP
Expect shitty 2-minute shaky cams by monday
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LA Film Fest is crawling with LE... To brandish a photograph/video capable device during the actual screening is just asking for trouble.
oh hey, my bad
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As a pony or a person?

How does the whole pony club stuff play into the movie.

When you were leaving, You should have jacked one of those cardboard stand-ups. That would have been funny.
Fuck that was my spaghetti trip with Brony Clubhouse
Fuck man, were there any normal looking bronies?
Take a wild guess

Twilight uses the term "out of hand" which sparks that response
Go back and reread my comment. I'm not talking about what may be, I'm talking about what has been DENIED by Hasbro/Meghan/etc concerning love interests in future seasons, and what was DENIED by them concerning season 3.

Fact: they lied about shit happening in season 3 as if it wasn't actually happening.
Fact: Evidence gets leaked to the contrary yet they continue to ruse everyone.

Fact: Evidence as to the relevance of the relationship status in the movie has lead us to consider that maybe there is a little more concept to it then they willingly admitted back when we first heard "Brad" was going to be in the film.
Possibility: They could very well be rusing, once again in the face of evidence that points to the contrary.

Notice a pattern between the facts of season 3's lies and evidence, and the possibility of romance in future seasons given the evidence shown in the EQG movie?

How is it not blatantly obvious to the fandom after that!? These aren't people you can just take the word of no questions asked. Big concept I know but not out of the realm of possibility. As the saying goes fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

Just be weary of some PR line that they feed you over this whole thing else you're going to look even more stupid when it turns outhow badly you got got
I guess both.
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>normal looking

Pick one.
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Please tell me she carries a notebook with a unicorn on the cover. Or appears next to Bon Bon.

>Rainbow Dash doesn't know what hands are
Why would human world Rainbow Dash want to know what Hands are?
Pony club? you mean the school's sports team the wondercolts?
that isn't true
we all just stay inside, or, you know, don't go to fucking publicized events.
Bon-Bon was not in this movie
Because Rainbow Dash is retarded in all realities.


That physically pained me to read.
Agreed. The ones complaning are just in denial.
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>who has not lied at all despite what you want to believe
Jesus Christ one of these fags
she has to keep on re-tweeting it cause warranted or not a lot of people don't trust her
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twisting answers around shitty questions is not lying

everything she's said regarding season 4 mixing with EQG has been to the point
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Who were the special guests?
It's not a typo

Rainbow Dash is just a background character, she's mentioned more than she is actually shown

The ending is like Sonic Heroes, Twilight goes super using the element of magic and manages to use it to give her friends superforms, aside from Rainbow Dash giving Scootaloo a ride, these powers amount to absolutely nothing. They go super, use elements of harmony attack,and the day is saved.
I think she's was saying that S4 is not EQG. He never mentioned anything about......CANON

inb4 Meghan white knights
Probably never going to watch this movie.
At the showing? A lot of animators appeared and I chatted with two of them on the way out (you'll be pissed if you knew what I said)

Jayson was there, Tara was there, Meghan was there,Rebecca Shoichet was there, Cathy was there, Daniel Ingram was there
>Fact: they lied about shit happening in season 3 as if it wasn't actually happening.
Only Tara lied.
come one, what did you say
>pick one
Nigga do you even hide your power level else you get killed by Freeza's goon squad!?
>Come one
come on*

fixed that for ya
That was a joke, the ending is actually that Demon Shimmer goes and hypnotizes the students to go through the portal Applejack and Fluttershy try to hold them off while Demon Shimmer while Twilight goes after Demon Shimmer. Demon Shimmer keeps throwing pieces of the school at Twilight and she keeps dodging before Shimmer manages to score a fire blast on Twilight knocking her out of the sky. Spike manages to jump off of Twilight's body and knock Shimmer so hard she flies out of the sky

Actually this is the fake one
I don't know which one is fake.

Or which one I'd want to be fake.
I said that the movie was better than you guys made it out to be, and that I would try to convince /mlp/ (They actually know about how much you hate the idea) that it is worth seeing
There's a heavily Digimon inspired transformation scene, this is not a joke
Yet everything you have said just makes me hate the movie more.

So, nice job on that.
I haven't been paying attention. Was EqG terrible as everyone said?

And what's the Family Day?
that's what you told them?
Your facts have nothing to back them up. Where are the lies you are taking about? I'm waiting.
from everyone that has seen it:
Its OK, not absolute shit, but not amazing either
No Meghan/DHX also lied about the series being 13 episodes long. Way back in the middle of season 2 when rumors first started to circulate due to the whole 65 episode limit for syndication Jason and others denied this was the case. Granted in this area once it was revealed as legit during hiatus they did apologize siting "reasons" as to why it was cut in half but doesn't take away from the fact that they are put in situations where they have to deny and yes, even lie about things. Point is if they aren't capable of telling the true cause their jobs don't allow for it, there is no reason to take their word as the law of the land cause its meaningless until we are right on the cusp of it. I won't believe romance is out of the question till the series is over and done with.
>The animators and show people know about /mlp/
>They could have people lurking here

Oh gosh
I am not going to lie to you, I liked it, I'm basically stating what happens.

You have to remember, I'm a massive Twilight and Spike fag and this movie basically makes their relationship like Banjo-Kazooie. I love that
Wasn't as terrible as some doomsayers said, but it wasn't nowhere as good as Meghan and company promised it to be.

It can be a tolerable movie if you switch your brain off and decide to ignore the multiple plotholes or script nonsense before watching it.

Because a lot of things make absolutely no fuckin sense.
This is why I still think "Discord is Star Swirl" could happen. I just wish someone would officially go on record confirming 26 episodes in Season 4.
Ingram already did that, accidentally because it was listed in his portfolio. But still.
>Way back in the middle of season 2 when rumors first started to circulate due to the whole 65 episode limit for syndication Jason and others denied this was the case.

Ok, it wasn't for syndication reasons, so they were right. What is your point?
They already confirmed
If you don't like Twilight and Spike dominating the screentime, then you will hate this movie. Twilight Spike..and I guess Rarity are the only ones who really do anything

I can confirm that from Hasbro's Q4 prospectus.

Don't own any voting shares? Hasbro stock isn't that expensive...
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>Bon-Bon was not in this movie
>Bon-Bon was not in this movie
>Bon-Bon was not in this movie


Actually I can see with a theatrical release with a G-rating (It is G, right?) that Hasbro would clamp down on any sexual implications.

A pity. It would have been a nice touch to see Lyra and Bon Bon as dates to the prom. Who would complain? Arkansas?

So Lyra's in the film and a frequent background pone (along with two others you mentioned I've never heard of, the one with the robot cutie mark?) does she do anything cool or memorable? Or just there?
And then he deleted it.
dubs and trips confirm you a nigger. just kidding[/spoilers] Actually that's weird(and a bit sad) that they care what /mlp/ thinks. Did you mention us by board name or just refer to us as "haters"
>implying lesbians relationship are accepted without criticism by society on film entretainment.

There's still a long way to go....
I am not joking here again

Basically every background human has less significance than fucking Normal Norman

Here's an interesting drinking game, take a shot every time Norman appears on screen, you'll be in the hospital before the movie ends. I notived throughout the movie that Norman appears at the start of every scene after Twilight enters Canterlot High
Can you post a picture/screencap? It's mainly Wikipedia I'm upset with, because they're the ones insisting there are no reliable sources for "26 episodes in Season 4." And when I say Wikipedia, I actually mean a handful of editors.

Twilight needs the development. I didn't expect any other character be anything except Twilight's helpers on this.

BUT. I also expected Meghan to put more fucking care into writing this. Having a villain that is sympathetic and has actual reasons for what they do and other things that DON'T make the audience feel like idiots.

You know, like FiM was when it started?

Instead Meghan just hastily copied Mare in the Moon, slapped a High School spin on it and called it a day.
They broke into huge laughter the moment I brought it up and were thankful that I was going to try to do this

I'm obviously failing...
Look, I'm not joking about this, Spike really does act like Kazooie here
The problem is you think we care about the quality of the movie, which we don't, we only care about if it will affect the show.
>hugh laughter

Something tells me they lurk this place
Because the movie sounds fucking horrible. Those fucks must be fucking blind deaf and dumb if they thought any of this was good.
What confuses me is how quickly Spike adapts to the human world. Twilight is ditzy in this movie and Spike constantly needs to point her in the right direction or prevent her from embarrassing herself

I'm a Spike fan, you can see why I like it so much
And I don't fucking care. It doesn't make any of what you say any less Shitty and contrived.
that when essentially asked "is season 3 only 13 episodes long". They said no. They did this because they HAD TO, point being that because this is the stipulation of their contracts of non-disclosure with Hasbro we need to assume that everything is on the table regarding "answers" that they give us. Are we clear on this anons? At any given point in time they can't (as in are legally NOT allowed) to share the truth with us. This is why you can't just accept their words as the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Hm.. By the looks of things, it seems like this movie is going to be bad.. I don't know.. I don't have any theaters that are near by me that shows the screening of the MLP movie...
Would you like to know something odd? Big Mac has normal skin
What a glorious day it will be when we get there anon! muh lesbian pony ships ;_;
Where is your source on that? Your making all these claims and you have posted nothing at all to back it up. Instead of padding your words with over convoluted crap why don't you post the proof?
This is why we just need to shut up and wait for a goddamn update, confirmation or whatever about S4. This will never stop.
Actually, you made us hate the movie and the crew even MORE then before.

If they can't understand that /mlp/ rejects EQG because that's NOT what /mlp/ wanted to begin, then they are beyond the retardation level we already gave them.

Normal skin, is a very subjective word in that world.
Because we want to know things, Anon, before other people do
You have to remember I told Meghan McCarthy I liked what she was doing with the series, as a Twilight and Spike fan.

I have a very distorted view that I only don't like the show because it is conflicted as what it wants to be

Is it an ensemble cast about a bunch of quirky ponies

Or is it about a princess and her sidekick brother with occasional appearances from her friends
actually /mlp/ has NEVER and i mean EVER had a problem with the animation. If anything /mlp/ has been consistent on other then its love of FiM porn and hate for the shows current state its the animation of the series. These guys make flash look not only decent but GOOD. The animation crew has only ever improved season to season in my opinion. Season 3 had problems with story telling and pacing animation was top notch
It wasn't about the animation, they knew that EqG was going to be hated for its concept
You mean they will feed us even more lies to try to contain the shitstorm they caused.

They will lie over and over waiting for the mess to solve itself or *snicker* that we would "understand" and accept them to keep shitting on our faces.

Poor deluded assholes.
I'm trying not to ruin things for you guys, honestly. I feel bad now. I thought you guys would like it the way I did...
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and yet he was a complete fucktard when the plot called for it in SAYS and JFS...oh season 3 how you haunt me so....
You know, every time you open your mouth, you sound less and less like someone that likes the show and instead like someone that was dared to come on here from the show staff to rustle some jimmies.

Let's see. Osaka Jack? Balony Brony? Which one are you? Or are you one of the lower workers that doesn't do that animation at all.

Does sunset shimmer return to the pony world?
Why don't you stop doomsaying at post some of these lies you talk about so much?
I'm not, I just have a different love of the show. If Twilight and Spike are in my top three characters, how can I not love it?
And they went ahead with it anyways.

They took a shit on the fandom that supported them since day one. Hey, thanks for nothing, assholes.
Does he speak? Peter New already confirmed he voiced the lacrosse player who said "Did that dog just talk?"
most certainly the former if Faust interviews from the brony doc and the entirety of season 1 are anything to go off of
They're just afraid of Flash Sentry. So don't worry

tfw you want FlashLight to become canon
Spike talks a lot, he shuts up because Sunset Shimmer claims she'll have Twilight and Spike taken away if they try to prove their true existence.

Spike reveals himself to the other ponies about 2/3rds into the film.

He was asking if Big Mac speaks
yeah but weren't you talking to animators you said? Do they know/worry about fan reactions to concepts? I'd be surprised if the animation team saw the episode after it was fully completed, voicing and all.
I get it, what I'm saying is...S1 and S2 is an ensemble cast. S3, Equestria Girls, and even the main storyline comics are far closer to a princess and her sidekick..

The problem is that I adore both
Yeah, I was asking if Big Macintosh speaks.
By the way, I hate the name "Big McIntosh" almost as much as I hate "Sweetie Drops" and "Cadance" (compared to "Cadence").
Yes, he has more lines than Sweetie Belle does
Never assume you can change the minds of the people. A lot of people dislike Season 3, and I like it. You don't see me trying to convince people here that Season 3 is good, because it all depends on personal opinion.
We hate the movie.
We hate the crew who produces the movie, ESPECIALLY Meghan.
We hate YOU for being a smug and patronizing motherfucker who thought could "educate" us into loving this cheap turd they keep smearing in our faces and later will smear onto everything we hold dear.

Now kindly go die on a fire.
Time to update IMDb.
This screening was the first time most of the crew saw the final product
I don't like Season 3, I like EqG
Why don't you suck my black cock, bitch?

Go back to Hasbro's HQ and tell your master that your damage control isn't fixing shit.
I think you missed his point.
dubs and trips again confirm you're a nigger Just rusing you again m8. As a pinkiefag who has felt my waifu has escaped this show's 'decline' rather horribly unscathed I too haven't been as detrimentally impacted by the recent events of season 3 and EQG as most people have
Pinkie has more significance than Rainbow Dash or Applejack, she has plenty of gags and they're pretty decent
Oh, so you have nothing then, and even resort to petty insults when called out. You're doing a great job anon.
Jesus are you STILL here!? Take your "/mlp/ is a hive mind mentality, where everyone is the same person" and fuck off back to ponychan you stupid nig nog
are you retarded?


Having grown up on an apple orchard, and being fond of tube amplifiers... what?



Two of the greatest things ever to come out of America motherfucker.
If you are a Pinkie fan, I think you'll enjoy this just fine
Oh? Some I'm actually talking to two people claiming these lies? And neither one has any source? That's very unfortunate for you both.
But everyone on the show pronounces his name "MAC-in-tosh", not "Muc-IN-tosh"
She's also one of the few who as an Equstria Girl I feel her cutsey-wutsey "girly" outfit really matches with her personality. But I do admit i am a bit rustled at RD's and AJ's clothing representations in this movie
>TMFFW you only want to watch this because of Flash
>He got so little screentime that you'll only need 2 minutes of your time to watch a compilation of his scenes

Dammit, I want to see FlashLight!!
Not the fact taht they have nearly no screentime?
I don't think anyone will enjoy this autist ride to hell. Better pack up my things and go back to /int/.

Mc and Mac are the same thing, they both mean 'son of' it's just the difference in Scottish versus Irish pronunciations...

I blame Apple Computer. Fuckers.
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>you'll enjoy this just fine
maybe not in terms of dialouge but there is tons of physical represontaion on screen or in the background though right? I just can't help but think that the kind of person RD is she'd wear actually shorts to play soccer in, and maybe, ya'know, cleats to kick the ball around with. And AJ, being a good old fashion country girl would at least wear a pair of denim jeans. Having spent my time over in Colorado growing up around a lot of Aggies it like all they ever bother wearing cause their job demands it.
I see no "æ" sound in "Mc". I don't even see any "J" sound. In fact, I see no vowels. They speak vowels on the show. "Hey Big Mac." "Big Macintosh".
Shoot, that was supposed to be an "I"-looking thing, not a J. Same vowel as "pit".
One more question for you, SLW: If you could collect (in seconds or minutes) all Flash Sentry appearances (both pony and human) into one single compilation video, how much does the video would last?
probably 8-10 minutes
Whoa, thanks. Much more than I expected. Can't wait to watch those scenes

Are any of you Scootaloo fans?
Any other obvious non pone references besides the Transformers one?
There's even a scene where he spies on Sunset Shimmer on his own
Wilhelm scream? That's off the top of my head
Flash Sentry is a wussy though
Someone added a "Back to the Future" reference to IMDb:

Yep, it's MICK-IN-TOSH versus MACK-IN-TOSH.

McIntosh apples were always called 'Mac' for short.
the best soundclip makes its glorious return

That's an absurd stretch
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Well, at least that's much better than being a jock or a "perfect-life, rich, no-issues" gary stud, don't you think?

The nod about him knocking againts a wall like Twilight really tells you about the connection between the two.
I might as well say there is a Super Smash Bros./Donkey Kong reference because Shimmer uses a similar hammer
Where's the emphasis?
Flash Sentry seems like the nice, wimpy guy who would get friendzoned by every girl who didn't fall immediately for him...if you get what I'm saying
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Sweetie Belle master race reporting in! Although I do admit a bit of Scootabuse with a happy ending to it is a guilty pleasure of mine
I guess you can say there is a Digimon reference due to how the transformation sequence is directed
I think Twilight would fall in the same category...

Not a bad thing, obviously
Sweetie Belle might be worse than Scootaloo, she does nothing and has one line of dialogue
>mfw Man of Steel also had Wilhelm scream and the first thing i thought of was all the times its appeared in ponies
Sweetie Belle has less screentime than norman
That's not real
So what was the overall message that this movie was trying to convey?
How'd they fake it, if that was fan art?
You need friends to get through high school


You'll be mean and grumpy if you don't have friends
Shoot on a TV screen, I did it with the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed 5 years ago
>TFW I was expecting something like this to show up
Any other questions?
Were there any other writers credited besides Meghan McCarthy? What about secondary voice credit roles?
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youre right
I don't know if this had been answered before, but were there any significant character developments that I'd be missing out on if I didn't see this movie?
Meghan McCarthy was the only credited writer, for some odd reason Oliver, McKillip, and Francis were not credited. Tabitha was only credited as Rarity and not Luna
Did the credits role like a regular movie or was it more like an episode from the tv series?
Other than Spike taking a level of badass not like the movie, and Twilight learning to tolerate her wings (She actually doesn't want them)...then no

All this does is reinforce that Twilight is good at creating and maintaining friendships
Once again, DHX and/or Hasbro absolutely SUCKS at crediting people properly. They care more about their sales than the actors who do half of the job of bringing things to life. (Animators are the other half.)

It was closer to something like that only with far less black
That's for the opening credits....
Oh, then tell us what you remember of the closing credits, please. They might have listed more writers there.
Are you saying the opening or the closing credits are similar to this video? Either way, I think that's a cool style for this film to take.
I peed during them, I'm terribly sorry. Would it help if i said they were short...? Like maybe only 2minutes long with a slow crawl?
Opening credits all use the crazy pans and silhouetted ponies shown here
I'm a "credits junkie". I always watch the full credits of a film the first time I see it.
I am too, but I really had to pee
I must sleep, but SLW, you're the man. Thanks for all the info.

This is gonna be a busy week in terms of butthurt and shitstorming.


Go Flash Sentry
I'm very upset for trying to do DHX a favour...
Great, I was only going to see it if I would miss out on something important, thanks for saving me an hour and 30 minutes.
Any guesses that there might have been additional writer credits at the end? Movies usually have more than one writer.
>I'm very upset for trying to do DHX a favour...

Well, at least you're admitting that you're a shill.
Don't worry. The ratings and reviews will do nothing. The finantial results will speak by themselves.
You did the best you could do. I'm more upset about the horrible dolls and the reason this film was made (Mattel) than I am with the film itself.
Reading the thread, what are the general thoughts/ any news on a download.

And Season 4 trailer?
I feel bad but... this is like the comics or McCarthy episodes.

Twilight and Spike are the focus here, in fact due to its runtime this is evermore blatant. It's bothersome that one might partially interpret Rarity's role as being Spike's love interest, as she spends at least 30% of the film being that
Expect shitty 2-minute shaky cam recordings by monday, but not a 1080p Hi-Def rip from the DVD.

Just wait goddammit
>>11409272 (OP)

Two words for you.

Shitting. Dicknipples.
If you are worried about Season 4...then yes...do worry that this show becomes about a magical princess and her dragon familiar. I believe this is where the show is heading
>implying we want a 1080p Hi-Def rip right after the film premieres
We're not THAT unreasonable, you know.
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What the hell....? Didn't someone else posted the exact same thing as you posted? I mean, what you said...?
Did you mention Jayson?
>>11412342 →

Yeah, it's me. Same message for ya'll
General thoughts from people who've seen it though? And that still doesn't answer the season 4 trailer. Is that confirmed?
Why are you guys annoyed that DHX animators know about us?
Yes, any info on the supposed Season 4 trailer?
Look earlier in the thread SLW mentions it
>Still no S4 trailer. No confirmation, no update. Nothing.
>Not incredibly mediocre, but not amazingly exciting either
I think they might reveal something at Bronycon, but that's not for sure....
I don't quite like how your comparing this movie to the comics, because while the comic arcs may be character focused, they at least expand upon existing facets of Equestria.
I think you mean Comic Con. That's where we got the first S3 clips.
Season 4 trailer confirmed
So kinda like season 3?
Anything that seems like it will bite season 4 in the ass from the movie?
I told you there was a shot of the CMCs cowering towards Discord, and a shot of Cheerilee freaking out about how she is going to get back in her body

I am only assuming it is related to that leaked episode list
There are lots who rejects the idea of considering EQG canon. So yeah, kinda
I'm more upset that a talented studio like DHX is stuck wasting their time on shit like this when Hasbro hasn't helped the situation by stepping up on the marketing and toy making side of things to match with the quality of what DHX makes.

Seriously those toys are cheaply made, god awful and look NOTHING like their cartoon counterparts. Then they go and charge any where from 18-25 bucks a doll? Fuck and they wonder why they lag behind Mattel in sales. Say what you want about EQG being a product to compete with the equally as shallow Monster High dolls from Mattel but at least those damn things are quality as far as girls toys go.

This was actually one of the things Faust talked about wanting to change. The level of focus and earnest with which companies approach girls entertainment. Whether its cheaply made dolls or lifeless TV shows about cliched high school drama, girls get the shit end of the stick in terms of quality and interest when it comes to companies looking to create products for them. To me THIS is probably the biggest thing Faust was pissed about when she came on here two weeks ago. She could probably care less about the fact that they all wore girly dresses and more about the fact that it was just such shit quality, so half assed. That's what it truly means to shit all over Faust's legacy with FiM, by not delivering a quality product worthy of its audiences attention.

>Twilight is ditzy in this movie and Spike constantly needs to point her in the right direction or prevent her from embarrassing herself

That's because they've allowed her personality to become younger and less assured so that she seems more like a teenager than an adult so they can fit her actions in with the high school setting. You can see it in the trailer and now it's what people are saying she was like in the movie.

And it's this kind of crap which is why I was never convinced Equestria Girls could good. That is called them bottling Twilight.
Ah, but the real question is if Hasbro decides that that movie is canon then leads it into season 4 how bad would it be from the events of the movie?
>>11413163 Headcanon....the portal fucked with Twilight and Spike's ages
not only that but they also are all about twilight. The second story was very Rarity focused, with a bit of luna on the side and a further exploration of the relationship between Spike and Rarara.
They are just afraid of Flash Sentry, that's all

Hasbro insist that it'll not become part of S4, but would you trust it?
Yeah, about that leaked episode list...
Doesn't seem legit, and it doesn't line up with
Hmmm, it would depend. Does it leave a profitable avenue to develop his character further?
>>11413195 I mentioned it because all the events revolve around Twilight and Spike and everyone else has varying degrees of usefulness.
We'll see. Expect a Flash Sentry doll soon.
Get a load of this guy:
Way too in love with the toys.
jesus time for bed me thinks.
supposed to be aren't
accept fucking with ages would not necessarily fuck with maturity unless it fucked with regressing their minds to that of teens in which case how does twilight still maintain all her memories up to that point. Sorry bro but that head canon is a little to loose fitting for me
actually i do believe it was DHX staff that have denied the inclusion of flash in future iterations of FiM. Hasbro as they usually do in these cases has said fuck all. That has me worried as THEY are the IP holders NOT DHX. At any given time they decide its a profitable avenue to take you can bet your ass Flash will be magically canonized into the series. And wouldn't you know it how lucky for the series that they helped introduce his character all those years ago with the EQG movie...
Nothing is ever set in stone my fellow horsefuckers. Not when you have this many hands in the pot. Better to just think what you will, temper your expectations and clinch your assholes tight, We're in for a bumpy ride, and as you all very well know by now the ride never ends.
Is there any conceivable way the "ride" *could* end? Like, years from now?
How do you feel that Spike is the sidekick yet again and he is far more helpful than anyone else. He really is the badass in the movie, he has more guts than Rainbow Dash

He is OOC because he is really tough and probably the least wimpy character in the movie
Did anyone else notice the humanized Will Smith cameo?
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pic very much related
Whom are you talking to?
once again spike suffers from what i can the "superman appeal" in Justice League comics/cartoons. a.k.a he is as weak or unstoppable as the comic writer needs him to be for the sake of plot. In spikes case he's as helpful or dumbfoundingly ignorant as the plot calls for when they need him to be. I would appreciate the character more if the poor motherfucker had at least some base level of consistency. But its like every time the guy gets his own focus episode the poor guys IQ drops into the shitter.
>>11413493 He is arguably far more competent than Twilight
Funny how RollerCoaster Tycoon with Corkscrew Follies and an episode of The Simpsons ("And Maggie Makes Three") have basically been paired with each other for a meme.
>>11413555 cool
once again when the writers deem him worthy. *glares at SAYS menacingly*
>>11413610 McCarthy always does
It's actually very easy for Hasbro to end the "fandom" as it is right now. All they have to do is what they're doing now with fan projects like fighting is magic/witchcraft/etc and clamp down on noteworthy quality projects to drive away the talent from the fandom. When the show ends, the stories and poorly made fanworks will only sustain the fans for so long until they move on.

My predictions are, for the "fandom" to survive beyond mlp and fan-canon/project MUST arise sometime during G4's lifetime that is comparable if not better than the main show. When it comes down to it you are here pretty much for the technicolor ponies, their personalities, the community, and the story that's currently in jeopardy. And the porn, if you're into that. If someone were to slip through Hasbro's fine comb and tie in a fan canon to the show's canon in a brilliant way that somehow wildly spirals out of control into popularity and acceptance providing the aforementioned - - it'll be easier to move off MLP and onto this new IP, moreso if MLP decides to cancel one day. Hopefully by that time this spin-off would have evolved to a point where it can't be C&D. This will effectively put away the fear of being shut down by Hasbro and eventually more and better talent will come back/integrate with the fandom and keep the fires burning.

If you really want to see any live example of this at work look at most anime fandoms, you can even take a glance at pokemon and even the furry community. Their content creators have freedom to create and contribute. Hasbro however isn't going to let this happen, they've set the precedent and only a madman would take the risk of wasting time on a mlp fan project to have it shot down.
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Thanks for playing Sonic. You've been informative. Have a Derpy pic.
Chaps should I start a thread tomorrow about how Season 4 might focus more and more on a magical princess and her trusted familar/younger adopted bro
So who is this Sanic and why are people listening to what he's saying?

He want to the premiere and posted way too many pics to just be a simple ruseman. So he did a Q&A about what he saw in the movie.
>>11413704 It seems rather likely that he was actually at the event and is telling the truth. He has essentially spoiled nearly every possible thing about Equestria Girls
Alright, cool beans.
This different guy did a Q&A on Reddit, too. Said many of the same things, adding to legitimacy: http://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/1gem8c/saw_equestria_girls/
Right now OP claims to have seen a trailer which suggests an earlier rumor may have been legit
because he has a bitching Jew fro with a receding hair-line/bald spot in the middle. but really its because he was at the premiere
(and has provided ample proof as such) and has been answering questions and concerns about the movie and what he thought about it
How long till /mlp/ gets a copy estimate?

We really need to see this for ourself now.
I went sleeping a few hours ago.
Nor/mlp/eople, how's the shitstorm going?
Is today really the day where it all ends?

captcha: familiar aymenmen
>Nor/mlp/eople, how's the shitstorm going?
The shitstorm died down a couple of hours ago, as the newly available information was processed and as the americlaps went off to bed.

>Is today really the day where it all ends?
We would only be so lucky, Anon.
The ride never ends Anon. Embrace it.
I am not that weirdo

I spilled my spaghetti in front ot Meghan McCarthy in a failed attempt to wow you guys
And... How does Twilight already know that humans wear clothes all the time? Is there any moment about this in the movie?
>>11413879 They didn't even though I would like some adult humour thrown in trying to explain it
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>I spilled my spaghetti in front ot Meghan McCarthy in a failed attempt to wow you guys
>wow you guys
>talking to the great deceiver
>thinking that we like her and that you prostrating at her alter will gain our favor
Now you fucked up!
>great opportunity missed by lazy writing
Yup, sounds about right.
No explanation for how the non-human gets clothes when they transform into a human once in the human world, as it usually is in kids' cartoons.
I will come clean. I am a SEGA shill and I was supposed to use this event to hype up the upcoming Wii U exclusive Rainbow Dash DLC for Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed. It is included as a free bonus if you get Sonic Lost World.
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>Rainbow Dash DLC for Sonic
Nigger you best be trollan
>>11414034 OH SHIT
Was there any Trixie's speaking lines?
She talks during the vending machine scene, the concept art of her was legit
Why are people pissed that DHX lurks here
I will say it is kind of off-putting to not see any familiar locations here
>The Season 3 finale was great, you guys just hate everything.
>I for one, really like alicorn Twilight.
>Season 3 wasn't objectivly worse than Season 1 and 2, you guys just have too high expectations because you can't remove your nostalgia goggles
Fucking Hasdrones.
How do ponies not know what hands are?
>>11414382 They do Rainbow Dash is stupid
Serious as a heart attack.


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