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And so the damage control begins...
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Oh boy, here we go.
>>11624117 (OP)
Some people just need to act more mature. (And I don't mean the EQD staff)
Elaborate. Who specifically needs to be more mature, and about what?
Tinfoil hat people who suspect EQD to be on Hasbro's payroll.
>some people need to act more mature
When I agree with that statement while on 4chan, you know shit has gone down.
I don't get it.

Are we supposed to be... I dunno; enraged about something? Damage Control for what? Not all of use visit EQD like OP does.
>>11624117 (OP)
"because in the end, it's a show about ponies, not game of thrones level politics and nuclear war."

You could have fooled me. Do any other fandoms have this much drama?
I meant people who keep insulting others for their opinions. (Hasdrone, hater, ass-kisser, basher etc.)
Some people of EQD who recently saw the movie made a EqG "review" full of positive remarks. People didn't like that.
I agree.
Yesterday a EQD staff member posted a opinion piece on EQG. It was fairly positive. /mlp/ and most of the EQD comment section were raging about it.
Basically earlier one of the EQD team posted an editorial saying that Equestria Girls was brilliant, really enjoyable, and how everyone should remember that at one point they were sceptical about watching a show about colourful horses etc.
This naturally annoyed people because opinions, and now Seth is trying to calm everyone down.
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And you just reminded me why I hate EQD more than this shithole
Damage control?

You do realise Seth gives the other people on EQD complete control over what they can post? The follow up was probably posted when seth was doing whatever the seth equivalent of sleeping is

He probably disagreed with everything that was said in the followup and thought he better get his word in before people thought it was his opinion too
guy guys realize that EQD is the IGN of MLP right? Only they get paid with exclusive shit rather then $$$
>>11624117 (OP)

>you gave FiM a chance so EQG might be awesome too

I hate this argument. FiM looked awesome from all I had seen and so I started watching episodes. EQG looked awful and only turned out mildly better than expected.
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This actually makes a great deal of sense. I imagine they get sent free toys and merch all the time.
I'm fairly sure that Xyro let's lip that he had been sent some of season 3 early by DHX. I wouldn't be surprised if other stuff had been given to them.
You now realize Seth has to buy all the toys he wants with his own money.
This isn't made clear on EQD though. To this day the author of each article only appears in tiny text at the bottom of the article. The majority of EQD visitors assume everything posted on EQD is supposed to represent the fandom's opinion. And they're kind of right, because that's the only site anyone outside the fandom visits.

how fucking dare you. EGD is the best new source since CNN, and unlike fox, they are FAIR and UNBALANCED.

People like you fucking piss me off, how fucking dare you criticize their hard work.
So it's a poorly set up mission control where what seems like orders from Flight Control could just be the Janitor requesting a new bulk of toilet paper?
yeah I really wish every article would make it clear who it posted by
Seth is probably pissed about all the cocksucking of EG on his site, he wouldn't come out and say it was shit but at least he makes it clear he doesn't approve of it
I really hope this is jst b8.
Seth hasn't seen it yet. But he doesn't really like the premise of
>no hooves
He's in the fandom for sweet pony ass, after all.
Opinions everywhere.
The general consensus last night around here was that EQG was about a 6/10, not great by any stretch, but certainly not the worst thing possible that killed the show.

Homestuck? Star Trek over Into Darkness?
I know One Piece and Naruto were pretty bad back in the mid 2000's.
Remember where we are.
Yes. This. All major news websites, and even most gaming news sites (which Seth claims EQD is based on from a journalistic POV) clearly show who the author of the article is, and clearly state if it's an editorial/opinion piece.

Seth really isn't a horrible person. He's just incompetent. He just got himself into a mess when he suddenly "hired" only famous bronies and those who begged him enough to post on the site, instead of those who have journalistic integrity.

Despite running EQD for 2.5 years, he doesn't realize that it's now THE go-to site for the fandom, and the ONLY one Hasbro/DHX looks at or cares about.
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>clearly show who the author of the article is

Well, they show who posted the article everytime.
>everyone should remember that at one point they were sceptical about watching a show about colourful horses
Sonic, Star Trek, Naruto, One Piece, Homestuck.

The only difference is that when those fandoms were at their peak, the internet wasn't as "mainstream" (for the lack of a better word) as it is now.
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I know that. But most people on EQD are too stupid to see that since it's at the bottom in tiny text. Hence all the comments saying "Seth blah blah blah" or "go to bed seth" when he's not even the one posting.

It should be at the top, clearly visible. It would make it clear to the retarded masses that EQD isn't the end all be all on the fandom's view; instead it's just a bunch of people posting their opinions.
Referring to the EqD mods as people is being pretty fucking generous.
I was seeing more 7/10's than anything else, and that's probably what I'd give it too after having seen it.

Depends on what you class as a "good but not great" score I guess.
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Don't forget Invader Zim. Oh god, Invader Zim. What a horrible, horrible fandom. Show was good though.
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The EQD mobile app shows the author even more obvious
Yes but not everyone used the mobile app and just use the mobile browser site on their phone (which is a shame really). So they still won't notice it.
>24-hour fag
>Depends on what you class as a "good but not great" score I guess.
Yeah, I'd probably put it at around a 6 or 7 myself. You'd have to ask while I was either sober or drunk, though.

Either way, it still definitely wasn't the thing that was going to, "OMG KILL THE FANDOM. TIME TO SPAM DOOMPAUL EVERYWHERE."
>not using the superior 24 hour system
No it wasn't. I'd give it a 6/10, as a movie for little girls about my little pony.

But it clearly shows the direction Hasbro is taking the series in, ie, banking on us being ok with "not horrible." Most shows in existence aren't "horrible." They're just "decent." MLP:FiM was something special, for a while, but now it's just become yet another kids show. Not terrible, but nothing great either. EQG only emphasizes that point.
This entire pony thing is turning into a real big joke real fast.
How can people stand EQD, ive been there like 4 times, it seems like one of the worst places in the fandom.
I know people say the ride never ends, you can never leave, etc.
But since the Crystal Empire, I basically gave up on the show and fandom. I still check in now and again to mlp sites, and with EQG I've been checking in more than usual, but in 2011 I was super into the fandom and the show. It was all I could think about really. Now I just don't care. I just keep hoping it will be good again some day.
Sethisto is just a terrible writer. EqD is shit. The only reason it's so popular is because it established itself early on in the fandom. /autisticrant
> one of the worst places in the fandom.
Oh it definitely is. But sadly, it's the face of the fandom to Hasbro, and to anyone outside of the fandom. They all assume we agree with everything EQD posts. The only one who actually gets it is Lauren, and well you know...
I'd wait until Season 4 to make that call. The writers all say that they're trying new, fresh stuff, throwing around the word "Ambitious."
It can either be a good thing or a bad thing. I'm not gonna stress over it until it actually airs.
I will wait to judge season 4, but I'm basing my opinion on most of season three, and EQG. EQG shows that season 3's overall mediocrity wasn't just a fluke.
What I find intriguing is the fact that the writers and DHX staff have been quiet about EQG even after it was leaked. (They only commented on official Hasbro press releases) While they are twittering all kinds of stuff about Season 4 even before the first official announcement.
It shows what they really, actually care about?

I mean, we all know by now that EQG was sent down from Hasbro directly. Most of the crew probably just wanted EQG out the door so they can go back to focusing on the TV show.
Mah nigga.
Are you new here? Insulting each other is what we do. It's fun to give and receive.

Lighten up, ponychanners.
I know there's no point in saying this any more but it really does infuriate me that EQG was FiM's first and possibly only movie. Back in 2011 I had dreams of seeing an awesome fantasy adventure MLP movie on the big screen, but instead we got a corny and cliche high school drama with magic thrown in. It could have been worse, but really not all that much worse.
I know that.
The whole "hasdrone/hater" thing is becoming annoying though. What happened to calling people "faggots"?
Agreed, but that's just commonplace around here, unavoidable.

>insulting each other is what we do

I only insult someone if they say something genuinely retarded, not if they have an opinion that differs from mine.
Funny on the day the leaks first dropped it was around 5/10. Personally feel even thats to generous 3/10
>replying to bait
jesus christ thank you. The movie was bad. I'd give it a 4/10. It was exactly what you'd expect if, say, Mattel was making a Monster High movie, but with MLP characters. It was unoriginal, predictable and uninteresting, and with horrible character design to boot. Ironically, Spike was the only interesting character, and he was a dog.

Did season 3 really cause everyone to lower their standards this much? Come on, we KNOW DHX is capable of much better than this!
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1. Watch Garbage Pail Kids
2. See how bad "toy-based movies" can be

EQG is not good. But it really could be MUCH MUCH worse.
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4u sir
> implying faulty opinions aren't genuinely retarded
>tfw I liked every season

Somehow I feel that if S3 had a full 26 episodes, there wouldn't be as much bitching about it, it had literally half the content of previous seasons, so even if that content is all amazing in your eyes there's still a large chance of it being overshadowed.

High hopes for S4 though, I see the concerns.
I watched that movie when I was younger.
If EQG is worth 3/10 then that movie is a 0.1/10.
if season 3 had another 13 episodes that matched the overall quality of the 13 episodes that were made then it would have been the best season

There I said it
Maybe the overall quality of the first half of the season. Second half was shit- SAYS, GPP, KCAFO, etc
I liked KCAFO.

The only negative I'd say about it is that it felt too short, definitely an episode that would have benefited from being a two parter.

once again
Agreed. Plus the show crew knew that they were somewhat gimped with EQG dropping later on at the time, so with that now done, a full 26 episodes and all the good writers back on board, there's reason to be optimistic.
Agreed. Just take the first 12 episodes of season 2 and put the royal wedding as episode 13 (a 2-parter combined into one episode).
People would be declaring it about the same level of bad as S3.
every season has its bad episodes they just stand out a little more when there are only 13

Try and remember the last half of season 2, friend in deed, hearts and hooves, dragon quest. now THAT was a fucking disaster
Weren't the show staff also split on LPS as well?
It's funny because MMDW would be around the same episode number as SAYS
Well then we better get our jimmies prepared for Season 4 episode 8/9.
Does the same crew work on LPS? I know some of the DHX animators do but I have no idea how many.
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>>11624117 (OP)
I don't plan to watch this, but was it really that bad?
I mean i expect people to think it's shit, was it?
It was good/10, that seems to be the general consensus and I agree.
Could've been worse

Personally I think these are the 3 perfect words to describe EG
6/10 for me.
Could've been worse
Wow. That DOES make S2 just as bad as S3. Epiphany moment.
worse yet imagine the second half of season 2
>The last roundup
>super speedy cider squeezy
>read it and weep
>hearts and hooves (and here we see the plummet)
>friend in deed
>Putting your hoof down
>Its about time
>dragon quest
>Hurricane fluttershy
>Ponyville confidential
>MMMystery of the friendship express
>Wedding crammed into 1 episode

Now try and tell me that would have been better than season 3
>It's not canon "being a plus in movie's defense."
It was like your avarage kids movie
I'd give it 4-5/10 too, and it was really hilarious for me how Carthy needed to turn Spike into a fucking dog to portray him properly.
>Haven't talked to hasbro in other a year.


May not be on their payroll but still close enough.
Well let's be honest, even if you adored the movie, I don't think anyone wants humans to be a part of S4.

dude no

It really wasn't.

You have no fucking idea.

Go download some recent average kids movies.

I did not like this movie all that much but it was not that bad.
not the ones made by disney and pixar

but it was much better than shit like those 5 spongebob movies shat out after the first one was released in theatres

Of course not. There's just a very loud minority of people who dislike it for very silly reasons.
I admit I'm not that updated with the latest kids movies. I base my opinion on movies I saw with my younger siblings for about a year ago or so.
I'm not him but what examples can you give of "average kids movie" and I hope it's not Disney.
Much like season 3?
Which competes with the loud minority of people who think the movie is good.

The other 80% just think it's mediocre.
Pretty much.

See - >>11625079
I have to leave, I would give you a link.
Try Youtubing for clips from the most recent Cat in the Hat.

Then you got lucky. Some are good.

Whatever gets you to sleep at night, bro.
"Avarage" is the word I would use though...
The movie was 4.5/10

It was just very slightly below average.
What makes you think that? I personally thought the movie was a 7, I just wanna know why people are rating the way they are
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> all these 7/10 ratings

I don't get how it can be that high.
I'd like to hear your opinion on it first. I wanna see why people think it was good enough to be above 5/10

He asked first.
Don't compare it to other kids movies. Compare it to Friendship is Magic and weep.
True, but I'm not the one who got the question.
I don't even know how much I would rate EqG, but I sure as hell hate it. However, I think that giving it something like 1-2 would be being a little too harsh on it, but giving it 3-5 would be being too generous. I just can't make up my mind, I guess
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Thanks for the blog update.
Fine then
The man reason I rated it so highly was cause I went there expecting a massive pile of shit, but instead I got a massive pile of shit that was sculpted into something pretty and watchable
The only reason I rate it above average is because it took a shit concept and made it fairly good, the songs were pretty okay, human Twi was adorable as hell, the animation was pretty decent
All in all, it's an average movie that exceeded expecations
Yeah, I felt it was "good not great" as well, and I gave it a 7.5.
I might be guessing here, but it seems that people didn't like that movie
from what movie?
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Oh but these people did.

Thanks for sharing your opinion. I guess I should explain why I don't like it.

I had very low expectations for this, and what I got was slightly above them. That still doesn't change the fact that it still was pretty bad in my eyes.

Why? The plot is full of holes, Sunset Shimmer was a pathetic villain, the character designs were ok at best, the god damn forced references to fan-favorites (Trixie and Vynil to name a few) the use of Youtube/internet, cell phones, photoshop, etc as plot devices was lame, the crush story with Brad was so undeveloped, it might as well not be there, Dash being reduced to just saying "lol we awesome" and the pathetic 5-minutes long battle at the end, not to mention the Sailor Moon crap, are enough reasons for me to hate it.

I had some cute moments, but most of the time, I was getting annoyed by the movie.
I'm back by the way.

And yes, I do.

It's not Giggle at the Ghosties.

It's not Rarity having a moment with Steven Magnet.

It's weird and memetic and makes my stomach hurt.
It had*
Oh, I maybe should specify what I meant here >>11625413
I felt that the movie was like your avarage cartoon/animated kids movie. The non-animated kids movies are awful
Did you watch the movie yet?
>I had very low expectations for this

You dirty little liar. Emphasis on dirty.
Explain how I'm lying, then.

Explain how you aren't. Oh, wait, you can't.
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Here we go.
That doesn't make any sort of sense, so I'm just gonna ignore your posts. I had the lowest of expectations for this shit, and that's a fact, faggot.
Oh fuck I remember watching that movie a couple of years back, it gave me fucking nightmares
Oh cool, I guess that's your opinion. I never really thought too deeply into the whole thing so I never really saw most of the points you're talking about, except the Sunset Shimmer one, she was a pretty bad villain, just your generic high school bully and nothing more

You mean like Despicable Me?

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Are your parents proud of your double digit IQ?
Yeah, the whole high school setting was the thing that hold it back the most IMO.
I'm sure yours are proud of your one-digit one

dragon quest was indeed crap , but FID and H&H at least were funny , had so-so morals , and good songs.
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It's no surprise that the only ones who enjoy it look at it without any kind of critical thought in mind. Apply critical thought, and the facade quickly falls.

I don't get how anyone with any decent taste can like this movie. The more I think about it, the more I hate it. Such a pointless waste of production material that could've gone elsewhere.
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Wow, good one. Geez. You really got me there.
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but the dolls , how else we can show the dolls to average schoolgirls?!
>caring this much
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Or maybe some people just have different opinions on some things?

Maybe it's not all black and white and the people that enjoyed it still have their problems with it?

I thought that ticket was a condom at first.

Yeah, they should've made a 60 minute movie about Twilight getting her wings instead.



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