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File: 1.21 MB, 2560x1920, Spaghetti.jpg [View same] [google]
12581614 No.12581614 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>12581755

Rev up that spaghetti and get ready for another day full of drama, autism, and paranoid security guards and rentacops on power trips. BronyCon antics thread.

>> No.12581626
File: 1.20 MB, 2560x1920, BronyCon 2013 012.jpg [View same] [google]

>> No.12581684
File: 1.24 MB, 2560x1920, SkrillexPT.jpg [View same] [google]
Quoted by: >>12581718

>> No.12581713

So, with all that happened, can we actually do a recap and try to blame the security?
I mean, they did kick out Capper for something he DIDN'T do, based on assumption using his name on a freaking image board.

>> No.12581718


>> No.12581755


Requesting better pics of that Trixie.

>> No.12581756
File: 1.20 MB, 2560x1920, BronyCon 2013 010.jpg [View same] [google]

Take note of all the fucking soccer moms.

>> No.12581761
Quoted by: >>12581804


Whoa whoa whoa

I think I've missed some serious shit in the last few days.

>> No.12581804
Quoted by: >>12581861

There was a sticky and loads of people used cappers name to post clearly bullshit bomb and other threats, unfortunatly security was monitoring the thread and basically capper was told either leave of your own free will or be detained by police.

>> No.12581816

I think the security and soccer moms are working together. My reasoning is that when security ejected all of us, they claimed that their forward observer soccermom assault team had spotted our antics in the crowd.

>> No.12581861

I could get pushing britfag out, since the guy did almost flash and there was kids around.
But Capper? He was just having fun. Hence why we should make some twitter ruckus or whatever.
Was anyone ELSE kicked of the con? I hope they keep low until the almost end at least, I don't want them to miss the VA or stuff.

>> No.12581880


>generic blue stripper hair instead of a beautiful white mane with blue mixed in

Fucking dropped.

>> No.12581885

Gasmaskfag here, I was ejected with them.No legitimate reason given either, just soccermom complaints. This security team is worse than Hasbro at exacting justice.

>> No.12581900

How many people total?
I hope you didn't miss much.

>> No.12581912

start #Justice4CapperGeneral, spam bronycon's twitter (presuming they have one, i don't twitter so idk) maybe get PT involved, she used to do bronycon right? She comes here so she'll have heard of capper and will know it was for fun.
I feel for you bro, did they take your passes? i presume you can't get back in.

>> No.12581926
Quoted by: >>12581939

Well, you were a bit noticable.
Maybe you could've dropped the mask somewhere and they would've forgot about you.
Was the rest of the people holding the IWTCIMAL people out?
Hey, you should tweet that to MA L when he gets back, like, "did you liked the sign? I hope so, we all got kicked out for it"

>> No.12581939

>did you liked the sign? I hope so, we all got kicked out for it
Oh God, that's hilarious.

>> No.12581941

I would spill my spaghetti on that Trixie if you know what I mean
I mean as soon as she'd touch me I'd cum and start farting

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