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/mlp/ - Clopper's Closet

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12581532 No.12581532 [Reply] [Original]

Just became a brony recently. Can someone explain to me how the fandom works and the dos and don'ts

>> No.12581552

Don't call yourself a brony.

>> No.12581556
Quoted by: >>12581585

don't have fun

>> No.12581562

Remember, the ride never ends.

>> No.12581564

Do not use the term brony

>> No.12581567

>Just became a brony recently. Can someone explain to me how the fandom works and the dos and don'ts

Do: Play sports, work out, and have a social life outside cartoons

Don't: Sit around online and post on 4chan... all the time

>> No.12581571
File: 1.62 MB, 900x906, pronz.png [View same] [google]

Kill yourself, you child raping nigger faggot

>> No.12581585
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Not even with Applebloom dressed as a bunny?

>> No.12581661

1. On /mlp/ its horsephuckers not bronies
2. Depy Hooves news is good
3. EQD is run by Seth
4. Seth is a trixiefag
5. Anyone posting trixie on /mlp/ automaticaly becomes Sethisto and must go to bed
6. 20% cooler and brohoof are dicouraged and frowned upon on /mlp/, we are notz spaghetti spilling fedorators here
7. It's okay to go after kindnnes and tolerance in real life but join a serious group doing it (boy scouts, charitable NGO's, etc.). Don't be a spaghetti-spilling fedorator.
8. You want to cum inside Rainbow Dash, no exceptions
Anything else?

>> No.12581666
File: 82 KB, 570x625, 101355__UNOPT__safe_pinkie-pie_artist-the-weaver_candy.png [View same] [google]

Don't use the term "brony." Don't expect intelligence from /mlp/.

Don't be a faggot. There are more reasons than you most likely perceive it to hide your power level and there is no reason you should ever wear pony merch, but that said there is no reason not to. Just consciously understand that there are going to be times where you have to make care to appeal to the emotions of the humans you're around if you want to make your interaction with them expedient and there are other times where it doesn't matter.

Superimpose rationality above all else but that's not a fandom protip. It's just the only life lesson you should ever care for. If you already know about the ins and outs of 4chan then you're good to go but don't be afraid of arguing, don't expect people to actually concede when you corner them in an argument since you should already be a misanthrope and expect everyone you speak with to be inferior to you and always be temperate and self aware, which are just extensions of the rationality thing...

Gospeed I guess. /mlp/ is shit though and arguing here is fruitless unless you're trying to learn something.

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