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/mlp/ - Pony


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For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

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Can we have a depression thread?
Post sad/suicidal ponies.
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>>11604765 (OP)
fluffyfag pls go
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>>11604765 (OP)
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>>11604765 (OP)
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1.32 MB PNG
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831 KB PNG
I got a lot, I'll post a few.
There a little more dark, but they work.
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captcha: suffer ewesfa
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97 KB
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My personal favorite.
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2.32 MB
2.32 MB PNG
Another favorite.
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97 KB
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1.54 MB
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>>11604765 (OP)
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God damn I love me some cutter ponies.
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907 KB PNG
Last one 'cause I'm bored.
Thanks, anon. Awesome pics.
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629 KB GIF
Smile smile smile...
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>>11604765 (OP)
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anyone still in here?
can we feel thread?
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Every single time...
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29 KB
>I'm lurking
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20 KB
This get me every time.
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385 KB PNG
>Don't click this unless you are prepared for hard feels
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I hate when I have to waste my fap-paper on tears
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1.32 MB PNG
holy shit i forgot i had a folder called "creepy and baww"
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This one always gets me
because I know one day...
Fuck I haven't even read it yet
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>Also this Anon
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Heres the feelsiest thing i've ever seen on this board.

> Part 1
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two parter, prepare you anuses
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Go fuck yourself.

pffffffffft, you call that shit depressing?
>basic english errors
fuck are they even trying
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Feels thread?
my time has come
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I always imagine she had a shit ton of students that failed but she never stopped caring about them

Can you imagine her relief when Twilight passed the test and she wouldn't have to watch her die too?
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This is a short read, it should give hard feel to anyone from this place
I cried

I see where this is going and I'm not ready
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Can we have some more sad dash please? I like the contrast between her usual personality and when she's insecure
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Oh shit, the chapter is called "Initials"
I hope he did it good
no he didn't

I thought it would be about the show but its about this board and reeks of autism
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Not sure it this was supposed to make me tear up...
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>matts face when hasdrones are here
God fucking dammit my sides are in orbit

But yeah the denial level of everyone screaming "hasdrone and shiteater" to anyone who has accepted the wings were making me uneasy

like they were so devastated with the change their mental health was slipping
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68 KB
Even sadder would be nice, but thanks
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Well fuck...
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This is pretty much how I got my cat
I don't get this pic, a little help please?
they really missed a golden opportunity at the end of EG

"thanks for all your advice too, how did you know how I should behave to try and fit in?"

"Because I've been an outsider trying to fit in my whole life, after a while I got pretty good at it"
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Better than anything merriwether could write
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>Because I've been an outsider trying to fit in my whole life

holy shit if they put that in the movie
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idk either anon but that image still pretty much describes how I feel about the whole thing
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Do you see those bodies saying all those fucked up words?
Those words are the cause of your suicide.
Words that reallu hurt your heart,words that make you feel like a piece of shit.
Giving up in life is an option,the quickest and in some cases the best one.
But it only takes a coward and a weak fuck to take that path,its better face and handle those treatments so could actually find happiness by living a long life,because even though you dont get to find happiness first,theres always a second shot. :)
why am i crying....
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66 KB
Am I the only one not feeling feels here? I feel like I should be having feels, but I'm not.
>tfw cat allergy
>tfw owning a cat could easily kill me
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9 KB
Oh god i miss the old /mlp/ too.
Anynon feel in the mood for a good old fashioned
/mlp/ raid? show the mods that some anons are still here from the old /mlp/ and want it back the way it was?
>inb4 Scruffy comes back on


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