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>>11963697 (OP)
Hey, hey, everybody! We've got something to say,
We may seem as different, as the night is from day.
>>11963697 (OP)
edward 40 hands time
>>11963697 (OP)
one girl two cups
the guy is eating rice
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Someday would you look a little deeper!
And you will see
That I'm just like you and you're just like me! Yeah!
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Hey, hey, everybody! We're here to shout,
That the magic of friendship is what its all about.
>>11963697 (OP)
>consuming rice anime style

Weeaboo detected, shut er down

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>>11963697 (OP)
>that one kid who would bring white rice to school and eat it with chopsticks
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Yeah, we thought we were different, as the night is from day...
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Until Twilight Sparkle helped to see another way.
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So get up, get down, if you're gonna come around.
We can work together helping Twilight win the crown.
So get up, get down, cause it's gonna make a sound,
If we work together helping Twilight Sparkle win the crown.
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Hey, hey! Hands up now!
We're sending a message to the crowd!
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Hands way up, then come down.
Then we'll party together all around.
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Is the pirated Youtube video still up for Equestria Girls? My girlfriend is mad that I didn't watch it with her and I'm trying to find it.

I keep trying to tell her it isn't worth it, but whatever. I am the man. I cannot be happy if she is not happy. This is life's rule.
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He could have gotten the rice at the cafeteria. My Alma Mater served rice and Teriyaki chicken at the cafeteria (though it tasted like shit). Though they didn't have chopsticks there much to my chagrin.
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Every time I here this song before the clapping starts I expect the fucking Skyrim theme.
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I'll see if it's still around when I'm done; I ripped it for offline use.
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Check em
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Twilight helped us each to see...
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You've gotta be kidding me.
Wow...No wonder people hate us.
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...All that we can be! So..
>you will never be touched by an equestria girl

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