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For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

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>yfw you realize his name is actually Big McIntosh
>>11616298 (OP)
Wow, would you get a look at that sexy Granny Smith
>>11616298 (OP)
Goddamn that hip did wonders for Granny. I'd be rebreaking that shit.
First choice is Big Mac, then this hot new granny smith, then that background pony.
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>>11616298 (OP)
Suuure, and Mrs. Cake's first name is "Dazzle".
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>>11616298 (OP)
uhm sexy granny ...
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Dazzle Cake is a stripper name if I ever heard one.
Whats this from?
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i'd like to frost that cake
the elements of harmony book they released awhile ago
>only $10 on Amazon
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I don't get why pony is underlined?
McIntosh is a variety of apple.
Macintosh is a brand of computers.
The Apple family are all named after varieties of apples or apple dishes.

Why would it NOT be McIntosh?
No mention of Spike
>>11616298 (OP)

i need this set.
I have to say, i have this book and its actually really good, it could do without the 2 page per episode, and just have the letters to celestia.


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