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/mlp/ let's break the stereotype of us all being unemployed manchildren! Tell us what job you have and how mature you are!
I'm a unemployed
>>10260700 (OP)
I'm a hitman. Edgy is my middle name
I work at McDo and in high studies
me too
I'm a student. I don't have a job yet.
I'm finishing up my senior year of high school and have never been employed.
Unemployed as fuck, living off my mom's disability.

Fuck yeah.
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>>10260700 (OP)
>unemployed student
>mfw no way of saying you think you're mature without sounding like a colossal faggot
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>>10260700 (OP)
Sorry OP. Unemployed student contributing nothing worthwhile to society
Fuck man, we have generals where full grown men have to conjure up a second voice in their head to have interaction. What do you expect people here to look like?
pretty much this
I'm NEET and am currently is contact with someone making a NEET BBS. Life is good.
I just got laid off of my job of serving fried chicken to niggers at the KFC and I robbed a circle K so I could get drunk off gas station liquor.
unemployed student here
face the truth OP
>>10260700 (OP)

unemployed trans person here.

all the money a magically summon up goes to my hormones.

looking for a job though.
>unemployed student
No, this is classed as "not available for work". Otherwise unemployment would be huge.

Us bronies in a nutshell.
Us bronies in a nutshell.
>face the truth OP
Face the truth that this board is a bunch of college students?
Us bronies in a nutshell.

Sometimes, I worry about you.
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>>10260700 (OP)
the last survey I've seen on mlp most people were 18-26 years old
Unemployed. Also, I have a large quantity of both pixie sticks and cocaine in my butthole right now, so maturity is a negative Ghost.
>>10260700 (OP)
21-year-old Paramedic in Freedomland with a boyfriend and college degree
>implying I couldn't drop out of school and take a job economic climate notwithstanding at any moment
I'm studying computer science, but I'm also working at Denny's. Life is good.
I'm a entry-level financial analyst. But I've never watched MLP.
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Grove Neet 4 lyf
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dropped out of school
no dreams only tears now

face the truth OP
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Neet here too
Also I have a neckbeard and I am fat
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Full time Security Officer. Bachelor's degree, Most of Masters complete.
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Dropped out of school
Fired from my job
Spend my days drinking myself into oblivion, smoking, and being a sad miserable sack of shit

Pic very much related
>college drop out
>work at Burger King
>live with parents
>going back to school this fall
>spend most of my days being stoned sitting on my ass either browsing 4chan and watching tv or playing cawadootee

Yeah I'm a loser, whatevs.
>at home
>famous in minecraft

Step it up, losers.
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US Navy
Not mature in the slightest.
Fuck my mom guys, she went to the store and didn't buy me any fucking Cheetos.
>>10260700 (OP)
Work for the government at a job created to match my skills. Ivy League B.S., with some M.S. and Ph.D. classes completed (may transfer to higher ed). Pay my own bills; building my own company - made a non-prof years ago, but didn't properly train my successor.

Currently single, because investing in business (contracts ain't cheap). Still a manchild that loves cartoons, vidya, and karaoke. Also lurkfag heavily, care about the /mlp/ community, and contribute to fan projects when I can. That's why I haven't finished my first book yet. Also, I'm under 25. I fit the /mlp/ demographic quite well.
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>marine biologist
Get a job you fucking rejects, and then talk shit to people
>dropped out
bartender fo many years
Why, yes, I'm in college
you silly pants OP
What should I have tonight?
>Finishing first year of college
>Work two jobs
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i had a job for 2 years
spiraled into drugs and alcoholism because wow was it miserable i worked hard and it was late nights getting dirty being tired over worked over stressed
been unemployed for about 8 months.
I'm 22.
applications and stuff but no call backs yet.
I barely go to school. Get called in once a month maybe.
No money.
I sleep, I pone, sometimes I take more pills than I should and cum like your average visitor to the gay bathhouse.
Which is nice.
I feed stray cats.
I live a god tier life.

>dropped out of school tenth year (aussie school system)
>worked for two years in junior IT role at a cardiologist, fixing printers, simple networking stuff
>fuck that noise. quit. stop smoking pot all day everyday (i used to have a toke in my van at lunch lol)
>play poker online for income whilst self educating myself in foreign exchange trading, better known as forex
>start trading to augment poker income
>turn 5K USD into 40k in four months
>turns out I am really good at this shit
>still live at home with family, very few expenses
>19 years old, no qualifications, worth $120k that I have earned myself
>all I do every day is watch ponies, listen to metal, grow my amazing beard and browse /mlp/ whilst making money an alt+tab away
>vidya when the markets are quiet or I dont have the energy to trade

I'm gonna own some property by the end of the year, give some cash to my parents to help them out and thank them for basically letting me set the rest of my life up free of cost.

Fucking come at me /mlp/.
I strive to animate, but I am no flash pleb. So, I use Ajax...

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>>10260700 (OP)
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>Fucking come at me /mlp/.

That hurt a little.

Excuse me while I urinate... a shit load of money
I just may win this. I wear business casual daily and work in property management. I'm pretty mature in public.
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your job and degree aint going to mean shit when they round you up and set u up as slave laborers in fema camps


Marry me>?
fucking lucky.

>tfw apply to 15 different jobs not one call
>tfw go talk to 15 different managers not one call
>tfw depression and ADD
>tfw about to fail out of senior HS year
>tfw hate everything and everybody
>tfw 18 yet it feels no different than 17

At least i can make decent tier lyrics
20 year old working as a ceramic engineer in a brick pigment lab.
I'm head of the quality control department.
Get on my level /mlp/.
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Dude he's not lucky, he just didn't like his situation and worked to change it. You're doing the same, just don't get discouraged. I was in the same place as you about 6 months ago and now I'm making money like whaaaat.

My advice for /mlp/ (including myself) is don't be afraid to fail.
30 y/o software engineer here. Also married. Bam.

Make your own luck anon. I was pretty angry, distant from the world and generally shit tier like yourself (no offense intended) when I dropped out of school. I had a little bit of anxiety and high blood pressure (still have the ^BP) from the massive amounts of pot and cigarettes I used to smoke.

Conventional job seeking isn't really applicable a lot of the time for today's lower and middle class (especially in America from what I understand). It gets even harder as you get older too as potential employers conclude unjustly that you are a pleb due to a lack lustre age to job experience ratio.

Employ yourself. Do what I did, find something your good at and find a way to make money from it. If you can write good lyrics, work on it extremely hard, start whoring yourself out to small business and radio for jingles or theme songs. Get ambitious and send pieces to networks or studios.
Going to MIT for chem engineering, working at a pawn shop.
I guess I'm fairly mature, but that depends on how you define it.

>a good thing

You misguided fool.

These people
>>10260700 (OP)
student but i want to get a job as soon
>actually putting your email in the email field
>shiggy diggy

sing me the song of your people, anon
>>10260700 (OP)
Oh all the days to ask this, you have to ask the day after I graduate college and just left my job.
>implying I don't speak 3 languages and have a passport with commendations

Cool story bro; I'm sure those hypotheticals are taking you far. At least we all know /mlp/ is successful by some standards now. OP's still a faggot, though.

Graduate and quit job?

Why not find job in field you graduated for and retain job until such a time?
Not what I meant, my job was with the college, and having graduated I had to leave it

>/mlp/ successful by some standards

Yeah I'm kind of surprised at some of the responses tbh.

Bugga. What field ARE you looking to get into then?

If you were doing arts its time to kill yourself.
I just got a job at Jimmy Johns.
I start tomorrow.
>tfw going to college for music production
>tfw music is the only thing i can decently do
>tfw only other talent is public speaking but thats useless too
Media in general, I have degrees in Film/video/media, Broadcasting, and Journalism, and have been working as a web designer and news reporter, so somewhere in that general area
>>10260700 (OP)
I'm an unemployed manchild. Sorry OP.

Thats alright. At least you arent a professional fedora manequin.
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I'm a single dad of 2 boys, I work at Oreilly auto parts, and I'm a student
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I'm a driver for the local auto auction.
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Dental student in August. I'm on my gap right now.

>single parent

I'll bite.
I'm at a young enough age that I can enjoy my life but not old enough to be considered the wise old man with wisdom. Pretty mature but being a pony fan, I get knocked down a peg or two in the MATURITY SCALE.

As for my job, I'm currently employed by the United States Armed Forces.
>inb4 MOS
>inb4 muh debadawg hooah sempah fee
>inb4 lol butt-fucking navy
>inb4 chair force tryhard

I don't talk to anyone about my hobbies because they never ask, and it doesn't concern them so no spaghetti ever spilled, though some of my squadmates do enjoy the animes.
>professional fedora manequin
I think you just invented an industry
>Be 15.
>Be a commissioned furry artist.
>Never drawn yiff once, and still turn a profit of 90+ dollars a month.
>Enjoy life.

It has a ring to it, yes.
I'm the guy who works for the company that makes coupons for Hasbro.

still no word on those coupons coming out for mlp
DM at walmart, 23 years old has fucked 2 chicks since being a brony.
Thanks, it's hard but it's worth it
I work at a software support help desk where I am drastically overpaid. Other than that I really am a manchild though. Outside of work I don't do much other than play D&D, play video games, and watch cartoons (pretty much anything Cartoon Network/Adult Swim, plus older Nick stuff) and random shit on netflix

>$90 dollars a month

Do you realise how much anything costs in life?
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Student, sitting in my mom's basement with two computers, drinking plebeian pepsi (not coke) and watching Supernatural.
I made a circle in woodshop today. I think I did good.
Unemployed for the moment
I have to tell my dad when to stop committing social suicide and act like an adult, how does that stack me up?
The sad part is if you did draw yiff you would probably be making tens times that a month.
>>10260700 (OP)
I'm 12 years old

Truly there are gods amongst us.
>tfw 18 and want to jump in on this IT boom that everyone says is so easy
>tfw by the time im out of college it will be completely outsourced to immigrants and the like
Treat them well
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when you're an actual child and not just a manchild, 90 bucks a month isn't awful. enough to let you get high a little or get you one new vidya

>implying you need a qualification to get into IT

Go and get a job in junior services with a small business or a local IT franchise.

Simple office networking, maintenance etc etc etc, build resume experience and get a job in security or design.

Both are extremely easy to get into and pay stupid amounts.
Security watchman at a steel manufactuing plant. The job is actually one of the biggest breaks of my life. I sit around in an air conditioned office at night, with no one around, and dick around on the internet, and make security rounds in a golf cart once every hour or so. That literally is all I do, and I get paid nearly $600 a week to do it.
Actually, I've been saving for four years to get a car.
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Oh I do, there the best thing to ever happen to me

>saving for 4 years

Fuck off.
>>10260700 (OP)

I am currently an animation student, soon to have my associate's degree. However my skills in drawing aren't developing fast enough. So I am going to go get my Masters in Marketing Which each of my teachers recommend before going back to get my batchelor's in character animation.

Where is mum anon?
Cute kids
No anon, u r MUM
School and helping my father with the machine shop he's starting this month which will be my job when it's at 100%
I'm a pharmacy technician for a major retail pharmacy chain. It's a pretty meh-tier job, but it pays the bills.
Pos who would rather hang out with her friends than spend time with her kids.

She's a parent when she wants to be

Fucking redheads
I am currently unemployed, waiting on SSI and SSDI to help pay for my Schizophrenia meds. I guess I've had it all my adult life, but I've only had an official diagnosis for seven years.

How about the aussie dollar today, anon?
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Business Analyst
>mfw Office Space went from being a comedy to a tragic reenactment of my every day life

That sucks man.

You're double alpha plus for getting shit done anyway and providing for your kids.


I was short on it from $1.0368. My dick is rock hard hahaha.
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Full time college student and full time production worker at panera bread.
I still make time for a weekly DnD campaign.

Pretty immature, though.
I'm 18, I'm a server/chef, and I've already moved out and going to community college
>>10260700 (OP)
I work at McDonald's

I actually had to use CONNECTIONS to get this job. But a jobs a job. I'm not proud of it. Just need to get myself through college.

I'm pretty not childish
>watched MLP
What does the average IT guy do? How much does he get paid?

I know the tech people at my school only push buttons to reset computer, but then when they acctually try to do something big the whole system goes down.
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Marine Corps, being deployed in 10 days.
I have the mind of a 16 year old and the mental capacity of an infant.
Despite being retarded, I'm pretty mature, I'd say. Definitely the most stoic of my platoon.
30, work as a translator and freelance copywriter, happily married, 2 kids, enjoy Rarara r34.

Not the richest man in the universe, but I get by somehow.

So yea, my life is okay.

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Gomer Pyle
Do you have a tulpa?
reveal yourself
Not that fat. I'm also 20.
>tfw psychiatrist says im really smart
>parents and teachers say im really smart
>tfw got the ADD and dont live up to my potential
>tfw cant land a job at all
>tfw might as well be dumb

Does your wife know about your love for Rarara?

Do your kids?
Studying at University and working in a bank.
ADD is code for lack of discipline, faggot. Your parents didn't beat you enough.
Are we gonna Jensen him? Find his Facebook and ruin his life?
Not that Anon, but also worked in IT. It is glorious to work in something like support because neither your clients nor the higher-ups know what a processor is so they don't know what your time it's actually worth and consequently grossly overpay you. If you're good, you get things done quickly and browse the internet to do "research".
Part of me wants to say you are exaggerating but you are pretty much right

No one fucking cares about newfags anymore. Neck yourself
I work at mcdonalds. and I am very mature for my age. as said my mother.

She does, basically just rolling her eyes over my infatuation toward Rarara. Her best pone is Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, so yeah.

Well, they're not old enough to understand r34 in general.
I dropped out of school to go against the marxist jew agenda. I currently have 1 aryan boy who I never let watch the electric jew and home school
Unemployed, because I would never be a pawn to the kike system
I feel sorry for all of you
>lives in moms basement
>no job

check em
I hate you, because I'm not sure you're not me.
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>implying you still wont be a slave.

silly goy

I've spent too much time on /pol/ because I can actually believe you.
Im 27 and i'm a dentist
Youre probably right. How do i into discipline.
Johanna, is that you?

Nice trips.

It's incredibly hot that your wife is okay with your waifu and has her own best pones.


who is this?
What the fuck are you guys doing with your lives?

>Interned at second largest hospital at age 17
>Maintained steady social life in high school
>Given 30,000$ scholarship to local uni
>Accept scholarship
>Going to school full time
>Work part time at Wal-Mart selling Electronics
>Currently interning at other hospital in the city
>At this rate, I'll graduate a year early and head to med-school just as planned

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people?
Do you now want to succeed in life?
Do you not see opportunity in life as it slaps you in the face?

Comeon /mlp/. I know you can do better.
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currently in college with a job interview this week. o and school is being payed for by the government...life is good

What is 'success'?

>theres a future in medicine

Give it a few years.
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>Willingly using your limited time and energy to profit anyone but yourself

Look at this fag
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those dubs....they just destroyed everyone
I'm an agricultural chemist and I word as a lab tech in a lab in Ohio. College graduate, not gay, hot gf, and love mlp.
>Geography major
>have my own environmental consulting business
>EIS/EIA shit etc. all day erry day

Typical NEET reaction.

Come on guys.

Don't get mad. Use this as an opportunity to better yourself.

Go to school. Get a job. Pick up a hobby.

Do anything!

Just don't waste your time. And don't be NEET.

Never go NEET.
All of my hobbys skills and interests are completely useless.

Now what
Describe full neet
LCHS person. Maybe.
>College Dropout
>Works as a Janitor for the past 5 years
>Live in a decent apartment
>So average it hurts
I'm a freshmen in College and never had a job. But I'm majoring in Petroleum Engineering and can work for ~$30 an hour at an oil field during the summer after my sophmore year. After I finish the degree I can make anywhere from 80 to 90k starting.

well this is embarrasing


Dont lie
But I'm not! Where does this william even go?

Stop it Will.

You don't have to hide your power level any more.
Are you serious? Legit you? Or is this just Anon messing with my head?
I go to the University of Wyoming. I don't know anyone named will.
>i can make 300k starting any job i want

Most kids can expect not to work in their major and have a CAREER change of 3 careers and up to 9 job changes

>tfw my college dean told me this


er, dont tell anyone?
>>10260700 (OP)
>College Student
>Work part-time at a Sheet Music store
>Get paid to eat Papa John's Pizza.

that is not true for most engineering degrees, espcially petroleum engineering. The majority of Petroleum Engineers are currently 55+, and 98% of people who attain a degree in Petroleum Engineering end up getting a job related to that degree.
Hes not william. I AM WILLIAM
Of course not. What happens on the internet stays on the internet. It's Gaben by the way.
Psychology Major (Second Major in Neuroscience), Second year Uni student, Part time job. Once I graduate I'll have a sweet gig in advertising. I'll be the guy that consults on how to make advertisements convince people to buy crap they don't really need (think Hasbro marketing)!
Well youre still a nerd. HAHA NEEERD
william. no.
>>10260700 (OP)
Working on my AA and then moving for a degree in politics. I work as a busser at a restaurant and as a weekend warrior in the Chair National Guard.
Economics, rather. Political science minor.
>Rubs where mustache should be
>Not convinced
What did I ask you in 4th block...?
No way

And thank you

Fucking dammit. It was gonna be so awesome you were going to approach some autistic friend you know and spaghetti and then come make a thread to let mlp hear about how I tricked you

It was going to be beautiful
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Haha, Anon. I'm not that autistic. I know rule one to never trust Anon.
>Be 15
>Sexy-ass girlfriend
>Open Brony
>R-dash shirt to school all the damn time
>No spaghetti
>Mfw I beat Anon at his own game
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Currently a senior in University.
Dual CS and History/Secondary Ed major
>Weird I know but love both of them
Currently work at my school as a student assistant helping other students deal with their measly problems.
lol oh god i bet you wear a fedora too
I'm a construction worker.
You win this time anon...
I work for DARPA.

My position is irrelevant.
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Motion Designer. I think I'm fairly mature.
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Unfortunately no. I put one on before I went to school one morning. Took one look in the mirror.
>Mfw I realize how retarded I looked with that on
You niggers should all kill yourself ASAP
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>Putting email in field
>Get ready to be Jensen'ed...
>Ironic message is ironic
>No actual email there
>Didn't Skrek myself
Just out of high school, currently entering my 10th month as an electrical apprentice. I specialize in residential wiring, mostly doing the low-voltage (cable, phone, etc.) work but still able to do a lot of other basic stuff. I'm eventually gonna go into video game programming/design.

Lucky enough to have been given a job, but I still would have gotten a job right away nevertheless.
>>10260700 (OP)
Had my first day on the job delivering pizza.
What exactly do you do at DARPA?
Create and prevent strategic surprise. It's on the first page of the fucking website.
Gainfully employed 30 yr's old. Wife and Daughter introduced me to MLP.
I work for the CIA's NCS SAD so fuck off.
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I recharged my EBT for the month and I bought a bunch of new toys I got for me and my waifu (who is really a tulpa pony pretending to be a pillow).
I also became level 89 blood elf on WoW and promoted to top Brony clan member. I was so proud of myself that I printed a ribbon out of paper that I made on MS paint.
I wear it everywhere around my house now. (Even my living room!)
I also gained weigh. I'm now 410 pounds! :3


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