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/mlp/ - Pony


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>mfw only one black pony in the show
>>11595934 (OP)
You mean Twilight?
Thunderlane, Luna?
Luna ain't black, she's dark blue.
>>11595934 (OP)
You mean Zecora ?
b8 thread
They don't let black ponies in the show, they aren't very photogenic.

But there are thousands, if not millions, of black OCs theoretically lurking all of Equestria.
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That last line actually made me twitch.
>>11595934 (OP)

Zecora is not a pony, she is sub-pony zebra scum.

I think the best part of MLP:FiM is that certain races are objectively better, It goes:

>Earth Pony

And then there are dragon and minotaurs and all the other shit in equestria, but I was focusing on horsey quadrupeds.

/pol/ always likes to call this show a liberal brainwash, but I really think this show has a lot of great /pol/ approved undertones.

>>11595934 (OP)

fuck you nigger

>not nigger

How did the whole "Twilight is black" thing even start anyway

No, seriously, I've never understood it.
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>Buffalo over Earth Ponies
>implying their land wasnt taken for better use by a superior rae.


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