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>got linked to a ponychan thread where tripfag asked what good are anons
>giant textwall in it from the last seemingly sane person on the site
>everyone ignores it except the nor/mlp/eople and /anon/s who got linked there
>wake up and see this reply
lose faith in humanity general
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>>11600313 (OP)
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the last good post there ever.
Isn't that guy an admin?

not on ponychan. on mlpchan. the one that got info from moot back when scruffy was rampaging.
>lose faith in humanity general
It's one thing to lose faith in Ponychanners (though to be honest I'm more surprised you ever had any to begin with), quite another to lose faith in humanity.

Ponychanners love their cliques, their trips, their circlejerking and their hugboxing. It might be a horrifying place to horsefuckers but it's a good job it exists because it keeps them away from us.
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He's pretty much a level-headed and decent dude.
>doesn't have the balls to use a trip

Is identifying yourself by a username an inherently bold thing to do now? Is he honestly implying that tripfags have more courage because they identify themselves as something from thread to thread? what the hell? Tripfags don't even use there real life personas, if they were linking their facebook profiles every time they made a post, maybe they'd have a point ( a bad one, but at least its a point)

Glad I never go on ponychan
>if they were linking their facebook profiles every time they made a post
This is actually where a large part of the internet seems to be headed...
they were considering turning into a forum.
I would fuck with them so bad. I would use a new tripcode and name every time I post. Fuck 'em. Thats the problem with tripcodes. They can be changed with just a few keystrokes. Even tripfags can same fag a whole thread. Or use one trip for "controversial" subjects, and another for safer ones. I mean, you could game their whole little tripfag culture so easily.
Here here! I agree obviously different tripfriend!

>emphasis on having a name on every post
>asinine and draconian rules
>morons constantly looking for attention or whining
>focus on WHO is posting rather than WHAT

Already sounds like one to me.
I think his critique of anonymity is pretty straightforward and makes sense. I mean, if you want to continue having a conversation with someone in particular, it would be more beneficial to have names so it would be easier to meet up again. But of course, that is the reason forums exist.

His argument of anonymous having certain characteristics is flawed by nature of him talking about anonymous. Sure, on 4chan, the majority of people who post anonymously are assholes and use their anonymity as a tool to be able to be assholes, but one has to keep in mind that 'anonymous' is not a group of people or a state of mind, but instead a safeguard (at least theoretically.) Anonymity is a mask to protect people when expressing their opinions. The mask influences people to an extent (I mean, /b/ is what it is because people can say almost anything without reciprocation) but its primary purpose and what it ultimately does is let people be who they are. Its a liberating force, in a way.

The rationale, from what I've seen from my time there, is that using a name makes you more accountable, or at least that's what the prevailing notion is.

Unfortunately, people don't seem to realize you can easily create multiple names for yourself and keep them separate. I did it for a better part of a year when I was on there. It kinda makes the whole point moot, because just because you have a name doesn't mean you can't easily drop it or switch to another one.

To be honest, I've never really got the whole hatred of anonymous posters. Once had a friend there who everyone treated very nicely and delicately when she had a trip. She once went anonymous to post a dissenting opinion with someone in a thread--not even being inflammatory about it, just dissenting--because she's rather timid, and all of her friends who didn't know it was her fucking ripped her to shreds on the basis of her posting as anon. It was honestly kinda eye-opening.
When I first joined 4chan I really loved the fact that most people comment on your idea, topic you pick and... well... the comments itself instead of focusing on your past posts like it was on my previous forums. Felt suprisingly great.
in the ultimate example, zamoonda
The fact you can post less-popular opinions is nice, but honestly I feel like there's something MORE powerful than that.

Posting as Anon, if I make a shitty uninformed post then that post will be ignored and ridiculed. If I make a good thought-provoking post then that post will start a discussion. When every post is weighed by how good it is rather than who made it then you will have more honest and open discussions by default.
and you can't make posts with the intent to gain popularity, because as an anon you won't get credit. you have to do it because of wanting to do it, not getting a pat on the back,which is important part of anon culture.
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Anonymous culture is a good part of what makes an image board great.

I would never be able to program at all if I couldn't ask stupid questions about pointers and shit on /g/ without being judged. Without a name, I wasn't scared of asking shitty questions.

It's also allowed me to be more open about my sexuality and personality, things which I have a very hard time discussing IRL.
i had almost forgotten how utterly pointless ever going to /meta/ was
"I am proud to have a trip"

god shoot me now
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Upsides to having a name and trip: you know when you have a thread created about you on a different board when casually passing through looking for something unrelated
go away you fat virgin neckbeard

aren't you like 35 years old and made your name as a combination of Sailor Moon and Mario Kart?

the autism
no response, how shocking
can we do to this guy what we did to that other ponychan fag?
>you know when you have a thread created about you on a different board
>you have a thread created about you.
>thread created about you
>about you

i have no reaction images to express my thoughts over this.
skype name is SaiKar22
steam account is SaiKar
deviant art account is just saikar
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Here. Just for you.
>irabuda flammation
can't find anything else right now
>implying this thread is about you.

Nigga you just went full retard.
cancer pls go
Look at this autism.
>taking the b8
It's not bait when the person is actually a fat, virgin, 30 something year old neckbeard factory worker whose name is SAIlor Moon+Mario KARt who posts recolored Twilight.
Implying it is b8.
apparently this guy's account somewhere

exactly even if it is bait then its the kinda thing the autist really would post.

besidees if b8 then guy went potato pretending to be this fag.
skype name is SaiKar22
steam account is SaiKar
deviant art account is just saikar
http://smg.photobucket.com/user/SaiKar/library/SaiKar?sort=3&page=1 (holy shit lol)
jesus fucking christ how do people like this live with themselves

He sure likes him some sailor moon.
they have no choice, being fat basement dwelling weaboos who have already reached wizard age
skype name is SaiKar22
steam account is SaiKar
deviant art account is just saikar
http://smg.photobucket.com/user/SaiKar/library/SaiKar?sort=3&page=1 (holy shit lol)

holy shit my sides
>"I think it's a fairly safe bet that the Super Smash Bros Brawl soundtrack is the best video game soundtrack in the history of video games, and probably will stay that way for the next few forevers, or until another SSB game tops it."

i don't even
comeon /mlp/ we can do this.

help its killing my sides
i fucking like this guy.
>slam jam 8: slammageddon

he seems pretty chill, hit the nail right on the fuckin' head.
someone mentioned above, he's the mlpchan admin
just saying, inb4 someone says advertising or something. like the site or not, the post and the guy are pretty good.
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I don't know whether to rage or laugh in hs face.
His freewebs page:
Isn't that game mostly remixes of tracks from the games that the characters are from? How fucking stupid is this guy? That's like saying FF Dissidia is the height of Nobuo Uematsu's work.
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tied to the strings of fate by slams and jams. twas destiny
AIM name: Jasonian22 (though I am rarely on)
Email address: FlyingIslands@hotmail.com
MSN name: same as email

No idea if these are still in use, given that the livejournal and freewebs are ancient as fuck.
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how stupid is this guy?

very. very fucking stupid.
the fuck
>Upsides to having a name and trip: you know when you have a thread created about you on a different board when casually passing through looking for something unrelated
>created about you
>casually passing through

This is 4chan, this thread isn't about you, and today is Sunday, Thank you for your time.
Hmmm, the steam account says he's from Virginia, but the DeviantArt says Michigan.
the essence of circlejerking
>implying that is actually him
it's virginia. i got his ip from some of this shit. virginia.
And this right here is one of the reasons why I always post anonymously.
skype name is SaiKar22
steam account is SaiKar
deviant art account is just saikar
http://smg.photobucket.com/user/SaiKar/library/SaiKar?sort=3&page=1 (holy shit lol)
AIM name: Jasonian22
Email address: FlyingIslands@hotmail.com
MSN name: same as email
i trust you can take it from here, nor/mlp/eople
But then we don't know who you are, and that is apparently very important for some reason.

Danville, VA.

36.6399° N, 79.4494 W.

ISP is Comcast.
you need to know who someone is so you can smear them based on their personal lives without examining the actual content of their post

just like we're doing to tripfag SaiKar at this very moment. Although the content of his posts are woeful
This is why you don't fuck with anons, tripfag.
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Same anon here.

Nice house, 778 Honey Road, Danville, VA.
And now you make us sound leeejun anon edgy faggots.

Good job.
That wasn't the intent.
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I post a comment and it takes me away from the topic. Ponychan kinda sucks.
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Yeah, that was me.
use noko.
I don't think those coords are accurate, how did you get them?
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Keep up the glorious faggotry, /mlp/.
is giving pretty close coordinates, but not exactly the ones he posted.

IP geolocation.




Why the hell is that tagged on to the end?
I like the gray Twilight claiming /mlp/ is dying and produces no content.
>hey guyz letz raid a trip fag!

you are pathetic autists raiding pathetic autists
I'm linking Last Measure to that guy.
I am good with just mocking him here.

Hey, it's something to do and I'm bored as hell.
Those are inaccurate most of the times.
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I remember the only people that used to trip were doing it because their made up pony names were funny or so cringeworthy and girly.we just had to use them. Like watching the show itself.
Now people are going full asperger over their internet personas. This is fucking sad.
You don't get it.
He's being an elitist dick who thinks anyone not using a trip is just not ballsy enough to add his name to what he says. That implies he values posts from anonymous users less than those from tripfags.
He's everything that's wrong with tripfags. All the hate /mlp/ has built up found a target.

I don't say it's okay but he had it coming.
Oh no, someone on the internet said something people didn't like, whatever shall we do?

I wonder how many people are actually this petty.

Pissing in the sewer
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Remember when the genuine tripfags over on /co/ tore us to shreds for shitting up their boards and making the rest of 4chan think the site was being swarmed by little girls? Damn good times...
we could always do it again
I'm with this Anon. He's not even fagging up our board. He's just adding to the faggotry at ponychan. - pissing in an ocean of piss. Doxing him is lulzy, but going any further is gilding the lily.
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>Give me a mask and I'll show you my true face.
>I wonder how many people are actually this petty.

It's hiatus. They're just looking for a way to entertain themselves.
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But we need another new shitty little girls' show to pretend to like, since this one has grown too big.
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Ponychan is just mad that Lauren Faust cares more for discussions than circlejerking bronies.

Noone gives a shit about who you are on the internet. Socializing with tripfags is just like masturbation. It feels good, but in the end you're only doing it because you don't have access to the real thing.
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Hell, I post there, and the guy generally just sticks to his own group. The bulk of the anons on the board he's from are generally tripfags who go anon to be a little bitch about things or shitty trolls who decided to go on pchan and stir shit up because they were bored. That's where the rep came from. It's still stupid to close off to that stereotype, there are plenty of tripfags who are often idiotic and contribute nothing but aimless whiny bullshit, but that thread is pretty much the extent of the shitting up.

Idk, people actually acting this close to actual autism and justifying it by yelling that someone else is being autistic just... the stupid burns.
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This is terrible.
who cares, guy deserves everything he gets and we're bored.
someone do something entertaining to him for his.
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This is awful reasoning. Fucking with someone out of pure bordem makes you sound 12, anon.
>the guy generally just sticks to his own group

So the site is full of cliques and clans and circlejerks. Sounds suspiciously familiar...
fuck off pezzy
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30 years old
ponychan user
Sprite artist
There's an entire board for it so it doesn't clog up other boards as much. People often find people they like to post with and get their group together and post with them. It gets stagnant because the interacting groups are much smaller, but it cuts down on people raging over stop liking what I don't like.
there's nothing to clog up, pezzy
you have 2 dozen empty boards and over half of all your posts are in that dumping board
fuck off
>being this new
I love how people assume this place is nothing but people saying faggot all the time and bashing one another.
>inb4 faggot
That's all it is, faggot. Become an fucking hero before you kill your entire country with stupid-waves from that empty ball of calcium you call your head.
lol fgt
I had it coming.

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yeah that doesn't sound like 4chan at all. evar.
/b/ isn't all of 4chan, you faggot.
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Also, the majority of the threads here are just people talking. No one is being edgy or abusive in most threads and it just looks like a normal exchange of ideas and just shooting the shit.
yeah, usually quite civil
Its painful watching them all bitch about how you need to be social and shit
The whole argument that posting as anon is being anti social is just fucking pathetic, IM pretty sure that Im being social right now, just because Im not trying to become your internet e-friend so we can meet up in a year and have fabulous anal devastating raep doesn't man that we are not conversing

Goddamn, I swear Ponychan just draws in the thickest of people
Some more tea, perhaps?
Don't mind if I do faggot
exactly this. the anti-social thing was the last straw for me in that thread, could not take any more. was hoping for more from the decent poster.
I think Anthony left. I know I am done talking to them and it seems so is every other anon as well.
You missed a great mod post then, just a quick quote
>On ponychan?
>Use a name/ trip as a courtesy because people like knowing who they are talking to.

>On another site like 4chan?
>Use anonymous as a courtesy because people dont care about who they are talking to.

Its hilarious and rage inducing at the same time, The internet is not fucking tumblr and I shouldn't need to change myself to accomadate others
Did you read past where he said it's not necessary it's just generally polite to stick to the way people do things, the general "lurk more faggot" thing worded differently.
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>Use a name/ trip as a courtesy because people like knowing who they are talking to.
They've managed to convince themselves that persistent trips are used for something other than egoboosting faggotry?

That's hilarious and disturbing at the same time.
If there's one thing you can find in 4chan, it's brutal honesty, and I love that about it.
god, fuck, just when I think it can't get worse
The fact that 12 year olds are doing more to help /mlp/ through hiatus than your whiteknighting homoerotisism is exceptionally sad on your part.
>raiding a shitty image board is getting us through hiatus.

Good on you, anon.
seems you don't actually know what the words means. it's okay, we were all new once.

what was actually said was fucking with one particular poster, a complete faggot who deserves it. not a whole lot different than what was done to that deviantArt fag.

don't like it? get the fuck out.
>saikar is an imageboard
You're a fucking idiot.
>you have to do it because of wanting to do it
Honestly, I think this is a prime example of 4chan's sense of community. I've seen many writefags post their stories anonymously, or sometimes using a generic name to differentiate from others in that thread. But they're not writing to make people like them better, they're writing because they care about the readers. And they can do whatever they want with the story without fear of biases against them. Creativity as a whole flourishes.
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I smell /b/ on this one.
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go fucking die you piece of retarded shit
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>I love how people assume this place is nothing but people saying faggot all the time and bashing one another.

>a complete faggot who deserves it.
Are you 13?
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Some Adventurequest-level graphics up in here.
So you got the dox.


What are you guys actually gonna do with it?


As usual.

You're all about as potent as bees without stingers.
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>meanwhile, at ponychan

then do something with it.
Why bother doing anything? This is not /b/.
Saying don't like it get the fuck out makes you sound like an edgy teen, it's like saying that it's not just you being annoying but other people who just don't understand. Sometimes you just have petty values and to anyone who's not that obsessive about what other people think you just look like an idiot.

I'm not saying it's a raid or anything that'll actually have a noticeable effect, but if you define "he said something I didn't like" as a reason for someone to deserve anything, high school's probably going to be rough for you.
^I do believe this nigga knows what's up.

We aren't almighty legion anymore and we aren't the internet police, but that bucket of shit was just begging for it by coming over here to wave around his three inch ego. /mlp/ is capable of both heartwarming gestures of kindness (kevin, deaf pony jesus) as well as heinous crimes against man (krusty kunt flakes, daring doo and the jungle of terror) and anyone who can't handle that or wants to change it just needs to do themselves a favor and leave.
How can you get this mad over something someone said? The guy has his opinion and even if it is a shit one it is doing nothing at all to affect you. I can understand being this mad if it was a personal attack but it mostly just seems to be him having fun being a tripfaggot. Let him stay on ponychan and ignore it.
I don't know what I'd do with it. Looks to be boring enough already. Just noting all the paper tigers.

"Rawwwr, so tough! Here's where you live! Rawwwr....be scared.....rawrrr....."
why can't i hold all this whiteknighting

/mlp/ is truly dead
So how do we raid this newfag into the ground?
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We could be... Belly Bros

/mlp/ was about ponies and laughing at folks. Never going after someone for a retarded reason.

"Rawrrr....*sniff* r-rawwwr....b-be scared..."
Let's mail a present!
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Like I could understand fucking with Yamino or the Las Pegasuses con people but this is just boring as fuck in comparison. Some dude with a differing opinion is pretty meh to me.
>omg u gaiz, y u be so reasonable an mature?
>[whiteknighting intensifies]
Dude, that's how it's always been. You'd be a fool to try and change that, especially considering your opinion around here is worth about as much as the darkest hair on a groundhog's nutsack. You aren't helping anything, you're just wasting your time and pointlessly frustrating yourself.
glorious, let's do this one
>someone calling someone an idiot
>white knighting
I'm just saying he's petty and has pathetic reasoning, as well as looking like an edgy teen. The dude's not going to actually have any effect from this other than slightly more spam mail to ignore and delete than usual.

Then again, some people think that disagreeing with anyone who wants to be a ragey fuck is white knighting.
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I just think it is overreaction to an underwhelming situation.
Who was Kevin?
Calling yourself reasonable and mature while shitposting does a lot to prove the contrary.
An anon with cancer that we enjoyed having around. Pretty sure he died.


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