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"The right selection or a big mistake."
>>11238827 (OP)
[exciting intesifies]
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"If you chose to pursue the wrong one,"
>>11238827 (OP)
It's subliminal advertising for the pro-choice agenda.
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"It will always be hell and will never be fun."
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"I don't get it."
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"/mlp/... hell..."
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"Never... fun..."
oshit my rights
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"This is your one chance off this ride. You can leave /mlp/ and go to MLPchan."
>inb4 goes to /b/ pony thread
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"Or you can stay in this shitty board forever."
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"We just... have to find tripfag. That stubborn asshole... will never give in."
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"Nigger! Nigger!"
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"Tripfag is leaving? How is that even possible?'
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"Uh oh. Looks like someone left /mlp/ - you know what that means."
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"It's over."
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"I've won."
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"I hope you've prepared your anus, anon - I'm going in dry."
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This was amazing, Anon!

Nice job!


10/10. A beacon of hope in dark times. Looking forward to part 2.
You've outdone yourself OP, that was beautiful

Fucking cliffhangers.

10/10 I await Part 2.
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You are an amazing individual and are deserving of a medal.
guys, theres a thread going on on mlpchan saying its finnal farwells to 4chan
How come?
Link them to this

hahaha bunch of pussy

captcha : cannot virumen
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I see what you did there.
10/10 bravo.
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pure gold, anon.
I'll be waiting for the next episode as soon as /mlp/ goes back to it's normal state
when capper gets the shit done, you should post this there
When is part 2?
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You are part 2, anon
They said it would happen tomorrow.
I'll do it tomorrow, fuck staying up for another four hours posting
it's up to you, anon.
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Award of Best Thread of the week
You are my favorite person.
Looking forward to it
Can we get a cap of this glorious monstrosity?
Cappergeneral is here, shouldn't be long now
sweet christ, this was awesome.

but it's so fucking enormous, that It's literally beyond the scope of capping.

It crashed 3 of my extensions so far that I use for full-threads, the only option left is...manually...which is fine, but it will take a great deal of time.

Time I don't have tonight unfortunately, I need to wake up in 4 hours for a festival.
I'm going to leave them open and work on them later tomorrow.
If someone else wants to attempt it in the meantime, by all means be my guest.

Storyteller, my hat is off to you
Thanks for the fun anon, was strangely good

Just as good as the Tom Bombadil sing-along thread.
Some of us have already seen it. There's a different thread on /anon/ about it.
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Capper general should be working on it, anon.
Be patient.
and you can always try yourself, you lazy nigga
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I cannot leave, I shall not leave.
There is no other Board shall be under, no other name for I to take upon, and no means of desire for the ride to end.
really? can i have the link?
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If someone can work on at least writing down all the dialog I could just dub this over real pone later. or you lazy horsefuckers could.
>>11237174 →
I'm going to try and cut it into chunks in the time being, I have the second thread and everything until intermission saved on first thread so far, let me see if I can get a cap of the middle section and put it on mediafire.

hold tight
thank you so much
Fireshot is good
What extensions do you use for capping?
Do they allow you to save part of a page or do you usually just cut the section you want out of the full save?

pretty good Anon
Elements of 4chan?
It would be better if the mane 6 were in search of the generals of harmony
I think he has not enough ram and that causes his extensions to crash.
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>tfw /mlp/ will never be the same

It is not over, anon. Just weather the shitstorm.
These should have everything

Part 1

Part 1.5

Part 2
Many thanks, Capper
The shitstorm just culled the weak. The herd is stronger for their absence.
I don't get it. I have weathered worse in my almost 20 years of internet. This was tiny as fuck.
No need to thank me
hopefully I can make them into something post-able soon, but given there are nearly 300 images, it may be near-impossible.
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Are you saying there is no hope?
Well we can not give up.
I believe, I will go against scruffy, no matter how many threads he deletes.
All will be well
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You're a good one capper.
Here's some crappy art.
that's awesome
thanks anon
I'm going to use that for my placeholder image now
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10/10 Would fuck
Make it bigger
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>Ever since the day I saw the generals get killed with my own eyes, I was already dead
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Part 1.5 is broken at the end.

Here, have my caps:

Mah negro.
thanks for reading and shit, it's cool

will hopefully have part two up sometime tomorrow

going to go sleep now bc I'm fucking tired

I don't believe for a second. But I would rather fight than wither away.
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Fuckin A you're right
that's annoying
thanks anon
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I did such a sloppy job I shrunk it down so it wouldn't look so bad...
works for me anon no worries
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this whole storytime has made me feel warm and happy.
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I feel like everything is going to be just fine when the storm ends now.
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Everything is going to be just fine!
my art still looks like shit
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shit. forgot picture
plz draw more.
You drew that? I remember that, that was one of the first things I saved from a draw thread. It is still one of my favorites.
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This was the board that started this shit. This was the board that kept me on 4chan. I like all you horsefucking doubleniggers too much too leave.
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I have good news and bad news. The good news is I have the thing manually capped. the bad news is i need to take a while to break it down into postable images. gimme a bit on this one.
Why don't you upload them just like the last ones?
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>"The right selection or a big mistake."
Is this a Tank thread?

That was my instant thought.

I have no pictures

oh google
Are you fucking serious?

I've capped shit bigger than this and emailed it to moot on a regular basis.

What the fuck.

And yes, I do it manually and piece it together in Photoshop you lazy machining fucknug.
>it will take a great deal of time
Seriously, what the fuck.

I'm getting the gist you are one of those people who put barely any effort into what they do and get way more praise than is really warranted for your actual "effort".

>inb4 le arguments start

>implying they won't

>implying i even want them to

This post just really doesn't make any sense to me as of what I said here >>11242225
no one ever wanted requests so i figured that I still needed to get better, Thanks!
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I usually cap as a fa/tg/uy and we like our threads to be postable.

been using ms paint since I was making rage comics
CAPPER! I was looking for you!
Quickly! We need your skills
>>11237203 →
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Good shit Anon

You beat me to it you faggot
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this last file is just too damn big... sittin at 3.08 mb and ive cropped too much as is. while i fix this shit, lets have a reminder of why we prefer being called ponyfags and clopniggers and not bronies
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>been using ms paint since I was making rage comics
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a gentleman and a scholar!
I have the sequels
They didn't suck at one point dumbass. They used to be cool, and then the general population made them into LOLXD MAYMAY
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because like everyone else I started browsing when i was underageb&. and when youre a freshman in high school those are pretty damn funny to you.

ah thanks you friend I wasnt there for the rest
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This is the last one I have, but as far as I know it's ongoing, so he'll crop up again eventually

How do you do that so fast?
Even putting like 10 posts together in paint takes me forever
/tg/ caps are the best
Ive been doing this for a while now even when this was all in /co/. Im constantly doing these in /tg/ and /pol/ anyways so it isnt too much to pop in and do them here too.
solid fucking gold.

all of it. perfect.
why is it that in this, our darkest hour, during summer and a post-happening mod storm, such gems surface of a quality that has not been seen for months?
There's a quote about how something must become dark before there is light, but I'm far too lazy to remember it.
Thank you friend.

Because you were stagnating. the board was becoming generals which horded the contributefags and the rest was becoming dumps for the resulting OC. This would be all well and good, but the generals didnt allow for a freeform. the flutterape threads and its lookalikes were cookie cutter babbys first writefagging. The porn dumps, while fap-worthy, were never with images made by you horsefuckers. Even the writefag threads had too many chefs in the same stew. you all were losing sight of what it means to be here. Not just on /mlp/ but all of 4chan. We create the oc for the internet to enjoy at a rapid pace, and we make the best oc the internet will ever see. However we will always be feared, because sometimes what someone makes isnt something the rest of us want to see (read: fluffy ponies)

You needed someone to shake up the oc pool. you needed to get the writefags and the drawfags out of their comfortable generals, and there was only one (albeit extreme) way for this to happen. You will never say it, and you will never have to. but seeing works like this is enough.
"We descend into the inferno so that from the ashes we might rise, purified?"

I don't know. Where did you see that quote?
A phoenix has to fall, before it can rise from the ashes.
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You mean it has to build a pyre in which to burn itself to death. Then it can rise from the ashes that were once its own living flesh, having had its consciousness destroyed by experiencing and remembering its own brutal suicide.
>implying /mlp/ hasn't done just that
>implying I implied anything other than that statement about phoenixes "falling" was wrong
>implying implications
b-but I just installed 4chan-x
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>not using 4chan X since way back when all it did was expand and hide threads
when was it released?
∞/10 actually portrays /mlp/ accurately
Fucking awesome. Can't wait.
>using something that impurifies your 4chan experi-
scratch that, chanx looks cool. installing
The first version? I don't remember, years ago. Back before they started dating the changelog. v2.0 was 2-3 years ago if I recall correctly, and v3 just came out a couple months ago. Actually, I think I'm still running v2. Should probably update. The new features look nice.

>implying 4chan X does not distill the experience to a remarkable level of purity
so is there gonna be a "return of moderation part 2" cos I thought that was pritty funny.
Shit, I don't like v3. It's too different. I'm going back to v2.
I think you misunderstood what I said.
When I said it is beyond the scope of capping I mean it is beyond the ability to fit all of this into a single image for easy posting.
It can be, and was, still capped, it was just going to require more time for me to rearrange the files like this anon >>11242565 did so they could be shared ON 4chan in some way.

I had to go to bed so that I could be up at THIS time to go to a festival, and didnt have the time to do it. Like, at all. My apologies if there was any confusion.

thank you anon for taking care of that
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Testing post for >>11242640

I fucking lol'd
That's only half the thread

Get all the way up to the part where they talk about the new Pony show in town and discuss whether it will have porn of it
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2.59 MB PNG
I know, I'm working on it
making these as large as possible dimensions wise and keeping them under 3MB is the goal
We love you Capper
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Thanks Capper
not a problem

And sorry for slacking on my duties for THIS thread /mlp/, I never even got to sleep and wont be going away as a result
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11 KB
Thanks for the help!

Here, I'll trade you Cap for Cap.


Discord is Scruffy you retard. Moot is Celestia. Were you even here at the first part?


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