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>It was at this point that Katie informed us that bronies are responsible for Hasbro’s decision to make Equestria Girls.
Nice going, guys.
I suspected as much when it was first announced, but the closer it got to release the more I realised it was generic tween high-school crap.

Seriously Hasbro, if you want to make something for the adult fanbase, fucking make something for the adult fanbase. Y'know, like the comics.
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>The people who hate the movie are responsible for making it happen

>>12589776 (OP)
Well no shit. However, if they are targeting the adult audience, why not just make some official pony porn?
>implying that bronies didn't eat it up and praise it as 10/10
>>12589776 (OP)
>bronies are responsible
it isn't our fault
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>>12589776 (OP)
>Bronies are responsable for Hasbro's decision to slap the MLP logo over some tween high school more-toy-commercial-than-actual-movie crap.
Fixed that for her.

Reasonable, normal fans like EqG

Bronies are autistic scum who hated it because it messed with their headcanons and waifus.
>We have nothing to do with EqG, it's all your fault.

Hasbro is a cunt as usual.
>Deluded, dicksucking hasdrones like EqG

>Normal fans hated it because it messed with the actual formula of what made the source material good.

>FTFY Hasdrone
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>>12589776 (OP)
Uh, no

Reasonable, normal people either slightly disliked or liked it

Some bronies praise it as totally awesome and 10/10 despite the flaws

Some bronies hate it utterly for your listed reason

And then there's /mlp/ faggots who are being unreasonable and despite it just as much

>Implying people on /mlp/ aren't bronies
>Katie: “Contrary to popular belief, Hasbro is delightful to work with, and gives us a good degree of freedom.”

> In fact, the issue 11 script (Of the upcoming Princess Cadance and Shining Armor arc) came back with no changes requested from Hasbro.

Gosh it sure sucks working for such evil overlords

Fair enough, that's just expanding on what I said.
>>12589776 (OP)
>Hasbro views a good amount of brony fanart
I call bullshit, they would have produced commercial pony porn and mare flashlights if that were the case.

In all honesty, though, bullshit. Whoever said that to whom for whatever reason, I refuse to believe that this is how it went down. Had they really done even only a tiny bit of research about what could be done to most effectively pander to the bronies they would have noticed that this used to be literally one of the most feared things that everyone desperately hoped would never happen. And then bam next thing we know humans.

No, I much rather believe the thing one of the Hasbro execs said in some interview, where he openly talked about how they needed a franchise to produce plastic dolls like the Bratz and Monster High ones because that's a market they figured they need to get into. MLP just was at hand and damn popular to boot. If at all I guess it's possible that we influenced that choice a tiiiiiny bit because they figured we at least wouldn't mind, yknow because while the original ponies were made for six year olds what better way to keep the unexpected older demographic happy than to now produce a spin off that is supposed to cater to 13 year olds.

But saying that the adult pony fans were "responsible", when everyone cried blood and tears upon it's announcement, that's just retarded. Nobody wanted that, not the fans, not the staff, and not the fans again. No matter how blind they seem to be, somewhere down the line they *must* have noticed that this is nothing bronies would be happy about. And that means waaaay before the thing got into production.

"You're responsible for the worst thing to ever happen to the show because of your humanized fanart" seriously, I could rage my ass off on a comment like that.
>>Hasbro views a good amount of brony fanart
>I call bullshit, they would have produced commercial pony porn and mare flashlights if that were the case.

No, you're full of shit. Just because they COULD do something doesn't mean they WOULD. You might as well say all actresses should do a dozen porn vids.

Hasbro has a company reputation. They have more than your fetishes to worry about.

tldr the rest

>This level of delusion

Did you take your autism pills today?
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Yet people still deny that "pandering" is a real thing and say that bronies have no influence on the show at all. I don't know how much more proof you'd need.
>>12589776 (OP)
So hasbro listens to us and knows that their products are complete shit yet aren't compelled to fixed the problems and sell more of their merchandise. Fucking who is their marketing department and why do they have their job.
>Gosh it sure sucks working for such evil overlords
>They didnt rape it this time, so they are great all the time!

Stay deluded fag
If you were intelligent enough to read the rest, he explains his reasoning.
>implying they are

His reasoning is shit.
Intelligence has nothing to do with it. I don't have my autism galoshes on.
>Implying I don't want to take you to my room and gently caress your thighs
>I call bullshit, they would have produced commercial pony porn and mare flashlights if that were the case.
Are you insane, or just an idiot? That's the kind of thing that would cause dumbass suburban moms everywhere to boycott the whole fucking company.
>Are you insane, or just an idiot? That's the kind of thing that would cause dumbass suburban moms everywhere to boycott the whole fucking company.

I kind of want this to happen now.
>>12589776 (OP)
>"Durr we cant come up with our own ideas, lets just use the fandom, and pick some of their worst ideas. If dey get mad, we jus blame dem hurp derp!"
Positive proof that Ponychan is responsible for ruining the show.
y u mad?
>>12589776 (OP)
Hey the adult fans don't like the idea we took from them, should we stop it?
No we already took that one idea don't want to make it two.
>>12589776 (OP)
I think something was taken out of context during the panel. Equestria Daily has had history of misinformation
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>Humanized fanart made Hasbro make a tween movie about how a pony princess becomes a human

Yeah, no. First, Hasbro doesn't give a SHIT about the fandom. Second, humanized art is GUARANTEED for a show like MLP. This reeks of bullshit and Hasbro probably told Katie to say this because DAMAGE CONTROL.
>"If I keep spamming buzzwords, I'll eventually win! I dont need to use arguments, or logic to debate, nope, I'll just keep spammin muh buzzwords. Autism, autism, faustworshiper!"
what about EqD, dA, or derpibooru hell even KYM's pony gallery?
>Yeah, no. First, Hasbro doesn't give a SHIT about the fandom.

So how do you explain the two biggest fandom favorite ponies (Derpy and DJ Pon3) being the SDCC exclusive figures?
yeah, you faggots and your shitty humanizations..It's all your fault!
I always figured it's exactly the other way around.

Reasonable, "normal" fans at the very least dislike it, and I don't think I have to list reasons why. It's a prom queen love interest evil villain chick cutout story set in a high school setting where all the characters are anorexic little kids. Obviously it has quite some positive sides, many of the things that made poni fun in the first place are still intact, but really you can't set off the pure bullshit it was destinied to be from the start even with the highest level of polish.

Now I did list reasons anyway because it's fun to reflect on it's shittiness

A good chunk of people who self identify as "bronies" on the other hand loved it, if for no other reason at least for the massive amount of shoutouts. Said people eat up any amount of shit as long as it sports the MLP logo. It's just how the vast majority of EqD commenters liked double rainboom.

And I mean seriously, double rainboom.
and don't forget /mlp/
Someone is mad their essay wasn't read.
or lyra/octavia originally being fandom names
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They are only making those to make money, hell, those aren't even the fandom favorites.
Mostly Ponychan, really. Equestria Daily gets payed to gush about Hasbro, Ponychan does it by choice. It is they who are responsible for Equestria Girls, and they're going to get their just desserts soon enough by those that actually care about show quality.
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>>12589776 (OP)
Shit, if they were looking at all our art they would have made a fucking porno.

Exactly. Hasbro has been doing more and more things to appeal to the fandom so I'm not sure why people think they don't care.
I've looking at multiple people who watched the stream say that what they were talking about something else related to EQG not fanart.

It's looking more and more EQD messed up again.
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>Derpy and DJ Pon3 aren't fandom favorites
That was just pandering to brony autists, and had nothing to do with real fans of the show.
Because /mlp/ is like the worst DoTA2 team ever. Always looking for that *one person* to blame absolutely everything on, without ever really paying attention or seeing their viewpoint.
Well, of course. Everything they do is only to make money. They're a company. If caring about what bronies want increases their profits, of course they'll do so.
We've heard the same thing from that press release of them saying its "for fans who want to experience our brand in a different way" and it stiill has the same smell of bullshit. It's a never ending circle of dick sucking from these people.
messed up or wanted to make it seem like hasbro liked us.
>Dota 2.
>Not League of retards.
Pleb plz.
>not real fans

My god you are the culmination of every essence of stupidity this board has offered up.

Nice No True Scotsman Fallacy. "They only care about the FAKE fandom, not the REAL fandom like me!"
>>12589776 (OP)
Katie who?
If they wanted to appeal to us they should have done Milky Way
Oh you god damn shitheads that was a joke. Read the thing and scratch the first sentence which I feel was pretty easily identifiable as irony.

All I'm explaining is my reasoning why I feel that the idea that ponydom is "responsible" for EqG is absolutely ridiculous.
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>"that was a joke"
>I was only PRETENDING to be retarded!
Holy shit, I love it when people try to argue about which ASSFAGGOT game is better. Here is the deal:
Both DOTA 2 and League are shit.
I guess if she becomes show canon scruffy can't technically do shit because its about the show.
Well if they were actual fans of the show, they would care about quality like us on /mlp/ and would not support autism enabling characters like Derpy and Vinyl Scratch. They are not real characters, they are cardboard cutouts with no personalities, and they should stay that way.
>Both DOTA 2 and League's playerbases are shit.
Holy shit! Your summer is showing!
maybe if she didnt have crotch tits
That's more or less old tradition from the earlier gens where every comic con they would produce one exclusive collectible solely for the older fans (eg originally the 50 year old moms)
My point. They don't ACTUALLY care about what bronies think to perfect the series, they're doing it for the money. If they REALLY cared for them, not with the money, Fighting is Magic wouldn't be C&D'd and there would be a porno.

>>12589776 (OP)
So where the hell is pornographic MLP:FiM licensed by Hasbro? There's tons of fanart of that.
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This is pretty much the way I see it. I enjoyed it for mostly superficial reasons, but fucking hell...it's ENTERTAINMENT. It's supposed to be superficial to some degree. People don't judge things the way I do? That's cool.

I won't argue it's SIGNIFICANT flaws, since I acknowledge that they exist, and I don't particularly care. Hasbro made a product that hundreds of thousands of people enjoyed, and they made money doing it. That is their job. They did well at their job.

End of story.
Basically if they actually cared they would of done anything to make sure Faust stayed.
>they're doing it for the money
thank you Captain Obvious
Seth plays Dota 2, that's enough for me to think its shit.

>Thinking Faust is solely responsible for the quality of the show
The master-slave mentality in a nutshell.

Such a pity.
Right after that ridiculous single sentence I start off with
"in all honesty, though" and then go on with an different topic
you didn't even read it you jerk
Exactly, but the Ponychan autists welcomed the Fall of Faust with open arms, and now we're stuck with a shit show that constantly panders, destroys characters, and makes shit pop culture references. It's truly disgusting how they honestly think of themselves as fans of the show. A real fan would hate the show with a burning passion by now.
Faust was the only thing that stopped Hasbro from just remaking Gen 3.5. She's the one who pitched the series' bible and designed the characters, etc.
pretty much this. as any series gets more seasons they inevitably get compared to earlier season and rarely get better
While I don't agree with your no true scotsman fallacy I do agree that hasbro needs to let the show do its own thing and stop forcing shit.
I like you.
I don't know. I've heard even from Faust that Hasbro gave her and the crew surprisingly quite a lot of liberty to work. At least during season 1.
>>12589776 (OP)
Thay explains why they made a humanized story, but it does not explain why they set the movie in high school. Putting the characters in high school does not make them more appealing to adults, because adults do not watch high school dramas. High school kids do not watch high school dramas! The characters already seemed like adults anyway. Sending them to high school is a regression. And come on, did they have to make them look like Monster High characters? They could have at least made it look like Daria or something.
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>A real fan would hate the show with a burning passion by now.
But that's correct. She was the only one that made the show good, and after she left the quality plummeted dramatically. Now it's essentially G 3.5, and even Faust hates what it's become and the hordes of bronies that are responsible for it.
That was then. Now we would have no idea because they aren't aloud to say.
what the fuck do the scottish have to do with anything, you eurofags?
Shes already banned completely so
Fat chance
>the hordes of bronies that are responsible for it.
you just lost all credibility.
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Google is your friend anon.
>if I greentext and post a funny picture, it completely invalidates his point!
Actually, they had chosen Faust, because they were aware that G3.5 sucked and didn't want to repeat it. At least that's what Lauren said - she was presented with some G3.5 movie and her friend who worked there and invited her to MLP was all like "yeah, please, make it better than that".

No, your idiotic words invalidated your "point". I was just laughing at it.
Whatever, it's not like I need credibility from Ponychan autists like you. Any /mlp/ native would agree with my sentiments to at least some degree.
Faust has been used as a tool to revive the franchise. As soon MLP got out of its black hole, they pushed her out. No risk.
>>12589776 (OP)
How would comic writers know shit about the production of the movie?
>I-I'm not in damage control, y-you are!

Stay buttmad, brony scum

I've never posted on ponychan and I think you're a faggot.
And that is why I hate corporations.

Remember: /mlp/ is a paragon of perfection that can do no wrong.
I don't.
Yeah right, your hatred of Faust and the way you twist arguments exposes you as such. So please cry back there, I'm done with you.
No that is human dash.
Except when we make such huge asses of ourselves that police are needed to break it up.
>in all honesty, though
Fuck, I'm a dumbass. I totally missed that phrase when I read your post.
I think I can safely speak for the vast majority of /mlp/ when I say

nope, *we* didn't ask for EqG thankyouvermuch

but then again the same goes for the entirety of fans
That's okay. I like to suck cocks too.

Educate yourself anon.
No, but it is by far the best place for MLP discussion. Nearly every other website just gushes about how great Hasbro is and how the show is the best thing since sliced bread, but we here actually critic the show and call out the other websites for their bullshit. Even Lauren herself admits that our board is superior to the other sites. So it wouldn't be inaccurate to hold the /mlp/ standard above others.
No one wanted EqG even in the beginning it was a joke on how stupid that would be.
>>12590775 →
>new opening
Oh shit. That completely slipped my mind.
Lauren Faust said the same thing early on too, and it's because Hasbro, like a lot of badly run companies, has inconsistent management. MULP PHIM had the chance to be good because Hasbro wasn't really paying attention, once they realized they had a hot property on their hands they began to sink it with the same bad decisions that ruined it the last time. Hasbro's porridge is too hot or too cold, and fuck you if you your bed to be just right.
Then go back to Ponychan, simple as that.
>inb4 it is the EqG opening.
Company with a mind stuck in the 80s.
They wont last long.
Enough with that retarded ass ponychan insult please? I see it way too much on this board.

The Equestria Girls opening was good though.
Just look at their products compared to Mettals and others.
I give them ten more years before they are bought out by Disney.
>inb4 humans become regular in the show
>inb4 Skyla becomes princess of the humanworld.
>inb4 humanworld!Twilight is the S4's antagonist.
>>12589776 (OP)
I never asked for this.
Anyway, this is probably marketing bullshit. Tell the Bronies we did it for them, talk a bit about their "movement" and suddenly they like you even more. Bronies are fucking adicted to attention and people saying how important and special they are, remember the Brodles doc.
Also, there is very much porn amongst the fanart. Where is my porn movie, Hasbro?
Aw, what's wrong, did somebody call you a name? Do you need your bottle? Does widdle anon need his bottle?

Seriously, fuck off. If the kitchen is too hot, you know where the exit is. Stop trying to censor free speech.
Twilight being the antagonist I would like.
Wow, I never thought /mlp/ was relevant to Hasbro.

Now I can feel like such an important person.
To be fair I can see how the entire post seems ridiculous when you go in thinking I'm legitimately trying to contest their choice of not giving us commercial cartoon porn.
>MLP ride in Disneyland
>now we're stuck with a shit show that constantly panders
From this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTPqjKk_xCo to Faust visiting /co/ to Hasbro's connections and interviews with EQD, The creators and producers have always been interactive and fairly active to please any of the fans.
>destroys characters
Examples please.
>and makes shit pop culture references.
The show has always had pop culture references. http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_allusions#Season_one
Don't forget: If you involve the human world, you'll involve anything EqG related.

Y-you don't want that...r-right?
pls go newfag
Since Lauren is working with Disney if they made her the head of everything they bought from hasbro I would forgive everything I hate about Disney.
You look like a fucking moron when you spew the same insult over and over again.
And I don't know where you get this notion that I am upset.
I can only honestly say...

Fuck you, Hasbro.
Damn right.
And yet it failed to do 'generic tween high-school crap' either. Partly because for whatever reason, the principal doesn't care that the new girl hasn't registered for classes.. It's like they were trying to target both teens AND little kids at the same time. Which is probably half the reason it's so fucking short!
>>12589776 (OP)
She's lying like a bitch. She wants us to blame each other and believe we have control over the show. Which is complete bogus.
I want to see EQG!Twilight, the one Pinkie mentioned in the movie, be a Luthor-esque figure hellbent on stopping the invasion of "interdimensional xeno-equinoid creatures."
>>12589776 (OP)
I highly, highly doubt this was the main or sole reason. Hasbro has an interest in the brony community, yes, but their primary focus is still little girls and toys.

EqG most likely started as Hasbro's interest in breaking into the doll market, and FiM's success (even with the girls/toys alone) was why MLP was slapped onto the idea. Our humanizations were only likely what made them decide "ah the adults will love it too" and further push it.
FiM isn't at all like generation 3.5. Didn't My Little Pony have more blatant lessons at the end of there episodes? The setting was also much more feminine and childish.

Plus, Faust hasn't watched the show since she's left it. The only things she knows about are the toys, and those were just as bad when she was charge.
Next thing harbro learns from fanartists?
Hasbro writes a +18 feature based on clop material.
Yeah they wanted to break out into the doll market but really they should of put more time in the designs. The Monster High ones look so much better in comparison all they really did was boost their competitors sales.
>>12589776 (OP)
>Bronies have a voice to make a difference in the show and merchandise

You heard it here Anons, the next time Hasbro fucks up, lets flood their site with how they fucked up, and suggest ways to make it better.

>Humanization would be a good direction for a movie
I am steaming with internal rage at reading that.

Because Faust never cared about the show, it was nothing more than a job for her. So once she was no longer working on it she just walked away without caring.
You mean bronies and /mlp/, despite their feelings of each other, are ALL autistic scum who hated it?
Fucking bitch what?
She based the entire show off her childhood imagination. She couldn't even pick a character she liked better saying it would be like picking a child above all the others. Don't ever fucking say that fucking shit if you just got into the show last week. Because sure as hell you don't know the full situation.

Well /mlp/ hates everything so that goes without saying.
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this faggot gets it!
Yeah I mad.
>>12589776 (OP)
Holy shit, that is just golden. Really. Just... fucking hell, this is the best piece of news I've heard concerning this show and the fandom since becoming a fan in the early '12.

There is so much irony in there that I doubt Magneto could heft that shit. Shitty joke is shitty but doesn't alter the fact that, damn... way to go. Way to fucking go.
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She does not care about it at all yeah.
Even though she puts up with us and comes here to talk to us about the show.
Fucking idiot.
HoN > both, just sayin
>Don't ever fucking say that fucking shit if you just got into the show last week
>Implying the mouthy bronies will keep their yaps shut despite not knowing shit

>Gets hit with undeniable facts
>Posts le maymay u mad macro and declares "victory"
Hahaha, oh yeah, this place got flooded with nonfans when Faust came.
>>12589776 (OP)
>Hasbro views a huge amount of brony fanart, and they saw enough humanized art to make the decision that humanization would be a good direction for a movie.

Guess we can be glad they didn't make Twilight a nigger then.
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>There is so much irony in there that I doubt Magneto could heft that shit

You all right Anon
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Strange last thing I herad from a brony is "EG is a true test to see who is a true loyal fan" over all he made a big speech out of it trying to prove EG is amazing and your not really a fan if you dont like it.
Yeah both sides like to use the no-true-Scotsman fallacy.
Hmm would have thought they'd be a lot more Doom Paul in this thread.
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You heard it, we at Hasbro care about you Bronies.
We've made a special movie with human ponies, because we saw how much you like them.
Also, we now have adult collectibles, especially for our adult and manly fans, because we know how adult and manly they are from watching the show.
We truly respect the fandom, that's why we used so many epic references in our movie, you Bronies like memes, don't you? Haha
After all this effort we've done, a true fan would certainly support the creators of your show. Remember, the more plastic horse you buy, the more we can spend to make you happy /)
We profit and you profit, it's a win-win situation for everybody /) except for Palestinian children who get to know our new mortar shells we buy with your money
Dubs demand more doom paul
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so true, its kind of sad though.
That was pretty good. Got me to clap.
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Good goy!
Either way both arguments can make the other seem lesser in the end no one can win we are stuck with whatever decision the one with the most power makes unless someone decides to do something drastic to change it.
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>>12589776 (OP)

So if we keep drawing and writing porn even more frequently than we already are, does that mean we'll finally get our MLP: After Dark?
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>bronies are responsible

>Nice going, guys


Get off of this fucking board.
That might be interesting.
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It would only result in cheap product placement.
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Kind of reminds me of politics
>implying you're not a faggot
>Implying we all aren't
>Inb4 we turn into /pol/ but worse.
I thought it already happened.
>hate for jews
>conspiracy theories
>le grinning grandpa
We already are.
Time to an hero. Someone make me a bleach smoothie please.
Well you could just build a bomb and try to destroy hasbro's headquarters if your going to an hero might as well become a hero.
Does that sound like Alan Moore to anyone else?
Too messy.
I'm not sure how to respond to that.
Bleach smoothie would taste good at least.
....well I'm stumped.
i don't think i could trust lube in a glue bottle, no matter how enticing the label makes it look
>2 anons like this comment
True, but that's not saying much, considering the general god-awfulness of the MOBA genre as a whole.
The genre as a whole is polarizing. So yes, some of you will call it "general god-awfulness" while others find most of their gaming time consumed by it

It's a classic case of the games being decent but the community is literally worse than a million Hitlers combined.
And what, 4chan isn't?

4chan is bad, but not as bad.
Well, 4chan just has even stupider shit to overreact to
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>literally worse than a million Hitlers combined
Your math is a bit flawed.
6.9 million for human life. How do people measure that. I just go with everything you can buy in a department store. On sale humans cost about 30 dollars.
So why isn't there a pony kart racing game?
One was being developed. I don't know what happened to it.
It was called "Pony Kart". Developers ran out of steam and it more or less died of inactivity, I think. It's open source, though, so you can download the version so far and mess with it if you want.
How difficult would it be to just reskin Super Mario Kart? It's only got 16-bit graphics.
Believe it or not pretty hard if you don't have any for-knowledge of how to do animations and sprites.
If you can figure out how to replace the sprites, backgrounds, etc, then it's certainly not more difficult than writing a game from scratch. I'm sure somebody's done it before, but I don't know if it's documented anywhere.
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>>12589776 (OP)

my bad everyone.
You'd have to keep the same tracks, as the AI is actually built around the track layout.
Damn it man.
Damn it Danny!
You fucker.
I will now kill any Dannys I find.
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Good luck.
He is an exception.
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God I feel like i seen those 2 guys from somewhere
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>Not knowing Danny Sexbang and Ninja Brian

I need to reconsider my genocide.
Sad Hoshi
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>>12589776 (OP)
It's kind of sick that they look at the porn, and then try to exploit it to make money off it.
Thats hasbro for you. Assuming this isn't just damage control.

They didn't say they look at the porn.

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