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How real is eight-grader syndrome?
Real enough.
My sister's going through it right now. Complete with that power of the darkness crap.
oh it's real
go to any highschool... or any convention
Where's that gif of the fat kid opening the doors?
Keep in mind that it's not exclusive to anime cliched kids acting like they're super powerful but also encompasses those assholes that start getting haughty about reading classical literature and suddenly pick up drinking coffee.

Even that aside, the kids that act like they have past lives and shit is pretty real. I'm not underaged but I only graduated high school last year and I remember a couple in every year.
It's real, I used to have it.

I would pretend to be a WWII soldier when I was younger when the first CoD games came out and I was in high school then. I would have pretend battles, draw up plans and pretend to fight the enemy.
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There is this kid in my school who dresses as sonic everyday and no one knows his name so everyone just calls him sonic. He also runs through the hallways like him too.
sometimes i have Chuuni daydreams. is this normal?

Yeah, but I feel like most people don't go through that. It's only people who are unpopular
I feel like it's just a mixture of schizophrenia and immaturity.
I want to believe

But schools have dress codes, so I don't.
is that him?
I'm surprised they would let someone do that. He must actually be retarded or something to get special privilege like that.
>>83281080 (OP)
I think most people have it at that age, though not to the same extent as the characters from that show.
Seventh grade through high school I used to go around like I was some kind of hacker supergenius when I didn't know shit about computers or hacking.
I used to run around in the forest pretending I was a soldier on a battlefield when I was in 8th grade.
So it's real. Too real.

I feel like a lot of schools had kids like this.
underage b&
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Very real. Very...very real.
I see I feel evil! My hand will crush them all!
Kids having over-active imaginations and losing themselves in fantasy worlds most definitely exists. I used to pretend to be a Jedi knight and meditate like raven from Teen Titans

Incredibly painful to remember, but I did it nonetheless
>walking to plaza to get lunch
>its near a middle school
>bunch of teenage boys talking about how strong and tough they are
>overhear them saying the know shit like the codes to hack the ATM machines in the bank nearby and how to build crossbows
Lunch was never more entertaining.
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You're not the only one.
I don't think most people go through it but there's enough that it's definitely a thing. You could argue kids who suddenly start acting gangster have chuu2 unless they're actually fighting and moving drugs.
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Usually not to the extreme of the anime version, but when I was a freshman in highschool I always wore a hood, even in the middle of summer. I was a complete faggot, needless to say. There was also a kid who only wore military uniforms.
>>83281080 (OP)
Very real.

You must be so old that you forgot what middle schoolers are like. Especially socially awkward ones who like MTG, anime, comics, etc.
>implying this isn't ages old
There's a lot of them.

Like the fat girl who thinks she is pretty.

The ones dressed in black who hate their lives.

That kid who runs around with his Naruto headband.
>Not pretending you were a dragonball z character when you were in elementary school with your ADHD friends

Super saiyans everywhere
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>people who like sanic
>people who REALY like sanic

i really don't understand the appeal
>>83281080 (OP)

It's dead real.
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I remember a kid in high school who would come to school everyday in the same leather jacket and have his hair slicked back like some kind of old fashioned greaser. He would always be reading a magazine or have an advertisement about old hot rods and cars.

Turned out he was just poor and needed a persona.

Wouldn't stop asking people who read his stupid vampire fanfics either.
I knew a kid who hung on to it right up through graduation.
Submitted "Heavens Dark Harbinger, Mini Fuhrer, Avarice" as his yearbook nicknames.

Yeah, I guess shit like going through a "phase" is a thing, but the way it's described in chu2 it's something unpopular people get. Some of which can somehow become popular if they change schools
I just chock it up to an active imagination in younger kids, but once they hit Sophomore year of high school they need to stop that shit, or at least not do it in public. It's damned embarrassing.
Oh man that was the best shit ever. We did it until I moved.

I moved back years later and I started hanging out with those guys again, it's a shame that I didn't have any female childhood friends with marriage promises.

This is semi-ok if the person comes from a huge military family and he has a lot of fam oversees.

Otherwise that's unacceptable.
>But schools have dress codes

Actually, very few schools have dress codes.
There was this one guy who always bought My Little Pony shit and general girly rainbow things. To his credit, that gaylord was a brony way before it was cool.
idk,12-17 years old here already smoking tobacco
once i read news that 3 middle schoolers and 2 elementary schoolers had an orgy
Greaser and vampire fanboy don't mesh particularly well.
it is motherfucking real.

Used to be just like Dark Flame Master with a few differences. Or Kamina. or Sora from KH

But it gets worse....MUCH worse.
The anime club in my college (for some odd reason i can't remember, called "ACE") is split into several groups, there's the high fantasy d&d guys, The entry-lvl people, those few advisors with actual good taste....but then there's some weird shit called "Dystopia Rising," some shit about zombie apocalypse and whatnot, and it is ALL THEY EVER FUCKING TALK ABOUT, THEY NEVER SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT THEIR (not)EDGY CHARACTERS.
That elementary school we were allowed back then. When you hit 13 it's just weird.
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Very real. All those dark and edgy kids in high school who at least try to suggest that they know some things or have some kind of intuitive abilities that others don't, totally chuuni. Generally it's a belief that you are somehow super special in a way no one else is, pic related.

We all know what it is... it's "those kids" who say and do weird things and we wonder if they're borderline retarded. Hardcore goths getting into satanic stuff, that kind of thing. We just never had a word for it really, and the nips happened to coin it first. I'd guess it's more common in their country, where much of their population is very isolated/ignorant of the outside world and social norms, however it seems that chuuni manifests differently there than here because their culture is so different. Cosplay is so common there that some kids just really want to wear all the time and try to sneak bits of it to school, and pretend to be all badass/special snowflake.
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That's just playing pretend my friend. No what we're talking about is delusions. Cringeworthy stuff. Meditating in class and on the bus type stuff! Making vows to protect the girl you like!
kill me now
>yearbook nicknames
You just reminded me of some comedy gold i have stored away.
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Fuck this thread is painful to read.
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Holy fuck this image
I used to be the largest idiot in the world back then. Oh please, do not remind me. Of course, I grew out of it, but for a while I even got a large amount of friends of mine to believe that I was some kind of chosen one. Goddamn these memories, man.

He's one of few people that deserve the right to be a hipster.

Please do tell.
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Nice copypasta.
I occasionally did the meditation thing in my freshman year of high school, dropped pretty quickly.

I also wore a top hat fairly often in sophomore year, first semester
Why does he has a boner?
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>chaos and anime
I love how you can't even read the fucking text.
Thank fucking god for that, I don't think I'd be able to take it.
There's a good reason why eight-grade syndrome exist: They have shitty boring lives, and they need to cope with their lives in some way. Without this form of escapism... I don't know what to say what will happen to them.
He's ready to go fast.
I had a bad case of it back when I was more around second grade. Complete with the whole imagining other realities with superpowers and epic quests thing.
Real, bro.

There was this one dude in my high school (a sempai) who haunted the 3rd year corridors in an Akatsuki cloak even on the hottest of days.
Oh dear lawd I hope you have pictures of that.
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Not all of them. I had eighth grader syndrome because my childhood was miserable (poorfag, no dad, alcoholic mother, severe depression) and it was the only escapism that I had aside from reading.
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It's pretty real, since I used to have it.

My friend and I would act like we were samurai. We'd go around the town looking for sticks that were nicely shaped and wouldn't break when we hit them as hard as we could against trees and we would use them as our weapons. We'd spar with them whenever we hung out. I remember one particular moment we were walking down an alleyway and he was walking behind me and he said
>One of the more important things we need to do is to make sure we are always PREPARED!
but I managed to turn around really quickly and block it. Shit was so fun. I kind of miss those days, but he was a pathological liar and an idiot so not really. And then there was the time when we acted like magic was real. And another time when I acted like I had an evil spirit inside of me and I listened to a lot of Linkin Park. Sage for blogshit

There wasn't even any schizophrenia in the anime, it was just their imagination.
Never did that. In fact I never even watched DBZ. I was a moefag even then
>Top hat
Haha that's pretty bad. Through middle school I never combed my nappy ass hair.
>Who has time for girly things like that
It's painful to remember these things. Anyone have any good chuu2 stories?

>you'll never have a girl laugh at your penis.

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You were just like Rikka: dead father
I used to have fantasies that I was Harry Potter's sister. I also wrote Cardcaptor Sakura fanfics.
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Oh shit, I can't bevieve I forgot about this motherfucker in my highschool who kept it going throughout the entire time he was there. Full on Dark Flame Master shit too. Matrix trenchcoat, chains, bleached white spiked hair, earrings, even stereotypical fingerless leather gloves and sometimes toy swords. That crazy son of a bitch actually called himself, and I swear this is 100% true, "Reaver Whitehero". Truly the Dark Flame Master given flesh.
>Please do tell.
I only found my grade 10 one (im guessing the other ones are stored in my parents room and they are sleeping) and there arent nicknames but people have some cringe worthy comments one kid put math formulas and another put his email, another didnt put spaces or punctuation because it was so long. wait some people put signatures like "big king" and "dr seuss"
I wore a kilt that I made to high school in freshman year.

i dont know how i had so many non-autistic friends in high school.

Are you me? Only my friend and I would pretend we were vikings.
You could hire a hooker just for that

>okay, so you want me to... laugh at you
Yeah, it's real. Too real.

I used to be a furry. Even went to cons, wore fursuits, had my wolf-fox fursona, had prison gay sex and shit. Worst mistake of my life.
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>>83281080 (OP)
Pretty fucking real bro.
I had it really bad back in middle school.

Believed I came from the "shadow realm."
Would Parkour around the school and town while wearing this shitty Tripp hoodie and tight Tripp jeans.
Had a Sword that could "cut anything and sever the soul to limbo."
Could use dark magic.

Fuck I was awkward as hell.
Moving to a new side of town and making a new friend saved what I had left of a childhood.
Did a girl ever walk by and make you lose complete interest?
He wasn't dead, just a deadbeat meth addict. so close enough I guess.
I only knew ONE person who had it in 8th grade. There was this kid who had all the magic whodad shit blah blah blah.
Only thing I remeber really well was selling him Kool-aid powder as "Magic Powder"
He peed himself once too if I'm remembering right.
It's been a while.
...I'm sorry to hear that...
the worst autism I've seen was this year, senpai played on his vita through class, had a nearly unhealthy liking of sonic (thankfully nearly though, just had a ball cap made to have ears and a sonic face). Skinnyfat with overly large shirts, emerging neckbeard, decent acne.

he actually had decent taste in vidya, accepted that 06, secret rings, unleashed and black knight were bad games, I would have conversations with him about Catherine and what we'd been playing recently though he got a bit redundant when that happened

It is what you make it really
Jesus Christ.
>Panel 1
I am from years of being teased constantly, first confrontation with the demon of fear from my past, and anger and rage build up. Emotions kept from others...

>Panel 2
I am from a world of hellish dreams, terror, people screaming out in pain, violent images flash before my eyes, demons laughing. The lines between reality and dreams are blurred...

>Panel 3
I am from the world of the mind, an imagination that runs wild, monsters and people, Chaos and anime, from the mind comes me but who is the real me? my true self, my true voice, my true laugh, all has been forgotten...

You're welcome, I think.
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Chuuni is basically special snowflake syndrome.

It doesn't even have to be people who think they have psychic powers or some shit, sometimes it manifests itself as those faggots who believe themselves to be geniuses when they clearly aren't, or girls who believe themselves to be 3~4 ranks hotter than they actually are. It can also manifest itself as joining some shitty religion which claims to grant spiritual powers or some sort of superiority over non believers. Hilariously, popular religions like Christianity and Islam both fit this bill. Faith healing, Salvation, Gaurdian angels. All a load of snowflake bullshit.

It's all really just a form of denial. Kids grow up and start to realize that they are just a number among billions. A life of questionable purpose that will most likely not be remembered by anyone for more than 2 generations. Strong people accept the reality and move on, faggots turn to religion, psuedoscience, or just plain batshit crazy delusions.

Is the guy who dresses like mario and believes he could jump 10 meters high if he was "in a stressful situation" really any less retarded than the religious fundamentalists who think everyone who belongs to a different religion is being deceived by demonic forces?

Welcome to Earth, home of the retards.
I took it further with one of my friends. We built full on shields and swords out of wood. would just swordfight each other for hours.
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>selling him Kool-aid powder as "Magic Powder"
I used to be an autist who had no real friends. I'm still an autist who has no friends.
Haha! Your childhood was just like mine.

You want a hug?
That's what I meant to say: Shitty lives or boring lives. When I meant shitty lives I mean situations where they get no real help whatsoever, let these same authority figures tell you not to commit suicide. Sadly 8th-grade syndrome will last for a long-time until mental illness can be properly treated as a medical problem than a social weakness.

To those of you who think having a shitty life means nothing because you do not experience it, Which situation do you prefer: A eight grader having delusion of grandeur to cope with a awful life? or that same person internalizing that pain into suicide?
Don't be, it makes me feel bad for blogposting. I just felt it was relevant to the discussion at hand.
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I wish I had thought of that back then. Vikings are so kickass.

We thought we could impress them with our mad skill. It didn't really work.

We tried to make actual swords with metal and shit but failed horribly.
I have these sometimes, but I keep them to myself to prevent even more social death
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I run around the house pretending to be Shinigami when no one is looking ;_;
>selling him Kool-aid powder as "Magic Powder"

That'd be kind of cute if he was a girl who wasn't disgusting.
Not that but I used to pretend with my otouto and imouto that we were the digidestined. We were like synced in the brain or something because we used to pretend for hours playing an entire plot or something, until my imouto got older and became pompous brat and my otouto became a meathead
Why do you do this to me?
They both journeyed over to the Ethereal Horizon. Their methods of getting there just differed.

I knew a good looking girl who did stuff like that too. She would wear the skirts and dresses she made herself because she was poor as shit. People would not stop giving her hell because of it, even if she was so good looking.
Any stories?

>"big king" and "dr seuss"
That's fucking great. Big King Seuss is happy.
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I still pretend to be fighting in the Great Patriotic War
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>>83281080 (OP)
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>monsters and people, Chaos and anime
I pretended to be a mechwarrior when I was a kid.

And when I was fifteen I hung around with these guys who decided beyblade was cool and bought beyblades and shit.

Those were weird, lonely times. Good friends, though. Except for that one man-child who only hangs around with us now because we're the only ones who tolerate him.
>selling him Kool-aid powder as "Magic Powder"
I remember my friend brought a ziplock bag filled with lettuce and told everyone it was weed and we caught on to him in half a second but he still tried to convince us. I didnt talk to him for a week after that
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Pretty real. This was my cell phone and wallet when I was in 8th grade, 10 years ago.

I also had a studded belt, a flame shirt, glow in the dark pants with lots of chains and zippers, and I had spiked my hair every day. I thought I was a total badass...
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>It's all really just a form of denial. Kids grow up and start to realize that they are just a number among billions. A life of questionable purpose that will most likely not be remembered by anyone for more than 2 generations. Strong people accept the reality and move on, faggots turn to religion, psuedoscience, or just plain batshit crazy delusions.
>Chaos and anime
I don't know how to handle this
The kids with chuunibyou that I knew thought they were super hackers working for the FBI.

I didn't even. I still don't even.
>We tried to make actual swords with metal and shit but failed horribly.
Probably for the best.
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Yeah its real. Why haven't the states adopted this term yet?

We had plenty of "characters" in my high school.
A dude who was all about the god damn military, I swear he was dressed for battle everyday. WWII Backpack full, boots on, and coat completely zipped.

There we're tons of girls who would claim they could communicate with ghosts and shit. They would touch the palms of people's hands and see their memories. One would have the ability to see the paranormal while another would be restricted to just hearing the paranormal.

Also had a guy like this at my school >>83281728
minus the vampire thing.

Fucking ridiculous.

You were.
Holy shit. That actually sounds super cool, but also super awkward.
When I was in high school I bought a dime bag off a black guy. I paid 30 bucks for this little itty bitty bag. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing and I was so embarrassed that when my friends saw the little bag, I told them it was a practical joke and that I put oregano in it to look cool.
Nice blog thread
not particularly bad
>glow in the dark pants
>glow in the dark
That's deep man.
Everyone needs to blog sometimes.

When the bitches need to find the bitchspot in the dark.
I remember reading a Wicca book my dumb "witch" friend let me borrow. I read a chapter on dark magic and how you can control the shadows to do your bidding.

I want to belieeeeeve~!
confession thread
watching chunnie brought back so many bad cringe worthy memories took me at lest 90 minutes to watch an ep
mah nigga
>glow in the dark pANTS
s..SO say for undisclosed reason someone may want those pants where exactly would one get them?
Same here. It was physically painful.
Or maybe they become unpopular because they go through that retard
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I'm kinda with anon here.

J-just curious is all.
My friend did cut himself open while using a grinder on a piece of metal somehow. That's when we decided to stop it and practice our "survival skills" which were just laying on the ground and making a very small fire on the ground and then getting yelled at.
Not him, but

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I really wish in the anime they would have represented 8th grader syndrome better.
They make it look cute and innocent with a bunch of cute little girls running around thinking they are magical or some shit but in reality it is a terrible thing. If my child (god forbid) ever even seemed like he was getting into shit like this I would immetialy become a child abuser. I would beat him untill he realised the true shitty reality like the rest of us.
But I guess thats unfair since I had it a little.
I would keep a "death note" with me but I never wrote any names because I didn't think any of the people I hated really deserved to die. But If I did any weird ninja shit I would only do it when I thought noone was looking.
I eventually got over it by talking to myself outloud so I wouldnt think retarded shit and getting laid.
I bought them at Hot Topic

I lived in that shitty store from ages 11-15. Those were not my finest years...
>get sleep paralysis for the first time
>think its testing from the shadow master to become a shadow knight
>resisted to become a paladin
>wake up thinking i beat the shadow master
>think i am the chosen one destined for something greater in life
>I would immetialy become a child abuser. I would beat him untill he realised the true shitty reality like the rest of us.
But this can be counterproductive if you only exacerbate their syndrome since they'll need a form of escapism from their shitty life.
Failing >>83283130 I'm sure your local Spencer's sells them.
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I still want to participate in a reenactment
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>eighth grade syndrome
>the same thing
>actual good reasons for why it's the same thing.

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Holy shit, they actually exist.

Those are kinda cool, actually...
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It's just a confession thread / let's tell silly stories thread.
Confessing the mistakes of your past prepares you to accept the mistakes you are doing at this very moment. Thus it serves as a form of important mental therapy.
Reading silly stories about people who we perceive as being "lower than us" will give our self-esteems a much needed boost.
So it's feel-good thread.
Official /a/ pants.
/a/ is not your blog. Reported.
I loved Chuunibyou because despite the humorous way it addressed the issue, it actually hit really close to home for me specially Nibutani and Yuuta.

It's been 6 or 7 years since I quit that shit and I still have to avoid the furs I used to hang out with to the point of hiding when seeing them in public. I only still talk and hang out with one guy who didn't mind my decision and has always been a bro, a couple of years later he quit it too (but he still faps to furry porn)

Could you imagine if one of these fuckers was good at sports? Like he ended up being a professional athlete and we'd all have to deal with it.
A lot of anime characters have chuunibyou as well
Report is not your /a/. Blogged.
I thought so too when I found the link. I might actually buy a pair.
They're like bug zappers, except they kill any chance of getting laid
I used to tell people I was a demon from hell sent to devour their souls.

;_; I really just wanted to be left alone so I could read my books in peace.
me too

Most teenagers are weird in one way or another. As long as you don't go full-Rikka and have some basic social skills you can carve out a niche as being merely charmingly quirky.

I mean, I didn't really have friends, but that was for other reasons.
>"I'm faster than the wind!"
>"lolno you're not."
>dude becomes professional runner
>sets new world record
>"Welp, guess we were wrong."

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>A dude who was all about the god damn military, I swear he was dressed for battle everyday. WWII Backpack full, boots on, and coat completely zipped.
Had this kid at my high school as well.

He would only reply if you called him "Major."
- Would yell when talking.
- Always wanted to spar with others.
- Demand pushups from random people.
- None stop talk about guns and battle tactics.

Their was also a Black kid everyone called "Ninja."
- Ripped as fuck!
- Only wears black.
- Would spar every morning with "Major."
- Always jumping off shit and liked to climb walls.
- Would sneak up on people and run off with their shit!
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As long as you didn't think you were actually cool.
T-thanks I'll just be...spending my money on something else that price from that store.
Real talk though I would rock these on a bros night out or just use them for night pants.
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mein comrade!
I think he had a girlfriend at one point.
This short girl with fucked up teeth who was stuck in that phase of loving horses.
I only had shop with him. Bitch built a clock with teacher.
>everyone wanted to be your friend in high school but you preferred being alone
I wonder if I did the right thing just keeping to myself sometimes.
you are pretty much /v/
Did it work?
Holy shit your school was WWII Japan.
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Wiccans, man...
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See >>83282502

Three Hot Toppics withing walking distance back then.
15 Tripp pants/shorts.
2 would glow in the dark.
I run an anime club at a university and we get a good number of middle and high school students in from the adjoining campus.

I wouldn't really say any of them are chuunis, but they all have their little obsessions. One of them loves Pokemon way more than I can keep up with trying to hold a conversation with her, and there's a few that like k-pop and dress a bit outlandishly. Most of the others are more like casual hipsters and think the club is cool because they're seeing new anime not dubbed yet.

It's not anywhere near as bad as I thought it'd be though so it's rather enjoyable. I was imaginging fujoshi all over the place, but the ones I suspect are rather quiet about it.
I read basically all the way through grade school. I was still getting straight A's the whole time so my teachers stopped giving a fuck around 3rd grade. Hell, I was reading Lord of the Rings in first grade. I didn't do anything like that though, I had a few friends and was just vaguely polite to everyone else. There was this one girl that was always in the same class who always tried to fucking tell the teacher I was reading even though they didn't give a fuck the last 50 times.
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I used Chuunibyou to conquer my fear of the dark. I'd pretend that the dark spirit inside of me would put up a magic force field around me as I slept so I wouldn't be attacked by the demons that were after me. I still do this sometimes because I have huge anxiety problems, though it's not nearly as often and I know it's bullshit.

Also, in the Chuunibyou novel the MC isn't as volatile towards chuunibyou as he was in the anime. For example, in like the first couple chapters he just says
>Chuunibyou's pretty great, isn't it
And admits that he's not completely over it. He also doesn't even try to stop Rikka from doing it ever, but he does stop Nibutani from trying to change her. He thinks the chuuni part of her is one of her cuter aspects.
You didn't have a chuunibyou phase OP? Your childhood must have been shit.
>He thinks the chuuni part of her is one of her cuter aspects.
So do i.

Fuck off. Most of the threads here are waifufags and shitposting about lewdness.

Besides, this topic is more about how relattable we all found Chu2 to be, reinforcing why we like anime so much, pleb
There was this guy is my high school who always wore a leather trench coat, and he'd act like he was a big shot genius.

He would say that because he used Linux on his computer everyone was below him. When he would "prove you wrong" in an argument, which literally just consisted of him telling you to fuck off because you're wrong until you gave up, he'd laugh in your face and walk out of the room triumphantly like an anime antagonist would do, even if we were in the middle of class.

Think of it like this, people who are popular care more about what people think of them than unpopular kids. Unpopular people are hated no matter what, so they're more likely to do that shit.
The difference of course being that if they do this kind of stuff people will pay attention to them.
So I guess it's actually just a younger way of attention whoring.
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Oh gosh... I had it. I had it BAD...

I thought myself some super genius or something and after watching Haruhi, I thought I was some sort of god that can manipulate the world like her because once, on a particularly hot day, I wished for there to be a drinking fountain and there was one around the corner. It was an extremely convenient location and the builders had planned for that fountain to be in that exact location for convenience, but young me took it as a motherfucking sign.

"I AM SUPAH_SPECIARU GODDESSU. I CONTROL THIS UNIVERSE. MY WILL IS LAW. Except only when I think of stuff subconsciously..." was my little thing. I had a boyfriend only because he fell for the little act and would "worship" me and shit. The way to "activate" my inner subconscious "goddess" was to give me a really good massage. Say what you will, but hey, free massages. Now that I think about it , it was all really stupid. All I can do now is laugh and hope everyone forgets everything.
>he'd laugh in your face and walk out of the room triumphantly like an anime antagonist would do, even if we were in the middle of class.

I'm surprised nobody beat the shit out of him.
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>he'd laugh in your face and walk out of the room triumphantly like an anime antagonist would do, even if we were in the middle of class.
God this thread is painful.
I'll never forget, anon... NEVER...
>All I can do now is laugh and hope everyone forgets everything.
That's all any of us can do.
>he'd laugh in your face and walk out of the room triumphantly like an anime antagonist would do, even if we were in the middle of class.

God, what an asshole.
I just pissed myself laughing so hard!

Something tells me he spends his free time on /g/ now.

>he'd laugh in your face and walk out of the room triumphantly like an anime antagonist would do, even if we were in the middle of class.
So many levels of Swag.


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